If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 202: The strongest morning running team in history...?

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

Nanxuan University has been a little uneasy recently.

during this time.

If you open the insomnia forum in your spare time.

You can see a popular post, and the popularity is rising wildly.

"Shocking! The head of the sports department of the Business School Student Union fainted due to sudden hypoglycemia during the morning run!"

"Such an anti-human morning jogging event has spread across the world, causing people to panic and all beings to be stunned!"

"Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality?"

"Who is it that made such a nonsense morning run to make this poor sports minister fall on the icy school road?!"

"Huh? What did you say?! This is an event planned by the student council?"

"Oh, that's alright..."




This is a ridiculously funny post.

And the protagonist in the original post.

Naturally, the "I killed myself" Minister Xu Kuan...

The student who posted the post probably wanted to live a little longer and chose to remain completely anonymous.

At this moment.

The client Xu Kuan was lying on the hospital bed in the school doctor's office, a little emo...

Even for the first time in my short life, I felt that the beds in the hospital were so soft and comfortable, and the wifi speed was quite fast...

It really melts directly into the mattress and becomes one, so that he doesn't have to be a human.

"Brother Kuan..."


"Are you all right?"

Xiao Li sat in front of the hospital bed and asked timidly.

He is the puppy leg of [Old Dog Leg].

After Xu Kuan lay down in the school doctor's room, every time the representative of the sports department came to visit Xu Kuan, it was Xiao Li.

"...What do you think?" Xu Kuan raised his forehead, his voice weak and authentic.

"...Brother Kuan, you are recovering well, everyone is expecting you to come back." Xiao Li said cowardly.

"... Looking forward to my morning run?" Xu Kuan said angrily.

Xiao Li's face turned pale with fright: "No, no, no, that's not what it means..."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Kuan said, "Let's not run away."

Xiao Li was stunned: "Ah? Brother Kuan, what do you mean..."

"Well." Xu Kuan said solemnly, "I won't run away."

"Don't run anymore?" Xiao Li thought he heard something wrong, "Brother Kuan, are you trying to... cancel the morning run?"

"Yes." Xu Kuan said.

"...Really or not, Brother Kuan?" Xiao Li stared at his pockets.


Xu Kuan sighed deeply and said, "Let's talk about this today. It made me deeply understand a truth, that is, I'm getting old."

"Times have changed."

"The current freshmen are completely different from the previous ones."

"They are very jumpy, have their own ideas, and are very resistant. When they encounter things they can't understand, they dare to stand up and speak up, and even slap each other's head..."

"Three years ago."

"Something like this, at that time, I probably didn't even dare to think about it..."

Xu Kuan was talking.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Xiao Li seemed to see a few tears in his eyes...

"Brother Kuan..."

"I see……"

"Young life, like the sea of ​​stars, shines brightly..."

Xiao Li's throat choked for a moment, and he suddenly felt that he was about to have a late-stage secondary disease.

"...Then you are thinking too much." Xu Kuan said coldly, "I just talk a lot, mainly because I can't do that Chen Yilang."

Xiao Li: "?"

Gan oh!

This wave is a waste of expression...

"I don't care, they can do whatever they like." Xu Kuan said, "But if you want to cancel the morning run... I said it doesn't count."

Xiao Li nodded, acquiescing.


After all, the ultimate planner of this year's morning run...

It was still the man named Jiang Tianhua.





"Respect our Lang brother!"


Dongmen Food Street, supper stalls.

The monitor of the four classes of the marketing major sat at the same table, enjoying the drinks and enjoying themselves.

"Nothing, everyone has worked hard."

Chen Yilang smiled and drank the beer in the glass with everyone.

He originally planned to drink some coconut juice to keep himself healthy, but the excited Du Kuang wanted to have a few drinks with a few people, and then he killed a large piece of Budweiser without incident...

Tonight, it was a small celebration banquet for the four of us.

This is an initial morning run resistance battle.

It ended with Xu Kuan, the head of the sports department of the business school, who fainted due to a sudden low blood sugar during the morning run.

after this.

The Ministry of Sports soon issued a notice in the morning jogging group, officially announcing it.

From now on, the morning run has cancelled the attendance system, and it has changed from a mandatory principle at the beginning to a voluntary participation activity.

