If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 113: The throbbing of a girl...

The rain just stopped.

Without the slightest precaution, without the slightest concern...

In the last second, it was clearly still going down vigorously, but at this moment it came to an abrupt end.

It was as if God stretched out his hand and gently closed the valve of the sky.


On the playground, it was as silent as death.

A few minutes later, there were one after another, a large number of voices sucking in the air...

It can be said,

Global warming is definitely due to their wave tonight.

At this moment,

There was only one thought left in the minds of the audience.

——Okay, so strong...

No one can imagine,

In my lifetime,

They could actually see a large-scale magic show on the stage of the military training art show.

In their opinion, it can't even be described as magic.

- This is magic!


At this time, someone just woke up after realizing it.

"So this rain was designed!"

"Damn, no wonder! I just said how could it be so coincidental!"

"That's right, how can there be a reason why the short skirt will rain heavily as soon as she takes the stage? If I were God, I would have to watch the dance before going down!"

"Grass! So Brother Lang is hiding how many big moves we haven't seen before? Just put them all at once!"

"It's awesome, this Chen Yilang is really top!"


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly improved, and it returned to the atmosphere at the beginning.


Even hotter than before!

After all, that's the magic of magic.

This kind of feeling of being dragged to the bottom of the valley, and then being lifted to the sky by a sudden surprise at the next moment, and the feeling of direct climaxes...

It's really too comfortable!

Although they were all arranged by this performance, the feeling of being meticulously designed and then shocking is still great.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Magic Display], causing mental shock damage to targets in a large area! 】

[You caused a lot of damage to [lv6 atmosphere team leader]! 】

[You have caused a lot of damage to [lv5 Military Fist Master]! 】

[You have caused a lot of damage to [lv2 people who eat melons]! 】


[You got: Gold +4653, Experience +2541! 】

【Ding! 】

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Level: lv10→lv11]

[Your various attribute values ​​have been improved! 】

[Attributes: Strength 7, Toughness 5, Wisdom 8, Spirit 5, Agility 4, Charisma 8, Luck 6]


In my mind, the system's screen refresh message rolled over again.

The shouting from the scene continued for a long time.

this moment,

Even the leaders sitting at the front showed an expression of approval and gave applause.

Chen Yilang smiled and slowly put down his hand that had been pointing at the sky.

Looking at the crowd of enthusiastic cheers under the stage,

In Chen Yilang's heart, there was a slight shock.

——It turns out that the feeling under the spotlight is like this...

Chen Yilang didn't understand this.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, Xiao Xianyu Lang has always shrunk in the most corner of the audience.

Moved by the performance of others, applaud the light of others.

Unexpectedly, on this day, the guy standing in the brightest place turned out to be himself.

"thank you all!"

Chen Yilang said loudly, and bowed to everyone in the audience.

In the warm applause and cheers, Chen Yilang turned around and left the stage.

In the process of stepping down, when he passed in front of Xia Ling, he said softly, "Come on."

A simple word,

But Xia Ling's heart suddenly trembled.

Do not know why,

I always felt a slight heat on my face.

She wasn't really distracted just now.

Just now, Chen Yilang suddenly stepped onto the stage, started speaking, and ended with a magic show that was almost magical...

All Xia Ling watched silently.

This guy is so different.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Favorability: 35%]

[You used [this **** charm] to inject a lot of [positive emotions] into [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[You created a lot of [positive emotions] and caused a lot of damage to [lv9 Unlucky Monster]! 】

【Ding! 】

[You killed the [lv9 Unlucky Monster]! 】


In Chen Yilang's eyes,

He saw a bright, warm-yellow energy mass like sunlight, which suddenly spewed out from Xia Ling's body.

This energy group was like a rampant bull, directly hitting the little devil who had been following Xia Ling.



With a loud bang,

The little devil's eyes instantly turned into two "X"s.

It made a scream of "woohoo", and when it stuck out its tongue, biaji fell to the ground and became a piece of meat pie.

It was directly killed by the energy group of [Positive Emotions]...

Chen Yilang snickered happily in his heart.

