If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 133: Long time no see, Xiong Yuwei

Nanda East Gate Food Street.

calorie store,

A wild macho voice not only startled the diners nearby,

It also made Chen Yilang's body jolted, subconsciously holding the beer bottle, ready to defend himself at any time...


When you go out, of course you have to protect yourself!

But before Chen Yilang was mentally prepared,

The visitor has already sat down in the seat next to him.

He was also a boy who seemed to be in a higher grade, with a hint of vicissitudes on his face similar to Wang Huayun.

But from the looks of it, he seems to be a little more nourished than Wang Huayun.

At least in terms of clothing, he has to be more sophisticated, and he is almost always trendy from head to toe.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, it's all from NTU, your own!"

The man smiled casually, and then extended his hand to Chen Yilang, "Introduce yourself, Tan Cong, 2018 class of business school."

Class of 2018, that is, the students of this year's senior year.

"Nice to meet you."

After Chen Yilang introduced himself, he also shook hands with Tan Cong.

"Long time no see, Wang Huayun." Tan Cong patted Wang Huayun on the shoulder again, "I didn't expect to meet again, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, it's really unfortunate to meet again." Wang Huayun narrowed his eyes and said very angrily.

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and almost laughed out loud.

These two have always felt a little bit of a relationship...

Is there any secret that cannot be told?

For example PY...

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see you for so long, your speech is still so nice."

Tan Cong also looked indifferent. After saying hello to Wang Huayun, he quickly turned his attention to Chen Yilang:

"I'm sorry, classmate, I may have scared you a bit just now."

"But what I want to say is, classmate Chen Yilang - I've been looking for you for a long time!"

"Looking for me?" Chen Yilang was a little puzzled, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, the self-introduction just now seems to be a little bad. I'll do it again."

Tan Cong laughed heartily, and then said:

"I am the current head of the Outreach Department of the Student Union of our Business School, Tan Cong."

"I also watched the Freshman Cup this afternoon."

"If that's the case, then I'll just say it straight,"

"I admire your jersey adverts and, of course, you as a person."

"So I want to ask you, are you interested in joining our External Relations Department?"

"What the team of our External Relations Department needs most is an outstanding talent like you..."

"Nanda is a good place, with a hundred flowers blooming and all-encompassing..."

"You and I both know it's a big cake..."

Tan Cong's tone was sometimes gentle, sometimes high-pitched.

Although it may seem a little exaggerated at times,

But it has to be admitted that,

His voice seemed to have a magic power.

A kind of magic that can easily make them addicted and spontaneously listen to what he has to say.

at the same time,

Chen Yilang also found that,

While talking,

Tan Cong looked at himself, and it seemed like an incandescent lamp connected to a switch.


a sound,

It just lit up.

Burning like a torch!

And also shining,

And above his head, the dazzling logo.

[lv10 Pull God]

[Rashen: An elite monster. He is good at using skills such as [Hot Vision] and [Suspended River]... to perform imperceptible emotional manipulation on the target. Active aggressiveness is high, and the danger level is high! Be careful to dodge! 】

Chen Yilang smiled back.

But after seeing the description of [lv9 Rashen], he still chose to keep an eye on it.

This Tan Cong...

It's not easy either.

"But also, you have to know."

"In a place like NTU,"

"It's not just you and me who are staring at this cake!"

"But don't worry..."

"I've been doing outreach since my freshman year. It's been three years, three years!"

"Over the years, in the school, what kind of opponents have I not seen?"

"There has never been any competitor who can take advantage of me!"

"Even if there is, then they are at most a small profit, and I - will never lose!"

"And today,"

"I seem to see what I looked like three years ago on you..."

"Junior Brother Chen Yilang, your potential is much greater than you imagined!"

Tan Cong's voice suddenly dropped gradually, and then he casually grabbed a chopstick from the table, and then raised it, as if waving a sword:

"Don't hesitate any more, this will be you, no, this will be one of our few great opportunities."

"Come and be my knife."

"I'll take you with me... carve up the world!"

【boom! 】

[[lv10 Rashen] used [Words of Heat] to attack you! 】

[Words of Heat: After the target is hit by Words of Heat, there will be a certain probability to enter the [Ignition] state. The intelligence attribute of the target who is [Ignitioned] will be greatly reduced, and the spiritual attribute will be greatly improved. 】

Your secondary illness seems to be a bit serious...

Chen Yilang couldn't help complaining, and at the same time, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he understood what was going on.

It's no wonder that this guy's name is "Lashen", and it really lives up to its name.

With this talent, it would be a shame not to engage in C sales...

Chen Yilang scratched his head: "Uh, Brother Cong, let me think about it first..."

"What are you hesitating about, Junior Brother?"

Tan Cong spread his hands and leaned back directly from his seat: "It won't be long before the student union recruits new students!"

"If you go to the student union department for an interview at that time, you will be no different from other freshmen!"

"And if you join us now, you'll be a big step ahead of your roommates, your classmates, and the beautiful girls of the same grade!"

"How will the student council help you in your future development, I don't need to say more, right?"

"A lot of the big guys who made a good career in the student union got the offer of the world's top 500 early before they graduated!"

"I won't say anything else, I'll just say Lan Jiabin, who is in the same grade as you..."

"He is an excellent student in all aspects, especially in the field of outreach. He has become an officer not long after he came in..."

"If nothing else, he will definitely be the kind of person who is very open in the student council in the future..."

