If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 150: [Big Aunt]'s gank...

this moment.

Lan Rui seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock, her delicate body was shocked, and her mind went blank in an instant.

Totally unbelievable!

Birthday present from this boy.

It can be said that it is precisely and perfectly poked at every point of her body!


It was the day when Lan Rui came to auntie.

From childhood to adulthood, Lan Rui has always had a slightly colder physique.

Whenever this good relative came to visit her, her body would be very uncomfortable for those few days...

It will still hurt!

When it hurts, it's like someone threw a lot of blades into the stomach, it's as violent as a thousand cuts!

So on weekdays.

Every time I came to my aunt, Lan Rui relied on a hand warmer she brought to continue her life crazily.

When that warm feeling ran along her belly and warmed her body intimately.

The aunt's pain was greatly weakened.

Although it can't make her feel better right away, it can at least allow her to continue working normally.

As a [Frost Snow Demon], his body is already cold enough, but it also comes with the effect of [Extreme Cold Breath].

House seemingly endless rain.

Just at work today.

The hand warmer she had been using for years just broke!

This is absolutely tantamount to a fatal blow to Lan Rui.

After the whole day, Lan Rui's work efficiency is actually very low.

Because of her physical discomfort, she was not in the mood to communicate more with Chen Yilang.

She only thought about how to send this annoying boy away.

So she found an excuse to have a meeting and threw Chen Yilang aside.

As for deliberately swaying Chen Yilang's face, that's really not the case.

She just felt so bad...

Lan Rui had already planned it.

When she left the school gate, she bought a warm baby in the convenience store near the subway station to make do with it, and then changed to a better one when she got home.

The result was unexpected.

Chen Yilang directly gave her a wave of unexpected surprises.

this moment.

Lan Rui was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

She couldn't figure out how Chen Yilang knew about these things...

Chen Yilang naturally understood her extremely shocked and inexplicable mood.

after all.

This game of chess can get to this step,

Even Chen Yilang himself didn't think of it...

When he saw the number 27 on Lan Rui's calendar.

He had some guesses.

Then he immediately logged on to the official website of Nanxuan University and found Lan Rui's information on the faculty wall.

The result was as he expected.

The above shows that Lan Rui's work experience in Nanxuan University is two years!

Generally speaking.

Students who graduate with a master's degree are about 25 years old.

If you add the two years of working time, it is exactly 27 years old.

What a coincidence!

If you have to interpret this as a coincidence.

So how should I explain the little cake that Lan Rui painted on the calendar?



Putting these two things together, there is no sense of disobedience at all!

It can't always be a coincidence, can it?

This is even better than a tangram!


Chen Edogawa Yilang.

deduced the truth.

- That day on September 30.

It's Lan Rui's birthday!

And he saw it again on Lan Rui's desk.

On her calendar, the October page.

On October 1st, I drew a sketch of a small train.

Under the train, another line of time was marked.

That's about this time this afternoon.

see here.

Even a fool can probably tell that this is what it means to drive home.

In addition, it just happened to be the October long holiday again, which can explain the matter of taking the car home.

This wave of reasoning.

Chen Yilang felt that he could give himself a wave of 88 points.

As for the remaining 12 points...

Then give it to yourself in the form of 666.

And the party Lan Rui.

Naturally, he didn't know about the big twists and turns in the middle.

Her attention at this time was almost all on the gift in front of her.

She stretched out her hand and subconsciously touched the hand warmer in the exquisite gift box.

- It's still hot.

Obviously, Chen Yilang plugged it in ahead of time, and there is still residual temperature.

A warm and warm feeling.

at this moment.

Along Lan Rui's palm, it was quickly passed to her body.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Heart Warming] to penetrate the [Ice Armor] of [lv10 Frost Snow Demon]! 】

[Under the effect of [Break Armor], you caused a lot of critical damage to [lv10 Frost Snow Demon]! 】

[You got: Gold +1456, Experience +859! 】

[You got: Rare material [Breath of Extreme Cold x10]! 】


The [Breath of Extreme Cold] dropped from Lan Rui is a rare material named in purple font.

Chen Yilang put it into his backpack without hesitation.

Recently, I have picked up a lot of things, and the weight of the backpack is almost unbearable.

But after all, it is a rare material. Even if the backpack is squeezed out, Chen Yilang has to force it into it.

"You guys are indeed very kind."

At this moment, Lan Rui's face finally showed a big sun-like smile: "Teacher is very touched, thank you."

"Hey, as long as the teacher likes it." Chen Yilang smiled mischievously, "I wish the teacher, meet your own peach blossoms as soon as possible~"

"You know a lot!" Lan Rui laughed and scolded angrily and shyly.

Looking at Chen Yilang's desolate appearance, and thinking of the heart-warming behavior he just made, Lan Rui was both moved and helpless.

This contrast is a bit too big.

And she noticed.

all the way to the present.

Chen Yilang didn't seem to mention the establishment of the club to her again.

It can be seen from this.

This boy's concern for her may not be purposeful.


Taking a thousand steps back...

Even if Chen Yilang was really purposeful, she would recognize it.

Because of his wave after wave of details, Lan Rui was unable to fight at all.

In the heart of every old aunt, there lives a little girl!

Of course they also want someone to love someone!

Even if it is really for the purpose of pleasing her, it is a hundred times better than just saying nothing.

Criticism by name: Blue Wind.

That is her father who yearned for the sea of ​​stars~www.wuxiamtl.com~ thought of this.

There was another smile on Lan Rui's face.

"Student Chen Yilang."

"I thought about it later."

"If you really want to start a society."

"I might be able to give you a chance."

Lan Rui said gently.

The tone of voice when he spoke was also noticeably softer.

Chen Yilang did not receive any more attacks from [Leng Yan Blade].


Chen Yilang smiled unexpectedly.

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