If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 229: The Way To Break The Game

Chapter 230 The method of breaking the game

Mo Haoran rode an escape light and flew at his own limit speed. This is the absolute limit.

Because he was running for his life.

When escaping for his life, he didn't care about the direction, he just wanted to stay away, keep away from it, until it was absolutely safe.

So he shuffled around.

Even the earth escape and the water escape are all used, no matter if it is useful or not, try it again.

But nothing works.

A wisp of air locked him.

When he was flying, he couldn't feel it.

As soon as you stop, you can feel this air immediately.

The other party is obviously intentional.

Since he can achieve this level, if he wants to cover up his own qi, it must be an easy task.

In other words, the person who followed him secretly could lock his position without disturbing him, but he deliberately exposed his own qi.

why is that?

In Mo Haoran's view, this is clearly a strong self-confidence.

Because I'm confident that you can't escape, so I show the cards.

Just tell you, I'm chasing you.

Can you do anything?

Mo Haoran had no choice.

He felt like a mouse being played with by a cat.

On a hill, he fell.

With a miserable smile, he revealed a wry smile.

"Senior please show up, Junior won't run away."

He bent down and bowed to the air ahead.

The next moment, in front of the empty eyes, a figure slowly emerged.

This man was in rags and unkempt, and there was even a faint smell of stench from his body.

It looks like a refugee or a beggar.

But Mo Haoran didn't dare to despise him in the slightest.

At this level, the appearance of ** 15 has no meaning.

The appearance of Nangong's beloved person made him feel unfathomable.

Mo Haoran knew that in the world of practice, there had always been the kind of top players in the game world.

They no longer pursued their cultivation, so they wandered around the world, being Taoist priests telling people fortunes, and being beggars begging for food everywhere, it was normal.

In his eyes, Nangong Liangren is undoubtedly this type of boss.

Beloved Nangong looked at him lightly, but did not say a word.

This brought Mo Haoran enormous pressure.

He swallowed and found his throat dry.

"I dare to ask the senior, where did Junior offend the senior? Please also ask the senior to point out."

He seemed docile.

But in fact, there is a careful thought. Asking like this has the meaning of spying on the background of Nangong's beloved.

But who is Nangong Beloved?

How could he not see Mo Haoran's thoughts?

In the past, he just didn't want to pay attention to these things, but now he pays a little attention and naturally grasps it in the palm of his hand.

He finally spoke, his voice indifferent.

"I ask, you answer, if you don't answer, or tell a lie, you will die."

He seemed to be talking about a very ordinary little thing.

But to Mo Haoran's hearing, it was undoubtedly the whisper of the god of death.

He was shocked and said bitterly.

"Senior, feel free to ask, Junior dare not hide it."

He was really unlucky to meet such a strange but extremely powerful opponent.

"Why did you go to Cangsong County?"

Nangong Liangren asked.

"I came for Ye Ning. If I can kill it, I will kill it. If I can't kill it, I will find out the details and bring the news back."

Mo Haoran did not dare to be vague and said immediately.

This matter cannot be concealed, and others can guess it, so it is impossible for him to lie about this matter.

To do so would be tantamount to insulting Nangong's IQ.

But even if he told the truth, Nangong was still a little angry.

His killing intent suddenly became much stronger.

This made Mo Haoran's last bit of luck disappear. Sure enough, Nangong's beloved was Ye Ning's.

Otherwise, after hearing that he was going to kill Ye Ning, he would not have thought of killing.

"When you say take the news back, where do you mean?"

But Liangren Nangong did not do anything, but continued to ask.

"Of course, bring it back to the Ascension Gate."

Mo Haoran answered decisively.

However, he felt that Nangong's lover's killing intent had increased a lot.

Raising his head, he saw the other party's eyes without a trace of color.

This made him feel cold, and he said unconsciously.

"It's the thirteen sects of Xianmen including Yuhuamen!"

After saying that, he felt a chill in his heart.

Not good.

This man is more powerful than he imagined.

It's hard to have reservations in front of such a person, let alone deceive him.

"Why Xianmen Thirteen Sects?"

A look of doubt flashed in Nangong's eyes.


Mo Haoran gritted his teeth, but still told the truth.

"Because the thirteen sects of Xianmen have been united, the thirteen sects have joined forces to help the state of Jin conquer Zhou!"

This is big news.

Xianmen has always been kept secret.

But in this way, he was known by Nangong Liangren.

Thirteen cases?

Nangong's eyes narrowed.

He has not been in this world for a day or two, of course he knows about the Thirteen Sects of Immortal Sect.

In fact, several of the thirteen Sects, he actually heard the names when he was in Immortal World.

That's because, after the cultivators in this world reach Celestial Immortals, not everyone will stay in this world.

There will still be many people flying up.

For countless years, those who have ascended to the Immortal World have also had their own results.

Of course most of them are dead, or they are gone, so there is nothing to say.

The arrogance of the lower realm, when it comes to the Immortal World, may not be able to stand out.

Some people also joined the forces of Immortal World and made some achievements.

There are also very few people who recite the lower realm Sect, so after they have achieved something, they set up a sect to continue the Sect heritage.

In this way, if a person from the lower realm ascends to the upper realm, they will have a place to go.

