If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 243: Physics lottery

A fair, just and absolutely transparent lottery.

After a few words, it was like throwing another big rock into the pond, stirring up a huge wave again.

A large group of [Inspection Soldiers] sitting around Peng Weilong knew how to do things, and immediately stood up in unison to support the elder brother [Inspection Brigade Captain].

"That's it!"

"You have so much room for manipulation in this lottery, we do have legitimate reasons to doubt you!"

"That's right, if you don't explain clearly, our Prosecution Department has the right to report to the school media to expose you!"


The [Inspection Soldiers] were backed by the [Inspection Corps Captain], and they all started to get excited.

That's right.

As a student, they really have no way to pose any threat to the Flower Club.

But with the internal relationship of the student union, they can easily spread any news on campus, whether good or bad.

College students who like to eat melons are not mature enough to look at many things, and it is easy to be brought into the rhythm by some things.

And [inspection team leader] Peng Weilong's purpose has indeed been achieved.

The students sitting under the stage were already chattering and making a commotion, and the party, which had almost ended successfully, fell into chaos at this time.

"Every... all classmates, please be patient for now."

"We are already contacting the store manager here, and we will soon be able to come up with a good solution."

"As for the lottery draw, it is true that our consideration was not thoughtful enough. Thank you for your corrections, and please bear with me..."

The host has already felt a little incoherent, but he is still trying his best to control the scene.

"There's no time to wait for you, it's getting late, doesn't the dormitory still have access control?"

Peng Weilong pointed to Chen Yilang sitting in the front VIP seat and said, "Isn't your manager Chen sitting there? Go to him directly! Isn't he very talkative?"

"That's right! That's right!"

"Let Manager Chen tell me what to do about this!"

"Hey, if you need to ask the store manager for such a big thing, where should we put the face of our general manager Chen?"


[Checking the Soldiers] They started to cooperate and jumped out one by one to say.


【Ding! 】

[Affected by the [Incitement] skill effect of [lv13 Inspection Team Leader], the [Inspection Minions]'s aggression and combat effectiveness have increased! 】

【Danger! 】

[[Checking the soldiers] used the [Yin-Yang Strange Air Bomb] and launched a violent attack on you! 】





A series of dense and rapid high-frequency attacks instantly destroyed Chen Yilang's large chunks of blood.

It hurts!

Although the level of the [Checking Soldiers] is generally not high, their attack power is not strong.

However, this is totally unbearable that there are so many of them!

This kind of attack by a sea of ​​people is simply unreasonable...

However, this is actually nothing.

For the current Chen Yilang, this damage is still bearable.

Mainly because of the reversal of this wave, which caught him a little bit off guard.

- Totally unexpected!

This group of people from the Prosecution Department, I'm afraid it's not really going to be a mess...


"Manager Chen."

"Yes, why don't you come up and tell everyone a few words?"

The host began to feel a little unbearable, so he could only look at Chen Yilang who sat down not far from the stage, and cast a look of help towards the latter.

And this moment.

Chen Yilang, whose brain has been turning and thinking.

All of a sudden, there is a big light coming out!


Chen Yilang smiled lightly, got up generously, and walked onto the stage.

During this period.

Zhang Jian and Xia Ling next to him both subconsciously wanted to stop him, but they didn't stop him.

In the current situation, it is obvious that these people from the Procuratorate Department want to create public opinion.

If Chen Yilang is on stage.

Well-spoken is fine.

If you don't speak well, if you are caught by this group of people and keep adding fuel to it, it is easy to fall into a particularly passive state.

Well known after all.

The Prosecution Department is a group of guys who are particularly good at picking things up... Picking things up is their professional skill.

not to mention.

In the entire student union of the school, apart from the secretariat, the closest contact with the school media is the record and inspection department.

Chen Yilang has also heard of it.

Back then, a person was arrested when he skipped class, and his attitude was still very bad. He contradicted the freshman inspector because he was an old student.

Then no surprise.

He was criticized by the media of the whole school at the same time, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he died on the spot.


Most of the ordinary students in the school are the most annoying, and also the most feared student union department, that is definitely not the record and inspection department.

But it doesn't matter.

Brother Lang is not really panicking now.

Because he has now thought of how to deal with Peng Weilong.

Chen Yilang stepped onto the stage.

The host's face instantly showed a look of relief, and then with grateful eyes, he handed the microphone in his hand to Chen Yilang.

But instead of handing it over, it's actually more like throwing it... It's like throwing away a hot potato.

The so-called hot potato actually refers to something that is difficult, but once it can be solved smoothly, it can bring great benefits.

In other words, high risk reward.

Chen Yilang naturally took the potato without any hesitation.

I saw Chen Yilang calmly connected the microphone. After clearing his throat, he pretended to ask without knowing: "Cough cough... Good evening everyone, I'm Manager Chen."

"First of all, what's the name of this classmate?"

"My name is Peng Weilong, the third year of this year, and the head of the student union's record and inspection department!" Peng Weilong deliberately pronounced the word "minister" with emphasis.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.


This Chen Yilang is quite capable of acting stupid!

Don't even recognize your brother?

He wanted to see what kind of tricks this Chen Yilang could come up with.

"Okay, classmate Peng Weilong, right?"

Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Just now, I heard that you had some doubts about tonight's lottery."

"After we thought about it, we thought that what you said really made sense."

"So we temporarily changed the rules of the lottery, and changed the manual lottery method to an absolutely random physical lottery method."

"Physical lottery method? What do you mean."

