If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 231: To Stay Innocent In The World

Chapter 232 To leave innocence in the world

This is his strength, but also his greatest weakness.

But people couldn't help but have a thought in their hearts.

Another white-browed old man sneered and said.

In one sentence, it touched the softest part of Jiang Qingwan's heart.

"Seeing Ye Ning is a life-long mistake!"

But Ji Mingyue is also very serious, she is not asking Jiang Qingwan's opinion, but announcing her own decision.

The Star Sect has its doors wide open.


What makes a person change so much?

So she was so impulsive now that she couldn't understand it.

This is a deadly situation.

"But I'm afraid that the surnamed Ye escaped. If he returns to the capital, there is really no way to take him."

The Qunyu Pavilion is indeed very powerful, but who of them is weak?

She suddenly regretted it.

Is there such a stupid person in the world?

He raised his head from time to time, with a worried look in his eyes.

As soon as this statement came out, of course, it attracted public anger.

Ji Mingyue was a little irritable, said coldly.

Jiang Qingwan was incomprehensible.

"Master Ye's life and death are related to the survival of Da Zhou, so even if he does not withdraw, he must be ordered to withdraw!"

Even the army fighting on the border must obey the order unconditionally.

"Joke, who dares to tie Lord Ye, you go?"

Such things as Jin Ling are full of deterrent to others, but in Ye Ning's eyes, 80% of them are useless.

"Draft the edict, make Ye Ning return to Beijing quickly, and go to Bingzhou with the edict, as well as my golden order!"

"Will Lord Ye listen?"

Thanks for her being able to say it.

"How could the news leak out? Could it be that my fairy gate can't hide things now?"

Liu Jin has now been promoted, and his loyalty has been tested.

But any retreat can at least give everyone hope.

From this point of view, as long as Ye Ning is willing to withdraw, it will undoubtedly be a blow to Xianmen.

This is recognized by everyone.

Ye Ning pushed away Cai Xianggao, who was trying to persuade him, and said aggressively.

someone said.

If they knew, they would be shocked.

As long as Ye Ning withdraws, then Xianmen's calculations will be in vain.

Some people quarrel, naturally some people mediate.

Of course, it is impossible for these ordinary disciples to know what happened in the deepest palace of the Star Sect.

"I reject!"

Therefore, based on the above, Ji Mingyue believes that Ye Ning will definitely resist.

What if Lord Ye really disobeyed?

At this time, it was entirely up to Ji Mingyue to stabilize the overall situation.

"The arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. Now everyone knows that the thirteen sects of Xianmen have joined forces. If they don't make a move, wouldn't it be a joke?"

But since she is a woman, she has this characteristic. She can be rational to others, but only emotional to Ye Ning.

"That's the reason, what if the news is leaked? Our strength is crushing it."

Although the Star Sect is not a hidden Sect, it is rarely lively.

Lonely said proudly.

However, her look made many people dissatisfied.

In this regard, a question mark slowly emerged in their minds.

This woman never knew what emotional intelligence was, and she was very arrogant by relying on the "extinguishing light".

If they win, the emperor and Ye Ning will take it together.

After Ji Mingyue finished speaking, she turned her back and did not want to speak any more.

someone said.

"Aunt Jiang, I have lived for Da Zhou for twenty years, and now I want to live for myself once, okay?"

"How about that?"

This problem has become the ultimate problem in the Great Zhou Dynasty. In theory, retreating must be the best option in this situation.

After the meeting is over.

If it is anyone in the world, out of the overall situation and out of personal considerations, they will resolutely return to the capital.

But what about Ye Ning?

Of course, she doesn't care about popularity.

"No, I've made up my mind, I'm going to drive myself to expedition!"

He said lightly.

Jiang Qingwan asked.

Disobeying the golden order is, in theory, a capital offense.

If Ye Ning died, Da Zhou was bound to suffer huge turmoil.


Taking a step back suddenly, cupped hands said.

The crowd frowned.

If it obeys the order once, it will make Ji Mingyue feel incredible.

Therefore, the popularity is not very good.

"My group of jade pavilions, there can be no traitors, only you Sects can infiltrate the traitors!"

"Your Majesty, do you want to subjugate your country?"

She had given many orders for so long, and she asked herself, which one was for Ye Ning's good.

Let them plan for a long time, put on such a big posture, and the punch hit the air.

But combined with Ye Ning's consistent behavior and respect for life, you can know that in Ye Ning's heart, what is imperial power?

Isn't that him?


Now that Ji Mingyue wants to go crazy with her, it means putting all her eggs in one basket.

If you say the first two sentences, there are still some emperors' thoughts.


