------------【E-sports headset】-------

Quality: ordinary

Durability: 66/66

Effect: Reduce ambient noise by 30%.

Remarks: All-round surround sound experience, perfect frequency response range and excellent sound sensitivity, bright and natural mid-high frequency sound, deep and soft low frequency, it can be said to be an excellent headphone.


well known.

The essence of Chen Yilang is salted fish, and the happiness of salted fish is to stay at home.

As a senior dead house, Chen Yilang of course knows how happy he is.

Therefore, playing games must be one of the indispensable activities.

From small to large.

Chen Yilang has lost count of how much pocket money he has spent on games.

Not only do you recharge coupons and penguin coins, but the game's peripherals are also replaced almost every year.

For example, the gaming headset he is currently using is the latest high-end product launched this year.

The price is indeed a little expensive.

But in terms of game experience, it really has nothing to say.

At least.

Every time Chen Yilang put on his headphones and immersed himself in the canyon or the island world and dreamed a heroic dream, he could not hear any interference from the outside world.

For example, the sound of his parents urging him to go downstairs to eat.

It wasn't until Yang Si went upstairs with a stick and kicked the door that the game was over.

And that night when the whole room was raided.

Chen Yilang put this pair of fat house happy machines into his backpack.

And now.

Just the time to put it to use.

Chen Yilang immediately changed the equipment grid.

[You have cancelled the equipment of the Blessing Bracelet! 】

[You have equipped gaming headsets! 】


The moment when the dressing is completed.

Chen Yilang just thought.

The noise from all directions in the private room suddenly became much quieter.

It was as if he had been thrown into an eggshell.

And the murderous singing voice of [The Singer of the Cao Cao] was also reduced to a decibel value that could be almost completely ignored in that instant.

【Ding! 】

[You are immune to lv7 Yin Cao Singer's [Magic Sound Piercing]]


this moment.

Chen Yilang took off the mask of his pain.

That's it?

It's just that.

Looking at the people around him who were almost suffocating, Chen Yilang couldn't help but gloat.

But except him.

It seems that there are still a few people who are completely immune to the attack of [The Singer of the Underworld].

For example, [Evil Eater] Pang Wu.

He doesn't seem to have any interest in any activities in the private room, but is eating the side dishes on the table with infinite concentration.

After each time [Magic Sound Piercing] damages him.

As long as he took a bite of the side dish, the lost HP was quickly replenished.

[lv6 Evil Eater launches [Greedy Bite], converting food into health! 】



Chen Yilang twitched the corners of his mouth.

Oh shit.

The ability to restore blood after dry rice is too high, right?

Chen Yilang said that he was already thirsty...

at the same time.

[Giant Trench Maniac] Lan Jiabin doesn't seem to be affected in any way.

Chen Yilang could see that Lan Jiabin was born a person who likes to make noise.

Not only was he completely unaffected by the voice of [The Singer of the Underworld], on the contrary, he was so happy that he stood up from his seat and danced with his hands while matching the harmony of the [Singer of the Underworld]...

Of course, this guy doesn't sing any better.

It can be said that one dared to sing and the other dared to make peace.


There's another guy who doesn't seem to be bothered by the voice of [The Singer of the Underworld].

That is [lv6 Iron Man] Xu Weijian.

I saw that in the lively private room, he sat directly at the very edge of the crowd, holding a thick book and studying it seriously.

There is also a state of [immersion] on the top of the head.

[Immersion: The target is fully immersed in a certain thing, and the mental value is greatly improved. In this state, he is immune to all negative states. 】


Has this guy concentrated his mind to the point where he completely isolates the singing in the private room...

Chen Yilang thought to himself, and glanced at the book he was holding without revealing a trace.

——It was actually a thick "C Language".

Chen Yilang: "...6"

These monsters really deserve to be a family that loves each other, and they have a lot of fun playing by themselves.

And the others in the private room would be miserable.

At this moment.

Everyone is still under the rule of the demonic voice of [The Singer of the Underworld], shivering...

Especially Xiong Yuwei.

Chen Yilang can almost see it clearly, the smile on her face has gradually begun to deform.

Fortunately, Xiong Yuwei looks good.

So even if her expression was twisted into a bunch of melons, it would still be a nice bunch of melons.


These tormenting minutes were completely over after [Yin Cao Singer] sang the last lyric - Chen Yilang thought so.

Until the second song was played.

——"Love even if you die".

"Damn it, who ordered it?"

"Is it so arrogant?"

"The sense of substitution is very strong, and it has begun to climax."


When everyone is chatting and discussing.

But I saw [Yin Cao Singer] standing up from the crowd again, picking up the microphone again: "Hey, I didn't expect it, it's still my song!"


The air was suddenly quiet.

The prelude to love until you die gradually ends, and the chorus part...

"Love even when you die!!!"

"Not incisively and vividly not happy!!!"

"How deep is the feeling, only in this way can it be enough to express!!!"

[[lv7 Yin Cao Singer] used [Magic Sound Piercing] again, causing a lot of AOE damage! 】

The rain is cool...

Chen Yilang felt that his posterior molars were so painful that they were about to crack.

As for your singing, brother, let alone the incisiveness, it's not bad for me to be constipated, right?

At this time ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ding! 】

[You have triggered the hidden mission! 】


"Is there another hidden mission?"

Chen Yilang opened the prompt and checked the service details.

【Mission: Heroes on Earth】

[Details: The appearance of [Yin Cao Singer], like a ghost from heaven, caused a **** storm in the world. It's time for you to stand up and become a hero after witnessing this life-threatening scene. 】

[Conditions fulfilled: Stop the evil deeds of [Yin Cao Singer]!]



Chen Yilang silently calculated his next plan in his heart.

But there is one thing to say.

Even if the system didn't release this quest, Chen Yilang would eventually find a way to kill this [Singer of the Underworld].

After all, living matters...

If he continues to play like this, it is estimated that he will lose half a year of life tonight.

He also wanted to see more of this beautiful world.

"Help me." Xiong Yuwei on the side couldn't help but said to Chen Yilang with a wry smile, "What should I do, classmate Chen? I feel like leaving."

"Don't worry." Chen Yilang thought for a while, then seemed to have thought of something, and smiled slightly.

Then he took out his mobile phone and secretly scanned the QR code on the screen.

as expected.

There are also many functions that are exactly the same as the karaoke machine on the official account of the song ordering machine.

It's just that some functions are charged, that is, you need to be a member.

Chen Yilang didn't think much about it, he just spent more than ten yuan to open a membership.

And then after unlocking all the functions.

Press the [Cut Song] button.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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