If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 216: Go to your mother's e-sports dream!

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Chen Yilang's face twitched and twitched like crazy.


It's fine if you want to do things yourself, we won't stop you, but don't pull me!

You add the word "men" to your sentence, it's easy to be misunderstood...


"There are several masters who can't sit still!"

Jiang You looked at Zhang Jian's direction with a smile and said, "Let's welcome the two classmates sitting over there with warm applause and come up to participate in the friendly battle!"


"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Fix it up, fix it up!"

The little friends sitting below also gave face to the applause and cheers.

He even took the initiative to retreat from the middle position to both sides, leaving an aisle in the middle for Zhang Jian and Chen Yilang.

Like Moses splitting the ocean with his stick.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You have entered the [focus] state! 】

【Please be vigilant and proceed with caution! 】

Chen Yilang: "…"


After all this battle, there is no way out, right?

Everyone's eyes are shining like searchlights. At this time, there is no reason to refuse at all, right?

Chen Yilang was helpless, and could only be dragged up by Zhang Jian, who was eager to try.

"Two classmates, would you like to introduce yourself briefly to everyone?" Jiang You laughed.

"Okay!" Zhang Jian took the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Jian, a freshman in business school, and my current rank is the strongest king!"

"Is it just the king..."

There were students in the audience muttering.

Generally speaking.

Players who didn't say how many stars they had were basically just low-star players who had just advanced to the king, that is, the level of the game that was just getting started.

Compared to the twenty-star Lu Hai, it can only be said that there is still a small gap.

"My name is Chen Yilang, and I'm also a freshman in the business school. At present, I'm also the strongest king." Chen Yilang said.

There was a sudden commotion below.

"Ah? So he is Chen Yilang..."

"Brother Lang? Really Brother Lang?"

"Just who? That freshman who ran against the morning run?"

Among all the people present, freshman students accounted for the majority.

And the previous morning run event can be regarded as making Chen Yilang famous in the freshman class.

But well.

despite this,

But not everyone has seen Chen Yilang.

Most of the people have only heard of this name, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

"It seems to be quite ordinary."

"Yeah, that's just a little taller, just a little more handsome than me."

"And that's not the point. In the [Magic Hand] club, it's useless to be handsome, and to be good at gaming is king!"

The students were chatting with each other.

from their perspective.

The two people, Chen Yilang and Zhang Jian, are estimated to be half a pound.

The true level of the strongest king rank... Everyone knows it.

for example.

What they don't know is.

Chen Yilang's strongest king is usually played when he is bored.

And Zhang Jian's strongest king is the one who fights hard day in and day out, climbs up through all kinds of thigh-holding mixed points, and frantically accumulating hero points...

There was a considerable difference between the two.

"Wow, it seems that in this year's freshman team, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

"The three masters are actually big!"

Jiang You laughed, "If that's the case, let's start our friendly match quickly."

"Two brothers, who will come first?"

Lu Hai looked at Chen Yilang and Zhang Jian and said.

"Then I'll come first."

Zhang Jian took a step forward, a little impatient.

The logo on the top of his head has also turned into [Burning] at this time.

[Burning: In this state, the target's spiritual attributes are greatly increased, and the fighting spirit is significantly improved! There is a 10% chance to have a negative effect: [Aura of Wisdom Reduction]. 】

As the old roommate of [Keyboard Man] Zhang Jian.

In Chen Yilang's impression, this was the first time he saw Zhang Jian so excited.

I can tell.

This guy really wants to perform well in front of the backbone of [Magic Hand Club].


Under Jiang You's arrangement, the two sat down in front of their respective combat seats.

Entering the 1v1 map, the Mo family said.

"What's the point, brother?" Lu Hai asked.

"Well..." Zhang Jian touched his chin, and after thinking for a while, said, "Angela, how is it?"

"..." A drop of cold sweat appeared on Chen Yilang's forehead. ,

"...?" Lu Hai was taken aback, and the expression on his face also changed subtly.

