If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 105: 【Scattering Water Cannon】!

"Is there really no way, sister?"

Chen Yilang showed a rather regrettable expression, "I really like this sunny doll."

Looking at Chen Yilang's very regretful expression,

Mo Xiaoxi's heart was slightly touched.

- This guy is really special.

Among so many students who come and go,

At 0 and 7, he was the only one who noticed the sunny doll hidden in the corner.

That's right, this is the real reason why Mo Xiaoxi was touched, definitely not because Chen Yilang was pretty handsome.

"How about this."

"After all, this is not for sale, so I don't plan to take your money."

"Since you want it so much, then you can do me a little favor."

"Okay, you can say it." Chen Yilang said.

"To tell you the truth, our new store has just opened."

Mo Xiaoxi said, "Although a lot of people come to patronize all of a sudden, if there is no better drainage method, it will take a long time for the passenger flow to decrease."

Chen Yilang nodded, agreeing with Mo Xiaoxi's idea.


First of all, [Mo Xiaoxi's store] does not have an advantage in terms of location.

say nothing else,

According to Chen Yilang's quite a lot of late-night snack experience,

On the food pedestrian street on the east campus of Nanxuan University,

Only the first half near the entrance is where the most students gather.

Because the location of the exit is too far from the dormitory, it is easy to see the embarrassing situation that the housekeeper has locked the door when returning to the dormitory at night.

And there are very few parking spaces there. After many students stopped the tram to the entrance, they were not interested in walking so far to the exit at all.

The most important thing is that the place where you exit is always sealed from time to time.

Many students finally ran there to try to find a school gate, only to find that they had hit the wall directly, which was very uncomfortable.

"So I would like to ask you a favor and help to promote it in your school, so that everyone knows that a new store of 'Colorful Nest' has opened here." Mo Xiaoxi said.

"In that case, what do you want me to do?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"Help me pull some clients."

Mo Xiaoxi said with a smile, "You don't need a lot, just 50."

"If it exceeds the quantity, I will pay you a commission for the excess part according to their consumption level. Do you think it's okay?"

【Ding! 】

【You have triggered a new hidden mission! 】

[NPC: Mo Xiaoxi]

[Details: Mo Xiaoxi's "Colorful Cabin" is in a critical period of new opening and needs a lot of passenger flow and popularity support, please help! 】

[Reward: [Sunny Doll x1], a lot of gold coins, experience points. 】

After listening, Chen Yilang thought about it quickly.

50 people.

In his academy, it is probably the same number of people in the two classes.

Although this number does not sound like a lot, in fact, it is not particularly easy for Chen Yilang.


Now he is just a freshman who has just entered the university.

Say it nicely and call it a blank piece of paper, and say it badly, call it a message to understand.

With neither the resources nor the connections, where did he get so many people by relying on the title of a monitor?


You can't just mobilize the whole class to spend in the "Colorful House" for your own business, right? This is too outrageous...

Chen Yilang changed his mind and thought for a while, and then he paid some attention.

"Yes, sister." Chen Yilang said, "However, I think you need to cooperate."

"You said." Mo Xiaoxi said.

"I think it's not difficult to attract traffic and promote it. The real difficulty is how to attract customers through the promoted content."

"It's like playing with the blue moon's knife ninety-nine, and the sweet honey of Mixue Bingcheng..."

"So, since we are a new store, we must have some attractive places before everyone knows it."

Chen Yilang said, "I think the easiest and most feasible way at present is to promote it in the form of penguin circles."

"Let them retweet the penguin circle to collect likes, and each time they reach a certain number of likes, they can get gifts or shopping coupons."

"And most importantly, gifts and coupons must not be perfunctory, because it is the only thing we can use to attract customers now, and we must be willing to invest the cost."

"Actually, what you said is similar to what I thought." Mo Xiaoxi nodded and said, "Classmate, which college are you from?"

"Business school." Chen Yilang said.

"No wonder." Mo Xiaoxi said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll leave this to you. Just tell me how much money you need."

"OK, then it's settled." Chen Yilang nodded and agreed.

back to dorm,

After quickly feeding a group of hungry wolf-like dogs, Chen Yilang spent an hour carefully crafting a copy of the penguin circle.

Say something.

Before that,

Chen Yilang never thought that,

It turns out that those promotions that are usually placed in the penguin circle, and the content can be scanned at a glance in less than two or three seconds,

If you really want to write it yourself, it's really not that simple.

