If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 135: [Friendly Summoned Beast]?

Nanxuan University, Huihui Building.

In NTU, this is a teaching building that almost all students have heard of.

This building is relatively far from the main teaching area. After several renovations at NTU, it has basically withdrawn from the teaching front line.

Up to now, a large number of empty classrooms in the Huihui Building have been used by various clubs and organizations in the school as places for activities and work on weekdays.

At this time, at this time,

Inside the offices of the Northern Hemisphere Basketball Association,

The president of the association, Han Lesheng, sat in front of the office with an unbelievable expression on his face: "What did you say? He wants to advertise in the center of the stadium?"

"Yes." Guo Ting, the director of the association, also had a rather helpless look on her face. "He said this was his only request... Of course, that's what he said. I think he's just making a condition."

Han Lesheng pinched the bridge of his nose, "This guy is really a lion's mouth..."

Since its inception in the Northern Hemisphere,

The All-Star event has also been held at NTU for several times.

Such things as placing advertisements in the center of the venue,

Really unprecedented.

"He's just a freshman, why should he negotiate with us?" Han Lesheng frowned, "We invited him to participate in the All-Star Game, which is already giving him face."

"Then you have to ask what's going on at the business school..."

"And during this time, his popularity on the forum was really high."

Guo Ting said helplessly, "If everyone can't see him at the All-Star Game, it is estimated that the number of spectators will be reduced a lot..."

"President, I didn't say it, this newcomer is indeed a bit arrogant."

The other boy sitting next to him couldn't help turning his chair around and said to Han Lesheng with a cheerful smile, "When the game starts, I'll teach him a lesson for you!"

This boy's name is Zhu Yongheng. He has a tall physique, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a neatly cut short haircut. No matter who sees him, the first impression is usually the same - this young man is really spirited!

And Zhu Yongheng's background is not small, he is the former school team captain of NTU, and has led the school team to many competitions.

As for why he is the former captain of the school team, this is a bit of a long story.

Zhu Yongheng is more influenced by some western streetball cultures. Compared with others, his style of play is a little exaggerated.

Once when I was playing field ball outside the school,

On the opposite side, there was an irritable old man whose head was almost flying because of his show, and he always felt that Zhu Yongheng was mocking him.

On that day, Zhu Yongheng sprained his foot ninety degrees and suffered a serious injury to his right foot. Until now, he has not fully recovered, so he had to retire early with tears in his eyes.

After retiring from the school team, Zhu Yongheng logically came to the northern hemisphere, where he could be the elder brother of old age in peace.

After all, the former school team captain, there are really not many people who can beat him.

Those who can really beat him will not have time to come to participate in activities in the northern hemisphere often.

The real big guys are all rushing to the basketball dream, who would put it away and play with you in the northern hemisphere?

"Just take it easy." Han Lesheng couldn't help his forehead, "I'm very afraid that you will fight with the freshman..."

As a president, Brother Han is very tired.

It can be said that these officers in the northern hemisphere really have their own ideas.

In addition to taking care of these few people, he had to deal with the external liaison departments of various colleges during this time.

The northern hemisphere itself has no outreach, and most of the funds come from the school, which is the benefit of the large association registered in the school.

And the other part of the funds is naturally from the sponsors pulled over by the various foreign affairs departments.

After all, the All-Star Game is also a school-level event, so working for the northern hemisphere means working for the school.

And NTU really has no shortage of this money!

The old fritters who have been in the foreign affairs department for a long time know that many times, if you are desperately running around the business circle to make orders, it is better to directly smash a wave of wool from NTU...

But this is not right. We are also serious workers. Can we call it a job to be a worker?

Just as Han Lesheng's head was getting bigger, the phone rang again.

"Hello, Northern Hemisphere Basketball Association." Han Lesheng said.

"Hello, I'm a freshman majoring in finance at the business school, Lan Jiabin."

A deep male voice came from the opposite side: "I heard that this time the All-Star Game, are you going to place an advertisement in the center of the venue?"

"Ah, is there such a plan..." Han Lesheng was stunned, wondering why the news spread so quickly, and it was known by other people?

And yet another new born...


"Actually, that's it, brother."

Lan Jiabin said bluntly, "I, too, would like to place advertisements in the middle circle."

"Huh?" Han Lesheng suspected something was wrong with his ears.

He felt that he was getting old, and he had no idea what the freshmen were thinking...

But after thinking about it, these two guys seem to be guys from business schools, and I think it's not strange after thinking about it...

Don't all businessmen like to do this?

But the problem is that Chen Yilang has the popularity and popularity of others, but there is room for negotiation.

Where did Lan Jiabin's words come from?

But what he didn't expect was,

This guy seems to have already seen through his thoughts.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother." Lan Jiabin smiled lightly, "How much money do you need for the All-Star basketball game? Just tell me."

"..." Han Lesheng was dumbfounded.



"That's it, Brother Cong." Lan Jiabin said to Tan Cong after hanging up the phone.

Tan Cong: "..."

This operation of Lan Jiabin really stunned Tan Cong.

Oh shit!

