If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 250: I Really Don't Know Anything

Chapter 251 I really don't know anything

Ye Ning: "???"

Bro, my mind is going to collapse. Who is it?

He looked fiercely in a certain direction.

That direction is exactly where another ancient immortal artifact appeared.

The Ancient Immortal Artifact Blocking the Star Mirror is a book.

This kind of book seems to be as thin as a cicada's wings, but once it is opened, it is found that there are countless knowledge recorded in it.

From the sun, the moon, the stars, to the poetry and songs, it's all in it.

There is a faint cloud of boiling, and in the cloud, there are pictures of birds, beasts, insects and fish, men ploughing and women weaving.

This is a book that records the various states of the world.

Reading this book, it is as if the world is tasteless.

"what is this?"

Ye Ning didn't understand.

And someone understands.

In the Immortal Sect, an unbelievable voice broke out. It was none other than Huo Qianyan of Burning Heaven Valley. His expression changed greatly and he said.

"This is a wordless book!"

"How did the wordless book come into existence?"

"Could it be that Jixia Academy was born?"

As soon as he said it, everyone was shocked.

Liu Shen took a step forward, his eyes bursting with ecstasy.

"It turned out to be Jixia Academy, no wonder, no wonder... Now the time is ripe, it's when Jixia Academy was born!"

The readers on the big week side all showed joy on their faces.

They whispered and talked.

Ye Ning listened to a few words and understood.

The Confucian Sacred Land is the Holy Court.

Because the Holy Court was the place where Saint gave lectures.

It can be said that the root of Confucianism and Taoism came from the Holy Court.

But this does not mean that the Holy Court will concentrate all the light of Confucianism and Taoism in one.

Confucianism and Taoism have been inherited for countless years, and it is definitely not enough to rely on the Holy Court alone.

It is precisely because of this that a hundred flowers can bloom, so that the flowers of Confucianism and Taoism can continue in the long river of time.

In addition to the Holy Court, there are many Sacred Lands in Confucianism.

For example, Luming Academy.

Not only have sages been born, but also the feat of disciples occupying the top of the imperial examinations for several consecutive years.

Another example is Yuelu Academy.

It used to be a place of refuge for sages.

These places, because of the birth of sages, extraordinary characters, and extraordinary things, became the Sacred Land of Confucianism.

It is sought after by countless readers.

Of course, compared with the Holy Court, the birthplace of Confucianism and Taoism, there is still a big gap.

But among the many Confucian Sacred Lands, there is a place that, although not as good as the Holy Court, was once the pride of the Confucian disciples, belonging to the first Sacred Land under the Holy Court.

That place is Jixia Academy.

Jixia Academy is a special place, where all thoughts can be accepted, no matter how deviant it is, it is absolutely reasonable to be in Jixia Academy.

Jixia Academy is full of freedom, and all students can learn what they want here.

Countless classics of Confucianism are preserved in Jixia Academy.

It can be said that Jixia Academy is a symbol of the once brilliant Confucian sect.

In the hearts of Confucian disciples, Jixia Academy has a special status.

Previously, the Holy Court was sealed by the Immortal Gate.

The goal of Xianmen was to focus on Jixia Academy.

Sealing the Holy Court is the first step. If you can find Jixia Academy and set fire to the countless books in Jixia Academy, then it will break the foundation of Confucianism.

But fortunately, there is no shortage of wise men in Jixia Academy.

At a critical moment, in order to protect the crystallization of Confucianism and Taoism, several great Confucians united and fled with Jixia Academy, hiding in a small space.

The so-called small space is the space that is attached to the big world like the Holy Court, but does not belong to the big world.

Such a small space is difficult to find without detailed coordinates.

Jixia Academy's escape from the world undoubtedly retained the spark of the Confucian sect.

But there are always two sides to everything.

When Jixia Academy went, not only the wisdom of Confucianism and Taoism was taken away, but many elites of Confucianism and Taoism also left.

As soon as they left, Confucianism and Taoism lost all their protective umbrellas, which was why they were suppressed so badly by Xianmen.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

After Jixia Academy left, they completely cut off the news, even Xianmen, they also left behind for a while.

It can be said that the appearance of Jixia Academy at this time not only frightened Xianmen, but also frightened everyone.

And that "Book of No Characters", strictly speaking, is not an ancient immortal artifact, but Yasheng walking in Kyushu and printing all kinds of human beings in the book. From the beginning to the end, it did not use half a word, but It became an extraordinary book.

