If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 222: If The Ship Sinks, Then Die Together!

Chapter 223 Die together when the ship sinks

"Fuck Zhou!?"

Li Ran's eyes widened instantly. He could hardly believe his own ears.

"That's right, it's Fa Zhou!"

Mo Haoran repeated it, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Hengdao on the side also showed shock in his eyes.

Cutting weeks?

at this time?

He was a little overwhelmed.

Even he is like this, let alone Li Ran.

Li Ran felt that Mo Haoran was telling a joke. The hope he finally gave birth to was shattered and turned into despair.

Sitting down on the ground, he said with a miserable smile.

"Immortal is kidding me."

Obviously, he did not feel that the so-called cutting Zhou had even the slightest feasibility.

Now he is distracted and unable to protect himself.

The so-called Jin state exists in name only.

At this time, let him cut Zhou.

What to cut?

What qualifications does he have to fight Zhou?

Mo Haoran's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you."

"There is no way in Da Zhou, the people are struggling to live, and the aristocratic families who are forced are still panicking like a lost dog."

"Ji Mingyue is a tyrant, and the New Deal is a tyranny. Under these circumstances, why can't you attack Zhou? If you don't attack Zhou, will you just sit back and wait?"

Li Ran's heart was numb when he said these words.

He conceded that the remarks made sense.

If you sit and wait by yourself, it must be a dead end.

Don't have to run.

But is there a way out for cutting Zhou?

"Immortal, please make it clear, if you attack Zhou, what are the odds of winning?"

Li Ran asked.

Although he didn't want to take on it, he was really scared now.

Ye Ning has become the biggest shadow in his heart.

Although the two have never met.

But that's what makes Ye Ning so scary.

It is the dignified and upright king's way, which makes him unable to parry.

What's more, Ye Ning was canonized.

Those twelve amazing visions extinguished all the fantasies in Li Ran's heart.

How can he fight against such a character?

To put it harshly, is he worthy of Ye Ning's opponent?

Compared to him, Li Ran, he was nothing but a mediocre person.

"Of course there is a chance of winning. This seat can tell you clearly that you will win, and you will win!"

Mo Haoran took a deep breath and said a surprising news.

"The thirteen sects of Xianmen will stand behind you!"


Li Ran was completely stupid this time.

He opened his mouth wide, speechless.

The thirteen sects of Xianmen have different schools of practice and different styles.

Some are radical, some are conservative, some like refining, some like pill refining, some don’t like fighting, and some enjoy fighting.

Therefore, it is difficult for the positions of the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect to be completely consistent.

Take the matter of dealing with the big week.

Although the positions of the thirteen sects are the same, the power they put in is somewhat different.

Take Feather Gate, for example.

He took the initiative to be the backer behind Li Ran, supported the Li family, and established the state of Jin.

Another example is the Taiyi Gate behind the Wei Kingdom.

The Star Sect behind Chu State.

It's all like that.

But even if you count Jin, among the thirteen sects of Xianmen, there are only seven Sects who have placed chess pieces in the world, intending to support puppets and compete in the world.

The remaining six Sects are not interested in this.

Therefore, the thirteen sects of Xianmen seem to have the same spirit, but in fact, they are thirteen different strengths that are not deeply related. They compete with each other, and even have a relationship of mortal enemies.

These thirteen Sects, few things can make them absolutely consistent.

Li Ran didn't think he had this face. After hearing that the thirteen sects of Xianmen would support him, his first reaction was not joy, but doubt.

"Immortal's meaning, do you want to use it next?"

He knew how much he weighed, and there was no reason for the Thirteen Sects of Immortal Sect to fall in love with him.

So, then there is only one possibility.

As before, Xianmen wanted him to be a pawn again.

He now has a very strong resistance to being a chess piece of the Immortal Gate.

Because he felt that if it wasn't for Zhang Hengdao's encouragement, he might not be so miserable now.


Zhang Hengdao was furious.

What are you Li Ran?

How dare you question the elder so bluntly.

He was about to teach a lesson, but was stopped by Mo Haoran.

He looked at Li Ran deeply and said.

"You're right, and I'm not afraid to tell you that Xianmen really wants to use you."

"But what does it matter?"

"Your interests are actually the same as those of Xianmen."

Li Ran would not be gullible.

He shook his head and said.

"Please Immortal make it clear."

Now he is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

At this juncture, people are really fearless, so they dare to talk to Mo Haoran like this.

Mo Haoran didn't care. When he came to his Realm, he was rarely angry because of these little things.

He only cares about profit.