"Business school is awesome!"

"Good! Support support, quite support!"

"Senior Brother Xu Kuan finally reformed his heart... No, correcting the evil and returning... It's not right..."

"Thanks to Brother Lang who made great contributions to the cause of the Anti-Japanese War! And several other squad leaders in the marketing major!"


All kinds of cheers in the group stopped after swiping for half an hour.

Because everyone knows it.

The so-called "principle of voluntary participation", to put it bluntly, is "without participation".

after all.

No one really wants to.

Crawling out of bed in this cold weather, and then scurrying around the entire academy early in the morning...

It can't, and it's not necessary.

That is to say.

From today.

This morning run against humanity is considered to be abolished in the business school!


"We can't be too complacent yet."

After Chen Yilang put down the cup, he looked at everyone and said.

"Huh? Brother Lang? How do you say this?"

Du Jian raised his thick brows, "Xu Kuan has already fallen down... We don't have to go for a morning run anymore!"

"Let's just say you're just reckless."

Deng Xing on the side said, "How can it be so simple? The real big brother, there is no road yet."

After Deng Xing and Chen Yilang looked at each other, they understood each other.

"Jiang Tianhua!"


Yes, that's right.

This guy Xu Kuan is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

It is true that everyone spent a lot of effort to solve this guy.

Of course.

In the end, Xu Kuan took the lead, and the fact that he fainted due to low blood sugar was really not in Chen Yilang's expectations...

He had thought.

Within a few days of becoming the leader, Xu Kuan should have realized how nonsense the morning jog was through personal experience.

As a result, this unbelieving guy had to challenge his limit, so what else could he do...


The difficult Xu Kuan fell.

Jiang Tianhua, who is more difficult to deal with, has not yet appeared.

But Chen Yilang knew.

This guy, definitely won't make them wait too long...

After the celebration banquet was over, Chen Yilang followed the three drunken men back to the dormitory.

Because of the ability of [alcohol resistance], Chen Yilang is still very awake now, and the feeling of drinking coconut water is not much different.

So after saying goodbye to the three, he went for a walk on the playground again and digested it a little.

It is now eleven o'clock in the evening.

On the school road under the stars, there are still many students running in circles.

At this moment.

What he saw in his eyes was someone who really loved running.

After digesting it almost, Chen Yilang also ran.

He knew in his heart.

This morning run will not end so soon.

He still needs to be fully prepared...

【Ding! 】

【You have completed a mile of running! 】

[You have comprehended a new skill: [lv1 running]! 】

[lv1 Running: With the improvement of this skill, your running posture will become more scientific, your running skills will become more proficient, and the rate of stamina consumption will gradually decrease. 】


Learned the new [Running] skill.

Chen Yilang felt it.

In his mind, he was infused with a lot of related knowledge and skills.

"It turns out that this seemingly simple running sport contains so many details..."

"Step frequency, stride length, running posture, breathing rhythm, whether to use the front palm or the back palm to the ground, whether to swing the arms high or low, all are very particular..."

"And each of these factors will directly affect the efficiency of running..."

Chen Yilang thought silently.


Under the new experience gained through the [Running] skill.

Chen Yilang easily completed another kilometer or two.

Although not a lot.

But compared to the previous time, the progress has been very big.

As usual, two kilometers was his daily goal, and he was out of breath after every run.

Now, two kilometers can only be considered a warm-up at best.

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Yilang took a hot bath, and soon lay on the bed and fell asleep.

He slept very sweetly tonight due to the stamina consumed by exercise...

The next morning.

as expected.

In the morning run group.

There is no more news of all the Aite members going for a morning run.

The business school's 2022 undergraduate group chat was also eerily quiet.


It's like it's back to its original form...

In front of the business school gate this morning.

There are only a few people left in the team of each class.

The number of all freshmen combined is not even more than the administrators of the student union...

But this time.

Standing on the stage, Xu Kuan was already in a state of no turbulence in his heart.

After all, this is to be expected...

The main thing is.

After a desperate low blood sugar hit.

The strong Xu Kuan had already seen through everything.

Then why?

in this world.

a lot of things.

In fact, it's not something you can get by working hard with passion... It's like the position of the head of the school's sports department.

Xu Kuan is now bearish.

