If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 119: Bombing [Diving Monster]

"Brother Lang."

"Have you read the notice sent by the sports committee to the class?"

"Our college is going to hold the Freshman Cup basketball game. Do you have any ideas, Brother Lang?"


Early in the morning on the weekend.

Feng Tian, ​​who was still lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, asked Chen Yilang.

"What do you think?"

Chen Yilang replied perfunctorily.

Actually, he didn't listen to Feng Tian's words seriously at all.

Right now, he is tinkering with the major events in his hand, and he has neither time to talk to Feng Tian nor to pay attention to the news in the class.

——The Pomodoro Project!

According to the envisaged action, Chen Yilang prepared all the required materials.

First, a tomato bought from the school market.

That's right, it's a mediocre, but genuinely valuable tomato.

There is also a thick book on the Pomodoro theory.

Chen Yilang had included both of them in the equipment and materials column in advance.

In addition to the materials collected before, we have all the following materials——


【Pomodoro Time Management Theory】

【Soul of the Burning Scholar】

【Unyielding Martial Spirit】

【Iron hit liver】


and the most important thing—

【Death Alarm Clock】

If nothing happened to Chen Yilang's plan,

Well, this bunch of things, the final combination, is definitely the closest thing to a Pomodoro.


Chen Yilang took a deep breath.

Then nervously and excitedly, he put all of them into the synthesis furnace...

After all, God knows what the **** can come out of this wave...

And once the synthesis is over, his [Dead Alarm Clock] will be completely scrapped, and most likely there is no way to return to its previous state.

In other words, there is no way to continue bombing Li Zixian and get up...

Chen Yilang glanced at Li Zixian, who was still lying on his body humming, and couldn't help but sigh that this guy's luck is really good.

【Ding! 】

[You have activated [lv3 Synthesis]! 】

[The synthesis furnace is starting up...]

【In the process of synthesizing...】

【Ding! 】

[You have obtained equipment: [Magic Pomodoro]! 】


What the hell?

Chen Yilang almost didn't cry out.

Absolutely, it actually succeeded!

But soon, Chen Yilang realized that something was not quite right.

Pomodoro is just a Pomodoro. Why does this thing have a prefix?

He immediately looked at the details.

------------【Magic Pomodoro】-------

Type: Equipment

Quality: Rare (purple)

Durability: 78/78

Details: When the undead alarm clock was injected into the souls of the scholars, everything changed. The undead began to study like crazy, trying to drag innocent humans into the abyss of knowledge!

Effect: Active Skill [Wrath of Demons]!

Demon's Wrath: After activating this skill, you will create a [Student's Domain]. Within the confines of the field, all goals will enter a state of compulsory learning and cannot be undone!

Remarks: The duration, range and cooldown speed of [Magic Domain] increase with the skill level. [Learning Magic Field] is an AOE hard-controlled skill, and lower-level purification skills cannot remove the control effect.



Chen Yilang inhaled slightly.

Seeing this, he can understand why this Pomodoro is not an ordinary Pomodoro but a [Magic Pomodoro].

Sure enough, there is enough magic...

Barbaric enough, rough enough, violent enough - Brother Lang likes it very much.

When Chen Yilang was about to start tinkering with the [Magic Pomodoro], Zhang Jian, who was beside him, called out again:

"Brother Lang!"

"Look at the confession wall!"

"You were hung up!"

Chen Yilang was taken aback, what's the situation?

The things that can be put on the wall of confession are either confessed by passion, or other bad things.

Confession was probably impossible, so Chen Yilang could only think in a bad direction.

as expected,

As soon as he opened the dynamic of the wall, he saw his own photo.

——It was a photo of him and Wang Qian in the study room two days ago. It just happened to capture the moment when he rolled up his sleeves.

And the one who released this news was also Wang Qian herself.

"Good morning, Mr. Wall!"

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time, and I'm sorry to take up public resources to post such a message."

"This Monday night, in the study room of the business school, I encountered something that made me quite unhappy..."

What follows is a description of the day that happened.

However, Wang Qian's description is quite literary, using a variety of rhetorical devices, vividly and reproducing the scene at that time with a little suspicion.

"Chen Yilang from the municipal class 214 not only occupied my place, but also acted on me in the form of wanting to have a physical conflict. His behavior was extremely bad!"

"I had no choice but to seek help from Mr. Qiang, and solemnly ask classmate Chen Yilang to apologize publicly!"

【Ding! 】

[Student Wang Qian launched a [provocation] against you and invited you to join the 1v1 [mouth gun showdown]! Please respond within 30min! 】


A public apology?

Chen Yilang was happy.

It's really funny enough! Valley

This woman, wouldn't she really think that after making things bigger, he would be scared, right?

Chen Yilang immediately pulled out the keyboard, typed out a string of words, and sent it directly to the comment area.

"Good morning everyone, I am the client Chen Yilang."

"In order not to waste everyone's time, I'll go straight to the point."

"I have to make a few additions to the remarks made by Wang Qian."