Liangren Nangong has traveled all over the Immortal World in his life, and the name of Sect he has seen and heard is like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Among the thirteen sects of Xianmen in this realm, there are several Sects. He has heard the name, but he is not sure if it is the same name.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that in this world, the Thirteen Sects of Immortal Sect are definitely the most powerful forces, none of them.

When the thirteen sects join forces, it is an unrivaled force.

"The thirteen sects joined forces, is it really for the extermination of Zhou?"

he asked.

"It is said to be attacking Zhou, but in fact, the biggest purpose is to kill Ye Ning. If Ye Ning can be killed and the entire territory of Bingzhou can be recovered, Great Zhou's national fortune will naturally collapse."

Since Mo Haoran has already started, of course there is no way he can hide anything, he can only say like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Even he himself was a little shocked, why did he cooperate so much?

It's not his character.

It is really terrible for Nangong Liangren.

It was so terrifying that he didn't dare to hide it at all.

"Tell me about the detailed plan."

Nangong's face was expressionless.

"Conceal the news first, gather in secret, and when the war breaks out, Xianmen suddenly exerts its strength and kills Ye Ning!"

Mo Haoran hesitated and said.

"Then slaughter the people of the seven counties in the east of Bingzhou!"

"Once the Great Zhou National Fortune is broken, you can attack the capital."

"As soon as Ye Ning dies, the human formation will have a chance to break without the main formation."

A look of surprise flashed in Nangong's eyes.

Is the fairy gate of this world so vicious?

He is definitely not the kind of virgin who is soft-hearted, and his hands are full of hard work, and he has seen many murderous demons.

But in Immortal World, the immortals have a default rule, that is, if there is no last resort, they will basically not shoot at mortals.

Why is this so?

Not pretentious, but for two reasons.

First, of course, they already have Immortal Ascension. Immortals and mortals are separated from each other, and they have no communication with mortals. If they are shooting at mortals, there is no benefit, and it will make people laugh.

Second, the slaughter of mortals by immortals will contaminate karma.

Once the karma reaches a certain amount, Hearts Demon will be born, and the practice is difficult.

No matter how serious it is, it will even attract divine condemnation.

Are the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect not afraid of karma?

After a little thought, he understood.

Just now Mo Haoran mentioned the state of Jin, and Xianmen did not take action as Xianmen, but to help Jin.

"Are you trying to take advantage of Jin?"

he asked again.

Such a sharp mind!

Mo Haoran secretly complained, who is this Sacred?

He could only be honest.

"It's really taking advantage of the state of Jin. After killing Ye Ning, we will coerce the state of Jin and let the army of the state of Jin slaughter the city, and Xianmen will help."

This is to make Li Ran bear the bulk of the karma.

As for Xianmen, it is contaminated with a small half, and if it is shared, it is nothing.

As long as you can kill Ye Ning, it's worth it.

"Does Jin know?"

Nangong Liangren said.

"I don't know, there may be speculation, but he has no choice."

Mo Haoran said.

Liangren Nangong pondered for a while and said.

"When will Xianmen start?"

Mo Haoran replied.

"Seven days later."

"How's the combat power of 543 Xianmen dispatched?"

"Most of the thirteen Earth Immortals were dispatched, and the sleeping Celestial Immortals elders dispatched one person per Sect, thirteen people in total."


"Yes, each sect will carry immortal artifacts, even ancient immortal artifacts that are treasures of the sect!"

Nangong's heart sank.

Hearing what Mo Haoran said, he realized that something was a big deal.

The power dispatched by Xianmen is a bit beyond his ability.

After all, no matter how powerful he is now, Realm has also limited his performance, and there is not a single immortal weapon with him.

But that doesn't mean it can't be dealt with.

If he raises his own strength to Celestial Immortals, he can solve everyone by himself.

He is very confident in this point, even if there are many people in Xianmen, and they carry a lot of fairy weapons.

But here comes the problem.

He was originally the Immortal Monarch, who came to this world by chance.

He is not of this world.

Once the Cultivation Base is promoted to Celestial Immortals, it will definitely be noticed by Heavenly Dao.

Then the Immortal World channel will definitely open for him, forcing him to ascend.

This rule applies to all worlds below the Immortal World.

This is actually the protection of the world.

Otherwise, if the Immortal World powerhouses all run to the lower realm, wouldn't it be a big deal?

Nangong Liangren certainly did not want to soar.

Immortal World is his sad place, he just wants to follow Ye Ning now.

Therefore, he would not make such a choice unless he had to.

If it really reached that point, then it would only be possible to kill everyone in Xianmen before ascending, and then all the thirteen sects of Xianmen would be razed to the ground.

Only then can you feel at ease.

Mo Haoran didn't know that this strange-looking senior in front of him actually had such terrifying thoughts in his heart.

He thought that Mo Haoran was just a mysterious senior, but he never thought that he was a predator from the Immortal World.

Things are not at their worst yet.

So Liangren Nangong doesn't have too many other ideas for the time being, but that doesn't mean he doesn't do anything.

He looked at Mo Haoran and said.

"last question."

Mo Haoran asked quickly.

"Senior, please speak."

Nangong Liangren asked lightly.

"Do you want to die or live?".

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