If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 236: Opening debut!

As expected.

Neither surprise nor surprise...

In fact, it is said to be a list, but in fact, there is only one logistics department on the entire list.

In the logistics department, there is only one person named Chen Yilang.

Not long after that.

Chen Yilang's cell phone rang.

He took a look and found that it was Gong Liang's call.

"Grass, brother, you really didn't pass the interview!"

Gong Liang scolded on the other end of the phone, "I remember that woman!"

"Thirty years in Henan, thirty years in Hebei, don't bully the poor!"

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man] used [Faith Burst], causing a lot of mental shock damage to you! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man] has entered a new state [burning]. 】

"Well said." Chen Yilang agreed perfunctorily.

"By the way, brother, do you know who that Chen Yilang is?"

Gong Liang said angrily, "How can he pass the interview? Can he still look better than me? Can he speak better than me? Can he be better than me?"

"I also observed the group of interviewees, and there is no one who can fight?"

"Could it be that I overlooked a big boss hiding in the dark?"

Chen Yilang: "It's not like the boss..."

"Huh? What did you say, brother? You mean, you know who that person is?" Gong Liang asked.

Chen Yilang: "Yeah..."

Gong Liang asked, "Who is it?"

Chen Yilang: "I..."

Gong Liang: "???"

Gong Liang, who was seriously shocked, paused for a while before he came back to his senses: "What did you say? Have you passed the interview?!"

[Peak Man] Gong Liang's voice was obviously full of infinite shock and surprise, as well as doubts about life.

"Yes." Chen Yilang said.

"..." Peak Man was silent.

Then I don't know when, I silently hung up the phone without saying a word...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Cold Water], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Peak Man]! 】

[You got: Gold +1567, Experience +897! 】

[You have obtained: [Confident Soul x1]! 】

[Confident soul: a rare material rich in monsters such as [Peak Man], [Public Letter Monster], [Dancer], [Singer], [Leader]...etc! It contains a lot of [positive energy] and [dopamine], and it is a good material for making related consumables and equipment. 】

Chen Yilang happily accepted the drop from Gong Liang's body.

Immediately after that, there is a new system prompt message.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

【Your reputation value has been improved! 】

[Current reputation value: 3300! 】

[Evaluation: Little Famous]

"Oh shit."

"I didn't expect that without knowing it, the reputation value has risen to such a high level."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

But think about it is not surprising.

The current Chen Yilang is indeed already a little famous in the entire freshman circle.

If we take advantage of this power and join the student council in one go.

His reputation value will definitely rise again.


Shortly after the public list was released.

The head of the logistics department of the student union sent a friend request to Chen Yilang.

After a brief chat.

Chen Yilang soon found out.

The name of the head of the logistics department is Ma Yichuan. He is now a third-year student at the University of Business Administration and has been serving as a minister for one semester.

According to the tradition of previous years.

Well this semester.

Not surprisingly, Ma Yichuan should be one of the secretary general, vice president and president of the student union in this semester's election.

Or just retire...

After all, it's already senior year.

If you still stay in the post below the minister, then it is not necessary.

After all, the person who can really get in touch with a lot of resources in the school must be the secretary-general.

And after hearing the news.

Chen Yilang's heart was naturally a little happy.

- For him, this is a great opportunity!

Yes, that's right.

When Brother Lang joined the student union, he came prepared.

The logistics department, for him, was just a springboard.

His real purpose is to stand above the Secretary-General, or even higher!

More than just prize money for esports competitions.

Other things that belonged to the students of the masses, he must also take back together...


Brother Lang had a bold idea in his heart.

That is-

In this semester, become the minister of the logistics department!

Of course.

Chen Yilang would never tell anyone about this idea.

Because this is outrageous.

Even... but it's crazy!


In the history of the student union of Nanxuan University, there has never been a freshman who successfully ran for minister!

Once this goal can be successfully achieved.

Then he will be a big step ahead of all the students in his class!

- Except for Lan Jiabin.

"It seems that this guy is now the core backbone of the External Liaison Department, right?"

"If nothing else, this semester, he is likely to also run for the Minister of External Relations and become a really tough opponent."

"And his competitiveness is not weaker than mine, and he is even more hopeful than me to become the first student council minister in the freshman year..."

"And this year of freshman year, this guy has also accumulated a lot of popularity and prestige in various ways. The most important thing is that he has [super power]! This allows him to easily mix in the External Relations Department. Like a fish in water…”

Chen Yilang thought silently.

However, Chen Yilang didn't panic.

He couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, he knew this well.

Come step by step!

Walking steadily is far more important than walking fast.

Now that he has successfully entered the logistics department, it can be regarded as a very steady step.


Ma Yichuan pulled Chen Yilang into the logistics department.

The atmosphere in the group was also very active, and Chen Yilang quickly got along with the friendly and friendly group members.


He only needs to wait for the logistics department to issue a new job notice, and then he can go to meet the new friends in his department.

"Drip drip."

A new penguin tip message arrives.

Chen Yilang opened it and glanced at it, and found that it was news from Ruan Wenxuan.

some time ago.

