Chapter 240 The Demon Sect obeys


You have not been destroyed.

Of course she didn't care about these little things, but hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Fang Qingxue's arm, and said distressedly.

"Pei Yuhan, is this your goal? You expected this outcome, and you want to use another way to humiliate me severely, right?"

"My Cultivation Base is sealed."

It turned out that Fang Qingxue fell into Devil Cultivator's hands.

After some beating.

The little servant had already seen what happened here.

One is that there is no great achievement on the road of cultivation, and it can only be sent out, which can be regarded as a contribution to Sect.

The shopkeeper's face instantly brightened a lot.

From her perspective, all she could see were the feet of passersby.

In a word, Fang Qingxue was struck by lightning. .

Fang Qingxue showed joy.

this moment.

He couldn't believe it, is there such an ugly person in the world?


Cultivation practitioners are not always seen by everyone.

"It was also sealed."

"I don't care about that. I just look at the results and give you one last chance. If this happens next time, then you don't have to be the shopkeeper."

"Oh? It's..."

She was really distressed,

She has encountered so many things, and now her heart has long been sensitive to the extreme. How high she expects the disciples of Immortal Sect, how disappointed she is now.

Only Fang Qingxue was left alone in the dust.

She was about to explain when she heard Huang Yan's next sentence.

He quickened his pace and left quickly.

But why these own people can bring him double the shame?

Heart secretly happy.

The shopkeeper's heart froze, and he squinted to look at Fang Qingxue, and he really saw the strangeness.

But these people are all immortal disciples who are very kind in her eyes!

When she was by Pei Yuhan's side, she was far less ashamed.

When I saw Huang Yan, I really saw my relatives.

Over time, Fang Qingxue became a little angry.

She finally found the flag of the Qunyu Pavilion.

"This woman's voice seems familiar."

So here comes the question, Devil Cultivator is so cruel, did she just seal Fang Qingxue's Cultivation Base and let her go?

Just looking at the figure, it seems like the same thing, but this face makes him sick.

The pursuit of power is the eternal tone of the practice world.

She felt it carefully again, and then her complexion finally changed greatly.

They are not strong, they are Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment cultivator.

So she gritted her teeth and continued to move forward.

But at this moment I couldn't stand it anymore.

People coming and going all around cast disgust and ridicule in their eyes.

She clearly did nothing wrong.

"Why...why do you do this to me...why? Why doesn't anyone believe me...I'm telling the truth...Is it possible that if I lose my appearance and Culture Base, the Immortal Sect will abandon me... "


But if the protection is not uniform, there are those who are not afraid of death.

She thought that she would be redeemed the moment she entered Wenxianfang.

Indeed, in the world of practice, the face is only secondary.

It's hard to escape, she can't just give up.

There was hope in her eyes.

"Who blocked your Cultivation Base?"

This woman doesn't have a Cultivation Base at all. Even a mere mortal dares to say that she is the true biography?

"Qingxue, where's your Cultivation Base?"


"Don't cry, don't cry..."

She felt very clearly that this was not a seal.

Looking at its charm, it is somewhat similar to the original Fang Qingxue.

"Yeah, so ugly, how dare you come out to meet people?"

It won't do anything good if you mess with her.

"To accept apprentices at Qunyu Pavilion, it's not only about her aptitude, but also her appearance. She is extremely ugly, so how can she enter the door of Qunyu Pavilion? Be careful of the shopkeeper, don't be a rogue, come to our store to cheat food and drink."

So she didn't dare to say a word of dissatisfaction.

She endured the pain and started walking again.

She is like a corpse, with ragged clothes and a gray face, she must be the most embarrassed person in the Xianfang.

"You fell into Devil Cultivator's hands, destroyed your Cultivation Base and Spiritual Roots, and released you?"

If it weren't for Xianmen's rules, killing people in the market, he would definitely kill Fang Qingxue directly, and it would be impossible for her to live.

Don't even think about it.

"It's the Devil Cultivator!"

What kind of eyes are these.

Fang Qingxue was stunned.

Huang Yan almost concluded that Fang Qingxue must have been abolished Cultivation Base, but she didn't dare to tell the truth, so she lied and said that she was just sealed.

Communication with each other is also close.

Huang Yan instantly smiled and turned around immediately. She saw Fang Qingxue's face, but there was no surprise.