Tell you to play pranks, tell you to do bad things every day! Are you dead now?

【Ding! 】

[You got: Gold +1135, Experience +765! 】

[You got: [Little Devil's Tail x1], [Little Devil's Tentacles x1], [Little Devil's Wings x1], [Little Devil's Fork x1]! 】


"Good guy." Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, "This wave has directly collected all the four-piece suits of the little devil."

【Ding! 】

[You have completed the task: Xia Ling's troubles! 】

[You got: [Doll of Doom]]

[Doll of Doom: Consumable items.

After using this item, you can summon a [Luck Monster] of the same level as you, and make it attached to a designated target.

[Unlucky Monster] Survival time: 1d]

[Remarks: [Bad luck] can only be attached to a target with a lower level than himself. 】


"It's another prop that can create new poses and new gameplay." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

However, seeing the last remark, Chen Yilang was a little disappointed again.

This [Unlucky Doll] is not powerful enough!

Originally, he was thinking about when he could give Lan Jiabin a [Luck Monster] to try, but now he can only dispel that idea.

After all, although Lan Jiabin is not very smart, he is at least a boss-level monster of level 20, with a proper level of suppression.



Chen Yilang returned to the back of the stage.

Unlike the lively scene outside,

The atmosphere here was so quiet that it was even a little embarrassing.

Especially Lu Wenyang,

At this moment, his face is ugly as a rotten tomato...

He didn't even dare to look directly at Chen Yilang, so he could only pretend to be arrogant and calm and look straight ahead...

But this guy just didn't know what to do, dangling in front of him...

"Minister Lu."


"Minister Lu?"


"Minister Lu!?"


Lu Wenyang's mentality exploded.

"I know, I know you're strong! You're my big brother, and I'm just a little spicy chicken, come on!"

Lu Wenyang couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted a little self-sacrificingly, "Brother, if you have something to say, just let it go! You are still mocking me, is it interesting?"

"...I just wanted to ask the minister what else is going on here. If it's okay, I'll go buy some supper first."

Chen Yilang spread his hands and said, "I watched it, and it will take four more shows before it's my turn to be on stage, at least half an hour."

"..." Lu Wenyang's face twitched.

He subconsciously looked up and looked around,

I found that the other hosts and staff were looking at him with a very strange look...

After all, for so long,

This is the first time they have seen Lu Wenyang so gaffe...

To know,

Although their Minister Lu would crumble when he was serious, but most of the time, he was notoriously gentle and kind.

"It turns out that this is the nature of Minister Lu, finally exposed, huh huh..." Someone thought silently, and subconsciously took a step away from Lu Wenyang.

"……Go ahead."

Lu Wenyang waved his hand, and his heart was ashes.

Go go, go as far as possible.

He has come from the heart, and he never wants to see Chen Yilang again in this life.


When Chen Yilang came out from the backstage,

The hot dance performance of the girls in short skirts just came to the most exciting part.

Chen Yilang's footsteps slowed down uncontrollably, and his eyes unconsciously fell on Xia Ling, who was leading the dance.

Under the flying skirt, there are two particularly eye-catching slender long white legs.

The thighs are plump and plump, the calves are slender and slender...

No matter who it is, anyone who can see this scene in front of them must be unable to help but sigh.

This little girl is simply a real leg essence!

When we were training together in the phalanx team, everyone wore uniform military training uniforms, so Chen Yilang didn't find Xia Ling's hidden killer.

With the attitude of appreciating art, Chen Yilang, a serious man, stood in the corner of the stage and watched the whole performance silently.

Five minutes later, the dance performance ended.

There was a burst of applause from the audience again, and even the crazy boy rushed up with a bunch of flowers, shoved it directly into Xia Ling's hand, and then quickly fled.

It was obviously the first time that Xia Ling had experienced such a scene. She seemed a little flustered for a while, her eyes were dodging, and she was floating in the crowd.

In the end I don't know why,

It just fell on the face of Chen Yilang who was standing in the corner.

Seeing that Xia Ling seemed to be looking at him, Chen Yilang immediately smiled back and gave her a thumbs up.