Chen Yilang had already handed over the shooting of the advertisements to him.

At this moment, Ruan Wenxuan has already sent the preliminarily produced and edited video files to Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang opened the file and played it on the computer.

Overall, it is actually quite satisfactory.

Although the little angel Ruan Wenxuan is relatively introverted, a little unsociable, and often blushes with honey... But in terms of comprehension and execution, he is still very good.

The advertising video not only includes all the points listed by Chen Yilang, but also incorporates a lot of Ruan Wenxuan's understanding of video production and novel trend elements...

"President, do you think this is feasible?"

"To tell you the truth, I actually used to be a grandma before."

"So I tried to incorporate ghosts, card points and some transition elements... What do you think?"

"Very good." Chen Yilang nodded, "That's it."

He didn't tell a lie.

He was indeed very satisfied with the works handed over by Ruan Wenxuan.

The [Monster] society, which was once time-consuming and laborious, was created with one hand, and finally successfully came into use at this time.


With the active cooperation and help of the members.

The finished product of the promotional video.

It was soon completed.

"Finishing" that night.

Chen Yilang took all the members of the [Monster] club to the hot pot restaurant to celebrate.

In fact, all the members of the [Magic Hand] team who appeared on the scene and retweeted the circle of friends were actually invited.

However, it happened to be the day of their once-a-day team training match, so Jiang You could only tearfully reject Chen Yilang's invitation.

However, as a good boss in China, Chen Yilang will still bring some delicious food back to treat them. The initial plan is two family buckets...

Soon it was night time.

Eight O'clock.

Chen Yilang was standing in front of the computer.

Finally, the day has come to officially release the promotion.

All the members of [Magic Hand Club].

at this moment.

At the same time, they released the advertising video that they participated in!

"We are the magic hand team, we speak for the flowers!"

Although it is only a short advertisement of less than two minutes.

But this game is a little bit bad, but because it came from the magic hand team, it unexpectedly became a particularly emotional line.

It immediately attracted the attention of the majority of netizens in the school.

"Fuck? I read that right? Is it the Magic Hands team?"

"Really, I rely on me! The magic hand team received the advertisement? Ye Qingjie!"

"The party hall endorsed by the magic hand? Good guy, give it to me!"

"Guys, who do I think won't rush this weekend?"

"Let him do it, let him do it!"

When I saw the members of the magic hand team appear on the scene.

Excited sand sculpture netizens left messages under the comment area one after another.

Pieces of barrage.

It fills the entire screen in an instant.

This row of faces and postures instantly stunned Chen Yilang.

After all, he didn't actually pay much attention to e-sports before.

So he just knew that the Magic Hand Club was relatively famous in NTU, but he never expected it to be so famous...

Almost every academy, in every grade, seems to have their hordes of fans and followers.

As far as this influence and dissemination efforts are concerned - it has far exceeded Chen Yilang's previous expectations!

Even the existence of major official media, forums and confession walls are not their opponents at all!

Less than an hour after the news was released.

Chen Yilang received a call from the store manager.

"General Manager Chen."

"I have good news to report to you."

"Just now, the number of online reservation orders at our branch suddenly skyrocketed!"

"If this trend continues."

"Before ten o'clock tonight, it is estimated that tomorrow's place will be fully booked."

The manager's voice became more and more excited, "When I was working in another branch before, I had never seen such a big scene!"

"I really admire it, Manager Chen, how did you promote it?"

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just luck." Chen Yilang smiled modestly, "Have the training rooms of the Warcraft team's clients been arranged?"

"It's well arranged. They have to come here for training basically every day now, and they are almost familiar with us."

The store manager laughed.

"That's fine, thanks for your hard work."

Chen Yilang also laughed.

this is a good news!

Originally, Chen Yilang just asked them to come here for three days from Friday to Sunday.

But now, they are there every day!

As such.

Those who want to see the style of the magic hand team will come here continuously!

"The performance during the opening period...is stable."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

There is a magic hand team in town.

During this period of time, it is estimated that the traffic will not be low.

But if we talk about the future development... it's really hard to say now.

"But anyway..."

"This wave..."

"It seems that I really earn a bit fiercely..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help scratching his head.

He had thought that.

Using a dark room with flowers to exchange the fame and traffic of the magic hand team, at most, it is only a small profit.

But now it seems.

Is this not a loss?

It's already **** earned...

"Manager Chen."

"Tomorrow night's opening show party, would you like to come and watch it?"

The store manager smiled and said, "Come up and tell the guests a few words or something?"

"Haha, there's no need for that..." Chen Yilang made up for the picture the store manager said, only to feel a burst of embarrassment, "Let's see the situation, come if you have time."

"Okay, you are always welcome~" the store manager said with a smile.

After hanging up the manager's phone.

Another phone call came.

Chen Yilang, who was a little out of control for a while, immediately picked up the phone again.

"Hey, hello, is this Junior Brother Chen Yilang?" A rather pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding a bit like a gentler girl.

"Ah, it's me, what's wrong?" Chen Yilang asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Guan Lu, the vice president of the school's student union." The other party said softly and authentically, "Are you free now?"

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