If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 117: Skill: [Hand of God]!

well known.

Nanxuan University has always been a university with a strong learning atmosphere, and it is also a world where the masters of the book are everywhere.

For several people in the university,

Studying is actually a fun thing to do!


Tonight does not seem to be a good time to study.

At least the students who stayed in the study room of the business school thought so.

At this moment,

Everyone has long lost their interest in continuing to read and study, and their focus is all on Chen Yilang and Wang Qian.

"Mom, this junior is really brave..."

"It's a bit crazy. I've been studying at NTU for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen such a big scene..."

"Let me tell you, in fact, I have wanted to report this phenomenon to the school for a long time, but unfortunately I always get a seat every time, so every time I forget..."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, I'll take a picture first..."

Of course, this has to be photographed and recorded! They are not always so carefree~

So someone took out their mobile phone and recorded the two people's passionate match-up, which was full of gunpowder.

most of the time,

All kinds of interesting anecdotes and strange anecdotes circulating on the Internet are actually from the hands of the onlookers who eat melons.

In Nanxuan University, of course, the same is true.

But unfortunately,

The laning period between the two is a bit short, and it seems that this meeting is over now.

Because the girl in the senior year was so choked that she couldn't say a word.

"I really won't give up this seat today!"

Chen Yilang's domineering response made Wang Qian shut up on the spot.

Although I really wanted to say something cruel to educate this junior, I found that I didn't know what to say.

Everyone else's direct words are dead here, and their seats are not given up, so what's the point of continuing to line up?


【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Declaration], causing tons of mental damage to [lv9 Poison Tongue Monster]! 】

[[Relentless Declaration] has a negative effect on [lv9 Poisonous Tongue Monster]! 】

[[lv9 Poison Tongue Monster] has entered a state: silence! 】

[Silence: In this state, the target cannot release any skills and cannot express verbally. 】

[You have obtained rare materials: [Delicate Tongue x1]]

[You got [Colorless Energy Crystal Block x68]! 】


Seeing that a strange thing suddenly appeared in the backpack, Chen Yilang couldn't help but turn dark: Who wants your tongue!

But what surprised Chen Yilang was that [lv9 Poison Tongue Monster] not only donated its tongue, but also exploded a lot of [colorless energy crystals].

As expected of the lowest-level energy unit in this game system, colorless crystal blocks can be seen everywhere.

"you you……"

After choking for a long time, Wang Qian came back to her senses a little bit. She was ashamed and angry: "I didn't say that, why are you so savage!?"

"You wait for me!"

After throwing a harsh word, Wang Qian left angrily.


Chen Yilang shrugged indifferently.


He is really not afraid of things...

Why don't you give up your seat?

On the contrary, it is this woman, is there any reason to occupy a seat?

Chen Yilang felt that he was not afraid of the shadow, so there was nothing to panic at all.

He raised his eyes and looked around, only to realize that the students around him seemed to be looking at him secretly.

After seeing Chen Yilang's gaze swept over, he "swiped" again and quickly lowered his head, pretending to be reading a book.

Chen Yilang: "..."

Do you want to gossip like this?

But Chen Yilang doesn't matter, anyway, he is a newcomer, and the small circle in the study room doesn't know much about him, and few people know him.

Moreover, he is not too interested in paying attention to these things.

The most important thing right now is, of course, learning!

So Chen Yilang opened the book and tried again to enter the state of learning...


The time came to ten forty in the evening.

Seeing the people around them all started to pack their schoolbags and belongings at the same time,

Chen Yilang probably knew that this should be the time when the study room was about to close, so he followed the large army and left.

After walking out of the study room, Chen Yilang looked up at the moon in the sky and sighed helplessly.

Everything was fine tonight, and I had a great time playing, but I didn't do anything, and I learned a lot of loneliness...

"You have to think of a way."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Walking slowly on the way back to the dormitory, Chen Yilang looked at the campus in the dark with interest.

Students riding battery cars and bicycles shuttled on the flat school road.

Some boys ride alone under the warm yellow light of street lamps, their shadows are drawn very long by loneliness...

And for some boys, there is a girl sitting in the back seat.

If it is a bicycle, the girl usually sits on her side, which makes her posture look more elegant, and her slender legs show just right.

And if it's a battery car, the girl usually sits upright, wraps her arms around the boy's waist at the same time, leans softly on the latter's back, and then presses against the other's ear, whispering that only they can hear it clear dialogue...

As for what the content is, it is the content beyond the outline!

Anyway, it comes and goes, isn't it just those little love stories that make the teenagers blush when they hear it, and the deer bump around!

Although Brother Lang has been soloing for so many years, he still understands some things.

"My wife really envy that boy..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but sigh.

——He actually has a battery car!

To know,

In the campus of Nanxuan University, where the school bus is so slow and the area is so large, having an electric car is equivalent to stepping into the world of "superior people" with half a foot.

Chen Yilang secretly made a plan. If there is a chance, he must find a way to get a car to ride.

After returning to the Dongliu dormitory area, Chen Yilang bought a bottle of Coke in the small shop downstairs.

There were a lot of things during this time. Since he became the monitor, Chen Yilang felt that he had the potential to become a [Gyro monster], and he never heard of it for a moment.

So it was not until this moment that he suddenly remembered that it seemed that he hadn't drank his favorite Fat House Happy Water for a long time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ye Qing is knotted..." Chen Yilang sighed.

"Get a fart knot!"

The store manager of the small store was also a young man. Seeing Chen Yilang's dejected expression, he immediately grabbed his shoulder and shook it frantically, as if he had been beaten with blood.

"That man, come back!"

"Do you call this a knot? Call it back, Ye Qing is back!"

A simple sentence, like poking at some acupuncture point, instantly awakened the sleepy Chen Yilang.

--no way.

A man's friendship is sometimes as simple as that.

Yes, that's right.

I like Brother Zaozi, and you happen to be too, so we are good brothers, it's all right, nothing to say.

So I chatted and spanked with the shop owner for another half an hour...

It was very late after walking out of the store. Chen Yilang glanced at the time, and it was almost time for the auntie to lock the door.

Chen Yilang drank the last sip of happy water, and threw the can to the trash can on the side of the road.

Drawing a smooth parabola, the cans flew out and then fell.

A click.

Perfect into the barrel.


【Ding! 】

[You successfully achieved the 100th [Precision Throwing]! 】

[You have unlocked a new active skill: [lv1 Hand of God]! 】

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