Instead of fighting with other opponents for this broken position, and being scolded like a dog by the freshmen...

It's better to lie down on the spot and swing directly!

When Xu Kuan had this thought in his mind, he was actually very guilty.

Staying in the student union and working diligently for three years made him unable to adapt to it all at once.

I feel like a bully...

Xu Kuan was educated by his parents since he was a child.

Children who don't study hard will be arrested by the police uncle.


For so long, Xu Kuan has never tried to fish or paddle...

He didn't find out until today.

It turned out to be such a happy thing!

When he started to rot.

None of the things he had worried about before had happened.

There is no one who comes to accuse him and criticizes him!

Instead, because of this.

He found that the subordinates in the sports department looked at him with a lot of gentleness and friendliness...

"Aren't we going to check in for the morning run tomorrow, Minister?"

Xiao Li, who heard the news at the time, was pleasantly surprised and almost didn't give him a bear hug:

"Love you, Minister!"

"Then we won't take attendance the day after tomorrow, right? What about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?"

"Fuck! Brother Kuan, you are a good minister of China!"

In Xiao Li's twinkling star eyes, the sense of anticipation can't be hidden at all...

"?" Xu Kuan was even more dumbfounded.

Hua...a good minister of Huaxia?

What the fuck?

He has been a minister for so long, and no one has ever praised him like that!

As a result, on the first day that it started to be rotten, he was slapped and complimented?

Xu Kuan was a little elated...

Happiness comes a bit suddenly!

"It turns out that the good minister in your mind is like this!?"

Xu Kuan was startled that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

I see.

All along, he has been working in the wrong direction.

From the first day of joining the Student Union.

He put all his energy on how to be a qualified old dog.

He originally thought.

As long as you can complete all the tasks assigned by the student council, you can complete them on time and with perfect quality.

He would definitely have a chance to steadily climb to a higher place.

But the right direction is not upward.

Instead face down!

"The purpose of the student union is to serve students!"

totally unexpected.

This sentence made his ears almost calluses, but he never cared about it.

It is exactly the truth!

"Only by doing things that really serve the students and can bring real benefits to the students...can we win the hearts of the students!"

this moment.

Xu Kuan suddenly realized.

"Brother Kuan, it's time." Xiao Li said, "Are we still leading today?"

"Lead it!"

Xu Kuan laughed? :

"No hurry, no hurry!"

"Let's run slowly today..."



Half past seven in the morning.

Chen Yilang woke up from the quilt and stretched contentedly.

On days when you don't have to run in the morning, you do get a good night's sleep every day.

Now this point.

Half an hour has passed since the morning run ended.

"let me guess."

"The forum at this time."

"Something terrifying must have happened."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, took out his phone and glanced at it.

as expected.

The new hot post once again occupied the top of the hot list.

"Is this a business school? I would like to call it the strongest morning jogging team in history... Can someone explain what happened? [with photos]"

Graphics below the text.

It was shot from the main perspective of the morning runners of other colleges, the morning runners of the business school.

People who don't know look at this picture, it is absolutely impossible to think of business school.

There are dozens of sparse people in the picture, let alone an academy, even if you say it is a class, there must be people who believe it...

The comment area at the bottom is naturally a fryer.

"Shit! The business school is awesome!"

"Good guy, put it up!"

"666, the brothers of tql business school, have done what we most want to do and dare not do!"

"Where are the brothers in the business school? Let me see your hands, please?"

"Well, the business school has come out to report!"


Just a car in the early morning.

Within NTU, business schools are so popular!

The discussion post about the morning running team of the business school swept the entire page at once!


"That's ok."

Chen Yilang slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

This is awesome.

so far.

The development of all events is under his control and expectations...

That's right.

Chen Yilang knew it for a long time.

Xu Kuan was not the ultimate goal of this battle.

Xu Kuan fell.

It just means that the struggle, within the confines of the business school, has been successful~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but it's just the beginning!

This wave of resistance will eventually flock to every corner of NTU, invincible and destructive!

"Then next..."

"It should be the key mission to appear..."

Chen Yilang silently predicted in his heart.

Just thought of this.


Chen Yilang's penguin received new news.


[You have a new friend request. ]

[Verification message: Are you there, classmate? Free to talk? ]

[Note: Jiang Tianhua]

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