If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 227: Are You Afraid There Is Something Serious

Chapter 228 Are You Afraid That You Have Something Serious

As long as Ye Ning can suppress Xianmen, it will be a matter of time before the Great Zhou flourishes.

So, what are you hesitating about?

"Lord be careful!"

Mo Li called out.

At that time, it will always be unstoppable.

Of course, back to the topic, the most important thing is to kill Ye Ning first.

As expected, Xianmen didn't talk about martial arts, and directly dispatched top powerhouses to target Ye Ning, which hit everyone's soft underbelly.

In the past, even if he was dissatisfied, he would definitely have to go along and not dare to refute it.

Are there fewer new deals and changes in history?

what's going on?

She didn't even have the courage to look up, which attracted the ridicule and contempt of many demons.

But God knows what will happen in the future.


Mo Haoran said lightly.


That changed completely.

He had never seen commoners live with such dignity.

It's this guy, he's one of the messengers who forced himself to cause a drought in the state.

Then the figure flashed.

A Martial Soul Practitioner, just an ant.

Just relying on his aura made him freeze. superior.

But he would not accept that the world should change according to Ye Ning's will, because once the world becomes self-improving, Xianmen will become embarrassed.

He waved his hand and motioned Chen Shaozheng to step back, while he took a few steps forward.

Ye Ning couldn't figure it out.

But it doesn't matter.

He crushed the glass that was still full of wine.

This half-sage of him is different from ordinary half-sages, with a tenth Second Stage vision, and his body is full of righteousness.

He also wouldn't know the reason why Mo Li really came to Ye Ning's side.

He is an absolute commoner, a weakling without any power.

This is the powerhouse of Earth Immortals.


Seeing Mo Haoran now, Ye Ning seemed to see his relatives.

He looked incredible.

Rather kill the wrong, don't let go.

But now Ye Ning can't care about that anymore.

These are all unknowns.

Although, it can be crushed with absolute force.

Maybe someone like her big brother?

His murderous intent poured out.

How can it be above all beings?

He was very upset.

"Who is coming?"

Second, Xianmen was really frightened and lost his judgment. To deal with Ye Ning, he didn't need a big fanfare at all, and he didn't have any masters around him? Why gather the people of Xianmen to attack Zhou? He was too cautious. He wanted to find out the truth today. Even if he couldn't kill Ye Ning, he would be able to figure out Ye Ning's trump card.

The whole city is boiling.

After Mo Haoran showed a little bit of hostility towards Ye Ning, the second shopkeeper changed and became very aggressive.

"Is this guy also a hero of the human race?"

Some people found the trail of Ye Ning and his party.

So the best result is to let Ye Ning, his New Deal, even Bingzhou, Beijing, all the commoners who have experienced the New Deal disappear from this world!

Ye Ning must die!

But the duty is to protect Ye Ning.

But now, he straightened his back and criticized loudly.

So cheered.

As the elder of the Ascension Sect, of course he has seen the drought.

Waited till dusk.

"Master Ye, stop!"

This is not the same situation as Ye Ning is now.

Oh shit!

There are still people who understand when co-authoring Xianmen!

A great Confucian, not worth mentioning!

This change is like a world apart.

A defensive position was formed immediately.


Mo Haoran said firmly.

And there are thousands of people like the shop assistant.

This kind of character is not a big threat.

Although he nodded and bowed at first, his enthusiasm was like fire, but it was obviously due to the needs of his own profession.

Feather gate elder.

I've done a very big thing, and Xianmen has been slow to kill me.

But after experiencing it personally, he could clearly feel that what Ye Ning was after was completely different from what the world thought.

But Mo Li wouldn't know.

Everyone looked stiff.

Ye Ning will not be discouraged.

He has already seen that the person in front of him is a top-level powerhouse.

My family knows their own affairs, and now they have nothing but top experts.

This kind of aggression, appearing in this kind of person, is absolutely abnormal.

His tears of excitement were about to fall.

Especially these people, all looked towards her.

But the problem is, what Ye Ning does is not as simple as the rise and fall of the dynasty.

In the past, when a person with the identity of the second shopkeeper met him, he would definitely obey and be cautious.

A terrifying aura that only he could feel, rolled over from all directions, making his complexion pale, and a strong sense of remorse in his heart.

She muttered inwardly.

There's another... a drought?

She recognized Mo Haoran.

The New Deal sounds like a simple decree, a change that is not new.

First, in his eyes, Ye Ning's reputation is higher than his life, so he still dared to refute Mo Haoran bravely even though he believed that Mo Haoran was a descendant of a noble family.

First, Ye Ning is more threatening than Xianmen imagined. This person has the ability to manipulate people's hearts, and even people in the world are willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

There was murder in his eyes.

It really frightened her.

Later, after the scorpion escaped, he once ordered people to search for it, but he gave up when there was no result.

He is drastically changing the way the world works in a way that has never been seen before.

Until the whole world is like this.

These common people are showing aggression now, so in the future, maybe they will have the power to fight against the Immortal Sect.

It seems a little cowardly and a little cowardly.

Her big brother, the son of the Devil Emperor, the prince of the Demon Race.

It is more than one level stronger than the Four Immortals of Feather Hua who besieged the capital at the beginning.

From a small person like Dian Xiaoer, he can see that the world has really changed.

"Master Ye is back!"

Mo Haoran smiled.


The uncertain and unknown sense of danger made Mo Haoran instinctively want to eliminate all risks.

"Ye Ning is singing an empty city plan!"

Mo Haoran is obviously a big man.

Because he found out that there is really no strong person around Ye Ning.

His face was grim.

Ye Ning, this person is really weird, even the drought was subdued by him.

Ye Ning certainly couldn't go.

