If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 111: What about you playing [Turtle School Qigong]?

Night has come.

On the playground of Nanxuan University, on the stage of the art show, there are also colorful lights shining.

Just when all the students present were looking forward to the hot dance of the girls in short skirts,

The torrential rain that suddenly fell from the sky made the playground explode into a pot of simmering porridge.

"Damn it, it's raining!"

"Did you come out with an umbrella, brother? Let me take a peek!"

"It's really a beeping dog. You do this at a critical moment. Why is it raining heavily when you're not standing in a military position?"

"Stop talking, run away!"

"Do you really want to run... The instructor hasn't spoken yet, I'm coward..."


The audience rioted, and the scene was chaotic.


Chen Yilang's focus was not at all in the chaos outside.

What he cares about,

It's the girl who is still standing in the spotlight.

in the heavy rain,

The group of girls in short skirts also became a little noisy.

But Xia Ling seemed to be the one who stayed out of the matter.

She looked up at the sky in a daze, her eyes as clean as a deer were filled with great confusion.

She really doesn't understand.

This in the end is why?

Why does everything seem to be so unsatisfactory since going to college?

Xia Ling couldn't figure it out, she just felt that her little head was a little sore and buzzing.

For today's performance, they really rehearsed silently for a long time in private.

During the military training period, after disbanding at ten o'clock every night, they had to practice for two hours on their own.

There was no light, so they were on the shore of Biyun Lake, practicing dancing with the light reflected by the moonlight on the lake.

Every time I came back to the dormitory late at night, I dragged a tired body.

As the lead dancer, Xia Ling felt really relieved when she saw that her teammates were all rehearsing earnestly and never had any complaints.

They have worked hard for so long, so that it has always been such a day.

But why,

Just when she was on stage, God made a joke for her?

ten minutes.

Even if you give her another ten minutes, that's fine...

At least, let her and her friends finish this dance seriously...

Even if it's not particularly perfect, at least it's a full stop, isn't it?

But now...

Xia Ling tilted her little head unconsciously, looking at the heavy rain in front of her, the expression on her face became more and more calm.

Chen Yilang, who was standing in the backstage, watched all this silently.

【Ding! 】

[[Curse] status has had a strong negative impact on [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[[NPC Xia Ling] is generating a lot of [negative emotions]! 】

The chubby [lv9 Unlucky Monster] seemed to be happier when he saw this scene.

He waved the fork in his hand even more greedily, frantically grabbing the [positive emotions] in Xia Ling's body.

And Xia Ling's HP was also dropping at a speed that Chen Yilang could see with the naked eye.

Do not know why,

this moment,

A thought popped up in Chen Yilang's mind for no reason.

He felt that it was necessary for him to pull this girl.


Change to a better word.


Not because of system prompts, or tasks or anything like that.

It's not for reputation points, or other game items.

Chen Yilang was really simple, he just wanted to pull her.

As for why, it's really unclear.

It was probably Xia Ling's lost expression, it really didn't look good.

At least Chen Yilang thinks.

As a girl with a pear vortex...

Maybe she looks better when she smiles.


That's all.


Right now,

Not only did the students in the audience turn into a pot of porridge,

Even the faces of the leaders sitting at the front became a little unsightly.

Of course,

The worst, and the most difficult, was naturally the student union that was in charge of planning the party.

——Lu Wenyang was so anxious that he was about to burst.

The show is only halfway through, and many of the most important shows are still in the back and have no time to go on stage.

But now that the rain is so heavy, you can't let everyone sit under it and get drenched all the time, right?

Romance is quite romantic, but it takes a little cold medicine...

"Damn, it's all **** up!"

Lu Wenyang collapsed a little, and complained loudly, "If such an accident happens," the school will definitely scold us all over the place! "

"Let's not say it's funding in the future, it's hard to say whether our Literature and Art Department can continue to do it!"

The other hosts looked at each other and didn't dare to speak.

In fact, someone had reminded Lu Wenyang about the weather long before that, but the latter didn't care and didn't listen to anyone's opinion.

"I told the school a long time ago that the art gala should be held indoors, but they just won't listen!"

Lu Wenyang kept chattering, "Contact the school leaders immediately and say to cancel the party!"

"Is it really cancelled like this?" Pan Qi asked in a low voice.

"Then what else can I do?" Lu Wenyang scolded, "Call God and tell him to stop the rain?"

The crowd was completely silent.

After all, Lu Wenyang was right.

At the moment, there is really no other way to deal with this situation than to cancel the party.

This is the worst way, but also the only way.

Just when everyone fell into silence at the same time,

A voice suddenly broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, I want to say something."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked at the sound.

Only then did I discover that the person who spoke was actually the freshman named Chen Yilang.

"As a competent and responsible host,"

"When the stage encounters an emergency,"

"The most important thing to do,"

"Shouldn't it be the first to come to the stage to save the scene?"

Chen Yilang said calmly.

Between talking,

His usual slouching eyes,

He also slowly looked at Lu Wenyang who was standing in the middle of the crowd.

"..." Lu Wenyang was stunned.

What's the meaning?

He didn't quite understand Chen Yilang's words.

So this kid...

Are you teaching him to do things?

It's so **** laughable!

At that moment, Lu Wenyang couldn't hold back any longer, and laughed outright:

"Sister, I didn't understand you wrong, did I?"

"You mean to say, at this time, we should go on stage to save the scene?"

Lu Wenyang's usual warm smile no longer exists. At this time, his face is full of indifference and disdain:

"Then you tell me, what should I do?"

"You invited Lao Tzu to come here today, and it won't stop raining!"


【Ding! 】

[You used [understatement] to shoot down the equipment of [lv9 Laughing Tiger]! 】

[The Laughing Tiger drops the equipment: mask! 】

[Whether to pick it up? 】

【Ding! 】

[You have obtained equipment: mask! 】


The surrounding hosts and the staff behind the scenes were all attracted by the movement on the two sides.

Everyone looked around curiously, wanting to see what kind of reaction this seemingly unusual blood drop would have.

But Chen Yilang's mood didn't seem to fluctuate much.

Chen Yilang just smiled lightly, shrugged helplessly, then looked directly at Lu Wenyang, and said in a calm tone:

"There's no need to say it so absolutely~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Really."

"Furthermore, there is no need to trouble the Heavenly King Laozi."

"If the old man isn't there..."

"Isn't there me?"

Chen Yilang said these words.

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Good guy!

This apprentice, I'm afraid it's not a funny boy sent by monkeys, right?

This kind of funny ability is so full, it's almost overflowing,

Lu Wenyang couldn't hold back anyway:

"Little brother, why don't you put on this Turtle School Qigong?"

"It's not me who said that your secondary illness is a bit serious!"

"Please, be normal, I'm really scared!"

Chen Yilang smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Microphone." He said solemnly.

Lu Wenyang pursed his lips disapprovingly, and motioned to the staff standing beside him to deliver wheat to Chen Yilang.

He wanted to see,

This Chen Yilang,

How are you going to be funny?

In the eyes of a crowd of people who are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal,

Chen Yilang took the microphone and stepped out of the door at the back of the stage.

The only thing left for everyone,

There is only one back facing the strong wind and heavy rain.


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