If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 245: 【Light bulb monster】

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been improved]! 】

【Current favorability: 60%】

[Details: It turns out that there are really omnipotent boys like Chen Yilang in this world! 】


Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting this unexpected result.

This favorability level... it must have risen a little too fast, right?

However, among so many [NPCs], there is indeed only one Xia Ling, and with just a few operations, it can rise steadily...

"What's up?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing and joking, "Is there something strange on my face?"

"Ah, no, no no..."

Xia Ling was staring at Chen Yilang at this moment, and she was fascinated by it, when she was suddenly called out by Chen Yilang, she was slightly startled and came back to her senses.

There were two blushes floating on his face unconsciously.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Killing of Dogs], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv11 Bulb Monster]! 】

[[lv11 Bulb Monster] has been broken! 】

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, then turned his head slightly.


good guy!

I saw Zhang Jian who had been sitting beside him.

It has long been unknown when, from the original [Keyboard Man] to [Light Bulb Monster].

This evolutionary route of yours is simply outrageous, **** open the door to outrageous, outrageous home...

However, according to the usual gameplay of this system.

It shouldn't be long before this [Light Bulb Monster] will transform into other monsters on other occasions, or return to the previous [Sage] again.


Not long after.

Under Chen Yilang's perfect operation.

This evening's opening performance came to an end, and it ended perfectly.

This party is down.

Not only more students know Chen Yilang.

Even the other members of the magic hand team.

He was even more impressed with Chen Yilang.

Especially Tang Yinrou, who was not very optimistic about it before.

After this series of things came down, Chen Yilang had to be greatly changed.

"It seems that I really underestimate him?"

Tang Yinrou even began to doubt herself.

on the other hand.

He couldn't help but secretly admire Jiang You.

Captain, as expected of the captain...

Although people are very addicted to vegetables and like to point and point in the spring water, but the eyes of people are extremely unique, and it can even be said to be a bit superior...

After all, if Jiang You hadn't been in a relationship with Chen Yilang all the time, they certainly wouldn't be as familiar with Chen Yilang as they are now.

And this moment.

Jiang You, who knew nothing about this, was chatting friendly with Chen Yilang and the others with a laugh, and sent the three of them all the way to the door of the Huihui Building.

After saying goodbye to Chen Yilang and his party, he had to return to the Huihui Building to continue daily training with the other team members.

When I came out to play the exhibition game tonight, it was actually a favor to Chen Yilang.

after all.

It is not easy for others to find a training room for their own team, let alone a place with such good quality...

Although Jiang You plays games hard and is addicted to vegetables, he does have his own way in terms of communication and interpersonal relationships.

And the character is more lively and sandy, the most important thing is that it can make Chen Yilang feel his sincerity.

This also made Chen Yilang feel relieved.

You can probably say that.

As long as Jiang You is still there, and is still the captain of the Magic Hands team.

Then the magic hand team can always become the most effective partner of the Flower Club.

Not long after Jiang You left.

Chen Yilang, Zhang Jian, and Xia Ling also embarked on their way back to the dormitory.

Although the location of Huihui Building is located in the center of the entire Nanxuan University.

But strictly speaking, it still belongs to the site of the West Campus.


To return to the dormitory area on the East Campus, the three of them had to walk a short distance together.

along the way.

The evening breeze is blowing, and the moonlight is cool.

The three walked on the slate pavement on the school road.

Against the light of street lamps.

Only three shadows of varying lengths remain.

And this way.

Do not know why.

Chen Yilang always felt inexplicably, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The specific performance is that the three seem to be unable to talk a bit.

From time to time the topic gets colder, followed by a long or short silence...


Chen Yilang probably understood the reason.


As a [keyboard man], Zhang Jian is also a senior otaku.

Most of the time on weekdays, he basically holds his precious keyboard and kills the Quartet in the virtual online game world.


Zhang Jian, who has attacked hard online, does occasionally become submissive when offline...

In the face of relatively strangers, especially when they are girls, I don't know how to talk to them for a while.

