Originally, Perona's ability still smelled a little invincible, but the appearance of armed color domineering completely restrained her, and Jinping dealt with the ghost army, while Choiba and Garlot completed crushing Perona's subordinates... Originally, there were still back and forth, I don't know what happened, the ghost army shook and disappeared, so it became like this.

Joba, Jinping and Garlot came over with the mighty loser, and then the moment they saw Luffy and the others, Choba's little short legs moved quickly and threw himself directly into Em's arms... Why didn't he go to Luffy's arms, because Luffy was busy comparing with Meili whose unicorn fairy was more powerful.

"Choiba doesn't play, you two..." Before Em finished speaking, he saw Qioba's envious eyes, and could only shut his mouth abruptly, holding the ghost and staring at the captain of the snake head clan fiercely.

Snake Head Clan Captain: (ó_ò.

He really had no choice, gritted his teeth and stomped his foot fiercely, took out a golden unicorn fairy, and then took off a pair of underwear to show his sincerity, closed his eyes and rotted, tired, destroy, hurry.

Em had seen the golden phone worm, and saw the golden unicorn fairy for the first time, took a look in front of his eyes, and found that except for this color, there was really no special thing, and it was not even as fast as the surprisingly fast unicorn fairy that Luffy chased at the beginning, and was about to hand it to Qioba casually, when he saw a steaming hand flash, and the golden unicorn was gone.

( ̄□ ̄;

Em watched Luffy run away with a confused look, and Melly and Choiba chased him out... Is there any serious disease in the operation of opening the second gear to grab the unicorn fairy!

Jinping, who had never spoken, shouted: "Don't run far." "It's really no different from a kindergarten teacher, giving him a shot, it's like a mother at home preparing dinner is telling the naughty children."

“...... Leave them alone. The owner of this island is an acquaintance, I am afraid that it is difficult to do it, and when Solon comes out, we will return to the Sonny. With a helpless look, Em sat down casually on the steps in front of the palace, and then suddenly thought of something, waved his hand and beckoned the snake head clan captain to come over and ask: "You were all slaves before, how did you appear here?" "

But the leader of the snake head tribe struggled, and he refused to speak....

Em shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand again: "Feel free, don't say anything." Boss Jinping, is there any news from Neptune over there on Fishman Island? This world meeting seems to be a bit lively..." Jinping

shook his head: "The Fishman Island side said that King Neptune has not returned yet, and then the use of phone worms on Mary Joa's side is also restricted, but originally the world conference was also going on for about half a month, and now it doesn't seem to be anything abnormal, what's wrong?" Did you find anything? "

I met a male mermaid before, with the mark of Draco, he said that he escaped from Mary Joa, and he didn't know you, then it was speculated that he escaped recently, and then I remember that you told me before that Brother Fisher said that Mary Joa's slave camp is only 3 kilometers away from Mary Joa's outer city, he did a thing to save slaves, and the defense force should not be weak... Since these guys can escape, then something should have happened to Mary Joa, but I don't know how many people this incident has affected..." Em said and frowned, not knowing why he had obviously not been to Mary Joa, but when he said it, an image flashed in his mind, it seemed that it was a place he was familiar with.

Jinping's brows furrowed when he heard that the mermaid was engraved with the Draco mark, and after a while he shook his head and said, "There is no way now... I can only wait for the news, it seems that the revolutionary army has already started, but it is not easy to say how many results have been achieved, many years ago I accompanied Princess Otohime to Mary Joa, there is a very terrifying existence there... Much stronger than Kaido.

"It's also... Go our way first, who knows what the future holds? Em sighed and leaned back, always feeling that Solon was suspected of abusing dogs.


"Who knows what the future holds?" Green fingers caressed on Em's bounty order, in the garden full of exotic flowers, the figure in black robe sat in the center, and the five old stars respectfully knelt on one knee outside the garden, and did not dare to come out when they heard the king's whisper.

After a while, the figure in the center of the garden spoke up again: "The revolutionary army is really a little too much this time, I will inflict divine punishment on their headquarters, the fire is accompanied by a crisis, and when Nika stands in front of me, I will continue this rule for another thousand years... It doesn't matter if the alien race, the Terran can't do it, send an order, let me see a human slave again, and I will remove his family. And remember that if you are not of my race, his heart will be different, and you will help him well after I leave.

"The king... Yes, sir. The leading five old stars seemed to want to say something, but they still swallowed all the words into their stomachs, and then walked backwards and left.

A devil fruit appeared in front of the figure in the center of the garden, and I saw her stretch out her finger and lightly tap on the devil fruit, and a flash of light shot up into the sky, followed by this devil fruit becoming shriveled and seemed to be drained of its vitality.

"Demons... Huh. A chuckle sounded, not knowing if she was laughing at the name of the Devil Fruit or the title given to Em by the navy.


"Uncle Moriah is dead, so is Uncle Absalom... Mihawk that guy left Krajcana, and I... I wanted to go to Uncle Hogubak, but I heard that he had joined the World Government's Vegapunk Lab, and I finally found this same place as before, so I stayed here. Perona's crying look is pitiful, but Solon, the straight man of iron, doesn't even know to hug him, maybe a woman will only affect the speed at which he draws his sword? Anyway, he didn't know what to do at all, stiff like a steel bar.

A straight man with a steel bar ... Didn't save this is.

After a while, Perona finally finished venting, took a step back with a flushed face, grimaced and forcibly saved herself: "Scared... Scare it! It's all a lie to you! I...... I didn't cry! Although

Solon was straight but not stupid, looking at Perona like this, he always felt that the other party regarded himself as a retard, scratched his head and said: "Eh... If you are not happy here, you can go to the Furry Principality or the Kingdom of Totland, or Fishman Island, I heard Em say that it can be considered our territory.

"You... You...... You..." Perona looked at it and felt like she was about to cry again.

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