Chen Yilang flipped through the penguin circles of the various marketing advertisements in his list.

After summarizing various marketing dynamic templates,

It's the only way to bite the bullet and get the promotion of "Colorful Cabin" out.

After discussing with Mo Xiaoxi immediately after the masturbation, the penguin circle copywriting was finalized.

Then upload it to Penguin Circle and click Publish.


Chen Yilang felt as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

After the news was released, Chen Yilang had a good sleep...


Woke up the next day,

Just when Chen Yilang felt that he was ready to start showing off his skills, a new problem appeared again.

There are very few people who have retweeted his dynamic...

Apart from the few dog sons in the dormitory who were easily bought with a late-night snack, there were actually fewer than ten people who spontaneously forwarded the news.

"..." Chen Yilang scratched his head.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized a key problem.

- He entered the university and now, in fact, did not know many people.

till this moment,

in his list,

There are only about half of the students in the municipal class 214, and a few monitor leaders from other classes who were added because of the exchange business, all of whom are not very familiar.

In this situation,

Even if he posted a dynamic in the penguin circle, it did not have much effect.

"It doesn't feel very useful, Brother Lang!" Li Zixian said aside, "I retweeted your penguin circle, but few people gave me a thumbs up!"

Chen Yilang leaned over to take a look,

Indeed, as Li Zixian said,

Only an ID named "Jinye Yi Yang at home" replied a comment under his feed, and the content of the comment was still a string of mysterious magnet links...

Chen Yilang: "…"

All right.

Not surprising.

The penguin circles he forwarded by himself are useless, let alone expect his roommates to be of much use.

"It seems that a bigger springboard is needed."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

- He needs a platform.

A platform that can expose promotional content on a large scale on campus!

"Quick, quick, now!"

Chen Yilang said solemnly, "Within three minutes, I will know which is the school's biggest news release platform!"

"That must be the Nanxuan Forum!"

"No, the forum will be banned for advertising, once for three days, twice for one year, and three times for permanent ban."

Li Zixian thought hard again: "Then there is only the educational administration system of Nanxuan University..."

Chen Yilang: "?"

The sensible Zhang Jian silently handed the fruit knife to Chen Yilang.

"Hey, brothers!"

Feng Tian, ​​who had been lying on the bed, suddenly shouted loudly:

"hurry up!"

"Look at the confession wall of today's school!"

"Today, a lot of girls posted about their boyfriends, and the quality seems to be very high, suck~"

"Where? Immediately!" Li Zixian and Zhang Jian responded surprisingly in unison, and quickly took out their mobile phones.

For this wave of Feng Tian's actions, everyone basically took it for granted.

As a "dog licking", Feng Tian's favorite thing to do is to look for beautiful girls from all walks of life on the campus confession wall, and after adding friends, it's a meal...

"Wait, no."

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

Holy shit, when did this thing get upgraded? ?

He clearly remembered that Feng Tian was still a lv6 [licking dog] when he first started school.

However, Chen Yilang is now taking a closer look—

【lv9 Wolf Warrior】

good guy!

I'm **** straight guy!

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched violently.

After paying homage to Brother Tian in my heart,

Chen Yilang suddenly remembered something.

A flash of light flashed in my mind.

Feng Tian's voice gave him a wake-up call.


Confession wall!

This thing is definitely the platform that attracts the most attention from students!

If you flip through any news posted on the confession wall, the number of likes is almost always in units of hundreds.

Moreover, the Confession Wall is an online dating platform set up by the students spontaneously. The school-level leaders cannot participate and interfere, so sometimes they also take some business promotion business.

Just do it.

After having an idea, Chen Yilang immediately began to inquire from various sources, and finally found the person in charge of the confession wall in the office of the school's media department.

"come in."

The moment he opened the office door, Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

Jay Chou's love songs circulated in the office, and the surrounding layout and decoration were also very small and fresh.

There is even a wall painted pink, full of girlish hearts coming towards you...


Sitting in front of Chen Yilang is not a young lady with a literary fan and a romantic atmosphere.

— but a fat boy with tousled hair, a polo shirt, and heavy black-rimmed glasses.

What the hell?

That guy who updates all kinds of romantic love poems on time every night at eleven o'clock is this guy?