When he heard Lan Jiabin's name, Chen Yilang was not surprised at all.

The thing this guy has always liked the most is the feeling of being a leader.

If he didn't join the student council, Chen Yilang would find it strange.

"But even so, there is something in you that he doesn't have."

Tan Cong tapped his temple, "Think!"

"He knows how to play outreach, but unfortunately, his brain is not good enough for you."


"If you will join us,"

"In the future, you will do more than him!"

After speaking,

Tan Cong looked into Chen Yilang's eyes, and fire lit up again!

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Rashen] used [Hot Vision] to attack you! 】

[Hot Vision: There is a certain probability that the target will enter the [Ignition] state. 】

"Uh, brother..."

Chen Yilang quickly interrupted Tan Cong's words.

Otherwise, I always feel that this product is going to get more and more hilarious, and there is a feeling that the car will not be able to stop...

Chen Yilang didn't express his meaning clearly just now.

When he said "think about it", he actually meant to think about how to refuse...

"What's the matter, Junior Brother?" Tan Cong leaned back tactically again, "It's okay, it's all my own,"

"Actually, I want to say, thank you brother." Chen Yilang said, "I don't need it anymore."

"...No need?" Tan Cong wondered, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not very interested in the student union." Chen Yilang shrugged, "So thank you, brother, for being so enthusiastic."

"..." Tan Cong was silent for a while.

【Bang! 】

[You used [Indifferent Rejection], immune to [Hot Words] and [Hot Vision]! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv10 Rashen]! 】

[You got: Gold +1025, Experience +669! 】

Looking at Tan Cong's pained expression as if he had punched in the air, Chen Yilang felt both innocent and helpless.

Have no idea.

In the world of adults, if you don't agree directly, it's probably a rejection!

Tan Cong silently poured himself a glass of wine and drank half a glass silently before continuing:


"Since you say so, then I won't force it."


"You can ask, the senior brother sitting next to you."

Tan Cong's eyes drifted to Wang Huayun, who was sitting beside him and didn't speak.

"This Senior Brother Wang Huayun, once refused my invitation."

"As for how he is doing now..."

"If you have a chance, you can chat with him, hehe."

"There's no need to mention those things before." Wang Huayun shrugged and said unconcernedly, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about it."

"Okay." Tan Cong got up helplessly, "Then please excuse me, let's talk slowly."

"Brother, what's going on?" Chen Yilang asked after Tan Cong walked away.

"Hey." Tan Cong looked helpless, "This is a long story."

After the two chatted for a while, Chen Yilang understood something.

It turned out that Wang Huayun was also a member of the External Relations Department.

He and Tan Cong were both in high spirits back then.

At that time, everyone thought that these two were the future foreign affairs minister reserve.

Later, due to some ideological differences, Wang Huayun and Tan Cong often had differences, and ideological conflicts and contradictions often occurred.

after that,

Wang Huayun directly chose to quit the External Relations Department, and Tan Cong naturally became the minister without any suspense, and then he became a "pulling god", and the limelight rose.

"My idea is that we must stand from the perspective of students and make lists of stores that are truly conscientious and reliable, and that students can afford."

"But Tan Cong is different..."

"He really understood the essence of the profession of marketing."

"Everything he does is from the point of view of interests."

"No matter what business it is, as long as the sponsorship fee is sufficient, he will take over."

"So in the year he was the minister, the External Relations Department earned the most sponsorship fees in the history of the External Relations Department, and that's why he got the title of 'Lashen'."

"Even if he has been scolded by others on the wall for pulling a lot of unscrupulous merchants..."

"But there's no way, who let others have more sponsorship fees?"

"To put it bluntly, isn't the word "money" playing with the External Relations Department? Whoever can get more money will be awesome!"

As he spoke, Wang Huayun sighed again, "Now that I think about it, I might be too idealistic..."

"After all, how can there be so many feelings in this world?"

"It's not shabby about making money..."

After thinking about it, Chen Yilang said with a smile:


"You are quite right."

"But, it's not quite right."

Wang Huayun was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you have to have both fish and bear's paw?"

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, "That is the understanding of the ancients."

"It's the twenty-first century now, brother."

"Many miracles were created in this era."

"So...?" Wang Huayun muttered.


Chen Yilang nodded slightly and said solemnly:

"Of course we have to earn money. After all, the operation of the project requires costs."

"And our philosophy, we must also adhere to it."

"We may not be the next 'La God'..."

"But what we do must be the projects that students like the most and have the best reputation!"

Wang Huayun's eyes changed slightly.

—The softest part of his heart was stabbed by Chen Yilang.

Thief is **** accurate!

【Ding! 】

[NPC Wang Huayun's favorability has been improved! 】

[Favorability: 48%]

this night,

The two men, once again in the dark, sipped skewers and drank wine, chatting about their feelings all night.

Unsurprisingly, Wang Huayun started drinking again. Halfway through his drink, he almost didn't jump to the table to sing Conquer...

After carrying Wang Huayun, who was as drunk as a dead pig, back to the bedroom again, it was already midnight again.

After going downstairs, Chen Yilang yawned and prepared to walk to his dormitory.

At this time,

ding dong,

A new message came from the phone.

Chen Yilang opened the penguin.

A familiar chat avatar popped up directly.

[Xiong Yuwei: Hello, classmate Chen, long time no see~]

[Xiong Yuwei: Are you asleep? Are you free to chat? ]

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