But what about Ye Ning?

Jin Ling is of great significance.

In Ye Ning's heart, there is absolutely no reverence for imperial power.

"Yes, if he withdraws, he will not be Lord Ye anymore."

It can be said that she lives for Da Zhou.

That night Ye Ning got drunk and turned into a poem, and that night Ji Mingyue secretly promised.

But in front of Ji Mingyue, he was still the loyal eunuch.

"Instead of him, I think he is very likely to choose to fight us head-on."

Thinking of this, Ji Mingyue was full of resentment.

"Besides, if Ye Ning dies, what would it be like for me to be alive?"

"Okay, the war hasn't started yet, but the thirteen sects of the Immortal Sect started fighting within each other. Isn't this a big joke in the world?"

It is better to think about it, has Ye Ning withdrawn from the beginning to the present?

The strong people who come and go, or control the light, or ride the mount, or fly the Magical Item on the foot.

That night, Huaqing Pool met.

His Majesty is also really moving.

This can be seen from what he said at the time.

Lose your mind because you care.

"Well, what should we do then?"

The ministers began to discuss this matter.

"But if Ye Ning dies, how long do you think Da Zhou will be able to hold on? How long can the human formation be delayed without the main formation?"

But this gave Jiang Qingwan a huge shock.

But when this was replaced by Ye Ning, it suddenly became very difficult to say.

The biggest problem when the news leaked was that it gave Ye Ning a chance to prepare.

Instead of thinking about the question of whether Ye Ning will withdraw.

This feeling will definitely not be good.

The screen cuts back to Cangsong County.

He has a ghost in his heart.

"No need to think about it, Lord Ye will definitely not withdraw."

What can make a woman with a heavy mission go nowhere?

Feelings that were still hazy suddenly became clear.

Jin Ling is a heavy weapon in the hands of the emperor.

Once it broke out, the Jin Kingdom would be smashed to pieces.

"I'll go over now and block the way for him to escape!"

But this day.

This ancient immortal artifact is the Star Sect. It connects with the power of the Star. When night falls, the starlight is like a waterfall, and all the disciples practice, and the effect is doubled.

She looked at the thin figure in front of her.

But they do not endorse the accusation of isolation.

That can directly declare the Great Zhou Dynasty to be destroyed.

"If he doesn't listen, then find a way, even if it is tied, tie him back!"

Because when you see the golden order, you must have a concept.

This remark (bfdh), to be honest, is a bit outrageous.

Many Star Sect disciples have never seen so many strong men in their lives.

She calmed down a little, then said.

Ji Mingyue got up slowly, she looked at Liu Jin who was waiting in front of the hall.

If he took the opportunity to escape back to the capital, he would have lost all his efforts.

"Sir, obey the order!"


Women are emotional.

Many people were outraged.

This made Ji Mingyue lose the judgment he should have.

Jiang Qingwan sighed.

Let her have a deeper understanding of Ye Ning.

"Who is the traitor is not the point now. After this matter, everyone has time to investigate. The most urgent task now is to discuss and discuss whether the original plan will be implemented?"

"You are the body of all gold, how can you be in front of the enemy? The capital is the safest place in the world. Your Majesty must not go to Bingzhou to take risks!"

Seeing Ji Mingyue cast her eyes, her heart moved, and she stepped forward immediately.

The use of the golden order shows that Ji Mingyue is really anxious now.

Her gaze swept over the people present unceremoniously, said coldly.

543 people froze in their hearts.

A man in a red robe spoke, with a flame mark between his eyebrows.

"I must be prepared for his disobedience. If she disobeys, I will immediately take the elites of the capital and rush to the battlefield of Bingzhou, and I will march in person!"

Putting people first is what he thinks is right.

"If you change to someone else, you may escape."

"It is absolutely impossible for this officer to take a step back!".

On the top of the sea of ​​​​clouds, there is a palace like this.

Ji Mingyue talked again as a Junior, telling her own thoughts.

Liu Jin was startled, and then said.

There's not much to say about it.

Will Ye Ning withdraw?

"Your Majesty must not!"


"According to the order!"

"Isn't it? The news leaked, there must be a traitor in a certain Sect, otherwise we wouldn't know our plan, and this traitor's status is not low!"

She thought Ji Mingyue made a stupid decision.

Then the last sentence directly exposed a fact.

Who is the traitor?

"Aunt Jiang, if I can choose, of course I don't want to subjugate my country."

"Your Majesty's decree, let him withdraw to the capital immediately!"

The Hall of Stars is an ancient fairy artifact, and it is also the reason why the Star sect has been passed down to this day and ranks among the thirteen sects of the Immortal Sect.

