If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 83: Report to the instructor, I want to handjob!

Late at night.

414 Dormitory.

Chen Yilang chose to activate the [Time Watch] skill - [Retrace].

At that moment.

Chen Yilang seemed to feel,

the surrounding space,

It seems that at this moment, there is such a small, imperceptible fluctuation.


He was surprised to find,

pressed against the ceiling,

A fan that is automatically swinging its head to blow air.

Visible to the naked eye,

Against the trajectory of the movement, he retreated a small distance back.

Maybe other things can also reverse time, but the electric fan in front of me is definitely the most obvious reference.

After taking a quick look at the [Time Watch] on his hand,

It can be observed that,

At that moment just now,

The second hand moved backwards roughly five divisions.

That is to say.

At present, the [Retrospective] effect of [Time Watch] can only make Chen Yilang go back five seconds in time.

"It's getting close, it seems a bit fast."

Chen Yilang was numb.

As a man, he couldn't accept the fact that time was so short...

But think about it.

After all, [Time Watch] is only the cheapest item in the [Mystery Mall] tonight, and it is quite good to have an active skill attached.

And no matter what.

[Revisiting] This skill is indeed quite cool.

The drowsiness gradually came,

Chen Yilang put away his watch,

Soon fell into a deep dreamland...



The next day, early in the morning.

The freshmen who have gradually become accustomed to the military training schedule have already lined up on the playground early.

Chen Yilang is of course no exception.

Standing at the front of the line as usual.


And as usual,

Continue to use the eyes to line up the eyes of the squad leader [lv7 Iron Armor] who is standing opposite...

Also during this time,

Chen Yilang just found out that this guy's name is Du Jian.

Indeed, as his name suggests, he is really a little firm...

And these days,

Every day's standing military posture training,

This guy has been madly competing with him.

Most of the time it's an eye attack.

Occasionally it is a mockery of action,

When the instructor wasn't around, he was whistling provocatively...

Chen Yilang basically didn't pay much attention to him, so sometimes he felt a little bored standing, so he responded a little to him and had some fun.

However, every time Du Jian received a response from Chen Yilang, he would be depressed.

-Damn, this guy can stand so well!

From the beginning of military training to the present, Du Jian has never been able to win Chen Yilang once.

Every time, Du Jian was the first to show his tiredness, and then Chen Yilang's expression was light and calm, as if being exposed to the sun was as relaxing and pleasant to him as taking a shower.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[lv7 Iron Armor] The hatred of you is rising! 】

Chen Yilang glanced at the progress bar.


The progress bar keeps getting longer,

And it seems that the threshold for triggering the next event point will soon be reached.

However, Chen Yilang was not panicked.

After seeing all kinds of monsters, this not-so-smart-looking [Iron Armored Monster] has no way to make Chen Yilang feel scared.

that's it,

Another unremarkable day of military training,

That's it.

at dusk,

When the team was about to disband,

Wu Qing announced a message:

"Get the notification from the superior leader."

"We will gather at the Beijiang City Military Training Base early tomorrow morning for a live-fire target drill."

After Wu Qing finished speaking,

The crowd suddenly boiled again.

"Fuck, is it true? Live ammunition? Does our school actually have this kind of treatment?"

"Don't be arrogant, I'll be the first to go, I like handjobs the most!"

"I can't wait, I'm going to shoot ten rounds!"

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Not only the city-run Class 214, but the freshmen of other classes also cheered.

Excited cheers wafted across the entire lawn.

You know, this is a shot!

Real guns and live ammunition, the old man is not deceived!

Especially the boys who have been addicted to FPS shootout games, jumped up and down like a chicken blood at this moment.

"Okay, after the excitement is over, it's time to be quiet and say something serious."

Wu Qing stretched out two palms, placed them in the air and pressed them down:

"According to the requirements of the school leaders,"

"Everyone's actual combat shooting will also be included in the final assessment of military training performance."

"That is to say,"

"If we fight a lot, we'll fight correctly,"

"Then the probability that we can get an excellent class body will be higher."

After hearing this, everyone was even more excited.

"Don't worry, Instructor Wu, we have stabilized this wave!"

"We must be number one!"

"You can lose in other things, but definitely not in shooting!"

Looking at this large group of young teenagers who couldn't help themselves, Wu Qing smiled slightly, feeling helpless and emotional.

Boys of this age seem to be particularly interested in firearms.

He also has an incomprehensible confidence in whether he is good enough for this kind of thing.

"such a pity."

"When they really get their hands on the gun, they probably won't feel that way again."

Wu Qing thought silently.

According to her past experience,

This group of lively little brats, as long as they can't miss the target, are already quite good results, and I don't understand why the above is included in the assessment results.

For some students who are more motivated and want to be commended during military training, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is indeed another difficult challenge.

The classmates were still discussing enthusiastically,

Wu Qing walked up to Chen Yilang and said:

"How about it, do you think you can be sure tomorrow?"

"Report to the instructor, it's hard to say." Chen Yilang also smiled helplessly, "I've never touched a gun before."

"It's okay, everyone is the same, just be normal."

Wu Qing comforted, "When the live ammunition is fired tomorrow, I will be the security guard of your class. Pay attention and follow my instructions."

"Understood, thank you, Instructor Wu." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"You're welcome, I'm also looking forward to your good grades." Wu Qing smiled, "Not only do you have to be assessed, but so do our instructors, understand?"

"Haha, of course." Chen Yilang said.

What does Wu Qing mean?

Of course, I hope that Chen Yilang can perform well, become a role model, and bring the cohesion of the entire class.

It's like a shepherd herding sheep.

They didn't have the energy to keep an eye on the livestock on the entire grassland, but almost everyone would seriously tame the leader.

And Wu Qing is doing something similar.

However, Chen Yilang didn't mind at all.

After all, there are more opportunities to get in touch with Wu Qing, which means there are more opportunities to gain NPC favorability.

this day,

After training,

Everyone was very excited, secretly looking forward to the day when they could handjob.

Early the next morning,

Freshmen who are ready to go,

I took the bus to the military training base...

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