If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 161: 【1 headshot】

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

"It's sweet!" Xia Ling said firmly.

"Are you sure?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Of course." Xia Ling nodded and said, "It has been with me for so long, I can recognize it as soon as I hear it."


Chen Yilang nodded, then immediately reached out to twist the door handle.


There was only a slight noise.

But it didn't unscrew.

[Intelligence: You are missing a key! 】

"Depend on."

Chen Yilang cursed inwardly.


The key to this door is on [Demon Hunter]!

So in the end.

In the end, the boss has to be eliminated!

[Information: [The Demon Hunter] pushed open the door of classroom 406] [Information: [The Demon Hunter] locked the stairs on the west side of the fourth floor. 】

[Information: [The Demon Hunter] locked the green stairs on the east side of the fourth floor. 】

[Information: [The Demon Hunter] is going upstairs...]


Chen Yilang took a slight breath.

This [Lord] is a bit ruthless!

And much smarter than he imagined!

This is not the same thing as the Hanhan lord he usually encounters when playing online games!

As such.

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling's retreat was completely cut off.

After searching the fifth floor.

[Devil Hunter] The next goal is definitely to go straight to the sixth floor.

Chen Yilang could even vaguely hear its footsteps walking on the fifth floor.

He didn't think about it any more, and immediately called the three people in the dormitory.

Zhang Jian was still the first to pick up: "What's the matter, Brother Lang? I'll advance to the tournament, wait until I finish this one?"

"Hit you on the head!" Chen Yilang whispered, "Hurry up and call someone here, the situation here is a bit urgent!"

"Huh?" Zhang Jian was stunned.

Chen Yilang quickly explained the situation to Zhang Jian, and then hung up the phone after getting a positive answer from Zhang Jian.

No way.

at this time.

The first person he could think of was the dog sons in the dormitory.

According to the current situation.

The few of them are definitely the ones who can get to the scene the fastest.

The security office of Nanda is 108,000 miles away from here, not to mention the turtle-like efficiency.

When they come here, I am afraid that the game can be restarted.

[Information: [The Demon Hunter] pushed open the door of classroom 503...]

The lord has already started searching the fifth floor.

Things are starting to get a little urgent.

"follow me."

Chen Yilang took Xia Ling.

Came to the next classroom No. 603, pushed the door and entered.

Then lock back.

Because there is no way to determine what the origin of [Demon Hunter] is.

So what he needs to do now.

It is to delay the time and wait for Zhang Jian to bring someone over.

The matter of playing a copy can be put aside for the time being.


Personal safety always comes first.

What's more, Xia Ling was still beside him.

He is responsible!

[Information: The demon hunter locked the door on the fifth floor. 】

[Information: The Demon Hunter pushed open the door of Classroom 601...]

[Information: The Demon Hunter pushed open the door of Classroom 602...]

[Information: The Demon Hunter went to Classroom 603...]

Chen Yilang swallowed his throat.

He could already hear clearly.

The other side's footsteps came from outside the door.

[Information: [The Demon Hunter] gently twisted the door handle. 】


Did not twist.

It was quiet for a while outside.

"Who's in there?"

The voice of the [Demon Hunter] was heard.

Low and rude.

Proper male voice.

Chen Yilang could feel Xia Ling's body shaking violently.

Then subconsciously.

Grab his arm tightly!

【Ding! 】

[You received physical damage from [npc Xia Ling]! 】


It was a little sudden.

The unsuspecting Chen Yilang was so painful that he almost didn't cry on the spot.

Fortunately, this chick's strength is not large, so the physical damage caused is completely negligible.

[Information: The [Demon Hunter] who didn't get a response seemed a little annoyed. 】

[He lifts his leg. 】

[Kicked on the door of the classroom...]


A loud bang.

It resounded throughout the thirteenth teaching building.

The violent vibration directly bounced off the rusted lock.

A tall and burly man.

appeared behind the door.

His body was as tall as a hill.

Almost covered the entire door.

Holding a long fork in his hand, he walked into the dimly lit classroom.

He first glanced quickly at the position behind the door.

this place.

It's a blind spot that most people ignore.

Many scheming people are hiding here, and after the opponent pushes the door and enters, they take advantage of their unpreparedness and come out to steal the butt.

There was no hiding behind the door.

"Good luck."

[Demon Hunter] said to himself.


Good luck he said.

It wasn't actually him.

It's the guy hiding here.

If he chooses to hide behind the door.

So at this time, he was already unable to escape.

[Demon Hunter] Turned around and glanced at the classroom.


The other party did not appear in his field of vision.

"It can be hidden."

[Demon Hunter] sneered.

His eyes continued to scan the classroom.

It ended up behind the curtain.

The cord bulges very irregularly.


Something is hiding behind.

"Ha ha."

[The Demon Hunter] showed a victor-like smile.


Let my brother be healthy!

What do you look like!

He stepped forward.

With the fork in his hand, he pointed to the curtain.

The other hand grabbed the curtain.

Big hand!


Then froze.

Who is hiding behind the curtains?

