If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 108: 【Cover the sky】!


Chen Yilang was stunned on the spot...

Sunny... Dad?

What the **** is this!

This [Sunshine Doll] is going to rebel?

But it can be seen that this is a very dreamy [Sunshine Doll] that's right...

After all, Napoleon once said that he is not a good son if he does not want to be the father of his grandfather.

Chen Yilang took a look at his equipment column.

I found that the appearance of this [Sunny Dad] is one size larger than that of [Sunny Baby].

On top of the original cute face graffiti, a few more beards were added.

——Real dad.

Chen Yilang immediately took another look at the effect of [Sunny Dad].

and then found,

Most of the attribute and effect bonus values ​​are indeed higher than those of [Sunshine Doll].

But the main difference,

On the other hand, there is a new effect on the panel of [Sunny Dad].

[Active skill: Cover the sky! 】

[Covering the Sky: After activating this skill, it will be created within a certain range. 】

[Sky Covering Field: Within the scope of this field, environmental impacts such as , , ... will be eliminated directly! Duration: 30min. Cooling time: 1d]

[Activation Condition: Consumption]

[Note: The duration and field range of the activation increase with the increase of the skill level. 】



Chen Yilang took a deep breath and opened his eyes slightly.


Unexpectedly, he actually combined what he wanted most.

This [Father] is indeed well-deserved!

"Get ready for the test now!"

Chen Yilang didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately disassembled all the useless rotten and white equipment in the equipment column.

During this time,

Due to the frequent dismantling of equipment, the level of his [Disintegration] has been constantly improving.

Until now, this skill has been upgraded to level 3.

And with the improvement of the [Decomposition] skill level,

The cooling time of the [calciner] will naturally decrease accordingly.

That is to say,

Brother Lang now,

Has become much longer than it has been.

【You broke it down...】

【You broke it down...】

【You broke it down...】


After a wave of crazy decomposition operations,

In Chen Yilang's backpack, there were a lot of [colorless energy crystal blocks].

Although it's not a lot, at least it's enough for Chen Yilang to play for a while.

Chen Yilang came to the rooftop again with great interest, and slipped to a place where no one was around.

Then he took a deep breath, looked up at the boundless sky, and chose to activate the skill.

[You activated:! 】

At that moment,

I don't know if it's my own delusion.

Within Chen Yilang's vision,

He seemed to see the gray sky covered with thick dark clouds.

It was as if a huge palm, big enough to cover the sky, suddenly waved lightly above the sky.

And at the moment when his fingertips crossed the sky,

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky,

Also at that moment,

Like pencil handwriting erased by an eraser,

The smoke disappeared.

The blue sky reappeared in front of this world, and you could even see the rays of sunlight pouring down.

"..." Chen Yilang stared blankly.

The ability of this [Covering the Sky] is really too strong...

Moreover, the scope of the [Sky Covering Domain] is indeed much larger than Chen Yilang imagined.

At least……

Within the confines of this male dormitory area,

The rain really stopped.

"Damn it, Nima, why did the rain stop!?"

Chen Yilang heard the roars of the boys from downstairs:

"My day, my day, help, brother, rainbows are popping up!"

"I vomited. If you say that, aren't we going to take a computer class again?"

"Can you stop the crow's mouth, I have already started qualifying, and it's still a six-bar-zero Tianhu start, don't mess with me!"

"Wait a minute! Have you noticed? It seems that the rain stopped only here in our dormitory area..."

When the boys were still discussing the strange weather today,

Chen Yilang walked down from the rooftop with an indifferent smile on his face, as if he had seen through everything, then silently bypassed the crowd and returned to the dormitory...

--no way.

[Covering the Sky] This skill is probably understood by him.

Just these few days,

According to the previous weather forecast, I am afraid it will rain from time to time.


Now that you have Chen Yilang of [Covering the Sky], you don't need to worry too much about this problem.



The time of military training always flies by quickly.

The weather these days has not been particularly good.

So the students of Nanxuan University were forced to experience the feeling of training on a cloudy day.

This is so sad.

After a hard military training, I couldn't even meet the sunny weather.

The freshmen sighed that they were not born at the right time, beat their chests, and could only laugh out in pain.

Of course,

Although Chen Yilang's hands are itchy,

But he definitely won't kill him. During training, he activates the [Sky Covering] skill and invites Father Sun out for tea.

Chen Yilang is still training as usual,

Happy to play with the long-legged ladies in the phalanx team.

When I was resting, if I was free or not, I chatted with Xia Ling to pass the time, and checked the favorability of the NPC by the way.

This life can be said to be quite comfortable.

"Hey, look!"

Xia Ling pointed to the flower team in the distance, and said with a surprised expression, "Isn't that Zhang Weimeng's classmate?"