"It's very simple, because Ye Ning's growth has threatened the foundation of Xianmen, so the thirteen sects of Xianmen unanimously decided to gather the power of the thirteen sects to kill Ye Ning at all costs!"

Mo Haoran's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Three thousand years.

At least three thousand years.

He has never been as eager to kill a person as he is today.

But Ye Ning did it.

He successfully aroused Mo Haoran's killing intent.

Not only Mo Haoran, but also the entire thirteen sects of Xianmen.

If Ye Ning was consecrated, it touched the sensitive nerves of Xianmen.

If they made Ye Ning more threatening.

Then the vision of the tenth Second Stage "Heavenly Emperor looks at all beings" is to make the thirteen Xianmen sects make a major decision.

That is to kill Ye Ning at all costs, using the cards that can be used at present!

They don't know the terrible meaning behind "Heavenly Emperor looks upon all beings".

But they are clear about one thing.

Visions don't lie.

The vision showed this kind of content, then it showed that Ye Ning could really reach that height one day in the future.

Then think of the possibility that Ye Ning may be the reincarnation of Immortal World Power.

They had to make this decision.

Because this kind of reincarnation Power is the most difficult to handle.

If you can't establish a good relationship with him from the beginning, then you can only try your best not to complain about him.

But the hatred between Xianmen and Ye Ning is getting bigger.

They don't think they can sit back and relax if they want to reconcile now.

Human nature is unpredictable, even if Ye Ning really agreed, they would have trouble sleeping and eating.

One day, Ye Ning will seek their revenge on a whim.

So they can't afford to gamble.

So there is no choice.

Can only be desperate to kill Ye Ning!

No matter whose reincarnation you are, the reincarnation of Power is not one or two, as long as we kill you directly before you grow up.

Then naturally all the problems are solved.

After hearing what Mo Haoran said, Li Ran fell into a great shock.

"I have a doubt, Ye Ning, has he really reached this point? Confucianism and Taoism are half-sages, although it is terrible, but for Xianmen, it should be nothing, right?"

Li Ran was a little dizzy.

Has Ye Ning's threat already ascended to this level?

He is not a practitioner, he is just the patriarch of an aristocratic family, so his knowledge is limited.

"Confucianism and Taoism are very extraordinary, but for Xianmen, it is really not a problem, but Ye Ning is not an ordinary semi-sage, his potential is infinite, the most important thing is that he is the tenth of Xianmen Three cases, no one can understand."

Mo Haoran said.

He couldn't understand Ye Ning.

No one can understand the entire Xianmen.

In other words, no one in the whole world can understand.

Take the New Deal as an example. Before that, the whole world was laughing at him, and Xianmen also thought that he was seeking his own demise.

But what is the final result?

The New Deal only covers half of Bingzhou, but it has already maintained Dazhou's national fortune, and it has also attracted the hearts and minds of the people all over the world.

Xianmen has already studied it. Except for the people under the rule of Wei who lived fairly well, the people of several other countries had a difficult life, so after they heard about the New Deal, they naturally had infinite yearning. heart of.

People's hearts return to Zhou, and luck is growing all the time.

This made Xianmen startled and frightened.

They have spent so many years, painstakingly suppressing Da Zhou's luck.

The results of it?

Ye Ning made a change in the system and let them all go to waste. Is this still good?

There are many more such things.

They are all startled now.

I was afraid that Ye Ning would make another scary trick.

"But, even so, you won't make such a big noise, right? If you don't talk about other things, if Immortal's strength is shot, he can kill Ye Ning alone, right? He is not in the capital, and there is no large formation to guard. , isn't killing him like looking into a bag to get something?"

Li Ran said.

Mo Haoran was tempted for a moment.

In theory, it does.

But he quickly shook his head and said.

"The person Ye Ning cannot use common sense. Killing him is not such a simple matter."

Now the whole Xianmen's argument is like this.

They were already frightened by Ye Ning.

I always feel that killing Ye Ning is not that simple.

To kill him, he must be ruthless to ensure that he does not have any power to fight back.

But what Li Ran said was indeed a wake-up call for Mo Haoran.

Maybe the problem is not that complicated?

He still had some ideas.

But now is not the time to discuss this, he looked at Li Ran and said.

"The thirteen sects of Xianmen have unanimously decided that this time, Ye Ning and Da Zhou will be destroyed together. In the name of Jin, you will attack Zhou, and the thirteen sects of Xianmen will fully support you, as long as we kill them. Ye Ning, regaining Bingzhou, is half the battle, after that, when Sect refines the breakout shuttle again, he can break the great formation in the world, without the main formation, breaking the formation is not impossible."


Mo Haoran said slowly.