"First of all, saying that I threatened with physical confrontation is pure nonsense."

"I just stood up from my seat at the time, and rolling up my sleeves was just an incidental movement. Could this be considered a threat?"

"Maybe when I looked at you with my nostrils, I did mean a little bit of offense, but why do you blame me for being short?"

"If Wang Qian has any objection to this, it's a big deal to adjust the monitoring, and I will accompany you at any time."

"Secondly, I don't agree with Wang Qian's statement that 'the freshman has nothing to do and occupies the seat in the study room'."

"The postgraduate entrance examination party needs self-study. Don't we have our own coursework and pursuit of grades? Don't the freshmen even have the right to study?"

"My personal opinion, thank you."

It didn't take long for the words to be posted,

The limelight in the comment area,

In an instant, a large piece fell.

Originally, the support ratings of the two were still at the same stage.

But now there are more and more students on Chen Yilang's side.

"Well said, it makes sense to occupy a seat. Although everyone acquiesced to this behavior, they can't be so self-righteous, right?"

"That's right, and who said we had nothing to do with our freshman year? There was an English placement test recently. Okay, your postgraduate entrance exam is a big deal, so it's not a matter of ours?"

"That's right, we also have to take the class A exam. If we don't pass the exam, are you responsible?"

"Brother Lang said it well, I'm here to make a call, I'll argue if I don't agree!"

"Only my concern is that this apprentice not only thinks well, but also looks tall and handsome? Hee hee hee..."


【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Mouth Cannon], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv9 Poison Tongue Monster]! 】

[You got +1124 gold coins and +668 experience! 】

Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

Looking at this, this [Poison Tongue Monster] is also peeping at the screen at the other end of the network cable...

Although I can't see Wang Qian's appearance, I can probably make up for her angry look.

And Chen Yilang's judgment is indeed correct.

Far on the other side of the screen, [Poison Tongue Monster] Wang Qian watched a large number of freshmen criticizing her in the comment area, and her nose was almost crooked with anger.

What are you doing?

This year's freshman year, why do you feel like everyone dances like this?

Moreover, under the comment area, from time to time, you can see a few people shouting "Brother Lang" and so on...

So who is Brother Lang?

Could it be this Chen Yilang?

These days, any cat or dog can be called brother?

The worst thing is that she was besieged by a group of freshmen, but few of the juniors and seniors stood up to speak for her...

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Qian felt comforted again.

After all, the juniors and seniors are as busy as dogs, so how can they care about all kinds of gossip on the confession wall?

Wang Qian is very angry now, and the consequences are serious.

However, she found that she seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed by Chen Yilang and this group of people...

But Wang Qian didn't want to just admit it, so she had to change the subject:

"Haha, to be honest, some children are really too confident."

"I really thought the placement test was that easy, grab a seat for self-study and sit there and play with my phone, thinking I'm really studying?"

"You don't really think that any cat or dog can be admitted to Class A, right? I'm thankful that I won't be thrown into Class C!"

"That's why I really want to see it, so I'm just holding on to the Buddha's feet for the past few days. How exactly does classmate Chen Yilang get into Class A?"

I thought about it, I didn't seem to say that I would definitely be able to get into Class A...

Chen Yilang reluctantly complained silently.

However, this is actually what he said, so Chen Yilang planned to take the plan and push the boat along the way.

Chen Yilang smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, if you want to see me enter Class A, then I'll take the test for you."

"Well, there is one sentence I have to give back to you."

"These days, not all cats and dogs can pass the postgraduate entrance examination."

"So we really want to see how the excellent and diligent Senior Sister Wang Qian will go ashore?"

As soon as these words came out,

Under the comment area, there was a sudden burst of roar.

【Ding! 】

[You used [depth charges] to bomb a large number of [diving monsters]! 】

[The [Diving Monsters] were alerted and activated the skill [Floating]! 】


"That's right, bro~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This wave of direct dimensionality reduction hits Yes!"

"That's right, you have to be so good, why are you still studying by yourself? If you have the ability, you can directly dismiss it!"

"Agreed, it will only bully our freshmen, what kind of skill is it?"

A large group of freshmen who were still on the sidelines began to emerge one after another, excitedly applauding Chen Yilang's witty response.

And Wang Qian on the other side of the screen has already started to have a big head...

Really TMD is drunk!

Wang Qian subconsciously wanted to fight back, but found that it seemed like a useless effort...

These little brats, they know how to take postgraduate entrance exams!

But Chen Yilang's goal was achieved.

The offensive in the comment area has become more and more intense.


The body couldn't help but stammered, and suddenly felt a huge pressure like a mountain, blowing towards the face.

The string that has been taut all the time—

It finally stopped.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Soul Torture], causing tons of mental damage to [lv9 Poison Tongue Monster]! 】

[You got: Gold +1204, EXP +665! 】

[You have obtained: [Viscous Venom x18]]

[[lv9 Poisonous Tongue Monster] has entered a negative state: break defense! 】

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