If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 234: 【Hedong Lion Roar】!

"Gong Liang!"

The moment I heard my name.

A smile appeared on the corner of [lv12 Peak Man]'s mouth.

"Oh shit."


"It's my turn to play."

"It is recommended to go home and wait for my good news."

He habitually flicked the bangs on his forehead, patted the hem of his clothes, strode high, and walked into the conference room in a hurry.

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man] has activated the skill [Domineering Side Leak] and entered the state of [Social Bull]! 】

[In this state, the target's intelligence attribute is greatly reduced, and other attributes are greatly improved! 】


Gong Liang's smooth operation instantly captured the eyes of a large crowd of onlookers around him.

oh, who is this...

A small sound of gasping cold air came from nearby.

This guy is so oppressive!

Take a look at the nostrils that are almost upside down, and look at the steps of the six relatives who don't recognize him... It's hard for him not to catch the attention of the audience.

Chen Yilang naturally didn't take his words to heart...

Brother Lang, who was calm, even wanted to laugh a little.

——[Peak Man] Gong Liang's wave is probably a little misguided.

Chen Yilang thought.

This guy probably doesn't know that the person interviewing him is the big Buddha Lu Shanshan, right?

Is it great to know the head of the student council?

That woman is the secretary-general of the student union, the boss who rides firmly on your good friend's head...

Gong Liang just went in not long ago.

The students who were sitting outside very obediently at first couldn't hold back their curiosity and rushed up, leaning against the door and trying hard to inquire about the situation inside.


Doing so is completely redundant.

Because it was not long after Gong Liang walked in.

A particularly loud, imposing, and almost roaring voice came from the office:

"This classmate, I didn't tell you that the interviewer should look like an interviewer, ok?"

"Please don't throw bangs and wicked smiles at me for no reason during the interview, okay?"

"I don't know what your origins are, but if you're here, please take away your domineering president halo and the mid-secondary aura that blows toward you, okay?"

"Also, what does it mean when you speak just when you speak, and wink at our logistics minister? We have every reason to suspect that you have ulterior motives for your behavior!"

Then came Gong Liang's nervous, weak voice: "I, I, I'm not... I don't, don't talk nonsense..."

"Still arguing here! Go out, don't have to come again next time!" said a resounding female voice angrily.

The source of this voice is a girl, but the voice that is too deep and rough has huge lethality.

[[lv13 Ye Yuan Lioness] used [Hedong Lion's Roar] to cause huge mental and physical damage to [lv12 Peak Man]! 】


Almost the next instant.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

The one who walked out of the classroom was naturally Gong Liang, who was disheartened after being scolded in the face.

And he just came in.

It was a large group of other interviewing students who happened to be standing outside the door trying to eavesdrop on what was going on in the conference room.

Gong Liang: "..."

All students: "..."

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man]'s [Social Bull] status has been terminated! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man] has entered the [embarrassment] state! 】


Gong Liang's face couldn't help twitching, and he walked out of the crowd with a calm expression.



"Is this wave stable?"

When Gong Liang happened to pass by, Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Cough, this... it seems that something went wrong." Gong Liang said with a little embarrassment, "This spring recruiting an interviewer that I have never seen before, it is a bit tricky.

"How tricky is it?" Chen Yilang, who had already seen through it but didn't say anything, asked tentatively.

"I can't tell, it's not an ordinary person anyway... My minister friend is also one of the interviewers, but sitting next to him has no right to speak at all. I'm mad."

Gong Liang angrily punched his thigh, but the force was so strong that he couldn't help crying out "Ow" in pain.

"Damn, I'm so **** off."

Gong Liang said angrily, "Anyway, I still advise you to leave quickly."

"Such a perverted interviewer, I really don't believe anyone can pass her."

"Those who can pass must be more powerful than me!"

"So exaggerated?" Chen Yilang said.

"Of course, why did I lie to you?"

Gong Liang wrapped his arms around Chen Yilang's shoulders again, and said very familiarly, "Brother, I think you're still a freshman, right?"

"Listen to my advice, brother, give up as soon as possible!"

"Weak countries have no diplomacy, and freshmen have no human rights!"

"Even a little white dragon like me, who has been in the school for several years, can't play, and it's even more impossible for you."

"Isn't it delicious to go back to the dormitory and blow the air conditioner to chase after it? Don't bother, it's a waste of time..."


【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Peak Man] used [Confidence Bomb], causing a lot of mental damage to your spiritual defense! 】

[Confidence Bomb: An offensive skill often used by the monster [Peak Man], for targets with low psychological defense capabilities, there is a greater probability of directly causing the [defense breaking] effect and causing them to fall into the state of [self-defeating]! 】


Chen Yilang probably understood.

This peak man is probably the natural enemy of all [Glass Monsters]...

[Glass Monster] Well!

It's normal to have a [glass heart], there's nothing wrong with it.


What Chen Yilang is not afraid of the most is this [confidence bomb].

From a small wave to a big brother Lang, the most important thing is self-confidence.

"The next interviewee - Chen Yilang!"

staff announced.

"Let's talk when you have time." Chen Yilang stood up and said, "It's my turn."

"What, I've talked about this, but you still don't believe in evil?"