【Ding! 】

[Target [Lu Hai] suffered mental damage from [lv12 Keyboard Man]! 】

Hearing Zhang Jian's words, there was a low burst of laughter from below.

What the hell?


Not that they have heroism.

The main Angela is just a heroine who is gifted by a novice player, and has no displacement ability.

The operation difficulty of the skills is basically zero. It can be said that it is a role that can be done with hands. The competitiveness is very low, and it is difficult to see the level of the players.

In this kind of public contest, it is hard to make people think that this guy is a monkey, and sent to be funny.

"Okay, then play Angela." Lu Hai said helplessly.

So, the game started soon.

On the projection screen in the center of the activity room, a scene of a confrontation between the two soon appeared.

Not long after the start of the game, Zhang Jian made several mistakes in his positioning, ate several fireballs from Lu Hai, and the blood line was instantly pressed to the position of the big crippled.

Zhang Jian, who was constantly at a disadvantage, could only hide under the tower and survive.

And after Lu Hai pressed the line of troops under the tower, an understatement of the flash fireball technique unexpectedly killed Zhang Jian and took the first drop of blood.


Accompanied by the kill notification sound coming from the stereo, there was cheers from below.

No suspense.

in subsequent matches.

Zhang Jian was suppressed by Lu Hai, and soon lost his resistance, lost a tower, and lost the game.

Looking at the word "failure" on the settlement interface, the smile on Zhang Jian's face gradually disappeared...

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Keyboard Man]'s [burning] state has been terminated! 】

[[lv12 keyboard warrior] has entered the state of [autism]! 】

Chen Yilang twitched the corners of his mouth, it was really yours, but it was okay to be beaten on the spot and shut down...

But there is one thing to say.

This result was indeed expected by Chen Yilang...

After staying with Zhang Jian for so long, of course he knows this guy's urination.

This [Keyboard Man] belongs to the kind who loves and loves, and the output ability in team battles is probably less than 1% of the public frequency communication.

When I usually play rankings and matches, I encounter opponents that are evenly matched, and I can play fairly well. In the game of rookie chickens, I can still kill from time to time.

But this time.

When I came to the base camp of [Magic Hand], I encountered all the opponents who were really high-level players. Naturally, this technique could only be eaten up.

"Applause and congratulations to the winner, classmate Lu Hai!" Jiang You stood up and took the lead in applauding, "Do you two students have anything to say to their opponents?"

"Lu Hai is very good. I am convinced that I lost. If there is a chance in the future, we will learn from each other together." Zhang Jian said.

"Student Zhang Jian has won the award. In fact, I'm not very good, but your current skills may still need to be improved."

Lu Hai said with a candid smile, "But it doesn't matter, if you practice hard for half a year, there is still hope that you can beat me."

As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of laughter from below.

It can be seen that Lu Hai is a bit stubborn, and I am afraid that he does not understand the art of euphemism when he speaks.

Although it doesn't sound like a big problem, the meaning of the words is obvious.

If you translate it a little bit, it would be: "I'm not strong, it's because you are too spicy, I suggest you go home and practice for a few more years."

Zhang Jian didn't stay, he probably understood what the other party meant.

But he didn't take it to heart, smiled casually, and then got up and left his seat.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Brother Lang, that person is too strong!"

After Zhang Jian walked down, he sighed and said to Chen Yilang, "I have played so many heads-up games before, but this is the first time I have encountered such a strong opponent."

"I was pressed to the ground by him in the audience just now, and I didn't have the ability to fight back at all."

As long as you can use your brain when you walk, and you can use your feet when you use skills, you won't lose so badly...

Chen Yilang complained silently in his heart, but he could only comfort him on the bright side. It's all right. Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, and failure is success.

there's no way.

A child is so young, he can't kill his e-sports dream with a slap, right? That's too cruel...


"Then let's start the second friendly match now!"

"I wonder if our classmate Chen Yilang can save some face for his little friend?"

"Let's wait and see!"

Jiang You said.

In the cheers, Chen Yilang took a deep breath, and under Zhang Jian's crazy poisonous milk, walked to the competition seat and connected his mobile phone to the terminal.