As if electrocuted, Xia Ling looked away like lightning.

For some reason, my heart was beating so fast.

Well, just a little bit!

Chen Yilang scratched his head in confusion, not understanding what happened...

But he didn't think much about it, turned around and walked away in the direction of the food pedestrian street.

goo goo goo...

I'm a little hungry.



The night is deep.

The military training party for all freshmen of Nanxuan University in 2021 came to an end.

When it finally ended, all the cast and crew stood on the stage together and sang a song "Youth Memorial Book"

this night,

young life,

Sing, dance, and cheer.

Crying, laughing, moving.

that moment,

Everyone had an illusion.

That is, they will always be as young and bloody, throbbing and restless as they are now.

The next morning.

The military training commendation meeting was held on time on the playground of Nanxuan University.

Holding the golden trophy and certificate, Chen Yilang stood in the middle of the award-winning team.

"The winner of the best collective honor, the fourth class of the first company!"

"The first prize winner of the drill performance, the fourth class of the first company!"

"The winner of the best instructor, the fourth class of the first company, Wu Qing!"

"Military training pacesetter, Chen Yilang!"

"First place overall score, Chen Yilang!"

"Best Individual Performance Award, Chen Yilang!"


When the final result was announced,

Within the team of the municipal class 214, bursts of cheers erupted continuously.

As for the other two classes sitting on the left and right sides of 214, they could only sit quietly in the same place, not even daring to express the air, and could only secretly cast an indescribable look at it...


Really envious!

In their opinion, the city-run 214 class is almost like a bandit.

After a military training, they almost swept all the most awesome awards and honors!

This even includes all the awards for individuals and groups, so to speak, no leftovers are left for the rest of the class...

What kind of terrifying class body is this, to be so good?

"It's actually not that difficult."

"As long as you have a Chen Yilang-style squad leader."

When there was a lot of discussion on this topic on the forum, someone made such a reply.


In just half an hour, click directly to break 100!

Of course,

Of course, Brother Lang did not know about these things.


【Ding! 】

[You have completed the trial task, steel tempering! 】

[You got: Prestige x100]

[You got: Rare equipment gift box! 】

【You have gained a new achievement: Man of Steel! 】

[Achievement effect: Toughness attribute +2]

[Attributes: Strength 7, Toughness 7, Wisdom 8, Spirit 5, Agility 4, Charisma 8, Luck 6]

[Current reputation value: 1400]


At this moment, he was racking his brains while listening to the system's voice, standing on the stage delivering his acceptance speech.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the students in the municipal class 214 for their encouragement and support for the work of my monitor..."

"Secondly, I would like to thank our instructor Wu Qing..."

"I would also like to thank the school, thank the academy..."


A wave of official speeches made Li Zixian almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

It was the first time they saw this rude man speak in such a serious manner, with a sense of sight of looking at beasts and scumbags.


Although the process can be said to be twists and turns,

But this year's military training has come to an end perfectly.

After taking off the military training uniform for the last time,

Only then did Chen Yilang fully realize that it was time to formally enter university life.

"Sleep and sleep brothers, tomorrow morning is another wonderful Monday! I hope to meet my goddess on campus tomorrow..." Feng Tian said.

"I set the alarm for seven o'clock, whoever doesn't get up is the dog!" After speaking, Li Zixian continued: "Wow, wang, wang!"

Zhang Jian: "Grass, are you picking Ganoderma lucidum for your mother in the wild?!"

——It was still the familiar late-night dormitory atmosphere.

Chen Yilang lay in bed and picked up his mobile phone~www.wuxiamtl.com~ looked at his class schedule for the first semester of his freshman year, and fell into deep thought.

It's day, why is every grid filled...

So who said that after college, it's easy?

Come out and be beaten!

"Forget it."

Chen Yilang decided to open a wave of blind boxes first.

He hadn't had time to look at the good things he got after completing the trial mission.

【Ding! 】

【You have opened the rare equipment gift box! 】


"What big baby did you drive?"

Chen Yilang took a closer look at the equipment bar,

Immediately, I felt a jolt, and I felt no sleepiness...


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