Second, that is, he is no longer afraid of those so-called "big men". Although he is humble, he has confidence in his heart. He thinks Ye Ning and the Overwatch Council can make decisions for him, so he can be neither humble nor arrogant.

But what about now?

Everyone in the Overwatch Council was like a formidable enemy.

This made her even more frightened.

The own promise is now fulfilled.

The strongest is Ye Ning himself.

Because I had to deal with Ye Ning, I left it behind for the time being.

In fact, he knew that he couldn't stop it.

A mere Earth Immortals doesn't seem to be able to do anything to him.

Now Mo Haoran was basically certain that Ye Ning's side was indeed weak in defense.

But was horrified to discover.

He crossed a face and walked in front.

Cangsong County and his party made him determine two things.

If Mo Li knew what he was thinking, there would be tears in his eyes.

"In the past, when the big brother won the battle, when he returned to Devil World, many demons looked at him like this, but it was not so enthusiastic..."

But Mo Li was a novel experience.

"You came to find me, what's the matter?"

So she clings to Ye Ning, and sneaks out half of her face, looking at the people on the side of the road curiously.

Cai Xianggao's expression was solemn. He had already grasped the posthumous works of the great Confucianism he had obtained in the Holy Courtyard, and he would try his best to fight against it at any time.

But that kind of love is purely the worship of the demons for the strong and the victors.

Feather Gate even sent out the elders.

To be precise, it was not her, but Ye Ning.

"Xianmen is right, we should gather the power of the thirteen sects to attack Zhou, there is an ambush beside Ye Ning!"

"Ye Ning must die!"

Take the shop assistant just now as an example.

Disappointingly, it seems that an Earth Immortals can't do anything to him.


This made Ye Ning both excited and disappointed.

He was a dignified Earth Immortals middle stage cultivator, and he didn't even have the ability to move.

But he didn't expect that the scorpion was actually following Ye Ning's side.

Even Mo Haoran couldn't kill him.

What's the matter?

This aura expelled all the people from all directions.

It's not about grudges now.

He was shaking with excitement.

Alignment and position have been covered.

And Ye Ning is the maker of this rule.

She used her small brain to think about who Ye Ning was.

He responded immediately, whispering.

He couldn't move at all.

when he was about to speak.

So from his point of view, when he saw the scorpion following Ye Ning so intimately, he only felt a stronger threat.

Because of the rise and fall of dynasties, this is a common occurrence.

This is what makes Mo Haoran feel terrible.

He is already a famous devil in Devil World, and he has made great contributions to several battles.

I never felt that the world should remain the same.

A terrifying aura formed.

She hadn't seen so many people yet.

Mo Haoran stood in the middle of the street carelessly.

When I walked down the street, it was full of novelties and countless people.

He just put his hands behind his back and blocked the road in a grand manner.

This kind of satisfaction is similar to that of a fanatical fan meeting an idol.

He had already seen clearly, there was indeed no strong man beside Ye Ning.

This illustrates two possibilities.

They didn't say what they wanted to do, but as long as they saw Ye Ning, they could feel a sense of satisfaction.

No matter how weird and incredible you are, as long as you kill you, everything will be over!

If Ye Ning doesn't die and the New Deal continues, it will become hundreds of millions, countless.

She could feel the heartfelt support and recognition of the people for Ye Ning.

As long as Mo Haoran goes back, there will definitely be more Xianmen bosses coming.

After all, Ye Ning is already a semi-holy.

If Ye Ning was that kind of person, it would be really scary.

The drink must be of inferior quality to him, but it doesn't matter. He felt the hot feeling flowing down his throat, and his eyes became more serious.

The corners of his mouth drew a sarcastic arc.

A new law will emerge in this world.

In fact, Ye Ning saving Da Zhou did not make Mo Haoran feel so terrible.

Everyone is desperate.

Excited that Xianmen finally responded.

Finally, he heard the noise outside.

Feeling this warm atmosphere, Mo Haoran flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Therefore, beloved.

He had been in contact with the scorpion and knew that this scorpion was not the same as the legend.

Chen Shaozheng's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinpoints.

Once she hooked Ye Ning with her big brother, she remembered the bloody appearance of her big brother.

No matter what kind of possibility it was, Mo Haoran was shocked.

Of course to kill you!

In the mere Martial Soul realm, facing Earth Immortals, there is no chance to draw a knife.

She pressed it even tighter all of a sudden, for fear that she would be killed if she was too far away from Ye Ning.

Mo Haoran poured a glass of wine.

Ye Ning had obviously liked the feeling.

This made her both scared and curious.

Whether it is Immortal Dao or Devil Dao, in the face of this established law, one can only choose to follow it.

She told Ye Ning that she would definitely recognize it when she saw it.

Ye Ning came back.

I can't even speak!

Looking at her appearance, she was clinging to her when she walked, how trusting she was, and she was even obsessed with Ye Ning.

Leaving a no-man's-land of hundreds of meters.

He's not old school.

And what about Mo Haoran?

"It's him, it's him!"

She was very well-behaved, and after hearing Ye Ning's threat, she followed him closely, never leaving her.

The big devil he said was a little coward.

"Emperor of Ascension Gate, Mo Haoran!"

Where did the strong people around Ye Ning come from?

He waited silently.

The best results came.

"Sir, hurry up, I'll stop him!"

Now Mo Haoran has a new understanding of Ye Ning. Ye Ning's horror is not only reflected in him, but also in the changes he has caused to the world.

If so, it should be killed!

Excluding the identity of the Great Elder of the Ascension Sect, he is well-dressed and his complexion is white. No matter how you look at it, he is not an ordinary person.

See micro-knowledge.

So he jumped out without hesitation.

directly to the street.

He was a little shocked when he saw the drought.

Because every one of them alive has the potential to become the seed for spreading the New Deal.

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