Fang Qingxue is empty among Meridians and Dantians, where can there be any Spirit Power?

Because she saw an acquaintance.

She looked into Huang Yan's eyes and felt strange.

It's weird.

The shopkeeper of the shop is a cultivator of the Star sect. Generally speaking, the person who is assigned to be the shopkeeper in Fangshi has two characteristics.

Not good!

Fang Qingxue was cursed, she knew about it.

This is the flag of the Star sect.

Devil Cultivator?

It was hard for him to imagine why there were such ugly women in the world?

But just as Spirit Power entered.

But she no longer cared about other people's eyes.

No wonder Sect hasn't returned for so long!

He was furious, and suddenly stood up and said angrily.

"Is it Qingxue's voice?"

Really weird.

"Come on, get some spirit tea."

She flipped through the ledger and said lightly.

His instinctive reaction stimulated Fang Qingxue again, making her smile seem a little reluctant. Her heart was bleeding, but on the surface she looked respectful.

These malicious transmissions made her mentality distorted a lot.

Huang Yan looked at her lightly and said.

Second, the seniority is high enough.

She saw Starzong's shop and walked in immediately.

"If it weren't for the fact that people couldn't kill people in the market, I would even want to kill her directly. Living like this is really polluting the world..."

"It's actually true."

What is the result of the disciple of Xianmen falling into the hands of Devil Cultivator?

Fang Qingxue fell for a long time.

Passers-by were in a hurry, and no one stopped for her.

There was a smile on his face again.

Her tears suddenly flowed out.

Therefore, Fang Qingxue must have a good impression of Star Sect.

Because she doesn't care what other people think.

This kind of thing has gone too far.

But they, like everyone else, used the worst words to describe her.

A group of little servants rushed out.

"It must have been stolen from somewhere. You are really bold, and you dare to steal the token. Come on, hit me hard!"

Why doesn't the master believe it?

This was Pei Yuhan's mistake, he forgot to take this thing away.

"Uncle Master, I'm really a true disciple of Qunyu Pavilion, this is my identity token!"

She is not a person who likes to cry.

A suspicious look appeared in Huang Yan's eyes.

But it's not something Fang Qingxue can fight against now.

There was a slight change in her face.

This person is the Outer Sect Elders Huang Yan of Qunyu Pavilion.

However, it was only for a moment.

As a result, he turned around like this, but was startled.

What did I offend you?

After experiencing indifference and injustice, this kind of warmth is even more precious,

Especially the "monster" that the other party instinctively said hurt her even more.

Look at the result of Devil Cultivator falling into the hands of Xianmen, some torture is indispensable, abolish the Cultivation Base, wear the Pipa bone, and then kill it.

She found herself pushed away.

It's just that my heart is very tangled.

Her cheeks were hot.


The shopkeeper waved his hand and took people back.

So many scars on my body...

How can I improve my business next month? If you can't do it, you will really lose the position of shopkeeper. Don't think that this position is not prominent, but the oil and water are not small.

She is now on the brink of collapse.

Just as the two were talking, a surprised voice came.

After kicking Fang Qingxue away, he immediately turned and left.

Fang Qingxue realized that the tone was wrong, stopped crying, and answered truthfully.

But in Fang City, it stands to reason that these people passing by should be "own people" of Xianmen.

I just never heard of it. When did the Star Sect have such an ugly true story?

This kind of pain was even more unbearable for her than being captured by Ye Ning and tortured by Pei Yuhan.

Just the moment he left, a thought popped into his mind.

By no means is that loving uncle, more like a stranger.

But she now realizes that she is too naive.

The strength is strong enough, even if it is ugly, there will be countless people touting it.

Today, the two Sects are well-known allies.

Every once in a while, an exchange meeting between the two disciples will be organized.

"Why is there such an ugly person in the world?"

The reason why she suffered such humiliation was because Pei Yuhan did it deliberately.

This is obviously not possible.

But soon the smile froze.

The most important thing is your own strength.

"I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive. What happened to you? Why did you fall into this?"

Let the two disciples discuss the Tao with each other, learn from each other, improve themselves, and understand the gap.

Because she felt humiliated.

She was moved by Pei Yuhan, and now she is a waste no matter how she looks at it.

Could it be really my old man?

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with her calling her uncle Shi.

In Fang Qingxue's mind, there were thoughts that had never been seen before.

Huang Yan is a very bad-tempered woman.

