If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 174: Are you interested in doing 1 vote?

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The moment the notification message is sent to the group.

The entire group of presidents is directly frying again.

All kinds of avatars of the presidents that Chen Yilang had seen and those he had never seen appeared all at once.

Hiding in the dark for a while silently peeking behind the screen.

Chen Yilang found out.

The voiced presidents can be roughly divided into two camps.

One is the opposition party:

"Okay, why does the school always like to fix all these things?"

"Have you reviewed the advanced mathematics, or have you figured out the topic for the final project?"

"I beg you, being the president is already tiring enough, can you please stop scrolling?"

The other is pro-partisan.

And, obviously.

Those who stand on the side of the support faction are basically big [powers] that Chen Yilang is familiar with.

A large group of iron-coiled dogs.

People of this faction don't even bother to express their opinions.

They simply discussed directly in the group:

"Brothers, what theme are you preparing for?"

"Taking a vlog? It doesn't seem fair, doesn't it? How can we do something like a photography club or a drama club?"

"Are there any big guys forming a team? Our small society can't make a splash at all."


In Chen Yilang's eyes.

screen in front of you.

It's like a large group of [powers], arguing in the [World Channel].

【Ding! 】

[The trial mission has been activated: the smoke of the wolf is everywhere. 】

[Details: As you can see, a new battle is about to start on the battlefield of [Nanxuan University].

In this era of heroes rising together, every new star who wants to shine needs an opportunity from fate.

And today...

This opportunity belongs to you.

It's here. 】

[Conditions to be fulfilled: Break through the siege in this [Community Style] competition and win the stage. 】

[Sss level achievement: first prize]

[S-level achievement: second prize]

[A-level achievement: third prize]

【Are you accepting this trial task? 】


Chen Yilang said silently.

This task is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

This is an opportunity.

An opportunity to quickly increase your personal reputation and the influence of [Monster] Society!

The recruiting conference did not get any big gains.

So this time the community style display activity is a good opportunity to overturn the battle.

Chen Yilang did what he said.

And soon.

Here comes the first question.

Chen Yilang, who had never been in contact with vlog shooting, was a little helpless all of a sudden.

My mind went blank on the spot.

In the midst of doom and gloom.

Chen Yilang suddenly remembered something.

Little angel Ruan Xuanwen, doesn't he just know photography?

Chen Yilang immediately sent him a message and asked him if he had any good ideas.

"Take a vlog? I can do this, President!"

Ruan Xuanwen quickly replied to the message, "I used to like to shoot east and west, and I used to be a grandmother at Xiaopo Station."

Chen Yilang was happy.


I didn't expect you to be so secretive, boy!

"Don't worry, President!" Ruan Wenxuan said confidently, "In terms of filming and editing, I just need to cover it with me."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you!" Chen Yilang smiled, "I'll invite you to dinner another day."

"Ah? Eat...Eat?" Ruan Wenxuan's voice suddenly became tense again, "Well, are there many people eating together... Forget it, forget it... It's okay, president, I'll talk about it later."

【Ding! 】

[The target [lv12 Insight into the Sky Eye] has entered the state [social fear]! 】

【Notice! 】

[The target's vigilance towards you has increased! 】

"Haha, that's fine." Chen Yilang smiled helplessly.

This was really unexpected.

He really just wanted to invite Ruan Wenxuan to a meal to express his gratitude and gratitude.

As a result, it seems to be regarded as a malicious [weishu]...

This is a little helpless, that is to say.

Chen Yilang probably saw it.

Nguyen Wenxuan this little angel.

It seems that only when he talks about photography, which he is slightly better at, does he appear more confident.

But when he returned to normal, he was directly beaten back to his original form, and turned into the nervous and submissive look he had before.

But with him around, Chen Yilang doesn't have to worry about photography issues.

Then next.

What he needs to consider is the content aspect.


What kind of vlog should I shoot?

Think of the promo.

Chen Yilang's mind involuntarily sounded the evil public account bug, and then pictures began to appear in his mind...


"That kind of propaganda film is too bad."

Chen Yilang shook his head and immediately dismissed the idea.

If you want to stand out, you have to be special enough.

- Enough [weird]!

"I see." Chen Yilang's inspiration suddenly flashed, "Let's make a movie!"

"I'm going, Niu Brother Lang, you can think of this." Li Zixian immediately blew the rainbow fart, "Brother Lang, I don't dare to think about the protagonist, can you give me the whole second male lead? Can you live to the end? kind of."

Chen Yilang frowned and fell into contemplation.

His brain began to spin rapidly.

Soon, he had a simple outline of the script and a general outline of the story.

"Okay." Chen Yilang touched his chin, looked Li Zixian up and down, and smiled, "You are quite suitable for Mao to play in his true colors..."

Li Zixian was a little hairy when he stared at him.

"However, we still need a few female protagonists..."

Chen Yilang muttered.




Nanxuan University.

The fourth floor of the library, the study room.

Chen Jiahui twisted a bunch of hair in one hand and kept playing with it.

With one hand, the water-based pen is turned unconsciously and flexibly.

This is her habit when she thinks about topics.

At this time.

The screen of the phone, which had been set to silent, suddenly lit up.

She glanced subconsciously.

Chen Yilang: "Long time no see, old classmate."

Chen Yilang: "Are you interested in doing something big?"

"Brother Xian!"

Chen Yilang didn't even look at it, and shouted directly in the direction of the bed.

If nothing else, the goods are basically in that position.

"Lang, Brother Lang..."

Li Zixian lifted the quilt, covered his head directly, and shivered:

"Please, don't call me that."

Li Zixian was really scared.

every time.

Whenever Chen Yilang calls his brother, there is basically nothing good waiting for him, and this time is probably no exception.

"I beg you not to lie down, Brother Xian." Chen Yilang said, "Get up quickly, we're going to make things right."

so far.

[Strange] The official member of the club is only Ruan Wenxuan.

Li Zixian was the only unorganized person in the entire dormitory.

As a [salted fish elite].

It is impossible to participate in clubs and student union activities, and it is impossible in this life.

It is only by following Brother Lang that he can maintain his life like this.

So, UU reading www. Every time uukanshu.com was pulled by Chen Yilang to work.

Although Li Zixian was reluctant in every possible way, in the end, his body was honest.

What happened to it when it was dogleg?

I'm here to show you guys what's wrong with him when he's a dog's leg!

"What are you doing, Brother Lang?"

Li Zixian asked in a daze.

"The whole vlog." Chen Yilang said.

"vlog? When did you become interested in this thing again?" Li Zixian asked curiously.

"Don't talk nonsense about the activities over there in the club, just come down and get things done." Chen Yilang said.

"Oh..." Li Zixian slowly climbed down from the bed and asked, "Brother Lang, what do you need me for?"


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