If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 103: 【Ultimate face-turning technique】!


Xia Ling felt a little dizzy, and the two big confused eyes were full of confusion and surprise.

Although I didn't know Chen Yilang for a long time,

But at this moment,

Xia Ling suddenly felt that the boy in front of him seemed to be a little handsome...

Although he usually looks listless, he can always stand up at critical moments and become the most reliable existence.

that's it,

Municipal Class 214, one ticket person,

Under the leadership of Chen Yilang,

The props and equipment of a large truck were all transported to the place where the stage was set up on the playground.

When we are far away,

Chen Yilang said loudly without looking back:

"Minister Peng!"

"Remember what you said!"

"We all heard it clearly just now!"

After Chen Yilang walked away,

Peng Qiwen stood there blankly, as if his soul had not yet returned to its place.

It feels like...

Had an absurd daydream.

So, is the series of broken things that happened just now real?

Really beeping a dog!

In front of everyone, this guy effortlessly lifted two super loud speakers, and then took a group of younger brothers and directly evacuated all the goods in a car?

If you do this, don't I want to lose face with the driver?

Even the trucks will be angry when they hear it!

Look around you,

A large circle of melon-eating students were also looking at Peng Qiwen, wanting to see how he would react later.

"..." Peng Qiwen stretched out his hand to support his forehead, and was silent for a while.

Entering skeptical life mode...



the other side.

The system sound in Chen Yilang's mind rang.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Mind Smash], causing tons of damage to [Oil Bucket Monster]! 】

[The oil barrel monster has entered a state: [Fear]]


Hear the voice in your head,

Chen Yilang breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

look like this,

It is estimated that this [oil barrel monster] will not dare to trouble Xia Ling again for a while.

Under the dim moonlight,

The team of Municipal Class 214 walked on the way back full of momentum.

The teams who were still lining up for training on the playground saw this scene across the railings on the playground, and they all looked sideways with envy.

And Chen Yilang just carried two huge speakers and walked at the front of the team with Xia Ling.

The painting style is a little strange...

The other boys in the 414 dormitory were in charge of leading the team behind them according to Chen Yilang's order.

After the three of Li Zixian looked at each other for a while, they reached a consensus and slowed down the team's walking speed very sensible.

After all, I have been with Brother Lang in the same dormitory for so long, so I still have this awareness.


Of course it's that kind of thing, as soon as you poke your ass, he'll know if it's a loud fart or a stinky fart.

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling just walked side by side, the two of them were silent for a while.

Xia Ling's mood at the moment is actually a bit complicated.

She wanted to talk to Chen Yilang a little, but she felt that classmate Chen Yilang said it coldly...

And Chen Yilang is amazing.

——His attention was not on Xia Ling at all.

There is only one thing Chen Yilang is focusing on now, and that is the [Monster of Luck] floating behind Xia Ling...

Along the way, Chen Yilang has been paying attention to its changes.

Since he put the [Oil Bucket Monster] into a [Fear] state,

He found out,

The value above Xia Ling's luck gauge seems to be slowly recovering.

And the little red demon didn't look as lively as before, instead it became sluggish, and the health value also dropped a lot.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Drawing a Knife to Help], bringing a lot of positive emotions to [NPC Xia Ling]! 】

[You got: Gold +996, Experience +675! 】

[You have created a lot of [positive emotions] and caused a lot of damage to the [bad luck monster]! 】

[[The monster of bad luck] has entered the state of [malfunctioning]! 】

[Depressed: In this state, the vitality of the target decreases, and the mental attribute drops significantly. When the surrounding environment returns to suitable conditions, the negative state is automatically lifted. 】


Chen Yilang probably understood.

According to this statement, [malfunctioning] is probably only temporary.


If you want to kill this [bad luck monster],

Continue to seize this great opportunity and continue to pursue.

But now it looks like

There seems to be only one way—

That is to bring more positive emotions to Xia Ling.


This evening's incident still brought a big blow to Xia Ling.

Fortunately, he came just right, and this turned things around for the better.

Otherwise, the more negative emotions piled up, the more joyful the [Monster of Luck] will be, and the more unimaginable the consequences will be.

Just when Chen Yilang was thinking about it,

Xia Ling walking aside,

Suddenly broke the silence


"Thank you very much tonight, classmate Chen Yilang."