Chen Yilang followed Xia Ling's slender green onion,

I saw in the middle of a large group of petite and lovely sisters wearing lace skirts and white knee-high stockings,

A strong man who is nearly two meters tall is waving a wreath in his hand, and shouting the slogan "Come on!"

Although there are other boys besides him, his head in the flower team can be said to be the leader, and the rate of return is 100%...

——That is Zhang Weimeng, who has an expressionless expression on his face.

Chen Yilang can even see,

While waving the garland, he reluctantly looked in the direction of the phalanx team, with envy written all over his face.

"Mom, I've finished my homework, can I go out and play with them?"

——It is probably this sense of sight.

"Well, everyone has their own love and pursuit. Seeing how happy he is, we should feel blessed for him."

Chen Yilang said seriously.

Gossiping, gossiping,

The last night of military training was over.

At the moment when the instructor announced his disbandment,

So everyone couldn't help but cheered loudly.

after all,

This is both dissolution and liberation.

After the training schedule was over, the only things left were the military training show and the art gala.

Chen Yilang has nothing to worry about when the phalanx team is performing here.

After Zhang Weimeng was promoted to the Flower Team, the instructor soon arranged for him another flag bearer, who was also a beautiful sister with long legs.

Naturally, the other classmates did not have any opinion. After all, Chen Yilang was indeed the one who walked the best, and he was well-deserved to be the standard-bearer.

And it turns out that,

Just as Chen Yilang expected,

In this part of the military training show, everything went quite smoothly.



The next day, early in the morning.

Military training show

Nanxuan University, on the playground.

All the teachers and students leaders of the whole school are gathered together at this moment!

Bunting flags fluttered, crowds of people moved, and the scene was full of excitement and excitement.

And under the eagerly-anticipated gaze of the audience,

As the first platoon with a good start, the phalanx guard of honor marched steadily along the runway.

The teachers and students off the field looked at it at a glance,

The picture that can be seen in the picture,

In addition to the legs full of the screen, the legs full of the screen...

The long legs of this team took a straight step, they were mighty and imposing like a rainbow!

On the huge playground,

He was immediately overwhelmed by the surging applause and cheers that erupted spontaneously like a raging wave.

"Squad leader!"

"Look, that's our squad leader!"

The students of municipal class 214 couldn't help shouting loudly.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

At this moment,

Everyone's eyes were locked on the flag bearer who was walking at the front of the team.

Many people also recognized this very familiar boy

——Chen Yilang, the monitor of four consecutive classes.

Many people have actually heard a little about the stories that this guy circulated during the military training period.

Especially the freshmen of the class of 2021, who have never heard of Chen Yilang, there are almost few left.

"Lang! Brother! Bull! Force!"

Zhang Jian stood up from the team and let out a scream like killing a pig.

He even broke the sound on the spot because he was too excited...

However, this did not affect the enthusiasm of the students of the municipal class 214 at all.

The moment when Chen Yilang raised the flying flag, escorted by the two beautiful long-legged ladies on the left and right, walked in front of the rostrum with a high-spirited and steady Chinese pace.

Almost all the students in the class stood up from the big lawn in unison, sending the warmest applause and cheers.

"Brother Lang, you are awesome!"

"Brother Lang, listen to me! What you hold high is not a flying flag, but my sincere letter of confession!"

"Chen Yilang, the squad leader of Class 214 of the city camp!"

"Monitor Chen Yilang, I love you!"


Amid the sudden cheers and calls,

Chen Yilang was so frightened that his hands trembled, and he almost threw the flag directly on the faces of the leaders on the podium.

Your sister...

This is too exaggerated...

Although Chen Yilang had expected such a scenario,

But such a shocking card face is really something he never thought of.

And the voice in my head is like setting off firecrackers incessantly...

[Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Your reputation has been improved! 】




Almost every step you take, you gain a little reputation!

At the end of the ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ system gave the final settlement data.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have acquired a new title: The Beginner of Gradual Glowing. 】

【Reputation: 1300】


Chen Yilang took another breath.

A phalanx parade, actually directly gained 300 reputation points!

This is the first time Chen Yilang has experienced such a terrifying increase in speed.

Sure enough,

The decision to join the Phalanx team was not wrong at all.

that's it,

Under the applause from the audience and the satisfied gazes of the leaders on the podium,

Chen Yilang went through the transition smoothly.

When he returned to the class team, there was another burst of cheers.


Not to mention returning home, at least it can be said to be a perfect ending.

If you want Chen Yilang to give him a score for this year's military training,

Chen Yilang felt that he should be able to hit more than 90 points.

An absolutely qualified and satisfactory result, but if compared with better people, there is still a big gap.

But anyway,

As a freshman,

Chen Yilang felt that he had done his best.

——This is probably the charm of [Player].


"Then next..."

"It's time to prepare well for tonight's theatrical performance."

Chen Yilang quietly looked up at the sky and thought silently.


I always feel that the sky seems a little gloomy.



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