"But attacking Zhou is not that simple. Now that the universe is still alive, why can I attack Zhou? If I attack Zhou, I will be condemned by heaven!"

Li Ran was tempted, but he remained calm.

If the attack on Zhou was such a simple matter, then the Six Nations would have already started.

Where can I get him?

Great Zhou's national fortune is not broken, it is orthodox.

Whoever dares to attack Zhou is rebellious and will be backlashed.

He is an example.

He was the king when the Great Zhou Dynasty had not yet been shattered, but now he has become such a ghost.

If he dared to attack Zhou again, he felt that a thunderbolt would surely fall and kill him.

This thing is a lifeless thing.

Xianmen did not dare to attack Zhou by himself, and only dared to use his name, which was enough to explain the problem.

Li Ran looked at Mo Haoran with an expression like you look at me like a fool.

Mo Haoran shook his head and said.

"But if you don't attack Zhou, can you survive?"

"This seat just said that the Thirteen Sects of Xianmen really want to use you. If you attack Zhou, we can help you in the name of Jin."

"Theoretically speaking, if you fight together, there will indeed be divine scourge. You and your entire clan will be directly destroyed in body and spirit, but... Xianmen has a way to help you escape the scourge, and the Star Sect has an immortal weapon that can be concealed Your qi has made it possible to avoid even the scourge within a few months, which gives you a chance!"

Li Ran was shaken.

He opened his mouth and found himself a little dry.

"But what if it fails?"

Mo Haoran said indifferently.

"If you fail, you will be blown away!"


"It's not just you, Xianmen helps you. Although you won't be punished by God, your luck will be greatly damaged."

"And Ye Ning and Da Zhou will no longer be able to contain them!"

Li Ran was silent.

His mood is very complicated now.

But Mo Haoran didn't seem to be worried about his choice and continued.

"But how could it fail? I'm not afraid to tell you that this time, the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect, just the Earth Immortals realm cultivator, dispatched dozens of people, and even each sect will wake up the sleeping retired elders, they are all Celestial Immortals A level of unparalleled powerhouse!"

"With such a huge lineup, who in the world can stop it?"

"No matter how much potential Ye Ning has, it means that he may become stronger in the future. He is only a semi-sage now. He has a fatal flaw, that is, besides him, there is no strong person worth mentioning. , He is only one person, I don't believe it, Immortal Sect gathers all strength, still can't kill him?"

"As long as Ye Ning dies, the new policy will be in vain, and the state will be subdued, and the national fortune of Da Zhou will definitely decline. Once the national fortune is broken and Da Zhou loses its orthodoxy, then your calamity will dissipate, and Jin's fortune will be lost. It will also return to normal, and by then, you will be the dignified King of Jin!"

"Think about it, if you don't do this, when the calamity erupts, you will die, and you will become the laughing stock of the ages."

"But if you do this, you will die and then live. Once you succeed, you will be proud of yourself. In the future, if you can work hard, compete in the world, and ascend to the throne of God, who would dare to say that you are not?"

"History is written by the victors!"

Hearing these words, Li Ran couldn't be bothered.

He closed his eyes.

In his heart, the river has already been overturned.

"Actually, I don't dream anymore. Anything to compete in the world, or ascend to the throne of God, to me, it's just an empty shadow, I just want to live."

After a long while, he spoke with difficulty.

Mo Haoran smiled.

did not speak.

Li Ran can say that, it means that he has been tempted.

Taking a step back is death, and taking a step forward may lead to a comeback.

Whoever it is, it may not be difficult to make this decision.

"The last question, I want to ask Immortal, if I agree, the Star Sect can use the fairy to cover up the secrets and save my life, but what about my family? And the Li family?"

Li Ran asked solemnly.

"The whole family will be destroyed in form and spirit!"

Mo Haoran hesitated for a while, but he still didn't lie.

Lying is pointless.

You can't hide it, it's definitely going to happen.

Only Li Ran could be saved.

Xianmen has no ability to cover up the secrets of the Li family.

"Those who do big things don't stick to the small details. If you are here, the Li family will be there again."

Zhang Hengdao spoke out to persuade.

For a person like him, the family relationship is weak, and of course he doesn't think that such a decision is difficult.

Li Ran closed her eyes in pain.

Then he thought of a picture.

It was when the robbery was haunted, and the people of the Li clan looked at him with resentment.

They believed that Li Shiluo's fate was due to his ambitions.

That being the case...

Then don't blame me.

Li Ran's inner sense of guilt was reduced by more than half, and he found a reason for himself to talk about the past.

Since you blame me.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless.

He opened his eyes, the veins on his neck burst out, and he said in a deep voice.

"When will the troops be launched?" Go.

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