If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 228: Can't beat it, just join?

that's it.

An amazing trip.

Let Brother Lang have one more member in his team.

Stage task completion progress 710

Please keep up the good work!


The members of his forces have actually reached seven people.

After a busy day.

Chen Yilang and Li Yixian returned to school and had dinner in the dining hall.

Then he hurried back to the dormitory.

Sitting in front of the computer, logged in to the Insomniac Forum, waiting for the latest news posts to be swiped.

—About the cancellation of the funds of the Magic Hand Society.

This is an inside message from Jiangyou, so most of the students don't know what will happen in the school at this time.

Chen Yilang's keen intuition told him that this matter was definitely not as simple as he imagined.

It is very likely that the cancellation of funds is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is an undercurrent surging in the background.


The time suddenly came to eight o'clock in the evening.

It's exactly what Jiang You said.

Just arrived.

Chen Yilang immediately refreshed the latest news and posts in the campus forum.


Despite being completely mentally prepared.

But the moment I saw the post for the first time.

He was still dumbfounded.

— The title of the post is something big bros! Forward the campus official media message "Decision on Cancelling the Funding of the Magic Hand Club and Dismantling the Magic Hand Club this year".

After seeing a few keywords on the title, Chen Yilang immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

as expected.

After opening the file and taking a look.

It's a **** fact.

Probably to highlight the rigorous majesty of the student council.

In the notice document, the whole article adopts the style of official document which is not obvious, and explains in detail the specific matters of the student union in the recent period of club rectification work.

Although the whole text style is obscure and difficult to understand.

Chen Yilang also quickly extracted the main content.

One is that some time ago, the event funding that Magic Hand E-sports Club applied to the Association of Social Affairs was cancelled.

The second and most important thing is that the Magic Hand E-sports Club has been officially removed from the school registration list by the Ministry of Social Affairs from now on.

The signatures are the Social Association and the Student Union.

as expected.

Not long after the post was just published.

Immediately, a new wave was aroused.

The popularity of the discussion soared rapidly, and countless mobile game enthusiasts flocked to the school, and the scolding became a film.

And the reasons for the students' anger are naturally quite the same - why?

Why did you guys from the Student Union remove the Magic Hand Club?

And the status of the Magic Hand Club in the hearts of NTU students is also vividly displayed at this moment.

below the post.

in the comments section.

At this time, the number of students who supported and spoke for the Magic Hand Club was as numerous as an army!

But Chen Yilang also knew.

Although the students are particularly high momentum.

But basically, all this is done in vain.

If the student union dared to issue such a notice, it actually means that they must have already opened up the relationship with the school's top management.

can only say.

at South University.

As long as the student council wants a club to die, the latter will not want to live.

we can even say.

This time, they are relatively light on the magic hand, but they just removed the magic hand from the list of the society association, which is equivalent to just cutting off the system, and allowing you to play by yourself, not even your family's The old bottom has been copied.

But everyone knows it.

Here, for an on-campus society, there is a big difference between whether there is certification by the Society.

If I have to make an analogy, it is probably the feeling of being a son and paying for the phone bill.

Gu Jun said nothing else.

The first and most direct difference and treatment is.

All kinds of club activities organized by my own son can apply for funding from the Association of Social Organizations.

There will definitely be no money for phone bills, you have to pay for everything you want to do, and there are many resources in the school, the Social Council has no right to use, unless you pay more money to make the seniors happy...

As soon as this happened.

The forum naturally exploded again.

Once again, Chen Yilang even disconnected from the Internet. When he logged in again, he found that the server crashed...

all in all.

If nothing else happens.

Then this incident is bound to become the hottest topic of discussion among students in recent times.

"Drip drip."

At this time.

The penguin's prompt sound pops up in the lower right corner.

Chen Yilang opened it and saw that it was a message from Jiang You.

Jiang You, "Did you see it, Junior Brother Chen Yilang?"

Chen Yilang "Mmmm, I see..."

Jiang You "Hey, I'm sorry, junior. In this situation, I can't do anything... I guess I can't arrange the full bonus, but there will definitely be some, don't worry."

"Where did you get the money for the bonus?" Chen Yilang asked.

"The previous funds haven't been used up yet, if the club gathers together again, it can still be done." Jiang You said with a sigh.

"...That's it." Chen Yilang sighed slightly, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After all, he could see it.

Jiang You has indeed tried his best.

Although the Magic Hand Society is indeed a large society.

But in front of the student council.

There is also no competition whatsoever.

-In front of the ruling class, all living beings are ants.

"Is this money really going to come back?"

Chen Yilang asked.

"In theory, that's right," Jiang You said. "But in reality, there is still a chance... Because everything is decided by the student union. As long as the student union can be managed, there will be drama."

"Is that so..." Chen Yilang was thoughtful.

"Uh, junior, don't you have any new ideas?"

Jiang You's mouth couldn't help twitching.

He had heard of Chen Yilang's deeds.

This is a character who has been out of the college and out of the small group of freshmen.


It's not just business school and freshman students.

The current Chen Yilang is already considered to be such a famous person in the whole school.

Once this kind of terrible guy does something...it's really amazing.

And the very lucky thing is.

Jiang You - I really guessed it!

Chen Yilang really wanted to do something. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And this time...

What he wants to do is a big deal!

"Could it be..."

"In this world on campus..."

"Is there no one who can stop the student council?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

those guys.

With a flick of a finger, the entire freshman can circle the campus sign.

Even on a whim.

It can make a large-scale and well-known society withdraw from the stage on the spot.

And ordinary students don't even have a chance to stand up and oppose... let alone not, no matter how good you are.

this moment.

Chen Yilang seemed to understand a truth.

"Only magic can defeat magic."

He suddenly had a deeper understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

—If you want to defeat the student council, you must join him first!

If reality is gamified https://

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