And Xia Ling.

A mother's womb has been soloing for more than ten years. Except for Chen Yilang, girls who have never touched a boy's hand are also not very good at dealing with people they don't know.

It looked like three people were chatting, but in fact it was Chen Yilang who was talking to both of them at the same time.

So it was obviously a three-player game, but it was abruptly played into two 1v1 games...

This made Brother Lang feel a little tired.

Just at this time.

while walking.

Chen Yilang.

Suddenly, it seemed that something new had been discovered.

- in his sight.

Zhang Jian's head.

I don't know why.

It was like a small sun, slowly radiating light.


Chen Yilang can even hear the sound when he lights up.

"Good...so bright!"

Chen Yilang's heart was slightly startled, and he even covered his eyes subconsciously.

【Ding! 】

[[lv11 Bulb Monster] activated the skill: [Sparkling and adorable]! 】

[Sparkling and cute: [Lightbulb monsters] are the best at using a skill. When this skill is activated, the lightbulb monster will enter the [glowing] state, harvesting a large number of people's eyes and [ambiguous factor]. 】

[Information: Whenever the [Light Bulb Monster] activates the skill [Scintillating Lovely], there will basically be a pair of [Siamese Monsters] who suffer because of this, and are mercilessly attacked! 】


This operation can be said to have directly stunned Chen Yilang.

This [Lightbulb Man]...is so terrifying!

But soon.

Chen Yilang also realized some wrong details about the suction.

Zhang Jian, the [Light Bulb Monster], was always beside him, emitting light continuously by absorbing the [Ambiguous Factor] as an energy source.

This does not lead to.

Has the npc Xia Ling, who should have been affected by the [Ambiguous Factor] and act accordingly, been greatly affected?

It's like a side story.

Only when a certain condition above the characters is met, can the branch line be successfully opened.

And Zhang Jian is a [light bulb monster].

Isn't that the key starting factor for this subplot?

"In other words."

"As long as I kill this [lv11 light bulb monster], then the [ambiguous factor] in the environment can be spread smoothly?"

"As long as the spread of [Ambiguous Factor] is not restricted."

Toru Tani

"Maybe, I will have the opportunity to activate this hidden [subplot]."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

So ever.

Chen Yilang's footsteps gradually slowed down.

Neither of them noticed anything unusual.

But unconsciously, he followed Chen Yilang and slowed down his pace.

The careful Xia Ling was very keenly aware of Chen Yilang's changes, but she didn't think much about other aspects.

She just thought that maybe Chen Yilang was a little tired from tonight's activities, so she just wanted to rest for a while?

After all, classmate Chen has become the general manager of the business...

He's also the class leader, the president, and the business manager, and he seems to have joined the student council recently...

Classmate Chen is also alone!

Even if a tornado is rolled again, there will be a tiring day, not to mention people?

But what she and Zhang Jian didn't know was.

Chen Yilang.

In fact, it's just delaying time and taking the opportunity to silently think about countermeasures in my mind...

That's right.

At this moment.

Brother Lang has already started to think.

How to start with this [Light Bulb Monster].



"Brother Jian..."

Chen Yilang suddenly cleared his throat and looked at Zhang Jian.

"Ah?" Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment, then pointed at himself, "Brother Lang, are you calling me?"

He was a little bewildered.

What the **** is this?

Brother Jian?

In my impression, this was the first time Chen Yilang called himself that.

It's also interesting to say.

Inside the dormitory 414 of Dongliu.

Except everyone is used to calling Chen Yilang "Brother Lang".

When other people call each other, they are basically called "dog son", and they are rarely called brother.

Unless you are begging the other party to bring you meals or help in class, you will occasionally call you brother, or even dad...


Chen Yilang nodded.

Then look at Zhang Jian.

He blinked quickly at him.


Zhang Jian was stunned.

What the hell?

Brother Lang, is this going... Where is it going?

Chen Yilang was a little anxious, and kept blinking and pursing his mouth, trying to imply that Zhang Jian left consciously.

