If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 98: 【Flag Bearer】!


Chen Yilang felt that he had been a little offended.

To be reasonable,

Although it was placed in front of the [Giant], his height was indeed stabilized,

But his altitude of 8.8 meters...

Even if it's not particularly tall, it can't be classified into the category of short juice, right?

So Chen Yilang chuckled:

"good question."

"So you are so tall, why don't you become a strange breed?"


[lv9 Giant]'s face turned black, and he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

【Ding! 】

[You used Soul Rhetoric, causing a lot of mental damage to [lv9 Giant]! 】

[You got: Gold +975, EXP +654! 】

【You have obtained: Soul of Giant x12!】

[Soul of Giants: [Giant] The soul of monsters, it is said that humans who can possess this kind of soul can become powerful, tall and mighty men. Note: Of course, it may also be a fierce girl. 】



Seeing that there were some more rare materials in the backpack, Chen Yilang felt relieved for a while.

As expected of a high-level monster, there are enough drops.

But this time,

Chen Yilang had already chatted directly to death, and the two of them were speechless for a while.

Chen Yilang didn't bother to pay attention to this [giant] anymore, so he wandered around.


There are also students who come to the basketball court constantly.

After about twenty minutes,

The basketball court was also filled with about a class of people.

If Chen Yilang guessed correctly, these students are probably members of the phalanx team for this military training.

And if you look at it at a glance, most of them are indeed tall.

Chen Yilang usually stands in the class, and when he is in a daze, he can watch other people's heads play.

But when he stood in the middle of this group of people, he felt that he was just an ordinary member, and the people around him almost looked at him.

As for the girls...

It was exactly the same as what Feng Tian said, basically all of them had long legs, which was very pleasing to the eye.


In charge of training the phalanx team, two instructors, one male and one female, were also in place.

The team was immediately lined up in place, and Zhou Bei began to receive new training.

At this moment,

Chen Yilang found a familiar figure in the crowd.

——Xia Ling.

It's not that Chen Yilang deliberately went to find her.

but because,

The [Mainline NPC] logo on top of her head, and her skin as white as snow,

When placed in the crowd, it was too conspicuous.

Although from this point of view, Chen Yilang could only see her straight nose and beautiful profile.

"I guess everyone already knows that, right?"

"Everyone who can come to this team,"

"In their respective companies and classes, they are all outstanding leaders."

"But what I want to tell you is,"

"Even so, don't be proud and complacent."

"There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside of people."

"The most important thing in this world is people who are better than yourself."

The instructor said loudly:

"Like now,"

"In the midst of you little rascals,"

"A few of the most outstanding classmates will be born."


What does this mean?

The students in the queue were a little puzzled and looked at each other, not quite understanding what the instructor meant.

However, the instructor quickly explained:

"When the phalanx team conducts the entrance ceremony, there will be a leading flag bearer and two flag guards."

"And these three classmates will be born from among you."

the instructor said.

Having said that, there was finally a little restlessness in the team.

If you say that, don't you understand!

——That is, there are three quotas for the right to choose a mate!

after all,

When the guard of honor entered,

When the flag-bearer and the flag-guard are striding in the forefront, how many people can pay attention to the crowd behind?

Ming people do not speak secretly,

Chen Yilang has already started to have an idea.

"Then now, let's start a simple exercise to see what your current level is."

The instructor said:

"Stand at attention!"


"To the left!"


"turn right!"


"Take a break!"


"Let's go together!"


After some practice,

The standard and appreciation of each person's actions have been fully demonstrated.

If you look at the past,

It can be said that it is completely human.

Some people have steady steps and high spirits...

Some people are afraid of hands and feet, and they can't find the feeling of holding their chests high...

Some people even have the same hands and feet, unable to control the crutches...

After about half a morning of observation,

The instructors quickly picked out suitable candidates.

"The girl in the fifth row in the third row, come out," the instructor said.

"Here." The girl stood up from the line.

——It was Xia Ling.

"Among all the girls, she is the one with the tallest figure, the most graceful walk, and the most sense of strength."

In front of all the students, the instructor praised without hesitation.

Also until this time,

Only then did Chen Yilang really have the opportunity to see Xia Ling, who was standing at the front of the team.

Her body is indeed the best of all.

A tall and straight back, straight shoulders, a slender swan neck, a slightly tucked chin, and beautiful eyes that always look straight ahead...

Among the many college students around who are hunched over their chests because they are addicted to learning or games, Xia Ling's standing posture is very outstanding.

So when the instructor announced the result,

The other girls didn't seem to have any objections.

"For the boys~www.wuxiamtl.com~ it seems that I haven't found a more suitable candidate."

After walking around the boys, the female instructor said, "But that boy is quite tall, and standing in the crowd is too abrupt. It would be quite appropriate to be the flag bearer."

Hearing the instructor mention him,

[lv9 Giant] was immediately excited, and immediately stood up from the team:

"Report to the instructor!"

"I'm Zhang Weiwu from Class Three in a row!"

"As you said, I have a big advantage in height!"

"As long as I stand up, I will definitely be the most imposing one, and I can easily become the focus of the audience!"

"So since the instructor mentioned me, I'll take the initiative to ask Ying and apply to be our team's flag bearer!"


As soon as these words came out, the students around were a little stunned.

What the hell?

They didn't understand at all, where did this guy get his confidence...

"What's wrong with being tall? You can go to heaven when you are tall?"

Someone shouted mischievously in the back row.

There was a burst of laughter in the team.

"What's wrong with being tall? Being tall is awesome!"

Zhang Weiwu shrugged and glanced at everyone with contempt:

"The flag bearer doesn't pick tall people, so do they pick you shorties? And whoever hides behind and shouts, what kind of man is he? Stand up to the line if you have the ability!"

"Well said, men should be bloody!"

The male instructor didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he started to fan the flames, "If anyone thinks he is better than him, he will take the initiative to come out and compete!"

The voice just fell.

——Chen Yilang came out.


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