If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 233: The Secret Is Unpredictable

Chapter 234 The secret is unpredictable

A song "Song of Lime" was read out, and Ye Ning's body flashed with white light one after another. Haoran's righteousness boiled again.

But this time, there was no such fancy vision as before.

All the literati at the venue were shocked, because in their courage, there was the sound of gold and iron symphony.

It was as if someone was striking iron with a hammer.

Ping Pong Pong!

In that banging sound, many things appeared in their minds.

It's all past experience.

Many things make them proud.

Many things make them ashamed.

There are also many things that I didn’t feel when I was doing it, but now I look back on it and I feel that I have done something wrong.

This is the magic of poetry.

With a power that tortures people's hearts.

The mood of everyone has been tempered to varying degrees.

After tempering, there are no flaws, and the level of the whole person has improved a lot.

Not to mention them, even Cai Xianggao, also experienced this "hammering".

By the time it was over, I was already sweating.

"This turned out to be a rare soul-refining poem!"

The so-called heart-refining poems have the power to torture people's hearts.

It is undoubtedly a difficult thing to torture people's hearts.

But this is precisely one of the pursuits of Confucianism and Taoism.

A person, in this life, does not say that he can be worthy of the world and the people, even if he is only worthy of himself, it is very difficult.

This is moral cultivation, but also psychological quality.

It is very difficult to improve moral cultivation and psychological quality.

Because this is actually a process of overcoming own.

Take Death, for example.

Most people are afraid of Death, a few people can muster the courage to meet Death, fewer people can face it, and a few people can see death as home. "Five Four Three"

Of course, there are people like Ye Ning who embrace Death.

This can actually be seen as a level of mood.

Unfortunately, since ancient times, refining the mind has been a very difficult thing.

Who can have no selfish desires, and who can not fear Death?

There are too few such people.

Therefore, the existence of soul-refining poetry is particularly important.

Heart-refining poetry can torture people's hearts and make a person face the deepest secrets in their hearts.

After some torture, it is possible to have a reborn general change.

There are many poems about meditation.

Cai Xianggao knew a lot, and even tried to write it himself.

But it is unheard of to reach the level of "Lime Song".

As soon as this poem came out, it was like burning fire and beating with a hammer, and the state of mind seemed to become a real thing, and it became pure in the process of hammering.

"It's a good sentence to leave innocence in the world!"

"Even if you are smashed to pieces, you can't step back half step!"

"Only Lord Ye can make such poems!"

The crowd burst into tears.

This poem is of great significance and is the gospel of Confucian scholars all over the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the existence of this poem is enough to increase the probability of the world's Confucian and Taoist disciples breaking through the great Confucianism by at least 20%!

This contribution to the literary and Taoism is enormous.

But people don't care about that anymore.

Because of the combination of the situation, Ye Ning wrote this poem with a mortal heart.

Poetry to chant.

His sentence "Leave innocence in the world" obviously blocked everyone's words.

What a noble pursuit this is!

Ye Ning is willing to live and die with the people, how noble is this? Are they going to tarnish Ye Ning's personality?

Everyone was ashamed.

Of course they don't.

But it strengthened their minds even more.

"Since Lord Ye has made a decision, I will not persuade him any longer. It's just that if you don't leave, I won't leave. If you want to die, just die in one place!"

"It is a kind of happiness to die innocently."

"It is our honor to die with the adults!"

The crowd collectively expressed their opinions.

The poem apparently infected them too.

Make them like Ye Ning and have a firm heart.

This made Ye Ning a little unexpected.

He really got his wish.

I can stay here with peace of mind.

But everyone will stay.

This was not his intention.

He dies and can be reborn as Heavenly Emperor and live a second life.

But Cai Xianggao had only one life.

They are really dead when they die.

Of course, there is also a possibility, maybe Heavenly Emperor has the power to control Samsara and can bring them back to life?

But it's not Heavenly Emperor, after all, I don't know what the specific ability is.

Ye Ning can gamble with his own life, but there is no reason to gamble with other people's lives.

Therefore, he actually really wanted to let Cai Xianggao leave.

But looking at the way they are now, it is obviously impossible to leave.

Ye Ning didn't want to waste his saliva either, so he just didn't press the watch, and he'll think of a way later.

"Brother Cai, let me die in peace..."

Ye Ning begged in his heart.

Please, I really want to die!