However, Zhang Jian didn't understand Chen Yilang's meaning at all...


A black question mark expression appeared on his face.

"Brother Lang..."

"your eyes…"

"something wrong?"

After wondering for a while, Zhang Jian finally summoned up the courage and asked Chen Yilang.


Chen Yilang really wanted to slap his shiny forehead with a slap, so that it could really shine.

no way.

The three of them had to keep walking, continuing this endless and painful embarrassment...


Brother Lang naturally wouldn't give up so easily.

After thinking for a while.

Suddenly, Chen Yilang came up with a new solution.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his dog son Feng Tian.

If it was in the past.

In general.

At this time, Feng Tian, ​​the dog's son, is probably still having a happy date with the goddess he doesn't know.

So if you want to ask him for help at this time, it is probably not that easy.

After all, Feng Tian at that time was still a little [Lick Dog]... No, a little [Wolf Warrior].

And now.

Little [Wolf Warrior] has awakened.

After that, there is no [Wolf Warrior] in Dongliu 414, only [Sage]!

He became Li Zixian after the [Sage].

Every night.

Basically, they will crouch in the dormitory and study crazily.

as expected.

It didn't take long.

Chen Yilang received a message from Feng Tian's reply.

"What's the matter, Brother Lang?" Feng Tiandao, "I was reading a book just now."

"Still watching? I saw you writing questions when I woke up this morning?"

"Hmm, look! My learning efficiency is too bad, I can only make up for the shortcomings by studying longer." As he spoke, Feng Tian began to shake his head and sigh in distress.

"...So what did you learn?"

"Don't mention it, I have only learned three rounds of self-study for these major science subjects this year! I have no clue about English. I have memorized all CET-6 vocabulary twice and high-frequency vocabulary three times; After reading two grammar books and writing a few sets of real questions, I still feel very tired..."

Chen Yilang: "Well said, don't say it next time."

Feng Tian: "?"

Chen Yilang: "I've encountered a little thing here, I need you to do me a favor..."

"What's the matter? Just say it." Feng Tian said.

[Sage] Feng Tian, ​​who has lost the harassment of various women around him, is basically in a state of being free at all times.

Sometimes I even study for too long, and I'm a bit bored.

So when Chen Yilang sent a message for help, he naturally had to respond immediately.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You have successfully called for foreign aid [lv11 Sage]! 】

[Friends still have three minutes to reach the battlefield! 】

Hearing this news, Chen Yilang was slightly taken aback.

Cow wow cow wow!

I didn't expect the efficiency of the good brother to be so high, there is something.


Chen Yilang continued to maintain the feeling of nothing, and continued to walk with the two.

as expected.

Not long after.

Chen Yilang saw Feng Tian's figure appearing on the corner of the road ahead.

He rode a small electric donkey.

Like a man chasing the wind.

The path flew straight, and then stopped beside Zhang Jian.

Some bells and whistles of the sudden braking operation scared Xia Ling to the side subconsciously shrinking to the side.

"Fuck? How did you come here? What are you doing here?"

Zhang Jian was also confused.

"I don't have time to explain, get in the car quickly!" Feng Tiansha thoughtfully, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hurriedly said, "There is an event at Feilang Internet Cafe tonight. For twenty yuan, you can get all night free, and you will also get a plate of boneless chicken feet and nutrition express!"

Zhang Jian was shocked: "What the hell? Is it true?"

Feng Tian: "Really, why are you lying to me? I'm going to go now. I didn't even read Lao Tzu's book, so I came to call you."

Zhang Jian stared at his pockets, his face changed greatly!

A pair of eyes suddenly ignited a raging flame!

—No one can deny the joy of playing games all night, especially 【Keyboard Man】!

"Brother Lang, Classmate Xia!" Zhang Jian looked at the two of them and said, "I'm sorry, then I'll excuse me for a while~ Let's take your time and have fun!"

"Okay, stay safe."

Chen Yilang showed a knowing smile.

Open the penguin and crackle it to the dog boys in the dormitory

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