If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 96: 【Golden Headshot】

next moment,

Accompanied by a crisp gunshot that only he could hear,

In Chen Yilang's field of vision, or the [game interface].

He clearly saw the muzzle of the [Angry Soul Shotgun],

A bright gun flame was spit out.

The bullet roared out, and instantly landed on the target - Lan Jiabin.

[Bang! ! ! 】

At the moment of being "hit" by a "bullet",

Lan Jiabin's complexion changed suddenly!

that feeling,

It's like going to the toilet in the dark in the middle of the night,

When I suddenly saw something like a coconut or Sadako at the entrance, my body's conditioned reflex...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Hunting], causing a lot of damage to [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll]! 】

[You got: Gold +788, EXP +576]

[You got [Glittering Golden Light x13]! 】

[Headshot additional effect: Stun! 】


As the light of the hit special effect lights up,

Chen Yilang also saw it.

The HP above Lan Jiabin's head has also dropped by a large amount!

But for [Crazy Trench Troll],

This is indeed not a particularly high and fatal damage.

After all, this one has rough skin and thick flesh, and the blood strips look like genetic mutations...


The point of [Hunting] is really not the negligible fixed damage.

——It's the [Stun] effect that comes with it.

next moment,

The anger gauge was also cleared at the moment when the bullet was fired, ending its sinful life...

And at the moment of "shot",

Lan Jiabin only felt a sudden dizziness in front of him, almost unable to stand still.

He had to give up resistance and sat on the ground.

"What's the matter, Brother Lan?" Seeing this scene, Fang Junhong was so frightened that he rushed back to Lan Jiabin, "Are you all right, Brother Lan?"

"I have no idea……"

Lan Jiabin tugged at his hair and suddenly felt a little autistic, "What the **** is going on?"

Why do you suddenly feel dizzy and have no energy at all?

So dizzy...

This terrible feeling...

As if the body was hollowed out after being overworked...


I can't open my mouth at all!

And after seeing this scene,

The cheers and applause from the municipal class 214 once again drowned the entire playground!

Because in the eyes of all people,

When Lan Jiabin chose to sit down on the way to a fierce confrontation,

In fact, it was like admitting defeat.

Although there are no clear standards and regulations,

But everyone will acquiesce,

Chen Yilang was the MVP of this singing event.

At this moment,

The atmosphere of the singing activity was finally pushed to its climax.

The applause and cheers continued for a long time,

There were even students who couldn't hold back their excitement, stood up directly from the team, and rushed towards Chen Yilang.

"Brother Lang is awesome!"

"Really, Brother Lang, I would like to call you the strongest!"

"I said that Brother Lang is one of the most conspicuous squad leaders in the business school. Do you have any opinions?"


Facing the rainbow farts that came rushing towards him, Chen Yilang almost couldn't stand it anymore.

【Ding! 】

[Your level has been raised! 】

[Player: Chen Yilang]

[Level: lv10 (142/40000)]

【Reputation value: 1100】

[You have unlocked a new skill: [Amplification]]

[lv1 Amplification Technique: You can perform [Amplification] operation on an item, and the amplified item will be strengthened, and there is a certain chance to obtain new attribute bonuses. 】


"Knew it."

Chen Yilang's hunch was correct.

After reaching level ten,

He really unlocked a whole new way of playing.

until a long time passed,

The noise and cheers on the big lawn gradually subsided.

As the night thickens,

The singing activities also gradually came to an end.

The instructors stood up,

After everyone's excitement and happiness gradually calmed down,

He organized the freshmen of the class of 2021 to sing a few military songs together.

"The cold wind blows the leaves, and the army is a green flower..."

"MisolamisoLasomidore! Happy singing is flying all over the sky..."

"Are you ready, soldiers brothers, when that day really comes..."

On the huge playground,

A young and clean singing reverberates.

this scene,

It attracted other senior students who passed by and couldn't help but stop to watch, and in a short while, a lot of people gathered.

"Ah, it's nice to be young!"

The old fritters all sighed like this.

in those days,

They wore military training uniforms,

It is also a proper little fresh meat!

"It wasn't me who was blowing it. When I was in high spirits, senior sister came to ask for my WeChat! Now... I feel like all my roommates are pretty..."

"At that time, I was sitting in the first row of the team, and there was a very good-looking girl who happened to be in the first row of the opposite company. I always wanted to know her, but I didn't know which class she was from when the military training was over. ,Hey……"

"It would be great if I could do it all over again. I would also like to stand in a military position again..."

"Let's go, why do you still leave this sad spring and autumn? Is "Xiao Ba" finished or this year's postgraduate entrance examination is stable? Hurry up and go to the library to take a seat..."


this night,

The singing on the playground floated far, far away.

She also sang youth very brightly.




The next day.

Early morning.

"Let me announce now that we have been selected into the phalanx ceremony team for four consecutive classes."

Wu Qing held the information in his hand and read aloud:

"Chen Yilang!"

"Xu Jiahao!"

"Tan Tingting!"


"The classmates whose names were read don't have to go back to the original class to gather this afternoon, and go directly to the phalanx team on the basketball court to report~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Okay." Several people responded.

In fact, there are not many people who have been read, maybe seven or eight.

But what can be picked out,

Basically, they are the students who performed well in the class and were also on the passing line.

"Brother Lang, this is too sudden. It means that starting from tomorrow, you won't be able to train with us?" Li Zixian said with a surprised expression.

"Suddenly, I sent a notice a few days ago that I want to choose a phalanx team. You must have not read the group news." Chen Yilang scolded with a smile.

Li Zixian sneered: "Isn't this thinking about playing games and sleeping when I go back to the dormitory..."

"Fuck Brother Lang, we will miss you!" Zhang Jian patted Chen Yilang on the shoulder and said.

"Hey, I'm so envious, Brother Lang, I heard that there are a lot of beautiful girls on the phalanx team, all of them are tall, tall and long-legged..." Feng Tian said, his face on his face. Gradually revealing the star's wild eyes.

"There's nothing to envy. Although the phalanx team doesn't need to practice martial arts, it's also very tiring."

Chen Yilang looked at the good brothers in the dormitory and said, "I'm not in your class in the future, don't make trouble for me, and take care of my discipline for me."

"Instructor Wu Qing is a good person, be kind to her, and don't cause her trouble..."

The eyes of Li Zixian and the others couldn't help but glance back, and they couldn't help but smile.

Because Wu Qing had been standing behind Chen Yilang, listening to Chen Yilang's speech with a smile on his face...

"Chen Yilang!" Wu Qing suddenly said behind him.

"Hey?" Chen Yilang was startled, "Here!"

"come here."

Wu Qing said with an unfathomable smile.

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