If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 210: You killed the 【Wolf Warrior】! !

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

"I'm sorry, brothers!"

"From today, my old Feng Gou will quit our army of single dogs!"

"I will fight the dream-like gentle town, I will turn into a moth, and embrace the fire of love..."

"I will be reincarnated as a migratory bird, in this life and this life, just to pursue her warm embrace..."


"It's over."

"Feng Gou is really crazy this time, who will wake him up?"

Zhang Jian asked.

"I'm here, I'm here, my urine is yellow..." Li Zixian volunteered.

Feng Tian is still writing his love poems in the dormitory group.

Chen Yilang had already taken out his [Crash Camera] and was looking through the photos he took yesterday.


He found the one he wanted.

The heroine in the photo is on the shore of Biyun Lake in the dark, having a romantic relationship with the hero.

And that her face.

It is very similar to the girl in the photo sent by Feng Tian...

Not to mention the resemblance, at least it can reach the level of 90%...

Chen Yilang felt as if he had found some clues.

didn't notice before

This time.

He turned over all the photos he took last night and looked at it again.

After some careful observation, Chen Yilang found out.

Lakeside, groves, park benches, late-night playground…

She was photographed in various dating places in the school!

"...good guy!"

At this moment, Chen Yilang couldn't think of any words to describe his mood.

He took another look at Feng Tian, ​​who was still writing poetry in the group.

[Target state: Spring is full of joy]

[In this state, the target's intelligence attribute is greatly reduced, and the attack speed is greatly increased! 】

Chen Yilang: "..."

It seems that this [Wolf Warrior] is already on its head.

It's also a long story.

Fearless and indomitable Feng Tian.

After so many years in love,

Finally, from a [licking dog] who can't have a house,

Experienced as a [Wolf Warrior]...


Except for these good brothers in the dormitory.

No one knew at all.

Feng Tian, ​​who is proficient in various methods of picking up girls and love theories, is still a single mother and child...


From [Lick Dog] to [Wolf Warrior], Feng Tian has never succeeded once...

Even [Salted Fish Elite] Li Zixian secretly held the hand of a female tablemate in elementary school!

However, this cannot be blamed on Feng Tian.

Because of his hard injury, on the campus stage, it is too deadly.

When Feng Tianzeng was chatting late at night in the dormitory, he suddenly let out a desperate cry:

"Damn, why am I only one meter six!"

At that time, Chen Yilang almost didn't expose him. My good brother, how could you be 1.6 meters, you are only 1.59 meters...

If you open the campus confession wall, take a look at the submissions in the "Find an Object" section.

It can be found that more than 90% of the posts posted by girls have a condition, that is, the ideal height is 180+...



"What age is this!"

"In the face of true love, race and gender are no longer a problem. What is height?"

The young Feng Tian didn't take it seriously.

Until now...

"Damn, if I have the appearance of Brother Lang, can I look like this!?"

"I'm discussing with the goddess where to be buried!"

Feng Tiantian said angrily.

that's it.

Feng Tian, ​​who is proficient in dressing up, earthy love words, and female psychology...

He is still as lonely and widowed as the Tanabata toad.

Chen Yilang fell silently into contemplation...

In any case, Feng Tian is also a good brother who lives under the same roof as them.

This kind of thing, of course, still needs to be informed.

"Then be a little more euphemistic..."

Chen Yilang took out his phone, edited a message and sent it:

Chen Yilang: "[Xiaocao], [vegetable leaves], [cucumber], [green worm], [green apple], [avocado], [kiwi fruit]..."

Feng Tian: "?"

Feng Tian: "Brother Lang, why are you posting these emojis?"

Chen Yilang: "I can only help you here, good brother."

Feng Tian: "???"

Feng Tian seemed to be in doubt.

After a few minutes, he probably reacted...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Crazy Hint], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv10 Wolf Warrior]! 】

[You got: Gold +1233, Experience +834! 】


[Affected by [Crazy Hint], [lv10 Wolf Warrior] has entered a state of [Alertness]! 】

[In this state, the intelligence of the target has been greatly improved! 】

Feng Tian: "Understood, Brother Lang."

Feng Tian: "Wait for me to come back and talk in detail."

Chen Yilang said: "Okay."


Who knows.

This wait, directly until twelve o'clock at night.

"Brothers, I'm back..."

Feng Tian pushed away the people in the dormitory, and said with an air tone.

"Damn it, I thought I didn't need to leave the door for you tonight!"