It turns out that you have the ability to make money, don't tell me sooner!

Tan Cong was depressed.

If you have this skill, you're still pulling a fart list?

Those drool-worthy merchants, one or two will be delivered to your door, okay?

until this moment,

It was only then that Tan Cong realized that this Binbin's real ability was much higher than he imagined!

Not much else to say,

This [money ability] alone is enough for him to kill the Quartet in the field of outreach...

"So what's your plan?" Tan Cong asked.

He didn't realize it at all. From this moment on, he subconsciously seemed to have begun to regard Lan Jiabin as his eldest brother.

Yes, that's right.

In front of the [Giant Trench Maniac], he still couldn't help but shed tears belonging to the weak...

"I funded the Northern Hemisphere, and the Northern Hemisphere gave me half the advertising space in the middle circle."

Lan Jiabin said.

Tan Cong: "...you're a bit ruthless."

This wave of operations by Lan Jiabin directly cut off half of the advertising space of Satchel!

"That can't be helped, you can't just watch him monopolize resources and seize the opportunity, right?"

Lan Jiabin said, "Brother Cong, I think we should also start an entrepreneurial project and do it."

"How the project is not the point, the point is, we can't just watch Chen Yilang rise like this... Since he is unwilling to join the outreach, it shows that he will definitely be a big competitor in the future. "


Tan Cong nodded vigorously, but what he thought in his mind was "you're right, let's just say it, you guys really know how to play when you're young, so when will I be able to retire"...

"Yes, Brother Cong!" Lan Jiabin's mouth crooked, and a smug smile appeared on his face, "I know what to do!"




After a few days,

The students of Nanxuan University ushered in the long-awaited weekend.

early morning,

Chen Yilang held the basketball and came to the gym with Xiong Yuwei.

It's still early,

In the empty venue, there were only the two of them.

"So in the end, the northern hemisphere is only willing to give you half of the advertising space in the middle circle?" Xiong Yuwei said.

"Yeah." Chen Yilang was helpless, "It doesn't matter, in fact, I can accept it."

after all,

The most fundamental purpose of his participation in the All-Star Game is to gain a wave of prestige.

If there is such a thing as advertising space, it is naturally a good thing, and if there is no, it does not matter.

And this morning, he and Xiong Yuwei came here to prepare to gather the freshmen of this year's All-Star Game for a pre-game training.

Before the other team members arrived, Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei practiced basic basketball skills.

"You have to do this, then this, and this and this..."

Xiong Yuwei gave Chen Yilang a demonstration.

"Let me try."

Chen Yilang practiced seriously and did not neglect at all.

【Ding! 】

[You have completed a dribble, and the proficiency of the skill [lv1 ball control] has been improved! 】

【Ding! 】

[You completed a three-step layup, and the proficiency of the skill [lv1 layup] has been improved! 】



Under the sound of the system, Chen Yilang found a sense of playing.

Langge, who has always been a dead house on weekdays, actually found the joy of sports at this moment.

The feeling of being able to get that feedback was great, and he could clearly feel the basketball getting lighter and stickier in his hands.

[Precious images of early human taming basketball.avi]

And the coach Xiong Yuwei on the side,

He also silently observed Chen Yilang's demeanor.

【Ding! 】

[NPC Xiong Yuwei's favorability has been improved! 】

[Favorability: 33%]


Although she is not an idiot, she has to admit it.

Although after all, seeing Chen Yilang on weekdays is always giggling, but this man is serious and really handsome!

that's it,

practice, practice,

Before you know it, the freshman All-Star team is in place.

Chen Yilang took a look.

I found that there were indeed a few familiar people in there.

For example, Zhang Weiwu, the [lv9 giant] whom I met in the phalanx during military training...

It's not unreasonable that this guy can be selected as an All-Star.

After all, his size is indeed a standout on the campus, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

So someone will definitely say, you are so tall, why don't you play basketball?

So Zhang Weiwu received an invitation to the All-Star Game...

"That, Lang... Brother Lang, long time no see, give me more advice."

Zhang Wei rubbed his hands fiercely and said with a cowardly look.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Invisible Aura] to mentally suppress [lv9 Giant]! 】

[[lv9 giant] has entered the state of [lv5 support]! 】

[lv5 Support: Under this support level, the target can be summoned to become a friendly combat unit! 】


Ah this?

Why is there a sense of sight of a summoned beast all of a sudden?

Chen Yilang was quite surprised by this.

He didn't know, this was actually because when he was in the phalanx team, Zhang Weimeng felt the fear of being ruled by Chen Yilang... So he learned well~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and the other team members were from other academies. Some of the more popular students, but Chen Yilang did not know.

However, they all have one thing in common, that is, they have all heard of Chen Yilang's reputation.

The ruthless three-point robot!

They are naturally looking forward to being teammates with such awesome people.


Under the organization of Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei, the freshmen also practiced ball in an orderly manner.

Just when everyone was immersed in training and communication,

A loud voice as loud as a bell suddenly rang in the arena:



"You new bastards!"

"Did I allow you to practice here?!"

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