If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 238: 【Inspector Captain】!


"Why are you here too?"

Meet Xia Ling.

Chen Yilang's reaction was the same, and he was slightly taken aback.

He really couldn't imagine it.

Xia Ling would actually appear in such a place.

after all.

She doesn't look very much like someone who likes the occasion.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?" Xia Ling smiled playfully.

"Yes." Chen Yilang shrugged, "I remember you told me that you seem to prefer a quiet place."

Although it says so.

But in fact, Xia Ling didn't say that.

Even if he could have said it, Chen Yilang would have long forgotten it.


What Xia Ling said before was that she likes the quiet sea very much.


In Brother Lang's view.

People who like the sea.


They are also people who like to be quiet.

Chen Yilang admitted that he had gambling elements in this wave, but fortunately, he succeeded.

"Ah? Did I tell you?"

Xia Ling's little face showed some doubts, and then nodded vigorously:

"And you still remember it!"

"I really don't like noisy places, but isn't there a magic hand team stationed tonight!"

"Since that's the case, of course I'll come over to cheer!"

"When did you become a fan of them?" Chen Yilang joked with a smile.

"Just a while ago!"

"Didn't we go to the campus cup last time?"

"That's when I started noticing the team."

"Then after returning to the dormitory, I searched for their news on the campus Internet, and learned about the history of the Magic Hand Club and the Magic Hand Team..."

"They really are a legendary team!"

"Although it's a little bit weaker now than when it was at its peak, it's still amazing!"

As Xia Ling spoke, a look of anticipation appeared on her face, "I heard that they have an interactive session tonight!"

"After the exhibition game, they will randomly select a lucky audience member to take a photo with him on stage!"

"Is that so..." Chen Yilang was slightly taken aback.

He did know about it, but he didn't quite know it.

As the general manager of the business, although he is not directly responsible for the specific planning of the party, he has also heard a few things from the store manager.

So he knew in advance that the highlight of the night was the resident performance of the Magic Hands team.

But what Chen Yilang didn't know was that.

In the middle of this performance, an interactive session was carefully arranged!

"That's interesting."

Chen Yilang was very satisfied with this.

I don't know which little genius came up with the plan. In the future, it will be the first echelon of proper promotion and salary increase.

at this time.

Seeing that the more they chatted, the more energetic Chen Yilang and the two were talking and laughing.

The ** who had been silently following behind suddenly felt as if she was glowing.

The kind of Bulling Bulling.


You agreed to come and watch the game with me?

Why do I run away when I meet a girl halfway through?

Also, who said earlier that there is no interest in this kind of activity?

Don't you have a good laugh!

So love goes away, right?

【Ding! 】

【caution! [Breath of Resentment] has appeared in the environment! 】

[You have been shrouded in [breath of resentment], please pay attention to avoid it! 】



Chen Yilang was stunned, what happened?

Taking another look at this blood loss, it seems that it is not much different from scratching a tickling... I simply ignore it.

After entering the flower hall.

The clerk who saw Chen Yilang immediately nodded and said hello.


Chen Yilang has greeted their store manager, don't expose his identity as a business manager too much.

He didn't mention it to any of the other classmates.

But it's not because Brother Lang is low-key.

just because of.

He instinctively felt that doing so would have a high probability of causing a lot of unnecessary troubles...

For example, it is very likely that a large group of classmates will frantically come to the door to pick up the wool, trying to get coupons or other "acquaintance benefits" by stalking the horses...

Chen Yilang remembered when he was in junior high school.

He has a buddy in the class who runs a milk tea shop at home.

After the classmates knew about this, his ears never stopped.

The classmates always come to him to bring milk tea, or pester him to treat him or something...

So every day.

His seat was crowded with people, a sea of ​​people.

That scene.

It made the young and introverted Chen Yilang feel very terrified, and even indirectly cast a shadow on the milk tea.


It has to be admitted.

Whenever school is over.

When watching his buddies lead a group of girls to drink milk tea in his milk tea shop, Chen Yilang was still very envious...


After high school.

