If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 185: 【Resource grabbing】

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【School Student Union】

An organization that many students yearn for, but which many students fear.

In the [territory] of [Nanxuan University].

It can be called the biggest [power] in the student organization.

This huge and serious organization has always stood firmly above any [power] in the school.

at South University.

The student union is in charge of almost all affairs in the school, including study, literature, sports, academics, clubs, various competitions, and various large, medium and small cultural and sports activities...

Its [influence] sphere has almost spread over the entire [Nanxuan University].

As a school and students, the most important and hard-core docking point.

Students within the student union organization, especially the core backbone of job appointments.

In their hands, they usually hold some rights that are beyond the reach of ordinary students and are given to them by the school.


Students who stay in the student union have basically the most on-campus resources.

Therefore, the comprehensive test scores and other experiences of the members of the student union will be higher than those of ordinary students, and their abilities in various aspects will be stronger.


It is this organization that makes students yearn and fear.

Yearning is the desire to have the resources and rights endowed by this organization.

Fear is because of...

in most cases.

When people from the student council appear, there is usually nothing good...

Just like the current situation.

"Requisition classrooms? Why?"

A few students sitting in the front row asked suspiciously, "Isn't this the study room applied by the Headwind Club? You have requisitioned the classroom during the recent exam week, so where do we go to study?"

"That's out of our scope of work."

The leading boy said, "You can choose to go to the library, or other study rooms... In short, from now on, this is the place for the student union."

After speaking, he looked around and said, "Is the president of the Deadwind Club here? Please come out."

Gan Di sighed slightly, then got up and walked over.

Chen Yilang was silently observing.

The situation was a little more complicated than he had imagined.

Because the leader of this group of student council members is an acquaintance.

- Lan Jiabin.

It is still [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac].

He has never been upgraded, or there is no need to upgrade... At this current level, he can rely on the inhuman [money ability] to run amok.

Chen Yilang calmly logged on to the campus's official website and checked the current list of student union members.

Then he found out.

Lan Jiabin, who hadn't seen each other for a while, is now the secretary of the school's discipline inspection department.

He did not choose to remain in the student union, although he could easily slip into the post of Minister of External Relations there.

From this point of view.

Lan Jiabin should have borrowed the name of the college student union and jumped into the school student union as a springboard.

However, Chen Yilang was not surprised at all.

Lan Jiabin has always been a very ambitious person, and he must not be able to sit still in this small temple of the college student union.

Only on such a big platform as the student union can he satisfy his desire to show off his talents, as well as his thirst for prestige and applause...

If Chen Yilang guessed correctly.

Lan Jiabin's next step should be to jump from the clerk of the discipline inspection department to the position of the director of the external affairs department again.

After all, what he is best at and enjoys the most is the work of the External Relations Department.

But anyway.

Also as a freshman who has just entered the school.

Lan Jiabin's achievement as the secretary of the colonel's student union is already quite impressive.

After a brief exchange.

Gan Di walked back and returned to his position.

She didn't look very good, and her face was a little heavy.

There is also a sign of [Lowering] on the top of the head.

"what's going on?"

Chen Yilang asked.

"The right to use the small lecture hall of our Lifeng Club has been withdrawn."

Gan Di smiled bitterly, "The student union has forcibly withdrawn it."

"Why take it back?" Chen Yilang was puzzled, "Isn't this place just for learning?"

"I'm not sure, but it is said that it is going to be transferred to Luya Club." Gan Di said.

"Lu Ya Club?" Chen Yilang's face showed a hint of surprise, "Why?"

"You know this society?" Gan Di asked back.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded.

He naturally knew, and not only knew, but even dealt with.

Some time ago, he and Chen Jiahui met Lu Qian, the lord of [Luya Society], [Ghost Shadow Old Thousand] on the pedestrian street of Xinyang Square...

What Chen Yilang didn't understand was why it was Luya Club?

"Luya Club and our Adverse Wind Club, although both are learning-oriented clubs, but they are completely different."

"Most of the members of our Deadwind Club are students who are not very talented but study hard."

"They are generally in the middle and lower reaches of the grade, but everyone has a firm belief in learning and has a pursuit of higher grades in their hearts..."

"But Luya Club is different from us."

"Their clubs basically only require students whose grades are at the top."

"Although they have never expressed it on the surface."

"But we all know very well that Luya Club has never really looked down on our Lifeng Club..."

"And the relationship between the president of Luya Club and the officers of the student union is very good, so they won't take us seriously."

"This way..." Chen Yilang nodded thoughtfully.

When he heard this, he probably understood something.

Inside Gan Di's Headwind Club.

Most of the members and other followers are a group of "stupid" students who are very similar to her.

The Luya Club, on the other hand, is all students with excellent grades.

In addition to the first time, Luya Club is also a "backer" organization, backed by the student union of the school, so naturally it can do whatever it wants.

No wonder there is a chain of contempt, it will explain a lot if you hear it like this...

But Chen Yilang was still a little unhappy in his heart: "Top students are students, aren't we? Don't scumbags have the right to study hard?"

Although the right to use the small lecture hall has been taken away, they can still find other places to continue their studies.

But this feeling has completely changed.

There is a feeling of being kicked out by outsiders to live in a hotel even though you are in your own home, even if the stay is free, who will feel comfortable?

"no way."

"The students in Luya Club are all top students in various colleges and years, and their average grades and grade points are much higher than ours."

"This rigid strength is here. They want to take away the right to use the small lecture hall, and we have nothing to say."