But there are too many people who don't want his death.

Officials at all levels in Bingzhou thought so, and they jointly signed up and hoped that Ye Ning would leave.

Of course, Ye Ning scolded him angrily, but he had nothing to say.

But the people also knew what was going on. They even wrote the Wanyan Book, and everyone put their fingerprints on them.

This is not a small amount.

Ye Ning looked at the thick stack of ten thousand words and felt heavy.

The people also wanted him to leave.

But Ye Ning couldn't go.

So I had to write a letter to the people in my own hand to express my determination.

After finally appeasing the people, the capital


The decree has come again.

"What does the dog emperor want to do?"

Ye Ning's eyes were red.

Today, why is it so hard to want to die?

The whole world wants to backstab me, right?

Only Xianmen is a good brother!

"Brother Ye, Your Majesty's decree has arrived."

Cai Xianggao reminded.

He saw that Ye Ning had no intention of accepting the order.

"It's nothing more than asking me to go back to Beijing. I can't go back. What's the point of accepting the order?"

Ye Ning waved his hand and decisively refused.

"But Your Majesty used a golden order!"

Cai Xianggao said with a shocked expression, holding a golden token in his hand.

"Once the golden order is issued, it must be obeyed unconditionally!"

"This is the method set by the Great Ancestor!"

"If you don't obey, you will be executed according to the law!"

He reiterated the seriousness of the matter.

I hope this will give Ye Ning the idea of ​​returning to Beijing.

But he didn't want Ye Ning's eyes to light up and said.

"Then let her cut me. If it really kills me, I thank her!"

Ye Ning said it sincerely.

If Ji Mingyue can really give him a good time.

That would be fine.

Past grievances are wiped out.

When my buddy becomes Heavenly Emperor, I will definitely give you a big red envelope.

Cai Xianggao smiled bitterly.

Ye Ning was really determined this time, it was impossible for him to persuade him to move.

He could only accept his fate and say no more, waiting to die with Ye Ning.

But no, this is just the beginning.

The imperial decree and the golden decree were continuously sent to Bingzhou as if they did not need money.

The imperial envoy came in batches after batches.

At first, Cai Xianggao was shocked.

His Majesty's determination was too firm.

Unfortunately, Lord Ye was indifferent.

After that, it became numb.

Because Ji Mingyue issued thirteen golden orders!

From the Great Ancestor to the present, no one has ever received thirteen golden orders.

It has to be said that this is an ancient anecdote.

But these thirteen golden orders did not shake Ye Ning in the slightest.

Ye Ning looked at the table full of Jin Ling, pouted and said.

"God emperor, do you think this can ruin my good? Impossible!"



Above the golden hall, the ministers were silent.

"Your Majesty, this is the thirteenth golden order."

Liu Jin gave a reminder.

Speaking of this, he was also filled with emotion.

That is, Lord Ye.

To be able to face the thirteen golden orders but still resist the decree.

The most amazing thing is that, starting from His Majesty and the ministers below, none of them were angry.

If it is really going to be on the line, this is definitely an extremely bad event.

But everyone seems to have some tacit understanding, and they ignore this point together.

But Liu Jin felt that this was a matter of course.

That's Ye Ning!

Who will punish Ye Ning for disobedience?

Liu Jin dared to guarantee that if any idiot really brought up this matter, then he would definitely be pushed out by Ji Mingyue and chopped up first.

Ye Ning's significance to Da Zhou and the world is irreplaceable.

The more disobedient he is, the more he can reflect his noble character, and the more moved people.

"Listen, there are already thirteen golden orders."

Ji Mingyue was expressionless.

She was not at all surprised by this result.

In fact, she didn't want to waste time at all, but the ministers kept asking, give it a try, try again, maybe Lord Ye can agree?

So Ji Mingyue took a chance to try.

But now the answer is obvious.

This kind of approach can't shake Ye Ning in the slightest.

The crowd remained silent.

Ji Mingyue's mouth showed a sneering look.

"You guys have an idea, do you still want to issue the fourteenth golden order?"

Liu Shen smiled bitterly and said.

"Your Majesty doesn't have to try. Lord Ye obviously won't be shaken. His "Lime Song" has already shown his will."

Speaking of "Song of Lime", everyone was moved collectively.

No one knows the value and meaning of this poem better than them...

This is a heart-refining poem that can make the strength of the Confucian sect improve rapidly.