The two were assigned to different schools, and the relationship between Chen Yilang and this buddy ended.

And for various reasons, I didn't get in touch.

Chen Yilang naturally doesn't know how he is doing now, whether he is doing well, whether he is full or not, and whether his beautiful sister is going to drink milk tea with him...

Until one day later.

When passing by the street.

Chen Yilang found out.

The milk tea shop opened by my buddy has disappeared.

The original shop has turned into a shop selling herbal tea...


Although I don't know if this herbal tea has any special meaning.

But it's really back to basics.

And it was this experience.

Let Chen Yilang fully realize that revealing his identity seems to be a very dangerous thing...

So he also decided.

Those who can't say it, don't say it.

Including several dog sons in the dormitory, he has not said this.

So Xia Ling naturally didn't know.

"Let's find a place to sit."

Chen Yilang said.

"No, no, I've made an appointment!"

Xia Ling said.

Only then did Chen Yilang know.

It turned out that Xia Ling successfully reserved a seat for tonight as early as the first time the online channel of tonight's event opened. This is no simple matter.

Chen Yilang had heard the store manager say it before.

The popularity and influence of the magic hand team has far exceeded his imagination.

So when the booking starts.

That scene is already a bit like a double 11 shopping spree...

It can cut a **** road from the hands of a group of hand speed monsters and network speed dogs.

It can only be said that Xia Ling's lucky value is very high.

What is there to say?

A girl who loves to laugh, luck is not too bad...

If this is used on Xia Ling, it is really reasonable...

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling were chatting, and they found a place to sit down with the ** who had the tendency to evolve into [Lightbulb Man] beside them.

The geographical environment of this location is good, it is relatively central, and it is also very forward, and you can clearly see the big screen on the stage.

Students coming and going.

When aiming at the people at their table.

Couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

"This location is great too!"

"Those who can't get their seats are crying!"

** happily said to Xia Ling, "You are too good, classmate Xia!"

"No, it's all luck." Xia Ling smiled.

at this time.

The team of the magic hand team has not yet appeared, and the people sitting below are still waiting excitedly.

There are ten minutes before the party starts.

At the suggestion of **.

The three of them went to the front desk to buy a few snacks, ready to enjoy them while watching the exhibition game later.

But when the trio got back into position.

But found.

Xia Ling's originally reserved seat was already full of people.

There are a large number of men and women, about ten.

At this time, he was sitting at the table, talking and laughing.

"What the hell?"

"Isn't that our place?"

**For a moment, a look of displeasure suddenly appeared on his face, "Who is this, I'll go tell them."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Xia Ling suddenly screamed in a low voice.

"Huh? What's the matter, Xia classmate?"

** asked suspiciously.

**'s own personality is more inclined to the type of irritable brother. At that moment, he even rolled up his sleeves, and he was already ready to go up and do it.

But at this time, Xia Ling suddenly stopped him. Immediately, he felt that he had punched half of his fist and was forcibly withdrawn. It was very uncomfortable.

"That group of people... very familiar."

Xia Ling said in a low voice, with a very nervous expression on her face, "I seem to have seen them somewhere."

Chen Yilang didn't say much, but immediately looked in the direction.


Like Xia Ling, he recognized the person at that table.

"Well." Chen Yilang nodded and said, "I recognized it too."

"Who is who?" ** said curiously on the side, blinking with a pair of eyes full of doubts, "Why don't I know? Is there anything special about that group of people?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang said, "They are from the Disciplinary Inspection Department."

That's right.

The person sitting at that table.

They are all members of the discipline inspection department of the school student union!

As for why he recognized this group of people, it had something to do with Chen Yilang's position as monitor.

well known.

in school.

The most important job of the Disciplinary Inspection Department is naturally the attendance assessment in class.

If you want to set a ranking of the most hated student union department in the school.

Then the Disciplinary Inspection Department definitely ranks first.

These elusive guys.

Favorite thing to do.

It was at the most appropriate time that a sudden wave of surprises came to check attendance.

