"Groove, I remember wasn't 200 Bailey before?" Em looked confused, this price... Ten days of newspaper money to buy a choba? Then Choba's bounty won't rise because prices have risen. No, that's not the point... Aim's expression became a little strange: "You bargained successfully? "

How could it be... However, who is the backstage of this newspaper, and he doesn't even give the face of the four emperors.

"None of the Four Emperors will bargain for the newspaper..." Em

may be floating, he actually dared to say that the Sea King was wrong, the power of the iron fist was obviously just experienced, this guy really does not have a long memory, and that Luffy is more and more similar.

Robin didn't care about these two... Reached out and took the invitation card in Em's hand and looked at it, then his brows immediately wrinkled, and he looked at it carefully again: "Pirate Expo... The last time this thing was turned on was how many years ago, Festa is actually alive and united... Douglas. Barrett.

Finally, the name slowed down, drawing the attention of Em and Nami, and the corners of Aim's mouth rose when he heard the name: "One Piece Roger's crew? He should have a message to go to Ralph Drew, and it seems that this time the excitement will have to be made up.

"Not as it should, it's for sure... There will be a race, and the winner's prize will be a permanent pointer to Ralph Drew, but whether this is true or not. Robin shook his head and perfected the message.

Em's smile froze on his face, then he shook his head and said, "Whether it's true or not, that thing belongs to us." Although there may be dangers ... But you see.

Nami and Robin followed Em's gaze, Luffy's head appeared next to Robin, this guy should be literate but he saw relatively slowly, but he could clearly see Luffy's eyes slowly light up, and the excitement on his face was increasing.

( ̄□ ̄;

Nami covered her forehead and said helplessly, "Then there is no way... It seems that the destination of the next voyage has been decided, I will go to Franky and Jinping later to prepare for the voyage, fortunately it is not too far, food reserves... Wait a minute, where did the food for the banquet come from?!

As soon as the words fell, Luffy's head disappeared with a "bang", and Em looked up at the sky, the footsteps were originally still moving secretly, and then it turned into running, and in a blink of an eye, he was far away from the land of right and wrong, and there was no need for words at all... Nami's question has an answer.

They are pirates, how can this be, Luffy, who never likes to divide meat, and Solon, who never likes to divide wine, seem to have changed a lot... Change a fart, open a banquet is the two most hi, but today is not necessarily, I don't know what the traffickers think, the whole ship is full of young sisters, let our Sanji lose himself in a sound of "Brother Yamaji is so good" and "Brother Sanji is so good", maybe there is no need to make a fire, just rely on his current enthusiasm to cook food.

Nami wanted to clean up these two guys, but seeing such a lively scene, she could only endure it abruptly, anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future... They will definitely have a time to mess with Nami again, definitely.

The banquet lasted until dawn, and it was logical to usher in the moment of separation, the Straw Hat Pirates wanted to go to the Pirate Expo and could not divide manpower, and finally had to let Perona take everyone to the Totlan Kingdom, as for the follow-up Straw Hat Pirates will contact Big mom, where they want to go will naturally be escorted by the Big Mom Pirates or the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Perona pouted and looked at the sleeping Solon sulking, just told himself that he was leaving, this guy actually just waved his hand and slept again, don't say what idol drama plot, just this reaction ... It's not for nothing that Solon this guy is single.

No wonder he drew his sword so fast....

Sanji looked at Solon like this, and he was angry, if not for Em to stop that Solon's face would have appeared Sanji's footprints, and finally Em made a look to let Hara Heitania's little sister rush up, and launched a restraint on Sanji, and the effect was outstanding.

"Princess Monon-Mononoke... Forget it, Perona, Big mom is an expert in playing with souls, I will write her a letter and ask her to teach you, whether it is hatred or you want to stand next to this guy, go a little further. Em walked behind Perona and spoke gently, no matter what the reason was when the hostilities were, Moriah did not kill their group, plus if it weren't for Perona Solon not knowing when he would be able to complete the assembly, so this show of hands Aem would not be stingy.

"Who... Who is going to stand by his side. The voice of the faint mosquito fly was almost inaudible, and Perona's face that turned her head seemed to be about to burn, and meeting Solon again in a tired and desperate time may be a divine guide... Then Perona took a deep breath and said, "If you start a war with Blackbeard Tiki one day, remember to inform me."

"Of course." Em handed the letter to Perona, responded with a smile, and kept watching Perona leave, before Em spoke: "Why, shy?

Solon slowly opened his eyes, pouted and said, "Pretending to sleep has been discovered by this guy of yours... It's not shy, it's just that I'm not very good at dealing with such things, I still have promises that I haven't fulfilled, and I won't think about anything else for the time being. "Although

I shouldn't really care about this kind of thing, one day... This kind of saying, follow your heart, a lifetime is actually just so long. Em interrupted Solon's words and leaned against the edge of the ship, looking up at the sky, his tone calm.

“...... I still need a little more time. Solon's words ended the conversation, and the silence of the two made the atmosphere a little awkward, even the companions who lived and died together did not seem to be able to talk about it casually.

But the embarrassment was only for a moment, and Luffy flew up... You read that right, he did fly up, and the guy flew his bullet as a slingshot towards the main mast, shouting, "Let's go!" Go to Pirate Expo! "

you!" Nami accurately intercepted Luffy's advance route, and Love's iron fist hit him straight on the head, and then clenched his fist and looked at Luffy lying on the ground and said viciously: "There is not enough food, in case you can't catch fish, will you go to the Pirate Expo hungry?!" "

I'm sorry..." Luffy looked at Em with a pleading look, and then Em turned his head to avoid it, as if he hadn't been the one who moved the ingredients last night.

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