Zhang Jian, who was in the state of [Xiu Xian], was startled, his hands shook, and he gave his head on the spot.

"What's the situation? Hurry up and elaborate." Li Zixian stuck his head out from under the quilt.

"Actually, it's nothing. I ate dinner with her tonight, and then went for a walk by the river."

"It's scattered, and a cool evening wind blows over, and the moonlight is just right again..."

Chen Yilang: "...Talk about the key points."

"...I took her hand, and then she didn't shake it off. After walking a few steps forward, I confessed to her."

"Damn it! This is the way to get started?" Li Zixian was stunned, "Don't you ask others if they can do it?"

"Ask your head!" Feng Tian rolled his eyes, "Only straight men would ask idiotic questions like 'Can I hold your hand'?"

"That's right, even I know that you are a straight man, you deserve to be single." Zhang Jian immediately made up for it.

"I'm sorry, brothers, for disturbing you." Li Zixian covered the quilt again.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Salted Fish Elite] suffered a lot of mental damage! 】

[The target has entered the state of [self-closing]. 】


Chen Yilang: "...you continue."

Feng Tian's eyes lit up: "Then she thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed! That shy little expression, those big eyes that were as bright and moving as a deer, can't help but remind people of the lilac-like man in Dai Wangshu's "Rain Lane". girl……"

Chen Yilang supported his forehead: "Talk about the key point..."

Feng Tian: "Then I took a walk with him for a while, and then she said she wanted to watch "The Widows 4", so I took her to watch it, and I came back after watching it."

Zhang Jian: "That's it?"

Feng Tian: "...otherwise."

Li Zixian: "I took off my pants, so you're here!?"

Chen Yilang raised his forehead and said, "Didn't I tell you to come back, why did you go to the movies with her?"

Feng Tian: "She said that she wants to watch a movie, so she is my girlfriend, girlfriend, can I not spoil it? By the way, then again, the string of messages you sent, Brother Lang, shouldn't you be thinking about it? Say……"

Chen Yilang nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, I see." Feng Tian nodded solemnly, "I'll give her a green bag tomorrow! By the way, Brother Lang, how do you know she likes green?"

"?" Chen Yilang's eyelids twitched.

Depend on!

Your [intelligence] improvement seems to be a little small, shouldn't it be a reverse improvement!

Take another look at Feng Tian's state.

At this time, it has actually been switched to [in love]...

[In love: Men who are in this state will have their intelligence greatly reduced! 】

[Information: [Lick Dog] and [Wolf Warrior] in this state will stimulate their potential and increase their attack speed to the limit. 】


Chen Yilang: "...Brother Xian, it's too late to explain, so hurry up and feed him."

"Okay." Li Zixian immediately got up and unbuttoned his trousers.

Zhang Jian: "You're confused, Feng Gou! Has your brain been caught by the scorpion?"

Feng Tian: "...What's the matter, you guys? Brothers, I finally got rid of the bill, shouldn't you be happy for me?"

"Listen." Helpless, Chen Yilang had no choice but to say straight, "You've been green."

Feng Tian: "?"

Chen Yilang: "No, it seems that in a sense, you are greening others... But that's not the point! The point is, the girl you met tonight has a little problem."

"Small problem? Where is it small? She's quite big..."

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Jian the picture he took with the [Crash Camera] yesterday.

"Fuck?" Feng Tian was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, "I really didn't expect..."

Chen Yilang looked relieved: "It's not too late to know now."

Feng Tian: "I really didn't expect you guys to be jealous of me for taking off the list, but you even came up with this way of using PS photos to persuade me to break up? Damn!"

Chen Yilang: "?"

Zhang Jian: "?"

Li Zixian: "?"


After twenty minutes of autism.

Everyone knows.

According to Feng Tian's description, the "current girlfriend" is named Huang Zhenzhen, a freshman at the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, with a sweet voice and a broad mind...

Feng Tian finally accepted it.

The fact that he was caught in the palm of his hand by a scheming girl.

"How much did you spend tonight?" Chen Yilang asked.

Feng Tian raised his finger:

"I brought her a cup of milk tea when we first met, forty yuan..."

"I ate two hundred and four for dinner..."

"It cost a hundred to watch a movie..."

"I came back and took a taxi for more than 30 years. It seems like..."

"By the way, after the confession was successful, I even bought her a bunch of flowers, more than eighty..."