For example, some days are arranged for elective courses that are particularly unpopular and teachers are too lazy to name them.

For example, on a Friday afternoon, or when the last class is about to end on the eve of a holiday.

Another example.

A certain session has been scheduled and will not be temporarily cancelled, but the classroom is far away from the main campus, but it happens to be raining heavily.

Generally speaking.

Situations like this.

Basically, it is when students have the highest probability of skipping classes.

And the most annoying thing is that this group of people from the Disciplinary Inspection Department likes to raid the attendance most of all...

Whenever this happens, he always catches one, which makes the [Salted Fish Monster] and the [Trance Elite] want to cry without tears.

The student union's surprise inspections are generally divided into hospital inspections and school inspections.

This is also easy to understand. The former is the inspection of the college student union department, and the latter is the school student union.

And as a class leader.

Chen Yilang is naturally responsible for the docking work with the discipline inspection department.

So if you come and go, you will naturally be familiar with this group of people.

And tonight.

This large wave of people appeared in this place in groups, and it was not normal at first glance.

"Could it be that something is going to happen?"

Chen Yilang frowned slightly.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go up and ask for a comparison first, so he took Xia Ling and ** and walked up.

"Hello, students from the Discipline Inspection Department."

Chen Yilang said.

"Hello, I'm Peng Weilong, Minister of Discipline Inspection."

One of the stocky boys sitting among them stood up.

And on his head, there is also a mark.

[lv13 Inspector Team Captain]

[Inspector Captain: An elite-level monster with innate abilities such as [Fishing] and [Surprise], the natural enemies of [Class Skipping Elites] and [Major Absentees]! 】

[Intelligence: The Inspector Brigade's acceptance is in charge of many [Inspector Soldiers], with a high degree of loyalty! 】

[Intelligence: When you encounter a [inspector team leader] with a group of [inspector soldiers], the best option is to turn around and run! 】

[Intelligence: After all, these days, if you can fight in groups, why do you need to fight one-on-one? Hey hey hey...]

Chen Yilang subconsciously looked at the other departments sitting around Peng Weilong.


without exception.

All are 【Inspector Soldiers】!

"..." Chen Yilang.

Doesn't this help the pain?

good guy.

This wave, he can be said to have directly stabbed the strange nest!

And at the same time.

Peng Weilong also quickly recognized Chen Yilang in front of him: "Hey, aren't you that... the monitor of the freshman marketing class?"

"Yes, the monitor of the fourth class, Chen Yilang." Chen Yilang smiled.

"I heard that you recently joined the logistics department. Welcome, you will be your own person from now on."

Peng Weilong said, "What's the matter, what are you looking for from us?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that the seat you are sitting in was reserved by us before." Chen Yilang smiled, "I'm sorry, we just left for a while."


Peng Weilong was thoughtful, his expression a little subtle.

His eyes scanned the surroundings.

It was quickly concluded that there were no more vacant places nearby. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Even if there is.

There is definitely not enough people in their entire department to sit.

Peng Weilong's eyes turned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"I'm sorry, classmate."

"As for our Discipline Inspection Department, we are here tonight for work."

"you know too."

"The job assigned to us by the student union is an inspector."

"That's why we're here tonight to strictly deal with school ethos and discipline."

"If this event tonight has a negative impact on the school spirit and discipline, we need to report it."

"Okay, hard work." Chen Yilang nodded, "Then what?"

"...?" Peng Weilong twitched his face.

Depend on!

This guy did it on purpose!

He has already said it very clearly!

If he had to make it clear, the scene would have become very embarrassing for a while!

"Cough cough..."

"We also wanted to find a suitable location, but there was no way. After turning around a lot, there was only this place."

Peng Weilong squeezed out a slight smile:


"I can only trouble you to cooperate with the work of the student union department."

The atmosphere just got weird.

The circle of [Inspector Little Soldiers] on the table sensible stopped talking, but looked at Chen Yilang in unison.

The air solidified directly, as if water could drip.

After half an hour.


Chen Yilang said expressionlessly: "So, what does this have to do with you sitting?"

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