Hearing Chen Yilang's words, Peng Weilong said with a puzzled expression.


Not just Peng Weilong.

The other students sitting below were also quite puzzled by this term.

So, what the **** is a physical lottery?

Is it possible that there is a magic lottery?

"Everyone looks good."


Everyone in the audience saw Chen Yilang walking onto the stage.

Then he took out a water-based pen from his pocket.

"This is a pen, is there any problem?"

Chen Yilang asked.

"no problem."

Peng Weilong replied.

"Later, we will invite all the students who participated in the lottery to the stage, and everyone will stand in a circle."

"Then, the pen will be rotated under the action of external force."

"The moment it finally stops spinning."

"What the tip of the nib points to is the lucky audience of today's final segment!"



Everyone in the audience got excited and started to talk about it.

This game is really interesting!

The so-called physical lottery method.

It is to put the roulette lottery method directly on the stage!

It's just that the lucky wheel has become a real person.

The lottery pointer was replaced by this pen.

- It does work!

At least on the bright side.

This kind of lottery.

It is indeed more fair and transparent than the previous one.

after all.

Whoever the nib turns to is who, there is nothing to say at all.

Even if there is a black box operation, the difficulty is certainly not small.

After all, this is something that requires precise control of the force exerted on the pen to be able to do it...but it is almost impossible.

"Do you have any questions about this new lottery method?"

Chen Yilang looked at the crowd and asked.

No answer.

It can be said.

Almost everyone acquiesced in this way of Chen Yilang's promotion.

after all.

This method is not only fair and equitable, but also gives all of them a chance to stand on the stage and get in close contact with the members of the magic hand team!

It can be said that this is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!

"no problem."

After Peng Weilong thought about it for a while, he felt that it was indeed feasible, so he nodded in agreement.

Although in fact, he actually found a blind spot.

That is.

This method, in fact, is not really fair and just.

after all.

Not everyone's body is the same size.

Some people are a little fatter, so the chance of him being pointed by the tip of the pen will naturally be higher.

Conversely, if some people are thinner, the chances are naturally smaller.

However, this small difference, if placed in a circle of dozens of people, can actually be said to be negligible.

But this is of course not the most important reason.

The main reason is.

Peng Weilong belongs to the fatter type of person...

So this rule is actually more beneficial to him.


Since no one found it.

Then he simply didn't bother to mention it.


"In that case."

"Then now, please leave your seats and stand on our stage."

Chen Yilang said, "Please all people stand shoulder to shoulder, next to the people next to them, and stand in a big circle."

Everyone immediately sat down.

It didn't take much time to clear the stage, it only took less than three minutes.

Fortunately, the stage of the Flower Club is quite spacious.

Among a hundred or so students.

Except for the students who have already won in the first and second rounds.

There are only about seventy or eighty people left, which can be said to be more than enough.

When everyone followed the instructions and stood in a big circle.

Chen Yilang moved a table and placed it in the center of the stage.

Then put the pen on the table.


He looked at Peng Weilong who was standing in the team and said:

"Didn't Minister Peng just think that we were suspected of operating in the dark?"

"To show our sincerity."

"How about this time, let you turn the pen?"



All around, there was a sudden sound of gasping for breath.

They can't even think of it.

Chen Yilang would actually come up with such a trick!

So come on.

He was a direct backhand, and he responded with a punch to Peng Weilong!

Not only does it have a bit of provocative meaning.

The key is.

Peng Weilong had to take this punch!

Chen Yilang's tone, both inside and outside the words, is full of uprightness and sincerity.

If Peng Weilong doesn't answer this, it will inevitably appear too small.

But Minister Peng still has some stubbornness of his own: "But what if I also want to participate in the lottery?"

"Don't worry, it won't affect you." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "You have come out. Although there will be a space left in the team, that space can still represent you."

"……okay then."

Without any choice.

Peng Weilong had to bite the bullet and nodded in agreement.

After all, for the sake of this, he really didn't have much of a chance to refuse Chen Yilang's kind invitation.


"Then now."

"Let's give a round of applause, Minister Peng will reveal to us, the last lucky audience today!"

Chen Yilang smiled and took the lead in applauding.

Everyone joined in.

this scene.

All the members of the Magic Hand team who were watching from the sidelines had some doubts.

"Manager Chen, what the **** are you doing?"

Tang Yinrou looked confused, couldn't help frowning, and asked Jiang You who was standing beside her.

She had always been skeptical of Chen Yilang's ability. If Jiang You hadn't insisted, their team would not have had any intersection with the Flower Club.

But now this is the case.

She began to believe her previous guesses even more.

"How can I know this, just look at it and it's over!"

Jiang You said cheerfully, he didn't even know where he found a can of Fat House Happy Water, and watched the game while drinking.

Of course.

The most embarrassing people are the members of the Prosecution Department, especially Peng Weilong himself.

Under Chen Yilang's instructions.

He walked slowly to the table in the middle.

Then he swallowed involuntarily.

Then he grabbed the pen~www.readwn.com~ Peng Weilong began to think.

"Is there such a possibility?"

"Can I really control my strength so precisely that when the pen stops, the tip points at me?"

He couldn't help but start guessing.

But one thing is for sure.

This behavior, he is bound to try something.

After all, it was held in his hands like this, like a fate that was strangled by the throat!

If you don't take the opportunity to operate it, it would be a waste.

He took a deep breath, and then his fingers exerted force and waved the pen vigorously.

After a few seconds of high-speed rotation.

The tip of the pen stopped slowly.


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