Gan Di sighed and said, "But we are actually used to it... Generally speaking, the best study rooms are generally not used by us."

"Basically, after the student union and the Lu Ya club have finished picking, they will be left to some other big clubs, and we can pick the rest."

"Tsk, really bullying people." Chen Yilang agreed.

But on second thought, there is really nothing to say.

Natural selection, the strong eat the weak...

The world is like this.

"Then how can we get back the right to use the lecture hall?" Chen Yilang asked.

Look inside the map of [Nanxuan University].

This small lecture hall is already the most golden one, and it can be used as a [resource point] for stationing and studying.

Chen Yilang naturally didn't want to hand over people like this.

"Forget it, how can we ordinary students get over the Luya Club and the Student Union?" Gan Di shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Let's go, pack up... Let's go to another place to read."

Chen Yilang hesitated to speak, but nodded and left the small lecture hall with Gan Di.

When passing by the door, Lan Jiabin just saw the passing, and smiled with a bit of schadenfreude:

"How long have you been studying? Is the stool still hot?"

"Yeah, thanks to you." Chen Yilang said expressionlessly.

"I can't do it either."

Lan Jiabin looked very troubled, and showed his badge to Chen Yilang:

"Who knew that the officer who was just selected a few days ago would come to live so soon..."

"And don't look at me like this. I'm actually just a part-time worker now."

"There are a lot of bigwigs at the school's student council. I'm just obedient, hehehe... So don't blame me, brother."

[Intelligence: A [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] whose face is full of innocence and helplessness, but his heart is secretly cool. ]

[Intelligence: In the next few days, he will be an existence that makes you feel extremely headache. 】

"Got it." Chen Yilang said lightly, "Let's go."

"The exam went well."

Lan Jiabin said lightly to Chen Yilang's back, "If you want to come here for self-study, just say hello to me."

"I know the president of Luya Club, and I can help you out."

"In the future, this lecture hall will be the dedicated study room for the Student Union and Lu Ya Club, and other students will not be able to enter."

"Okay." Chen Yilang didn't say much.

Back to study?

Then there's no need to...

The house is occupied by others, and then you have to knock on the door when you come back?

It sounds a little bit sad and a little ironic...

After walking out of the small meeting room.

"Where are we going?" Chen Yilang asked.

"I think..." Gan Di said.


The two fell into silence...

The students dispersed, some went to the library, some went to the classroom, and some simply went back to the dormitory.

But without exception, in such a large area, the distance is not very close.

If you want to pass, it will take a while.

And still can't find the right place...

After all, it just happened to be a review week, and most of the students were rushing for a place for self-study, which was even more intense than fighting in Ilk.

Wait until you sit down again and enter the learning state again.

Guess it's time for dinner.

On the way, most of the time is actually wasted invisibly by many meaningless commutes and chores.

This was the deadliest blow to Chen Yilang and Gan Di after losing the stronghold of [Little Lecture Hall].


"Then let's talk about it tomorrow."

Gan Di finally sighed helplessly.

[The level of [Degraded] has been increased. 】

This was a [tornado] that rolled like a chicken blood at the beginning.

After all, he gave up resistance and couldn't roll up.

Helpless, the two had to go back to their respective dormitories.

On the way, Chen Yilang sent a message to Chen Jiahui by the way, told her about it and told her not to use it.

Chen Jiahui was also very surprised after hearing this, and kept asking Chen Yilang what was going on.

Chen Yilang organized the language for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence: "The house was stolen."

After explaining the specific situation clearly, Chen Yilang just returned to the dormitory.

After a short lunch break, as soon as Chen Yilang woke up, he carried his books and went to the library.

Sure enough, it was all full.

Even the one closest to the bathroom is very smelly, and the table where the dog doesn't usually go, has already been seated...

Had to give up, gave up struggling, and returned to the dormitory.

However, as soon as he returned to the dormitory, Chen Yilang had no interest in studying at all. He turned on the computer and played games for an afternoon...

This time.

The situation was very different from what happened the night before.

This afternoon has passed.

Chen Yilang not only slaughtered in the canyon, but also frantically ate chicken on the island.

But no matter how dazzling the record was, the [Dopamine] he got didn't catch up to half of the night before...

The more he fought, the stronger his sense of [anxiety] became.

three hours later.

Until the sky outside the dormitory gradually darkened.

He just woke up suddenly, and he didn't seem to read any book today...


Chen Yilang quickly closed the computer.


"It's not a way to go on like this."

Chen Yilang thought to himself, and then called Gan Di again.

"Hello? What's the matter, junior?" Gan Di said.

"I still want to ask your question this morning..." Chen Yilang said, "How can I get back the right to use the small lecture hall?"

"..." The other end of the phone was silent for a while.

Probably because Gan Di did not have a good time this afternoon, she said in a slow and gentle tone:

"This is really difficult."

"But there is a way to try it."

"That is to skip the student union directly, and apply to the school staff group as the leader of the club and for the reason of self-study."

"As long as the school workers can nod their heads, the student council will have nothing to say."

Chen Yilang pondered for a while, feeling that it did make sense.

As Gan Di said~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No matter how powerful and capable the student union is, it can't stand up to the [power] of the school, right?

After all.

In this school, aren't the people who can really talk things through the high-level leaders of the school?


Gan Di's words changed again, "The success rate of this method is very low."

"Unless you have something to convince them that you can come up with."

"For example?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Like ah..."

Gan Di thought about it and said:

"Like this exam."

"Our club can get better results than [Lu Ya Club]!"

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