If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 336: [Confidence is the pinnacle]

【Ding! 】

[You activated the skill: Self-confidence is the pinnacle! 】

[Confidence is the pinnacle: After activating this skill, you will burst out [Confidence Aura], adding the effect of [Fear Aura] to all targets within a certain range around you. 】

[Aura of Fear: The target with this aura will cause a debuff effect, and the spirit value will be greatly reduced! 】

[The aggression of the target affected by the fear halo will be greatly reduced, and the hatred threshold will be greatly reduced! 】

After Chen Yilang showed this expression, the [big guy] who happened to be looking at him suddenly felt his body trembling involuntarily.

damn it…

Although he didn't know exactly why this guy was so confident, he couldn't help being stunned by the boy's aura.

But soon, he completely put the thought in his mind to the back of his mind.

Shit, what a **** laugh!

How could he be afraid of a cute new guy with thin arms and thin legs?

"I'm afraid I didn't really think about it just now. How could such an outrageous idea appear in my head?"

[Big guy] Suddenly I felt that I was being funny, and I even had the idea of ​​giving myself a few big mouths.

"Come on." [Big Man] stretched out his hand and motioned to Chen Yilang, "Don't say I don't talk about martial arts this time, little brother."

After all, this is what you forced me to do with all my strength... [big guy] thought to himself.

But in fact, he said so, but he was definitely not and could not be forced to be so embarrassed.

All out?

That's okay, it's too much to bully the children, and there's no game experience yet...

It was just that he was a little negligent just now. If he really wanted to compete seriously, a team of Chen Yilang would probably not be his opponent.

"If that's the case, then I'll just give 50% of my strength..."

[Big Man] Thinking like this, he casually squeezed Chen Yilang's hand.

Seeing that the two of them had already put on a serious confrontation, the surrounding melon eaters also quieted down.

At the same time, the students around here who were banging on irons on various equipment were also attracted by the situation here, and they all gathered here.

The referee started the timer next to him: "Three, two, one... Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two suddenly started to exert their strength at the same time.

The audience around was boiling with emotion, cheering wildly, and shouting to come on.

But of course, these passers-by eating melons don't even know who they are cheering for...

Anyway, he cares so much, just shout and it's over.

At the beginning of the game, the smile on [Big Man]'s face was still very obvious.

However, soon, the small smile on the corner of his mouth quickly solidified.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. because he found out.

This time 17BXwX.Com Zhang Si. His arm and Chen Yilang's arm.

Obviously one thick and one thin, one strong and one weak.

It seems that there is an inexplicable difference in the middle, but they are incredibly deadlocked.


[big guy] A little confused.

How can this kid be so tough?

He had indeed exerted five points of strength, but he was unable to cause any pressure on Chen Yilang.

After raising his eyes to look at Chen Yilang, he found that this guy's expression was actually light.

As if the guy wasn't wrestling his arms, but politely shaking hands with him.

so outrageous...

He tried to continue to apply force to his arm, but the situation did not seem to have changed.

Chen Yilang's expression was exactly the same as before, and there was no difference at all.

[Big Man] He seemed a little embarrassed for a while to be stared at him blankly.

Because Chen Yilang's lazy eyes seemed to be sending him a message—


force micro.

No meal?


The big guy's mentality is a little frazzled.

This time, he decided not to hide everything.

Make a big tyrant. He's going to take off all the masks of hypocrisy - for what little dignity he has left!

"bring it on!"

He roared inwardly, and all the strength of his body erupted from his wrist.

—Then he was slapped heavily on the table by Chen Yilang.

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