Em muttered as he walked in from the door of the dojo, stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and then his first reaction was to rush to Mitsuki Sukiyaki with all his strength, and Onitori, who had not been unsheathed for a long time, seemed to feel the anger of the new owner and emitted a ghost-like hum.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki instantly recognized the ghost in Em's hand, and the corners of his mouth raised to put his hand on the knife at his waist, and Aim's wrist holding the knife seemed to be broken immediately.


The slash swing of Mitsuki Sukiyaki was stopped by the sword ghost, and with a stunned look, he could only let go of the wheat to avoid Em's slash, and the angry Em seemed to have no way to stabilize his figure, and could only hold the wheat and roll on the ground several times before stopping.

"Why is that, my lord?"

"That face... Subdue them! Other...... Don't hurt that boy..." The sword ghost's expression was even more stunned than that of Mitsuki Sukiyaki, and he immediately shouted orders to the white suit.

Em looked at Wheat's face and wrist, all sanity was dispersed by anger, looking at the white suit that attacked him and launched a counterattack without thinking at all, the white suit at this time... Or CP0 can only temporarily avoid the edge, not hurt but subdued, this order is simply difficult for strongmen, not to mention that this child is not unrestrained, and the moves are all towards life.

The little girl who fell to the ground and the little boy who stood in front of her with a knife may not forget such a scene, no matter how many teenagers will not forget, the wheat eyes that have been strong and refuse to cry suddenly filled with tears, and drops fell to the ground and splashed crystal water.

CP0 seems to have found a breakthrough, and they start attacking Wheat, just to let Em show a flaw so that he can subdue him, after all, there is no injury... Even if they can stun Em instantly, there is no way to make such a move.

The sword ghost looked at Aim's face flickering, took two steps back and dialed the phone worm, and the exclamations and warnings from the other side sounded in turn, and after a while he put away the phone worm and looked at Mitsuki Sukiyaki and said: "You are doomed to return today, leave quickly."

Mitsuki Sukiyaki looked at the sword demon with wide eyes and disbelief, he was silent for a while and actually launched an attack on Em, looking at this posture, he obviously wanted to stab Em and then take Wheat away.

"You dare ?!!" The sword ghost didn't expect Mitsuki Sukiyaki to make such a choice, and his reaction was slow for a moment, and it was too late to catch up.

According to the drama, this salvation is always turned over and over, you save me and I will save you again, one person can make this friendship unbreakable, but what kind of tragedy can be put into reality....

Because of the witch's special physique, when Mitsuki Suki burst out of killing intent, she immediately discovered that there was no time between the electric flint stones, and the wheat directly pounced on Em's body, and together with him, she broke through the wooden door of the dojo and tumbled towards the steps.

The wound on the back is deep in the bone, the pain can not be described in words, this is still Mitsuki Sukiyaki forced to collect the force, after all, the body of wheat is not what he needs, if there is no wheat, this life may end here....

Em fell to pieces, but reason was pulled back, but this sanity... It's better not to come back, fate always likes to make unfunny jokes with painful people.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki saw that the blow was missed, and he slashed at the sword ghost in the flank and rushed towards the Em duo again, and the blade in his hand reflected his hideous face, like a devil.

But it only took such a moment, Wheat held the blade of the ghost, not caring at all that the sharp let his hands be cut in an instant, bright red blood dripped to the ground and bloomed like a flower, and then... He sent the blade directly into his heart.

"Huh? Yes...... Yes! Yes!!! Em seemed to have lost the ability to speak, the sound that came out of his mouth was like the wail of a young beast, and the hand that had been holding Ghost Che tightly touched the blood of the slippery wheat and immediately released it like an electric shock, his pupils contracted tightly, looking at the wound of the wheat and wanting to reach out and touch it but did not dare.

"I'm sorry... Aim, still involved you, live... I beg you... Stay alive. Wheat's murmur sounded, the blood seemed to boil, crimson chains burst out of her wound, and then pierced the flesh and blood of Em's back until she stopped at her heart, and the ripples that erupted made Mitsuki Sukiyaki unable to stop retreating.

And Aim's expression gradually changed from collapse to indifference, it seems that any human emotions no longer have, all that remains in his heart is the thirst for blood, and at this time, Wheat still has the breath of life....

Gentle wheat will not turn Em into a bloodthirsty monster in order to live, only to see her holding the blade of the ghost and sending it deep into her heart again, and more chains burst out of her body, making the bloodthirsty desire in Em's eyes disappear, and all that remained was confusion.

Mitsuki Suki burned and gritted his teeth, the voice in his throat was full of anger, watching the smell of wheat gradually dissipate, this guy actually wanted to take Em's life without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The sound of sharp piercing the air sounded, the dull eyes of Em followed the sound, the blade appeared in front of his eyes, but his expression was still so dull, but the body reacted instantly, the blade stabbed only his afterimage, but in an instant Em appeared behind Mitsuki Sukiyaki, and the soft whispered voice sounded a little confused: "I don't know why the desire to kill you appears in my mind, who are you?" Mitsuki

Sukiyaki stared, and immediately changed his move to swing the blade behind him, but still only cut the phantom, Em jumped lightly, squatted on the blade, tilted his head to look at Mitsuki Sukiyaki looked very dull.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki still wanted to change his move, but Em lightly stepped on the knife and landed next to the fallen wheat, gently broke Wheat's hand away, and then gently took the blade out of Wheat's body, but such a simple movement made him can't help but grip his own chest, and there seemed to be a restless thing in it that emitted severe pain.

The sword ghost looked at this scene and the whole person seemed to be stupid, and then the unstoppable anger was rising, he tightly grasped the blade that seemed to have lost its spirituality in his hand, and it burned towards Mitsuki Suki like the wind, but...

"Huh..." A bloodstain appeared on the hand holding the sword, and Em stood between the two holding the ghost and whispered, "If someone else kills him, I will be angry." "

It's just a simple word, but the expression of the sword ghost is like seeing a ghost...

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