"Then why are the traitors in our Sect and not from the Jade Pavilion?"

So when faced with cross-examination, she chose tit for tat and said.

Chief Chiyang said.

If I knew this earlier, why did I arrange the Huaqing Pool meeting?

Xianmen will definitely smile crookedly, right?

Because there is a fierce quarrel breaking out there.

It was none other than Mo Haoran.

The ministers immediately quieted down, showing awe, and returned to their own position.

"Isolating fellow daoist means that the traitor is in our Sect?"

As soon as the golden order came out, there was no room for negotiation, Ye Ning should understand the weight of this.

This palace will only appear when the stars are in the sky.

The revival of the Great Week has always been the number one goal in Ji Mingyue's heart.

Ji Mingyue suddenly spoke up.

She was wearing a blue Taoist robe and looked like a middle-aged woman. She was very cold and her eyes were cold. When she spoke, she was old-fashioned and had a strong sense of preaching.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

To judge the merits of an emperor, you can see it from the people. If the people live well, the emperor succeeds. If the people live badly, then no matter how you advocate it, you will be fooled.

Lonely stood up and said.

Sure enough, Daoist Chiyang of Taiyi Sect couldn't help it, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked directly at the Deputy Head Teacher of Qunyu Pavilion.

Those who can come here are either the Great Elder, the Deputy Head Teacher, or even the Head Teacher himself.

Jiang Qingwan walked out and said with a frown.

Everyone's status is not low, why should you be accused by the people in your group of jade pavilions?

But never obeyed.

only emotion.

"It's better to give up your life than to sit still."

Jiang Qingwan's pupils shrank suddenly, but said subconsciously.

So he didn't want to dwell on this topic, but chose to pass it on.

It was none other than Huo Qianyan, the great elder of Burning Heaven Valley.

This guy is good or good, and the credit is bigger than the sky, but it is indeed an unprecedented thorn.

Back in the imperial study, Ji Mingyue said.

Gujue has never had a good temper. Although she is a woman, her nature is like fire and her methods are cruel.

Driving in person?

As long as this old woman is isolated, it will always make the scene very stiff.

It was impossible for Ji Mingyue not to see the terrible consequences that she could see.

In Jiang Qingwan's mind, Ji Mingyue has always been rational. Although she is a woman, she is not allowed to be a man.

Although Ji Mingyue has always concealed it well.

If you don't follow it, the consequences will be big.

Colorful escaping lights shuttle back and forth over the Star Sect.

"Your Majesty has already issued a golden order, can Ye Ning still resist the order?"

Immortal Gate is coming with Mount Tai pressing on the top, how can Ye Ning resist?

"He will definitely not obey!"

He said that whether an emperor is qualified or not depends not on whether he is a man or a woman, but on what he has done.

"It's enough for Lord Ye to go crazy alone. If you add your majesty, wouldn't it be exactly what Xianmen wanted?"

Everyone is looking out for the overall situation.

The Deputy Head Teacher of Qunyu Pavilion spoke up.

The thirteen sects of Xianmen gathered here.

Jiang Qingwan was more serious than ever.

That's because she's already deeply rooted in love!

This discussion was controversial.

But what?

Driving in person?

Every time.


That is the edict that you must obey, right or wrong.

Because she knew Ye Ning too well.

"That's a problem."

After all, there are still a few people who know about this.

This is a Sect with a slightly more bitter cultivator style.

Ji Mingyue used affirmative statements.

He did not think the imperial power was special, Sacred.

"I've known Ye Ning. This person would rather take what is straight than what is good. He has never known danger or retreat."

See her determined face.

Everyone has a unique status.

Therefore, he rose to prominence and became the general manager of the imperial palace, with a high status and extraordinary status.

But Your Majesty is really willing to kill Lord Ye?

"If it is someone else, he will definitely obey the order, but if it is Ye Ning, then he will definitely resist the order!"

"Obviously, there are traitors in Xianmen!"

The golden order came out.

Dog things never give me Face!

Even the loneliness without emotional intelligence snorted coldly and stopped talking.

For others, it is rare to resist the purpose once in a lifetime.

Clearly, something big is about to happen.

But, Ye Ning is the number one iron-headed boy in the world, always facing the edge of the knife and never retreating.

"No, if he wants to leave, he has already left, and it's too late for you to go."

Jin State is the grasshopper of the autumn queen. Even if it is forced to continue its life, it cannot last, and the calamity will erupt sooner or later.

"Running back to the capital?"

If Ye Ning resisted the decree, it would be absolutely irrational.

This is the gate of the Star Sect: the Hall of Stars.

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