Feng Tian's face suddenly turned pale, "It actually cost almost five yuan!"

I don't know how many, but Feng Tian felt that his little heart was bleeding from this careful calculation...

Five hundred dollars!

His monthly living expenses are now less than 2,000 yuan!

"What about her? Do you have any indication?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"She said thank you and then said it was nice to meet me..."

"..." Chen Yilang said, "Then did she say that she will invite you next time, or her next treat?"

"Neither." Feng Tian shook his head and said.

"Isn't that just prostitution? Take a look in the mirror, and now you have the characters 'humanoid atm' written on your face."


"You usually know these things quite well, why did the car overturn tonight?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Because I believe she is a good girl..."

Feng Tian is affectionate and affectionate, "She must love me, she just doesn't know how to express it..."

"..." Chen Yilang.

Sure enough, [men in love] are all brainless...

"She must have silently remembered my kindness to her in her heart, and then waited for an opportunity to show her love to me..." Feng Tian kept talking, without any intention of stopping.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Battle Wolf] used the skill [Licking Crazy], causing a lot of air damage to [lv12 Haihou]! 】



The moment he saw the name [Sea Queen] popped up, Chen Yilang immediately understood everything.

He slapped Feng Tian on the forehead, making the latter wake up: "You **** wake up, you have been raised fish!"

"What did you say? Impossible!" Feng Tian had the expression of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "Huh? Will I be raised by women? Only I will raise them!"

Chen Yilang: "You raise a banana stick."

Feng Tian: "Damn! I chase ten goddesses at a time, doesn't that make them clear?"

Chen Yilang: "...6"

Feng Tian covered his face and screamed up to the sky: "She doesn't really raise my fish, does she? But why did she promise me? Wouldn't it be nice to hang me and play with it?"

Chen Yilang: "Silly child, because she said that to every fish."

"..." Feng Tian's face sank, he took out his phone and sent a message to Huang Zhenzhen.

Feng Tian: "Zhen Zhenzi~ Is it okay to announce a wave of official announcements in our circle of friends?"

Huang Zhenzhen: "Okay, baby~ What?"


On Huang Zhenzhen's circle of friends, the latest news of the circle of friends appeared.

The text is: "I finally waited for you, fortunately I didn't give up"

The accompanying picture is an intimate screenshot of her and Feng Tian.

"Fuck! Brother Lang, look at it, she officially announced it, she officially announced it!"

Feng Tian danced with excitement, "She loves me, she loves me!"

Chen Yilang was expressionless: "Let her add me on WeChat."

Feng Tian was suddenly alert: "...what do you want?"

Chen Yilang: "If you add it, you'll know."

Feng Tian shook his head: "She won't agree. She told me that she never adds other boys casually."

Chen Yilang: "...Then I'll add her."

Feng Tian: "Isn't it all the same? It's useless..."

"Ding dong!"

Chen Yilang: "Added."

Huang Zhenzhen: "Hello little brother, nice to meet you~"

Feng Tian "...?"

[[lv10 Battle Wolf] suffered a lot of mental damage...]

"That's true." Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "Look at it."

He sent the mobile phone to Feng Tian.

Huang Zhenzhen's circle of friends that he saw on his side.

The latest update is: "It's so boring, I really want someone to take me to watch "Widows League 4"~"

As for the circle of friends announced by Feng Tianguan, there is not even a shadow...

"..." Feng Tian became petrified.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Psychic Crit], and [lv10 Warrior Wolf] suffered tons of mental damage! 】

"That is to say."

"She set the official circle of friends to be visible only to you, that's all."

【Ding! ! 】

[You used [Human Difficulty and Demolition], causing mental damage to [lv10 Warrior Wolf] that was almost a nuclear explosion! ! 】

"I'll just talk to you directly, you'll be fine."

"Then I'll say hello to her first..."

"Hello, Miss, I'm a freshman in business school~"

"Do you want to see photos? I have them in my circle of friends..."

"How can he be so handsome~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You won the prize..."

"Hey, do you want to watch "Women's Federation 4" too? Would you like to join us?"

"Okay, okay, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Hey, do you want to watch the early morning file? Well, it's not impossible..."


Chen Yilang suddenly heard a heartbroken voice coming from beside him.


【boom! ! ! 】

[You used [Fatal Strike], causing mental damage to [lv10 Battle Wolf] that is close to a devastating dimensionality reduction strike! ! ! 】

[You killed [lv10 Wolf Warrior]! ! ! 】

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