Thanks to the merits from heaven, the "Book of No Characters" was reborn and became a sacred object.

Its power is no less than that of an ancient fairy.

At this moment, I saw an endless pure white light burst out from the wordless book, forcibly forcing the starlight back and suppressing the star mirror to death!

This scene, let alone Xianmen, is Ye Ning, and it is also gnashing of teeth.

"No, why are you here? Do we know each other々"?"

Ye Ning looked under the wordless book resentfully.

There were ten people there.

These ten people are all great Confucians!

And from the perspective of breath, they are not ordinary Confucian scholars, and they even have the possibility of impacting the semi-sacred.

The leader has the aura of the Holy Dao condensed on his body, and it seems that it is not far from the semi-sage.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that my Confucianism and Taoism would still recover. Since Confucianism and Taoism have recovered, then my Jixia Academy should naturally be born. In this land of Kyushu, I can't always let Xianmen dominate?"

Looking at the leader, several people in Xianmen changed their faces.

They also all knew this man.

"Qi Yuan, it's actually you, you haven't died yet!"

Lonely took a step forward, revealing his ferocity.

Qi Yuan, but he has existed for a lifetime. As early as thousands of years ago, he was already a great scholar.

This guy became a great Confucian before Confucianism and Taoism were sealed.

Not only him, but also the people behind him.

So the question is, why did they live so long?

Becoming a great Confucian can indeed prolong life.

There's nothing wrong with living a few hundred years.

With some chance, there is a precedent for living a thousand years.

But it is a minority after all.

People like Qi Yuan, who have lived for thousands of years, are very rare.

According to Xianmen's speculation, even if Jixia Academy hides, it won't become a climate, because the old guys inside will definitely die of old age.

In terms of Shouyuan, the Great Confucian certainly can't compare with the immortal cultivator.

Qi Yuan stroked his beard and said.

"Gujue, you haven't died yet, how could this old man die? Although my Confucian sect is not known for its longevity, the Jixia Academy has passed down countless years and can always accumulate a few immortal medicines to prolong my life. It doesn't matter!"

I see.

The people of Xianmen suddenly realized.

In Jixia Academy, there is indeed an immortal medicine.

Immortal medicines are very rare, but for such big forces as Jixia Academy and Xianmen Thirteen Sects, some stocks are quite reasonable.

"Then you are really not wanting face. Immortal medicine often prolongs the life of sages. You are just a great scholar, and you have the face to take medicine."

Gu Jue said with a sneer.

"It is indeed my fault for this matter, but what does this have to do with you?"

Qi Yuan looked at Ye Ning, cupped hands in the distance, and said.

"Meet the Grand Great Master!"

He is very senior and can be called an old monster.

But Confucianism has always been a teacher, so it is impossible for him to hold his identity in front of Ye Ning.

First, his own cultivation does not allow him to do so.

The second is that Ye Ning has now become the Lord of the Holy Court, so he is also the leader of all scholars, the Grand Great Master.

Not to mention, Ye Ning has returned a half saint.

In front of Ye Ning, all scholars are naturally short.

This is prescribed by etiquette.

The more accomplished Confucian disciples are, the more they must maintain.

Ye Ning is numb.

I didn't know what to say, so I grinned, laughing harder than crying.


So unlucky?

Why is Jixia Academy not born early and late, but born at this time?

"There is one thing we need to tell the Grand Great Master."

Qi Yuan looked at Ye Ning and said sincerely.

"The precious medicine in Jixia Academy was supposed to be used to prolong the life of the sages. We are all blunt people and are not worthy of taking the precious medicine."

"However, Confucianism and Taoism have been sealed, the world has cut off the way of scholars, and Jixia Academy is forced to hide in the world. Although it can survive for a lifetime, it can't last long. At that time, there was no daylight. Self-improvement... But I actually understand in my heart that at this time, Confucianism and Taoism may really come to an end. Therefore, in order to continue the inheritance, and to make Jixia Academy continue to exist in the world, we took the medicine of immortality to prolong life. to date."

"Although there are unavoidable reasons, I wait, after all, it is trespassing, and I also ask the Grand Great Master to punish."

While Qi Yuan was talking, the other nine people all bowed their heads.

What he meant was simple.

Originally, it was definitely not their turn to use such a precious thing as immortality medicine.

But Confucianism and Taoism have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. In order to continue the inheritance, they don't think so much, and directly take the medicine of immortality.

This is the public mind, not any selfishness.