"Ah, you're welcome." Chen Yilang replied with a smile, "After all, we are all freshmen, of course we have to help each other."

"Anyway, thank you." Xia Ling said with a serious expression, "I really didn't know what to do if you weren't here."

"It's okay, if he dares to bully you in the future, you can tell me." Chen Yilang said.

"Thank you." After thinking about it, Xia Ling asked again, "Have you ever thought about joining the student council?"

"Me? Let me see the situation." Chen Yilang smiled somewhat contemptuously, "I'm very salty. There are too many things in the student union, and it may not be suitable for me."

"That's it..."

Xia Ling tilted her head again, thoughtfully.

Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile.

He found a very interesting thing.

Xia Ling likes to tilt his head whenever he encounters something troublesome and starts to worry about it.

She is really a girl who is easy to see through...

"But the seniors and seniors all told me that if you want to be awarded first, you must participate in more activities in the school and the club."

Xia Ling said, "Moreover, if you want to evaluate scholarships, the comprehensive test score is very important, and the source of the comprehensive test score is to participate in school activities..."

"That's all."

Chen Yilang said indifferently, "But in fact, the most important thing is academic performance."

"If your grades are not good, no matter how good the comprehensive test is, it is useless."

"But if your grades are good enough, the comprehensive test is not an important thing at all."

"That is to say, the comprehensive test score can only help you icing on the cake, and there is no way to help you."

"So, if you want to get something like a scholarship, the number one thing must be academic performance."

"Get the grades right first, and then think about other comprehensive test scores."

"Oh oh..." Xia Ling showed a sudden realization, "It's amazing, classmate Chen... How did you know all this?"

"Ah, that's a long story." Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

Yes, that's right.

Xia Ling knew seniors and seniors, and of course Chen Yilang also had them.

And the senior sister he knew was even more powerful than the one Xia Ling knew.

- Gu Binghan.

As a professional who has graduated and stepped into the society for many years, Sister Bing's experience is not comparable to that of young school students.

Therefore, Chen Yilang, who often chats with Sister Bing, and even has in-depth exchanges, naturally understands more things than students of the same age.

After all, she is a mature woman, and of course she is very good at teaching little boys to be adults!

【Ding! 】

[You used [well-informed] and gained the worship of [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Current favorability: 35%]


Chen Yilang was slightly taken aback.

Why is this suddenly worshipped...

He felt that he was just talking normally, and he didn't do anything fancy.

As a salted fish, I was a little flattered for a while.

The two walked while chatting. Although the three of Li Zixian deliberately slowed down, the team finally returned to the stage.

The performance props are in place.

Soon, the staff officially began to set up the performance venue.

After temporarily separating from Xia Ling,

Chen Yilang found his organization in the backstage area.

Several well-dressed and well-dressed boys and girls were sitting around, and they seemed to be discussing the presidency.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." Chen Yilang stepped forward and said hello, "Is the host reporting here?"

"Ah, yes, hello classmate!"

A boy named Lu Wenyang, who had meticulously combed his three-seventh hair, immediately greeted Chen Yilang.

But when he saw Chen Yilang's military training attire,

That smile on his face,

But it was a little imperceptible and slightly restrained.

isn't it?


Dressing up so casually without tidying up your hair?

There was a trace of disgust in Lu Wenyang's heart.

This kid is completely out of tune with their hosts.

These people are basically the third year, and the second is the second year.

Lu Wenyang felt that he was not discriminating against freshmen.

But in most cases, the freshman kid is basically not enlightened.

Even if you have hosting experience before, it is difficult to adapt to the rhythm of the university stage at once, unless it is really a special professional.

But obviously,

No matter how Chen Yilang looks at it, he doesn't belong to that kind of person...

"What's your name?" asked another host, Pan Qi.

"Ah, my name is Chen Yilang." Chen Yilang said.

"Hello, Junior Chen Yilang, my name is Lu Wenyang, nice to meet you." Lu Wenyang smiled and shook hands with Chen Yilang, "I take the liberty to ask, have you ever hosted before?"

"Not yet." Chen Yilang said, "I also ask the seniors and sisters for more advice."

Lu Wenyang's eyes changed slightly. After thinking for a while, he said to Chen Yilang with a gentle smile:

"Let's see, classmate, in fact, we haven't arranged the string of words yet."

