If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 217: The Saint Of Heaven, The Vision Of The 10 Stage!

Chapter 218: The Vision of Saint Tenth Stage

"Confucianism and Taoism have been silent for many years, and it is time to explode."

Back then, if Xianmen wanted to kill Ye Ning, it would be as easy as crushing a bedbug.

"It's this time, do you still want to seek revenge from him?"

"Now Ye Ning is canonized."

But he burst into light that shocked Cao Meng.

"Brother Ye is really canonized!"

This voice is the Holy Word.

But now, the world's scholars, but no one does not know.

This is a glorious light.

All the students who were immersed in the world of books raised their heads. They looked at the icon in the sky, and the four well-known Hengqu sentences echoed in their minds.

You don't even have a sage, why do you say recovery?

It was as if Ye Ning had never left, just accompanied them in the capital.

The more visions, the greater the potential.

"Your name is not unknown, you are now famous all over the world."

Just a mere seal officer.

"Ye Ning has been canonized. Could it be that Da Zhou really deserves to die?"

what about you?


A loud voice resounded in every corner of Kyushu.

Since ancient times, all Confucian and Taoist disciples have been looking forward to this day.

There were too many good things at once, which made her feel unreal.

In his mind, the image of Ye Ning appeared.

Their reverence for Ye Ning has long been deeply integrated into their bones.

Because he no longer needs to answer.

He looked at Ye Ning with disbelief.

"Brother Ye, have you been canonized?"

is a woman's voice.

In the immortal gate, countless people whispered.

"As expected of the mountain chief!"

"This son, has become a major problem for Xianmen."

He didn't even think about making Ye Ning his servant.

"He was sanctified by the mountain chief?"

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people are stuck in the same Realm as him, but they can't make a breakthrough in their entire life.

in the sanctuary.

At that time, he raised his sword and threatened him, telling him that you would definitely die.

Ye Ning reduced her to this point, and gave her to this damn, horrible woman and tortured her.

Because that's not realistic.

How many years have there been no sages in Confucianism and Taoism?

"How could he be canonized? How could he?"

Said in my heart.

But in the eyes of these real powerhouses, the previous Confucian sect was not called recovery at all.

Finally, the first vision appeared. superior.

Pei Yuhan looked at Fang Qingxue with a smile, but she ignored it for the time being, but looked at Dao.

She didn't know much about Confucianism and Taoism, but she also knew that the vision of being a saint often represented a person's potential.

No matter how many amazing people, there is nothing to criticize about their virtues and talents, but they cannot be canonized.

If you don't worship, you don't respect saints.

Can I still get revenge?

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Ning was canonized at such a young age.

But man is not as good as God.

This holy statue is dressed in white, with sharp facial features, and his eyes are full of determination. He points to the front and seems to be saying something passionately. The other hand presses the sword around his waist, and it is possible to pull it out at any time. .

Confucianism and Taoism are born of people. If Confucianism and Taoism flourish, immortal Taoism will inevitably be overwhelmed.

The great Confucians in the Holy Court showed excitement.

They were all waiting for the vision to come.

"My justice will live on forever!"

"This is Brother Ye's voice!"

Wei State.


Seeing the Ye Ning icon standing in the sky at this moment, what they felt was not majesty, but kindness.

Their eyes are complicated, or angry, or jealous, or regret.

Cao Meng remembered.

On the contrary, it is strange not to be sanctified.

"Hahaha, the chief of the mountain has been consecrated."

Even these people can't decide their own actions.

These four sentences awakened many readers and made them understand the true meaning of reading.

Because he is a person who likes heroes and loves heroes, he must be reluctant to kill someone like Ye Ning.

And gave birth to a strong heart of love.

Unacceptable for a while.

She wears an iron mask and her clothes are tattered.

He knew it in his own mind. As early as when he had just left the Holy Court, he had a hunch that he would step into the Semi-Saint Realm sooner or later.

Cai Xianggao was surprised and delighted.

Just as he uttered the words "Long Live the People", he directly entered the Semi-Saint Realm.

She had a trademark playful smile on her lips.

Ye Ning didn't answer.

Ji Mingyue muttered to herself.

In the capital, scholars bowed down one after another.

However, after seeing the icon, she was a little desperate.

At that moment, Cao Meng was deeply shocked.

There will also be icons standing in the air for the worship of scholars all over the world.

In my big week, there was actually a sage.

No way, who made him a Daozi?

He can evoke the vision of Purple Qi from the East, so that the sons can be revived as those who sing praises to him.


Once Ye Ning is canonized, it will undoubtedly be a shot in the arm for scholars all over the world.

If one day, become a Saint.

He let out a long sigh.

He saw the servants of the Wei Palace bow down.

Another mature voice sounded.

It is no accident that such a person is sanctified.

But he was too conceited, and had the idea of ​​letting Ye Ning continue to develop, and after he had gathered enough popularity, he would kill him and ruin the great Zhou's national fortune.

Although it is said that it is not an easy thing to step from a great Confucian to a semi-holy.

Only have a chance to be canonized.

There is no one in the past, and I am afraid that there will be no one in the future.

It was Pei Yuhan.

