If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 93: I'm going to scale up!

(Sorry brothers, last night's chapter was driven out after the fat house worked overtime at night, and I was extremely sleepy at that time, and my mind was chaotic, so I missed a small chapter QAQ... It has been corrected.)



As soon as the lyric of Yiban came out,

All the students on the entire playground immediately became uneasy.

The smell of gunpowder seems to be a little rushed!

Originally, according to the normal game progress,

Usually when the song is just starting,

Everyone will have a little greetings and greetings as an opening warm-up, and only after they gradually enter the state, they start to pick things up.

As a result, Deng Xing came up with a meal of targeting and output, and there was no foreplay at all, so it was hard not to be excited.

"Damn it, did you act so violently when you came up?"

"It's thorny, exciting... I really like it..."

"There's a good show to watch, brothers, there's something going wrong with the fourth shift in a row!"

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, let's see what their monitor is going to do!"


The eyes of the students in the other classes around him were like searchlights. They looked at the position of Class 4 and focused on Chen Yilang, who was sitting at the front.

After all, in the part of pulling songs,

As a leader and speaker, the squad leader is actually a relatively core figure.

Not to mention the lively instructors.

Seeing that this year's freshmen are so good at playing, they even cheered one after another, as if watching the fun is not a big deal.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[lv8 Orion] used [Taunting Sniper] and launched a violent attack on you! 】

【Please avoid! 】




does not exist.

For this kind of scene, for Brother Lang, who has always been calm, it's actually not a big problem.

——No panic at all.

Pull a song!

This level of sarcasm is actually acceptable.

It's like being pushed back to the city by the laning person in a game, that's all, it's no big deal.

And, none of this is a big deal.

If you want to win this game, the real point is - to be able to catch the words thrown by others without losing momentum!

That's why Chen Yilang didn't panic at all.

——For Chen Yilang, who has the [Military Song Order], isn't it as simple as playing with sand?

The military thesaurus in Chen Yilang's mind was like the origin of the universe at this moment—


Without any hesitation or pause, Chen Yilang led the fourth class and responded loudly:

"Brothers, please be quiet, don't brag here!"

"Lagla is morale, Lagla is affection!"

"Don't worry about winning or losing, brothers are always the first!"

The voice fell,

There was a burst of cheers and applause from all around.

"Damn it, this old man, bull!"

"Okay, if you let me come in this wave, I definitely don't know how to pick it up, and I'll be stuck on the spot."

"It's interesting. Give me a little more of your cantaloupe seeds, it's not enough."


In the eyes of the onlookers,

This wave of Chen Yilang's counterattack can be said to be perfect.

He replied to his opponent elegantly and politely, and also pointed out the core spirit of friendship, which directly sublimated the theme.

It can be said to be a seamless and beautiful counterattack.

"Good reception!" Wu Qing put his hands in a trumpet shape and placed them in front of him, praising Chen Yilang.

"Is that the monitor of your class, Ah Qing?" The other instructors applauded and laughed, "I didn't expect that, he's very good at playing!"

"No, don't look at who brought it!" Wu Qing said with a show-off smile.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Domineering Counterattack], rebounded [lv8 Orion's [Taunting Sniper], and caused a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[You got: Gold +757, EXP +465! 】


Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

Not bad,

It's another step closer to reaching level 10.

And after Class 4 counterattacked,

the passive side,

That is, he fell back to the first class again.

But Deng Xing did not expect this wave of two-level reversal at all. He was stunned on the spot and didn't know how to deal with it.

He could only take out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, printed with lyrics, and hurriedly searched for a suitable response.

Seeing that something happened to Deng Xing,

Du Jian, who had been waiting for the second best player, realized that it was time for him to stand up and save a wave of the world.

He immediately picked up the microphone, also raised a loud voice, and roared angrily:

"The fourth class is a little stiff, and the morale is like the sun!"

"You should be frivolous when you are young, why don't you sing!"

"If you don't sing, don't force it, then go to stand guard!"


This Bora song led by Du Jian,

Once again, the atmosphere was lifted.

The students around were cheering and applauding. On the playground, it was a bit like a concert for a while.

Unexpectedly, it's class four again!

The people who were watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal seemed to have a vague sense of what was going on.

——These bad old men are very bad!

Obviously, someone is deliberately targeting the monitor of the fourth class.

As for the monitor of the fourth class, most people have heard of it.

Chen Yilang!

It is said that this guy originally drove a Cayenne to carry books for his classmates. He was so good that he made the other classmates cry with envy.

on the playground,

Everyone's eyes once again focused on Chen Yilang.

However, I saw that Chen Yilang didn't look flustered at all, and once again led the class to respond loudly:

"If you want me to sing, I will sing. Where can I put my face!"

"Tell me to sing, but don't sing, what can you do to me!"

Wu Junliang, the second squad leader who was the third in the relay, also waited for a long time, and immediately got up and led the team and shouted:

"I told you to sing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You just sing, it's not good to be awkward!"

Chen Yilang immediately replied:

"Winter melon rind, watermelon rind!"

"Don't be fooling around here!"

"If you want me to sing, you sing first!"

"Class 2, let's make a sample first!"

Wu Junliang was stunned for a moment, but also got stuck.

The reactions of the trio at this meeting were surprisingly consistent, and they all started to stare, unable to say a word.


Chen Yilang is too **** good to take it, right?

All three of their friends can't handle his mouth, it's just outrageous **** open the door to outrageous!


The scene of Chen Yilang's eloquent answers made the surrounding onlookers unable to contain their excitement.

The cheers from all around sounded again, and the applause came rushing like a tidal wave.

This guy is very good, he scored three straight goals, who can stand it!

The Lago game continues.

As the intensity gradually increased, other classes gradually began to speak up.

But every time,

As long as the three of them have the opportunity to get the right to speak,

They will all attack Chen Yilang as soon as possible.


Every time Chen Yilang was unhurried, his answers were fluent.

No matter how you attack, this guy will stay still and be as stable as an old dog!

"It's numb."

The trio was completely helpless.

See this scene,

Lan Jiabin frowned slightly.

I finally realized that things didn't seem to be that simple.


He cursed in a low voice:

"Looks like--you just need to make more moves!"


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