Before Ye Ning wrote it, it was hard for them to imagine that a poem could have such magic power.

It can be said that this poem alone is a great achievement for Wen Dao.

So, it made them feel sorry for Ye Ning.

People like Ye Ning should continue to live.

The longer he lives, the more he can benefit this era.

If he really died... that would be such a pity.

"I'm not afraid of being smashed to pieces, and I have to leave my innocence in the world."

When it comes to "Song of Lime", poetry will automatically appear in Ji Mingyue's mind.

For everyone else, it's the last sentence that definitely pays the most attention.

To leave innocence in the world.

Because this sentence is the finishing touch, it directly expresses the heart and makes the whole poem Transcendent refined.

But, for Ji Mingyue, what she cares more about is the previous sentence.

Not afraid of being shattered.

"For you, smashing your body and bones is not enough, but how can I watch you smashing into bones?"

Ji Mingyue remembered the words "shattering the body and breaking the bones", and her mind was aching.

She didn't want to endure any longer, and announced directly.

"Since that's the case, then I will go on a personal expedition!"

As soon as the words fell, the ministers stood up and said.

"Your Majesty!"

"Absolutely not!"

"If Your Majesty goes to the danger in person, you will undoubtedly abandon Jiangshan Sheji!"

Everyone seemed to be digging their hearts out, desperately trying to stop it.

But in exchange, Ji Mingyue treated her with cold eyes.

Because of this picture, she has seen enough in the past few days.

As early as when she said that she was going to go to the expedition in person, the ministers directly fried the pot.

Like Jiang Qingwan, they believed that as kings, they should sit in the center.

Bingzhou is the most dangerous place in the world. If Ji Mingyue goes, there will be three longs and two shorts, and the big week will really be over.

But Ji Mingyue was firm.

In desperation, everyone had to urge Ji Mingyue to continue to launch the golden order.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Maybe Ye Ning could be moved by seeing so many Jin Lings?

This is also the reason why Ji Mingyue has not left for so long.

It is now certain.

Ye Ning is still as firm as ever, and it is impossible for him to compromise.

Then, of course, Ji Mingyue will have to go to the expedition in person.

She can't wait to put on her wings and fly over by herself.

So when the ministers refused again, she chose to be arbitrary.

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

"Ye Qing fights alone in Bingzhou for the sake of the country's society and crops, do you all have the heart to bear it?"

"If someone like Ye Qing dies, then half of the country will be lost. I don't want to sit in the capital and wait for the world to fall. If I want to die, I will die on the battlefield. After I die, I will be buried with Ye Qing in the Together!"

She raised a hand and pointed at everyone.

"This matter, I have decided that if anyone dares to persuade him again in 3.7, then he will be punished with death!"

Therefore, many people who want to speak can only swallow the words when they reach their mouths.

"Forget it, since it is a sacrifice of life for justice, how can you let Lord Ye specialize in beauty? The old man and His Majesty go together!"

Seeing that Ji Mingyue was so determined, Liu Shen stopped persuading him, but instead was inspired with enthusiasm.

It is undoubtedly an inspiring thing to do so.

In Liu Shen's eyes, if Da Zhou is really going to perish, it should be a vigorous walk, not a lingering one.

Together with Ji Mingyue, he has experienced the darkest moments for too many years.

Forbearance, forbearance.

They held back until Ye Ning was born, and they saw the light.

Could it be that now, we must watch the light disappear and return to the darkness again?

no way!

If you want to die, then let's die together!

"It's well said, Confucius said Chengren, Meng said that taking righteousness is nothing but death, who would be afraid?"

"The gentleman says death, the villain says death. I am almost a concubine today!"

"The death of a gentleman, heavier than Mount Tai!"

The great Confucians also expressed their positions together, and a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Really made a decision, then let go of the burden instead, and everyone is a lot easier.

This feeling infected everyone.

For a while, the voice of fighting to die together was incessant.

This made Ji Mingyue's eyes a little wet.

Once upon a time, all the civil and military affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty were treacherous.

And now, look at now.

This is the general difference between the heaven and the earth's spiritual outlook.

And who brought all this?

The face of Ye Ning appeared in Ji Mingyue's mind, and she muttered in her heart.

"Dog thing, you just wrote poems for me, and now that you're done with it, you want to die alone... It's beautiful, there's no such thing in the world!".

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