But after all, it is a benefit, so this is why I am guilty.

Especially since Ye Ning has been canonized, it stands to reason that things like immortality medicine should actually be used by Ye Ning when his lifespan is about to expire.

So it can be understood that they took Ye Ning's stuff, so they are still alive.

Therefore, there is a strong sense of guilt.

Although they didn't know Ye Ning, Ye Ning was able to save Confucianism and Taoism and become a saint, which was enough to gain all their respect and trust.

"I will not punish you, nor do I deserve to punish you. You are all heroes of Confucianism. Without you, the destruction of Jixia Academy would be an immeasurable loss."

One yard Return to Self, Ye Ning was angry with these people for disrupting the situation, but he still recognized them in his heart.

Don't think that after just a few words, you feel that Qi Yuan and others have been through the thousands of years very easily.

Escape to the small space with Jixia Academy itself is very difficult.

What's more, to endure endless loneliness.

Compared with Ye Ning, these talents are more worthy of respect, and they have kept the last hope of Confucianism.

Besides, things like immortality medicine, in Ye Ning's place, are not as valuable as garlic and green onion.

He dreamed of dying, what would he do if he wanted to die?

Not to mention that he is in the peak of Spring and Autumn now, and he still has countless days to live. Even if he is really about to die, it is impossible for him to take the medicine of immortality.

".〃 As expected of the Grand Great Master, it really is splendid."

Qi Yuan praised, with excitement in his eyes.

"On that day, Confucianism and Taoism recovered, and I knew that there was a huge turning point in the outside world, but out of caution, it did not appear in the world."

"Afterwards, we saw the Grand Great Master being consecrated again, triggering the ten Second Stage of the world's vision, the first person in ancient and modern times. At that time, we knew that the day of our return was just around the corner."

"Now, I finally came back, but it happened to be a meeting. This must be the guidance of Saint!"

Hearing this, many people suddenly realized.

It turned out to be so.

The co-author Jixia Academy did not completely cut off contact with the outside world.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they are all Confucian people.

The recovery of Confucianism and Taoism and the canonization of Ye Ning are both important events of Confucianism and Taoism, and they have some feelings, which is normal.

"I don't want to talk, I just want to be quiet."

But Ye Ning was speechless when he heard it.

That was really bad luck.

These people don't come back early, they don't come back late, but this time when they are stuck is really a headache.

This is good, Xianmen is really going to misunderstand.

As expected, Chiyang Daoist looked at Ye Ning indifferently and said.

"Why do you think we would believe this kind of nonsense at the right time? It was clearly planned by you!"

Ye Ning was too lazy to explain.


Think what you like.

Ye Ning doesn't care about this, he only cares about one thing, that is, should Xianmen continue?

Gujue used her actions (Li Lihao) to illustrate Xianmen's will.

"Even if Jixia Academy returns? Those who escaped the world with you back then are the only ones left to die. Do you think you can turn the sky with the wordless book? The Thirteen Sects of Xianmen Sect. Let's make a joint shot today, even if you wait for the end of the day, it's good for you to return, as soon as you return, you will perish!"

Solitary waving.

The people from the Qunyu Pavilion were also dispatched.

They also awakened the ancient fairy.

It is a purple-gold phoenix hairpin.

Above the phoenix hairpin, there is a dark red blood.

This is the blood of the patriarch of the Qunyu Pavilion.

Legend has it that in those days, she used her own blood to sacrifice the purple gold phoenix hairpin, which made her an ancient fairy weapon.

As soon as he was born, he was bloody and shocked the world.

Now that the purple golden phoenix hairpin has recovered, its power has not diminished. The terrible atmosphere was brewing, and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky seemed to be dyed red.

Burning Tiangu also took action.

A fiery red cauldron was suspended in the air, and the flames were burning in the cauldron.

This flame is not an ordinary fire, but a sky fire.

The terrifying high temperature seemed to burn everything, and the void became distorted, as if it could not stand the high temperature.

"The strength of Xianmen is not something you can imagine!"

Huo Qianyan pointed at Ye Ning and said indifferently.

"Ye Ning, what else do you have to do, take it out, let's find out today!"

Ye Ning looked depressed.

"How many times have I said it, I really have nothing to do."

Guys are lying flat, I really don't know what you are attacking here suspiciously.

But just as his voice fell, a grand voice suddenly resounded through the heavens and the earth.



Golden beams of light surged from the west.

Everyone was in disbelief. .

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