If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 157: [Blood Demon] Excite!

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Chen Yilang said this.

The expressions of the people at the table.

Suddenly, there was a subtle change.

"Bloody Mary?"

Hearing the name, everyone's heart sank.

A little bit shocked belongs to is.

after all.

This cocktail wine can also be called quite strong.


It's definitely not something that Xiaobai can do!


When Chen Yilang ordered this glass of wine, they all thought that Chen Yilang couldn't figure it out.

"Cough, that, brother Lang Lang."

Sister Mai laughed and said helplessly, "Would you like to try another cup?"

"This glass of wine may be a little over the top, and you can't control it."

"You brother Laurin is just joking, don't bother with him."

Don't care?

Excuse me.

The game is already open and can't be quit.

Chen Yilang glanced at the note above Laurin's head.

【lv10 Alcoholic Maniac】

[Drinking Maniac: A monster with alcohol flowing in its blood, with very powerful [alcohol resistance]. 】

[Intelligence: Don't try to get drunk and addicted to alcoholism, it will only make them ecstatic and excited! 】


Just like Chen Yilang guessed.

Laurin must still be quite confident about his drinking.


He would not make such a request to Chen Yilang.

Brother Lang, who likes to do things, smells the same breath.

- This guy, wants to pick on him!

"It doesn't matter." Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "Just Bloody Mary."

Speaking of which, Sister Mai didn't have much to say.

The expressions of the girls around were also playfully complicated.

This little brother.


At this time.

Chen Yilang felt it.

Gu Binghan gently kicked him on the table.

He took out his phone and looked.

Only then did he realize that Gu Binghan had sent him a WeChat message.

[Gu Binghan: What are you doing? ]

[Gu Binghan: With me here, don't be impulsive. ]

Chen Yilang replied simply: "Don't worry."

After Laurin was stunned for a while, a gloating smile appeared on his face and said:


"Little brother Lang Lang is very courageous, enough for a man!"

"Then Bloody Mary!"

"Since I ordered Bloody Mary, what is Brother Lao going to order?" Chen Yilang said leisurely.

The girls' eyes turned to Laurin again.

"It's all right."

Laurin spread out his hands and leaned back tactically, "As long as you can drink this **** Mary."

"Whatever you order, I'll drink it!"

In Laurin's view.

Chen Yilang's rhetorical question.

It didn't give him any pressure at all.

To know.

Alcohol is like Rome, and it wasn't built overnight.

He has been in sales for three or four years, and he has been drinking wine for three or four years.

He's quite a lot.

In front of a chicken like Chen Yilang.

It doesn't matter at all.

"Okay!" Chen Yilang smiled slightly, "As expected of Brother Laurin, it's really massive!"

Bloody Mary was quickly brought up by the waiter.

As its name says.

Served in a delicate tumbler.

It was a bright red like blood.


Such a visually striking color.

It's actually just a mix of vodka and tomato juice by the bartender.

But even so.

Bloody Mary, just like her name, is indeed a very strong drink.

This is why Gu Binghan is very worried about Chen Yilang.

And Chen Yilang calmly took the straw in his mouth and took a big mouthful.

I saw a blood-red liquid level.

In an instant, it dropped several centimeters.


Everyone gasped in silence.

To know.

Bloody Mary, a long-drinking cocktail.

Most people order this wine and sip it slowly.

Chen Yilang drank this sip, and their scalps were a little numb.

"This kid will regret it."

Laurin thought confidently.

And the fact is...

Chen Yilang really regretted it.

- He regrets why he didn't discover this bar sooner.

There is only one word for the feeling of eating this **** Mary.


The fiery and intense feeling on the tip of the tongue is indeed there.

But for Chen Yilang.

But just right!

【Ding! 】

[You activate the skill [lv4 alcohol resistance]! 】

[[Alcohol Attack] has been greatly weakened! 】

can only say.

Thanks to this period of time, Wang Huayun often talks to him when he has nothing to do.

Then talk and start telling stories...

The story is told enough.

The level of [Alcohol Resistance] is getting higher and higher!


Not long after.

Bloody Mary in a glass.

That's it.

However, Chen Yilang's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating.

Even hiccup.

"..." Everyone's eyes gradually began to look wrong.

This apprentice is a pervert!

Obviously you can drink so well, what kind of coconut milk should you drink at the bar?

You are suspected of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

see this scene.

There were also some subtle changes in Laurin's face.

"Has he really finished drinking?"

"Just kidding?"

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.

Laurin really thought that others were bragging about death.

【Ding! 】

【You used [Bloody Mary x1]! 】

【Your deterrence has been improved! 】

【You have entered a new state: Gorefiend! 】

[The aggression of nearby targets against you is greatly reduced! 】

[Nearby targets have a greater chance to have a [fear] state for you! 】

"Brother Lao, I'm done."

"up to you."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, then looked at Laurin.

This is incredible.

That moment.

Laurin felt suddenly.

This little brother's eyes are especially scary!

Like a demon **** who has fallen into the human world, it is filled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

all in all,

In a word.

Laurin was suddenly relieved.

I don't know why.

For no reason he felt...

Chen Yilang is so scary.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Vision of Gorefiend], causing huge mental damage to [lv10 Alcoholic Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +1276, Experience +768! 】

[[lv10 Alcoholic Maniac] has entered a new state: fear! 】

Can't stand it?

Chen Yilang was happy.

He didn't even think that the state of [Bloody Mary]'s [Gorefiend] would be so top.

With just one look, [lv10 Alcoholic Maniac] was seriously injured!

Hearing this, the girls on the side also started to coax.

"Drink one!"

"Drink one!"


Laurin's face became unbearable.

You must drink it.

After all, the cruel words have been released. If you still regret it, isn't that a proper clown?

"Come on." Laurin raised his lips and smiled, and even rolled up his sleeves subconsciously, "Order a drink!"

"Anything is fine?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Yes, I said it!" Laurin said to himself.

"Okay. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Then give Brother Lao a drink... Irish Mist!"

When Laurin heard this, he almost couldn't stop laughing.

This kid looks like a real idiot!


Irish fog is indeed not a particularly strong wine.

At least for an old alcoholic like Laurin.

It's so easy, no pressure at all.

If Laurin chooses.

He would definitely choose a top-notch spirit like "Long Island Iced Tea".

The kind that will send you away on the spot with just one bite…

If Chen Yilang really ordered Long Island Iced Tea, Laurin might panic a little.

But if you choose the Irish Fog...

Sorry about that.

this game.

You lost badly, brother.

"Your Irish Fog!"

The waiter brought the cocktail to the table.

Chen Yilang gently pushed it in front of Laurin.

Then made a "please" gesture.

Laurin didn't even think about it, picked up the wine glass, looked up and sighed!

That's right.

Lao Tzu is massive!

I don't need to force you to force Lai Lai, I just do it when I come up.


"Brother Lao is awesome!"

"As expected of Brother Lao who can't pour a thousand cups!"


The atmosphere on the table suddenly became dry.

in cheers.

Laurin put the mouth of the cup down, and then very awkwardly, shook his body slightly...

That's it?

Sprinkle water!

And Chen Yilang recited in his heart:







Laurin, who was still swaying from side to side a second ago.

The washbasin was facing down and fell straight on the table.

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