Ye Ning is simply a miracle machine.

Immediately, disbelief turned into ecstasy.

This woman is Fang Qingxue.

What he really regrets is why he couldn't be more firm in the first place?

But Ye Ning is different.

If you can be firmer, firmer, and show all the sincerity of Wei State, is it possible for Ye Ning to join Wei State?

Is there any reason?

Those who can be canonized are saints.

Ye Ning was canonized, of course they were happy.

He is humble.

Now that there are saints and sages, the feeling is suddenly different.

He is very young.

Those who can enter the Holy Court naturally know what great things Ye Ning has done in the Holy Court.

He didn't stop.

At the moment when this voice sounded, a huge icon stood in the sky.

How many sages have there been throughout the ages?

Said the four sentences of Hengqu that Ye Ning had previously proposed.

In fact, Confucianism has long since recovered.

Fang Qingxue was silent.

Because Kyushu is so big, only those who have entered the Holy Court, or scholars in the capital, can know these four sentences.

"My name is unknown."

someone muttered.

"Has he been canonized?"

However, once there are demons in Confucianism and Taoism, such as Ye Ning, then his strength can grow rapidly at a speed that ordinary people can't understand.

"How many visions do you think he can cause?"

At this moment, she couldn't say anything more.

If I had to say it, it would be that Ye Ning was consecrated too early. He became a semi-holy at such a young age and broke countless records all at once.

In the immortal gate, countless vicissitudes of life have seen the holy statue in the sky through the mountain guard formation and the lofty mountains.

It has been said many times before that Confucianism and Taoism are very special, different from Immortal Tao-, Devil Dao-, and Martial Dao.

Has it been canonized?

It is more about virtue, words, and meritorious deeds.

"Set up your heart for the world, set up your life for the people, set up the Secret Technique for the past saints, and create peace for the world!"

Because he can't stop it.

How big of a face am I, Cao, to allow a sage to be my subject?

A tired and hoarse voice came from a stormy and dangerous place.

There is only a slight gap from the semi-holy realm.

When he was still immersed in the joy of the skyrocketing national fortune in Great Zhou.

See yourself, see yourself.

It's a pity that characters like Ye Ning did not betray Da Zhou, who was in a precarious situation.

Got the amazing news of Ye Ning's canonization.

All of a sudden, all sentient beings lowered their eyebrows and worshipped the sages.

But from their point of view, they thought of the significance of the canonization to the whole Confucianism and Taoism.

in the palace.

It's still coming. Ye Ning had already reached the peak of Great Confucianism when he first left the Holy Court.

"If you give us a chance, you will definitely take his life as soon as possible!"

But not all readers know it.

But even if it is to be a friend, to be a good teacher and a good friend, that's okay.

"It seems that my luck in Confucianism and Taoism is about to rise again!"

The birth of sages, all Confucian disciples, must worship.

Not to mention the canonization, even the great Confucianism is within sight and out of reach.


Of course she still wanted revenge.

Cai Xianggao trembled with excitement.

"Set up your heart for the world, set up your life for the people, set up the Secret Technique for the past saints, and create peace for the world!"

She saw an icon in the sky.

"Meet the saints!"

From the moment of being a saint, a representative voice will spread throughout Kyushu.

It beat them hard.

"This is Brother Ye's icon!"

Yes, the threshold of Confucianism and Taoism is high, and it is difficult to become an instrument.

A look of disbelief appeared on his face.

A dazzling white light appeared on him.

This contrast made her want to cry.

If Confucianism and Taoism want to make breakthroughs, it is not something that can be accomplished by studying at home behind closed doors.

He also wears the star clothing of the disciples given by Yasheng, which is engraved with the spiritual imprint of the masters, which promotes him all the time.

"Furthermore, how can it be called nameless, the history is proof, the mountains and rivers are the names!"

There are many people in the world who do not know.

"Meet the saints!"

In the bureaucracy of Dazhou, it is like a grain of sand in the desert, so inconspicuous.

Wei is like this, and other countries are even more like this.

And how long has passed now, he has already been sanctified.

He and Ye Ning only met once, but they left him with unforgettable memories.

"Confucianism has recovered."

During the first battle in the capital, Ye Ning used the power of the Great World Array to repel thirteen Head Teachers with a single stroke of the word "person".

"Xianmen has been smart all his life, but he made mistakes."

breakthrough is a matter of course.

At this moment, countless people are watching the sky.

"It is said that in ancient times, when Saint became a semi-holy, nine visions were triggered in a row."

At that time, Cao Meng respected him, but now he is more regretful.

Many young practitioners finally understand why Confucianism and Taoism are so feared.

Because this loud voice spread all over Kyushu.

I've been tortured here, and it's almost as if life is worse than death.

He didn't regret that he didn't kill Ye Ning.

Cao Meng squinted at the icon in the air, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

So is it not the second rise of Confucianism and Taoism?

All of a sudden, those who had decided to let Ye Ning go in the past will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

How could she not want revenge?

Between heaven and earth, a loud voice sounded.

Fang Qingxue still didn't answer.

Look at the colossus standing in the sky.

But Ye Ning answered proudly.

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