"Brother, what do we want to play?" Lu Hai, who was sitting opposite, asked again.

"What about you?" Chen Yilang asked back.

"I don't care, you can choose." Lu Haiman said casually, "I'm twenty stars, of course I'll let you."

hear this.

Someone downstairs yelled.

It seems like an understatement, but it's actually quite a bit of a tone.

Not only did he show his rank again, but he even mocked his opponent in a small way without even showing a trace, which was like killing two birds with one stone.

"Haha, then I would like to thank classmate Lu Hai first."

Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing.

Cheap is not a bastard.

But even so, Chen Yilang felt that the odds of winning this wave were still not very big.

Because even he doesn't know what rank his strength is.

After all, in "League of Kings", he has always been a Buddhist player. He only cares about the skin fragments of Miss Sister, and has never been ranked.

He didn't even know what he could do.


Lu Hai's twenty-star rank is indeed not too low.

His hero pool is definitely not something that ordinary players can catch up with.

So, which hero to choose is indeed another question worth thinking about.

"In that case..."

Chen Yilang decisively opened the system backpack and took out—

【Magic Conch】!

"Why not ask the magical conch?"

Chen Yilang immediately equipped the [Magic Conch] and activated his skills.

"May I ask the magical conch, which hero should I choose to solo with Lu Hai?"

Chen Yilang asked.

【Ding! 】

[This question requires 1000 gold coins, do you want to continue? 】

A mere thousand gold coins, trivial.

Chen Yilang naturally chose "Yes".

【Ding! 】

[You got the answer from [Magic Conch]: "Of course it is to choose the hero that Lu Hai is the least good at!"]


Chen Yilang almost didn't crook his nose.

By North!

Isn't this nonsense?

Are you putting it on hold?

Chen Yilang naturally didn't believe in this evil, so he activated another skill and asked, "What is the hero that Lu Hai is not good at?"

【Ding! 】

[This question requires 1000 gold coins, do you want to continue? 】

"Yes!" Chen Yilang said again.

【Congratulations! 】

[You got the answer from [Magic Conch]: "The hero that Lu Hai is not good at is the long hero!"]

Chen Yilang: "???"

What a shame!

What the **** is this?

Can you be a little more professional when answering questions?

At least have a personal word!

Chen Yilang got a little high blood pressure by the inexplicable answer of the two-zhang monk.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong..."

Chen Yilang was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have found some blind spot...

- He seems to understand the gameplay of this [Magic Conch].

"How do you say that, classmate Chen Yilang?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang seemed to be in a daze, Lu Hai looked at him and asked another question.

"Ah, I figured it out." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Let's play Mo Xie!"

I see.

After hearing what Chen Yilang said.

At that moment, Lu Hai's face became a little ugly in an instant.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Blind Spot Penetration], causing a lot of mental damage to the target [Land and Sea]! 】

[Target [Land and Sea] has entered a state of [panic]! 】

"Knew it!"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile.

He didn't even need the system's sound, just Lu Hai's expression as if someone had stuffed him into his mouth already explained everything.

- He really kicked Lu Hai's soft underbelly.

Lu Hai, he really doesn't know how to play Mo Xie!

If so.

His reasoning can be said to be completely without any problems.

[Magic Conch] The so-called "longest hero", UU reading www.uukanshu.com is actually the hero with the longest hand, that is, the hero with the longest range!

Although this broken conch likes to twist and turn when speaking, the information given is indeed quite real and effective, and the old man is not deceived.

These two thousand gold coins were spent, but it was still worth it.

"Uh, although it doesn't look difficult, it's actually a lot of details, and it's not easy to operate, classmate." Lu Hai pretended to be calm, "Would you like to change it? I'm afraid you won't be able to play..."

"You reminded me, I haven't really played the go-getter, I'm still a green label."

Chen Yilang frowned, nodded, and looked serious.

Lu Hai's eyes lit up and excitedly said, "Then why...?"

Chen Yilang: "So let's play Gan Jiang."

Lu Hai: ? ? ? ?

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