[lv9 stingy big man]

[Big footed man: A male creature with particularly sloppy living habits, good at skills [嘤嘤嘤] and [Women's clothing]. 】

[Remarks: When you encounter soft girls online who are sweet and cute and call them brother, you need to be vigilant, because the guy who is on the line with you is likely to be them! 】

"Hello, my name is Li Hao, and I am a junior this year." [lv9 Big Man] said.

"Chen Yilang, freshman."

"It's a junior." Li Hao said, "I heard that you want to do business promotion with our school on the white wall?"


Chen Yilang told Li Hao what he thought.

But when he spoke,

He noticed that Li Hao didn't seem to be listening very seriously, and even yawned on the way.

After Chen Yilang finished speaking, Li Hao frowned and said:

"Okay, I probably understand."

"Then I'll just say it."

"First of all, I'm not very optimistic about your colorful cottage."

"If you pay attention to our confession wall, you will find that the promotion business we have taken over is basically a relatively large business."

"For example, some hot pot restaurants, milk tea shops, and party halls with taller facades are things that young people prefer."

"For example, the order we made last month was an online celebrity milk tea shop, and it's still very popular now."

"As for your colorful cottage..."

"If I'm not mistaken, it's just a small supermarket, right? Or maybe there's nothing wrong with the grocery store."

"So you have to understand that the promotion of this kind of business will bring down our confession wall... How do you say that word? Forced, yes, it is forced!"

"If we even take on the promotion of cats and dogs, what will others think?"

The more Li Hao talked, the more hilarious he even started to spit.

【Ding! 】

[[lv9 Kneeling Man] used the [scattering water cannon], causing a lot of magic damage to you! 】


Chen Yilang's soles were slightly hard, and he moved his wheelchair roll back a few centimeters.

So the spittle stars that Li Hao sprayed out,

After flying halfway,

Then he drew a parabola and sprinkled it on the ground that often left black and gray marks because he didn't mop the floor very often.

【miss! 】

[You successfully dodged the [Diffuse Water Cannon] of [lv9 Big Guy]! 】

[You have mastered the skill: lv1 retreat! 】

"And the most important thing is,"

"The main purpose of our promotion, of course, is to obtain revenue for operating the platform, so it must be charged."

Li Hao went on to say, "Don't brag about it, I've been in charge of our school's confession wall for a year or two, and now the attention is definitely one of the best in the whole of NTU."

"According to our standards, you have to charge at least 5,000 yuan for the promotion of your length and word count. I'm afraid you, the owner of the colorful cottage, is reluctant to pay this money..."

Li Hao was talking non-stop, when suddenly someone knocked on the door and walked in.

The one who came in was also a senior with light makeup on her face. Compared with the girls in the lower grades, she had lost a lot of childishness.

"It's annoying, I just contacted there, and others don't seem to be interested in us." Senior Sister said helplessly.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Hao sat up all of a sudden, "What are you dissatisfied with? The price? The form of promotion?"

"I think there are."

Senior Sister shook her head helplessly, and sighed a little tiredly, "Anyway, this order is really difficult to deal with. I've been with that side for a month, and I haven't made any progress."

"No way, big customers are like this."

Li Hao bit the end of the pen and said with a frown, "Thank you for your hard work, Liang Qi."

"I don't blame you. After all, I have been a confession wall for so long, and this is the first time I have encountered a client as big as a flower..."

"Wait a moment."

Chen Yilang seemed to have heard something:

"Sorry, let me interrupt."

"What's the name of the merchant you discussed just now?"

"Fanhua, you don't understand this?"

Li Hao was already a little upset, but when he heard Chen Yilang ask such a childish question, he became even more impatient:

"A large-scale club chain in Nanxuan City, targeting the young market, especially college students."

"The promotion we are doing now by Confession Wall is all aligned with this level of merchants."

"So, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com looks like your colorful hut, let me see it or forget it..."

"Brother, listen to me first."

A faint smile appeared on Chen Yilang's face:

"Flower Club, right?"

"I seem to be a little familiar."

"Familiar? You kids, can you afford to go to a place like this?" Li Hao couldn't help laughing, "According to your current consumption level, if you went last time, I'm afraid that half a month's living expenses will be wasted? "

"So I'm not very familiar." Chen Yilang waved his hand with a light smile, "It's just that the owner of this club is my sister."


The smile on Li Hao's face suddenly froze.

Only Jay Chou's singing was still reverberating in the office.

"I dried up the silence and regretted it impulsive..."

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