Gong Liang was extremely speechless, with an expression of hating iron for not making steel, "It's definitely not a drama, trust me, going back to the dormitory is the most correct choice!"

In his opinion.

This junior is still too young to understand the dangers of this society at all, so he planned to persuade him.

But on the other hand, Gong Liang himself is a little selfish.

after all.

He is also a face person.

In case Chen Yilang really had some **** luck and really successfully joined the school's student council.

Wasn't he the only one who was embarrassed...

"I heard that your friend is the head of the logistics department, and not only did you fail the logistics department's interview, but you were also robbed by a freshman?"

——Gong Liang didn’t want to hear similar conversations.

"Thank you for reminding me."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly and walked straight into the conference room.

It's not a big interview site after all.

Therefore, the layout of the conference room is quite simple.

Behind the interview table, there were about six or seven people sitting.

And Chen Yilang.

The two people in the middle theme were recognized at a glance.

——The head of the logistics department, Gong Liang's good brother.

And the real master, [lv13 Lioness of Ye Yuan], Lu Shanshan.

[Yoyuan Lioness: A monster with an exceptionally strong temperament, fierce and irritable, the skill is [Hedong Lion Roar], which can cause long-range physical and mental damage to the target, even ignoring most of the armor! 】

[Intelligence: Life advice, when you see [Nohara Lioness], please run away immediately and don't look back! Trust me, you don't want to go head-to-head with a monster like this! 】


And Lu Shanshan sitting on the main seat.

The shape is indeed in line with her "Nohara Lioness" logo.

Frizzy and short hair.

Big cake face, big nose, and two small eyes that look very fierce at first glance.


And the extra thick arm, comparable to Chen Yilang's two thighs...

——A hot girl who is not easy to mess with no matter how you look at it.

And this moment.

sitting next to her.

Logically speaking, he is actually the head of the logistics department who is also one of the main interviewers.

It looks like this.

On the contrary, it is more like a soy sauce... not to mention the group of members sitting in the back who are just here to make up the number of people.

"This Lu Shanshan..."

"It does look really tricky..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

"Hello, please take a seat."

The head of the logistics department politely reached out and motioned Chen Yilang to sit down.

Chen Yilang nodded and did as he did.

Opened next.

It was the secretary general of the student union, Lu Shanshan.

"Business school, 2021 freshman majoring in marketing, Chen Yilang?"

Lu Shanshan turned over the resume on the table and asked without looking up.

The deep and rough voice rumbled like a drum of war.

"Well, yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

"Is the recommender the president of the Social Council? ... I'm sorry, I read it wrong, Jiang Ningying, the former president of the Social Council?" Lu Shanshan asked.

"Ah, yes." Chen Yilang nodded again.

"Jiang Ningying... Who is this? Oh, that girl who is short and talkative? I have long thought that she is not suitable to be the president. She is weak and weak, and she is still small and has no leadership qualities at all. ."

Lu Shanshan thought to herself, as if she was talking to herself.

Chen Yilang didn't know whether to answer or not, and after hesitating for a moment, he still nodded slightly...


"Since you were recommended by the Social Council, it means that at least you still have something better than others."

Lu Shanshan said, "Can you tell us where you are better than others?"

In Chen Yilang's mind, he immediately jumped out of the answer template he had prepared before:

"It can't be said that I am better than others. Now I still need to learn from more truly outstanding predecessors."

"If I have to answer this question, then what makes me better than others is that I am more willing to learn and work harder than most of the others, and I hope the seniors can give me more guidance."

According to what Chen Yilang saw on the Raiders before.

Under normal circumstances.

A freshman who has just arrived and has no achievements, no matter how good or good he is, basically no one will believe what he says.

So the most perfect answer is to lower your profile and answer modestly!

By the way, I can pat the senior's flattery without showing any traces.

Just finished speaking.

Chen Yilang saw a satisfied look on the face of Gong Liang's good brother, the head of the logistics department.


Lu Shanshan on the side had a completely different reaction.


"Does that mean it's useless?"

"Diligence and hard work are not excellent qualities to brag and brag about. At best, these are some basic qualities that a normal student should have."

As Lu Shanshan spoke, she kept writing comments on the paper.

This time, Chen Yilang was directly stunned.

good guy...

Sure enough, this Lu Shanshan's brain circuit is really different from ordinary people.

"The second question, why do you want to join our logistics department?" Lu Shanshan asked again.

Of course it's because you're the only one recruiting people...

Chen Yilang thought so in his heart, and said on his mouth: "Because everyone said that the brothers and sisters in the logistics department are very beautiful and handsome, amiable and approachable!"

"So say..."

"Coming to work in the logistics department feels like coming back home, very warm."

Chen Yilang's serious rainbow fart-like speech directly attracted applause from all the members:


"well said!"

"Our society needs talents like you!"

"Don't say it~www.readwn.com~ Come to the department tomorrow to work!"


The head of the logistics department was also amused by Chen Yilang, and when he was about to say something, Lu Shanshan gave him a step ahead.

She raised her upside-down eyebrows and said:


"Then I want to ask you, Junior Brother Chen Yilang."

"You mean that."

"Except for the logistics department, the brothers and sisters in other departments are not beautiful, handsome, amiable, and approachable... are they?"

Chen Yilang: "?"


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