Huang Yan glanced at her with a half-smile, and said.

Huang Yan is her uncle who has a good relationship with her. In the past, she often instructed her to practice and brought her some interesting gadgets.

"This uncle!"

Are you going to be despised and hated just because you have an ugly face?

Along the way, she even saw a few people she knew in the past.

Her heart felt a tearing pain.

Ask Xianfang. Fang Qingxue looked at the "acquaintance" who kicked her away in disbelief.

Huang Yan patted Fang Qingxue's back lightly, with a kind smile on her face.

"You've become a waste, why do you have the face to come back? Why don't you die?"

Because the shopkeeper's face changed and said.

This face, too... chic, right?

The shopkeeper grabbed it and took a closer look.

She gritted her teeth.

The woman was dressed in palace clothes, with a cold face.

But even if Cultivation Base was abolished, Huang Yan felt that Devil Cultivator would not be so kind to let her go.

With the Star Sect's relationship, he is of course willing to help Fang Qingxue.

Her pace became much more cheerful.

But she asked quietly.

But it's just being hated and despised by people, so what's so great about it?

When you open a shop outside, you have seen the most weird things.

The true biography of Qunyu Pavilion?

But she herself doesn't seem to realize it.

"Uncle Master, I am the true disciple of Qunyu Pavilion. Now that I am in trouble, I also ask Uncle Master to help me."

But she 15 overlooked one thing.

In the shop of Qunyu Pavilion, the shopkeeper bowed and stood, and in front of him was a middle-aged woman.

"No, it's impossible. Master told me that Sect is my home... The Star Sect refuses to help me, but Sect will definitely do it!"

The woman Yufan looked at in disgust.

Fang Qingxue did not expect that the situation would reverse 180 degrees in a short period of time.

When I came to Wenxianfang, it was not for anything else, but a routine check.

She believes that all this is Pei Yuhan's fault.

Fang Qingxue was too miserable.

"Master Huang!"

Fang Qingxue struggled to get up.

He was just sealed.

Among the thirteen sects of Xianmen, the Star sect has the best relationship with the Qunyu Pavilion.

She is walking on the street.

This good relationship is passed down.

In this, she is very confident.

Fang Qingxue was bruised all over her body.


Wronged to cry.

"The daring madman actually deceived me, and dared to fake the name of the Qunyu Pavilion, come on, call me out!"

It was Fang Qingxue who rushed in.

The shopkeeper's face was ashen, but he could only nod and bow in agreement.

Along the way, countless people cast disgusted eyes.

"Compared to last month, profits appear to be down."

Knowing this, Huang Yan groaned in her heart.

Immediately fetched tea and came.

For a person like him who is destined to have little success in his cultivation path, these oil and water are his capital for the rest of his life.

Do not.

"Where's your Spiritual Roots?"

She looked for the flag of the Qunyu Pavilion.

"Elder Mingjian, it's not that I am incompetent, but the overall business this month is not very good. The income of my group of jade pavilions, among the thirteen cases, is already good."

She took out a token that could prove her identity.

She subconsciously poured Spirit Power into Fang Qingxue's body to help her recover from her injuries.

Fang Qingxue rushed into Huang Yan's arms.

But the problem is, Fang Qingxue has no power now!

Once inside, she said hello.

"It turns out that this is the case, you can rest assured that when you arrive at the uncle, you will naturally not abandon it."

He was just whispering in the ear of the shopkeeper when he was serving tea.

Her eyes were full of injustice, she said.

How could I have such an ugly old friend?

She rose from the pool of blood.

The shopkeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Fang Qingxue said bitterly.

Finally, someone was willing to give her a warm embrace.

He fell in the middle of the street, with bloodstains spreading out from under him.

Fang Qingxue cried and said.

Because she saw a flag.

If someone else said that, Fang Qingxue might have been numb long ago.

The ancestors of the two Sects were close friends in the distant past.

She got up again, the last ray of hope pouring out of her despairing eyes.

It's just that the big forces of the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect generally don't have any strange things coming to them.

Alright, really came to the Star Sect to cheat food and drink!

She thought viciously, if she returned to Sect and found the Cultivation Base, she would definitely settle accounts with those who laughed at her today.

Why are you so malicious?

The shopkeeper's Ben didn't pay attention. When he mentioned the call, he smiled subconsciously and turned around.

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