"Yo, Sassi ignores Dana~"

Becky looked at the figure in front of him with a twitch in the corner of his eyes, he chose to leave without hesitation when he saw Luffy before, and as a result, Em stuck up like a dog skin plaster, before he endured the humiliation and burden on Cake Island, planned for so long to plan a loneliness, and then took advantage of the war between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates to escape, and it didn't take long to hear about Big Mom and Kaido join the Straw Hat Ship at the same time, obviously everyone is a supernova, and the gap is simply desperately large.

"You are a little rude, I told you that I haven't seen you for a long time and actually ignored me, I think my young heart has been greatly hurt." Em clutched his chest and looked hurt, while Melly was next to him... No matter how you look at it, it is a bit miserable father and daughter, and these two dramatists don't know what they are eating wrong, so they are so embarrassed.


Becky gritted his teeth and looked at these two guys, but the situation was stronger than people, and he couldn't or dare not do anything excessive, so he could only swallow this breath abruptly and pull up a difficult smile: "Long time no see... I don't know what advice, I just didn't recognize you, sorry~" I

didn't recognize this reason and I don't know how Becky said it, but Em also wanted to like him when he saw him so shameless.

"In fact, it's nothing, I think the wallet on your chest is very good-looking, I don't know~ your side ~ don't mind ~ he~" Em's expression looks really like he is very interested in the wallet, this Becky is also sensible, Em didn't finish speaking, he directly took out the wallet and stuffed it into Em's arms, and he knows more about etiquette, how can you send an empty wallet when you send a wallet, the money in it is penny, and there are even a few bearer money cards common to the new world.

"Oops~ I just want to ask where you bought it, you see what you mean by this, I'm embarrassed if you do this." Em opened the wallet and looked, the face smiled like a flower, there was no income for a long time so that he almost forgot his professionalism, this is good, the money card plus cash is also hundreds of millions of Bailey, he said embarrassed while stuffing the cash and money card into his arms, and then returned the wallet to Becky.

Becky didn't know what to say with an empty wallet, grabbed it and returned the wallet, is it an insult, his own worst era supernova, actually dared to insult himself, that... Then forget it, Becky took a deep breath, and that face smiled uglier than crying: "Next time I have the opportunity to send you one, I still have something to do here, just leave first?" "

Never mention money, being able to flex and stretch is also Becky's merit....

Em pulled Meili and waved goodbye to Becky happily: "Then see you next time, but I think your wallet is a little smaller, it can't hold any money, next time I suggest you change to a larger wallet ~ dear~" Becky

who left in a hurry stumbled, almost fell to the ground, and then walked away directly without stopping, not returning to Em's words at all.

"Hmm... He didn't say goodbye to me, and next time he had to charge him another mental damage fee. Em's murmur didn't know if Becky heard it, but according to Becky's thoughts, he couldn't meet this guy again, fortunately, his fleet funds were placed in the internal castle, otherwise this time it would really be ruined.


Em throws coins, and Luffy is happy.

Em threw a lot of coins, and Luffy was very, very happy.

The trio with money ate from the door of the market to the other door of the market, and forcefully ate Luffy and Meili into two round balls, these two leaned together with a satisfied face, and kept hiccuping, such transfiguration is unparalleled in the world, if anyone points out that this straw hat is the four-emperor straw hat kid, the people around him will definitely think that he is crazy.

Em squatted on the ground to sort out, his face smiling like a fool, and suddenly a gentle female voice appeared in his ears.

"I saw a few ancient books, the funds on the ship are not enough, can Mr. Em support it?"

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

Em looked up, and Robin in sunglasses looked at him with a smile, how could there be a reason to refuse, not to mention ... Robin is already very polite, if Luffy that guy doesn't give it himself, it's all a direct robbery, don't rob others to rob their own people, really don't force your face.

"Okay. Is there enough money here? It's not enough for me to think of a way, there are quite a lot of people here..."

"It's not so expensive, just give me half~" Robin saw that Em agreed, reached out and picked up a money card and floated away, now I want to come... Robin, who is relatively cautious, must have monitored all the areas she could monitor at the first time, and she knew exactly what happened just now.

Em watched Robin leave, and then saw Choiba bouncing up and down with a marshmallow.

"Em ~ divide you one ~ this... Can...... Delicious..." Qioba, who was originally happy, almost cried out when he looked at the candy bag next to Meili, not that Nami was not generous, mainly because there was really no money recently, so everyone's pocket money was still very limited, Qioba just passed by several candy stalls can only drool and can't buy, this time actually saw the candy packaging bag in his heart, it is obvious that Meili can't eat the leftovers....

Em followed Qioba's line of sight, instantly understood what happened, scratched his head to take Qioba's intention, backhanded coins, and stuffed a stack of money into Qioba's hands: "Go and buy it, I'll wait for you here, and give me a taste later."

Choiba saw that his marshmallows had been exchanged for money from the marshmallow stall and fell into sluggishness, then gave Em a big hug and began to bounce towards the market again.

✧*。 ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。

This can also be regarded as robbing the rich and helping the poor, Em thought so, thanks to Becky not knowing that he thought so, otherwise the grass mud horse in his heart felt that he could run a marathon.

"Luffy, okay, let's go over there and take a look?" Em stuffed the money into his pocket that had not appeared in a long time, then straightened up and stretched his waist, and said with a smile.

Luffy opened his eyes in confusion and patted his round self happily, his tone full of doubts: "Arena? What arena?

"One Piece's racing arena, the winner can get Ralph Drew's message from Barrett, you mean we don't compete and grab it directly?" Em looked at Luffy with wide eyes, when did this guy become so "promising", he just grabbed the supernova, he directly robbed the One Piece crew.

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