That's just a small bookshelf!

this moment.

[Demon Hunter] suddenly realized.

He seems to have been tricked!


He turned around sharply.

Only in sight.

A dark thing is flying towards his face!


It hit him with gold stars on the spot.

【Ding! 】

[You activated the skill: lv7 Hand of God! 】

[You used the [Scrap Cannonball], causing a lot of physical damage to the [Demon Hunter]! 】

[Your [Scrap Cannonball] hit the head of [Demon Hunter], causing a high amount of [Critical Strike] damage! 】

[You got: Gold +1243, Experience +756! 】


system feedback.

Immediately it sounded in Chen Yilang's mind.


he thought.

That's right.

The [Devil Hunter], who realized it later, really fell for his plan!

He and Xia Ling squatted under the podium ahead of time.

So when the [Demon Hunter] kicked in from the back door.

from his point of view.

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling could not be seen.


He made a little camouflage with bookcases and curtains.

Waiting for the moment when [Demon Hunter]'s attention was distracted.

He emerged from under the podium.

Just smashed the blackboard!

Under the effect of [lv7 Hand of God].

This eraser.

Naturally, it hit the demon hunter in the face with precision and accuracy!

To know.

The blackboard eraser is quite heavy, and it seems to have a small iron block built in for the purpose of being magnetically attracted to the blackboard...

Don't say getting hit in the head.

Chen Yilang felt that it was really painful...

"Depend on!"

"Who are you!"

[Witcher] clutching the big bag of smoke above his head, he quickly got up and rolled from the ground.

Then he saw Chen Yilang standing on the podium, he was stunned for a while, and then he said viciously:

"Come on, it turns out to be a stinky brat!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't you know that no one has come here long ago?"

Chen Yilang asked back, "You're not human?"

[Demon Hunter]: "..."

It seems to make some sense.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Are you playing word games with me here!?"

[Demon Hunter] Furious.

Holding the [harvest fork] in his hand, he aggressively walked towards Chen Yilang!

When he got a little closer.

Only then did Chen Yilang see his appearance clearly.

Tall and burly physique.

The hairline has a bit of a dangerous forehead.

And a pair of weird sunglasses.

In his hand, he held a clothes drying fork.

Chen Yilang: "…"

- "Four-eyed, hunting fork, vicious and brutal burly demon".


If you look closely.

There really isn't much of a problem.

At this point, Chen Yilang probably knew what was going on.

This guy.

Most of them are homeless people who came in from outside the school.

As to why he wanted to stay here, that's another question.

"If you have nothing to do when you're idle, get out of here!"

[Devil Hunter] Cursing and authentic.

Then he raised the clothes drying fork in his hand: "Otherwise, I will beat you to death!"

"Okay." Chen Yilang said, "Give me the cat first."

Upon hearing this.

[Demon Hunter] The expression on his face is a bit off.

The state of the overhead.

It also suddenly switched to [Alert].

"Who told you?" [Demon Hunter] asked aggressively, "What are you here for?"

"What can I do? Get my own kitten back!"

Chen Yilang said loudly, "Looking at your reaction, my cat should be in your hands, right?"

"I didn't say that."

[Demon Hunter] said coldly, "I haven't seen your cat, and I don't understand what you're talking about."


"I advise you not to mind your own business!"

Chen Yilang's face sank slightly.

According to this situation.

He and this guy.

Mostly nothing to talk about.

Soft is useless.

Only hard!

But this [Demon Hunter] is much stronger than him.

Although the clothes drying fork in his hand is inexplicably funny, it is also made of steel, which is still a little dangerous.

If you really want to fight.

Just relying on his [Freedom Fighting] skills, he really isn't necessarily an opponent.

This is the case now.

There is only one safest way.

-Wait for teammates to gank!

"I count to three."

"If you don't get out of here again."

"I'm not welcome!"

[Devil Hunter] Staring at Chen Yilang fiercely, "Three!"

Chen Yilang's brain began to think rapidly.


At this time.

Chen Yilang's line of sight.

Just landed on the podium.

[Intelligence: A pile of yellowish, unclaimed college physics review materials. 】

Chen Yilang: "!"

A fantastic idea.

It was born again in Brother Lang's mind.


Chen Yilang opened his equipment bar at the speed of light.

Remove the original equipment.

Then switch to [Magic Pomodoro] in seconds.

After counting three times.

Seeing that Chen Yilang still had no response.

[Demon Hunter] Furious.

This stinky bastard.

How dare you treat him like air?

Are you afraid that you have never been beaten by society?

He rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Chen Yilang aggressively...

"Skill activation. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Chen Yilang said in a low voice.

【Ding! 】

[You have activated the equipment skill: Demonic Wrath! 】

[[Learning Magic Field] has been opened! 】

[The target [Demon Hunter] has entered the field! 】

at the same time.

"I can't beat you to death!"

[Devil Hunter] Cursingly holding up the clothes drying fork, he rushed towards Chen Yilang like a tiger!

Then viciously grabbed the review materials on the table.

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