"It's a bit late now. You guys are probably quite tired from training today, right?"

"Otherwise, let's take a good rest first. After we catch up with the string of words tonight, we will inform you to come to the rehearsal another day, how about it?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang also smiled politely, "Then it's hard work, seniors and seniors."

"It's okay, go back and take a hot bath to rest!"

Lu Wenyang patted Chen Yilang's shoulder and said with a smile, "I have also trained in the military before, and I understand you! Just after the training, everyone is almost exhausted. Where can I still have the energy to rehearse?"

"Hahaha, it's too sweet, senior."


After chatting with Lu Wenyang, Chen Yilang walked out from the backstage.

And just after walking out, Chen Yilang's expression also underwent some subtle changes.

"This guy named Lu Wenyang is a bit complicated."

Chen Yilang said silently.

Just now, Chen Yilang came to this conclusion in just ten minutes of contact with Lu Wenyang.

The first impression he left on Chen Yilang was roughly like this--a gentle smile, a kind voice, and a very understanding of the thoughts of his junior and junior brothers, very understanding...

In any way, he is definitely a good senior.

It can even be said to be 360 ​​degrees of perfection without dead ends.

—Except for the logo on the top of his head.

——【lv9 Laughing Tiger】

[Laughing Tiger: A monster that always has a smile on its face and is extremely good at disguising. He is good at [Squeeze], [Backstab] and [Deception]. He likes to attack targets with low intelligence attributes. Please avoid it! ]


"I didn't expect it at all."

Chen Yilang shook his head and sighed.

have to admit,

[Laughing Tiger]'s camouflage ability is really top.

If it weren't for the systematic identification, Chen Yilang might not be able to see it.

Chen Yilang vaguely had an ominous premonition.

"It always feels like it's going to be arranged."

he thought.

But well...

Brother Lang, who has always been optimistic and good, is not panic at all.

Panic him a hammer!

There will always be a way to the front of the mountain.

As long as he doesn't panic, the one who panics is Lu Wenyang, right?

Seeing the tricks and dismantling tricks, that is the top [player].

Besides, he doesn't have any interest in the host himself anyway. If it's a big deal, he just sits on the cold bench and paddles in the water until he gets off work and it's over?

all in all.

In this matter of maintaining a good attitude, Brother Lang has never lost.


Chen Yilang patted his butt, whistled while asleep, and walked leisurely to the pedestrian food street at the east gate of the school.

Life is too short to live up to the supper.

the other side.

After sending away Chen Yilang.

The smile on Lu Wenyang's face disappeared instantly.

——[Ultimate face-turning technique].

"Why is there a new student?" Lu Wenyang's face was a little stinky, "and it's still the kind that doesn't know anything."

"Captain, if you ask us, we don't know either."

Pan Qi said helplessly, "It is said that he was arranged by the leader, and he doesn't know what happened, but he seems to be quite famous in the freshman year."

"I don't care about that."

Lu Wenyang frowned, with his hands behind his back, looking very troubled:

"Suddenly adding someone in will disrupt all our hosting work!"

"It will be the official performance in a few days. We don't have time to change the words and line up again."

Pan Qi asked tentatively, "Captain, what do you mean now...?"

"Arrange all the least, simplest, and most irrelevant words for him," Lu Wenyang said, "and then compress his stage time as much as possible to ensure that he can show his meaning a few times without affecting our original deployment."

"Is this really good..." The hostess hesitated.

"Then what else can we do?"

Lu Wenyang was a little impatient, "The leader's arrangement is already incredible."

"It was well arranged, but suddenly a fart came in with a new student who didn't have it. Isn't this **** messing with me?"

Pan Qi is still a little worried:

"But if the captain ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ arranges this way, will the freshman have any opinions..."

"After all, he is the representative of the freshman."

"Don't make fun of me. People who are about to graduate are still afraid of a group of freshman children?"

Lu Wenyang almost didn't laugh out loud, and waved his hand indifferently, "It's alright, don't discuss it, and if you drag it on, it won't end, that's it!"

"Don't worry about the leader, I'll take care of it if you have anything, just prepare to preside with peace of mind!"

The other hosts looked at each other and said nothing.

That's all said and done, what else can I do?

can only say,

It just happened to hit the muzzle of their captain Lu Wenyang, this freshman is really unlucky.


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