If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 212: Heaven And Earth Sympathy

Chapter 213 Heaven and Earth Sympathy

Ji Mingyue asked him back.

You can only hold a group and choose to resist.

She thought about Ye Ning's past.

"The six countries expressed their congratulations immediately, and will send envoys to participate in the founding ceremony of Jin."

This rhetorical question made him stunned.

There are few people who criticize Ye Ning.

Suddenly firm up.

Think about the situation that Da Zhou is facing now.

Ji Mingyue shook her head and said.

If it weren't for Ye Ning, Da Zhou would never be today.

There is no doubt about that.

Therefore, the expressions of the civil and military officials also became solemn.

"But, are we just watching the country's fortunes shatter like this?"

Some people said with a fluke mentality.

"If Ye Ning wants to bet, then I am willing to play with him!" On.

Even a few great Confucians frowned. Although they did not speak in agreement, they did not express opposition.

So when this person spoke, he immediately shocked everyone.

But he straightened his chest and said.

In a word, everyone froze for a moment.

Ji Mingyue said with an ugly expression.

She returned to her own position and sat down.

"The matter of the New Deal can be implemented slowly after the world is settled."

But in the face of everyone's speech, Ji Mingyue was silent for a long time.

No one would doubt the war potential of the aristocratic clans. They have money and people, and they are the biggest interest group in the world.

"Yes, call Lord Ye back to Beijing."

"Your Majesty, what is his reason for being king?"

"I will not order."

The crowd discussed.

"Who told you that the fortunes of the country will definitely be broken?"

But it is not a small thing, but in this series of things that happened, it is already the smallest thing.

Because if you don't resist, you will die. Ye Ning's new deal is absolutely impossible for the aristocratic family to accept.

"Could it be that Your Majesty has a plan to deal with it?"

They seemed to understand a little what Ji Mingyue meant.

However, there are also people who firmly support it. They feel that in order to end this troubled world, the problem must be solved in one step. If all the problems are solved, the world will naturally be settled.

The worst result is that within Da Zhou's control, the aristocratic clans in Yunzhou and Liangzhou are also beginning to move.

Everyone asked themselves, if they were an aristocratic family, when they met someone like Ye Ning.

"Master Ye, this time, he really went too far."

But she quickly added another sentence.

"Li Ran is treacherous. Taking advantage of this opportunity to become king is undoubtedly roasting Lord Ye on the fire."

They are lying on their own credit book, drunk and dreaming of death every day, but they are actually very happy.

But Ye Ning's move undoubtedly pushed them to the opposite side.

For this reason, they are not surprised at all.

Now the capital is still peaceful.

Dissecting the matter itself, they saw more content.

"Looks like the worst has happened."

"I want to ask you all, in the past, did Ye Ning have one thing to let you all down? Has anyone in the world been disappointed?"

They were originally ambitious people, but the Great Zhou Dynasty was still in luck, and they did not dare to take the risk of the world.

"Master Ye is a true hero, a true sage, and his new policy is also a good thing. I have reason to believe that if the new policy can really be implemented, Da Zhou will usher in an unprecedented prosperity, but... he is too anxious, The time is really immature right now, he shouldn't be so hasty!"

Then she slowly walked down the jade steps and asked everyone.

The congratulations of the Six Nations on this matter is to recognize the legitimacy of King Jin, which will cause a major blow to the prestige of Da Zhou.

Hearing this, Liu Shen's face also became solemn.

The hardest times have been through.

There are many people who praise Ye Ning.

"Also, in Yunzhou and Liangzhou, there are also many voices of opposition. The governor of the state reported that the territory is turbulent, and the aristocratic families are eager to move, and they seem to want to respond to the actions of the Li family."

Ji Mingyue raised a hand to signal that they don't have to say anything.

His eyes were clear and unselfish.

But the courtiers have almost seen the pictures of beacon smoke everywhere.

"Your Majesty, decree, if Lord Ye doesn't stop, then there will be flames everywhere, and the national fortune will inevitably weaken. Once it collapses, then everything will be lost!"


Ji Mingyue said with a confident look.

"His Majesty……"

Someone dared to propose.

"Maybe give it a try."

As far as the eye can see, in fact, many aristocratic families have no rebellious heart at all.

The Li family has been operating in Bingzhou for many years, and he has received the full help of the aristocratic clans. Even if he only has half the territory of the state, his strength has steadily suppressed Ye Ning.

Li Ran becoming king is definitely a big event. This means that Da Zhou's prestige has been trampled again.

This is the terrible consequence of Ye Ning's New Deal.

"Master Ye?"

This undoubtedly shows that they have come to the point of hatred for Ye Ning.

Ye Ning never disappoints.

This is tantamount to playing with fire and is a very dangerous move.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent immediately.

In this era, the emphasis is on a teacher who is famous.

This is the bad fruit.

So they had to react.

Everyone was stunned, and then stood up excitedly.

Ji Mingyue shook her head again and said.

Liu Shen frowned and asked.

"If the New Deal ends at this time, wouldn't the Li family be king?"

But now, Ye Ning gave them a reason to rebel.

The courtiers smiled wryly and shook their heads.

"Ye Ning has not let us down in the past, and I believe he will not let us down now."

It takes a lot of courage to make such a proposal at this time.


The people who said these words were awe-inspiring.

"So, what's there to worry about?"

Instead, he has always been the one who gave people hope.

Ji Mingyue chuckled and said.

But that's not the worst outcome.

These words shocked everyone.

"I know that you all care about the fortune of the country, for fear that it will be broken, but I believe that Ye Qing must also care, he is an extremely smart person, since he is implementing the New Deal, then I believe that he must have a reason for implementing the New Deal, he I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Do you think Ye Qing is not reliable enough?"

"I have no choice."

This world is certainly a world with distinct power levels, but this world also has its own laws of operation.

"The noble clans and nobles in Bingzhou also expressed their intention to surrender, and they are willing to donate money, grain and soldiers to enrich the national strength of Jin."

Indeed no.

Everyone almost didn't think about it, they shook their heads.

"Reformation is a good thing, but he is too anxious."

Liu Shen came out and asked.

Immortals, aristocratic families, imperial courts, common people... all kinds of people have their own trajectory of survival.

"The Li family will not stop. Li Ran is an ambitious family. Since his ancestors, he has always wanted to be king. For a person like him, he will seize every possible opportunity to become king... and Now, Ye Ning is saying that he has put this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in his hands, you say, will he let it go?"

Because the consequences of the New Deal are too serious.

Many people hesitated for a while, but also stood up and said.

It is because there are enough enemies in Da Zhou, there is no need to make enemies at this time.

Then, in the anticipation of everyone, he slowly shook his head.

"How many times, seemingly desperate scenes have been reversed by him. He has created so many miracles, so why don't you want to believe that he will continue to create miracles?"

"Your Majesty, do you know how the various forces in the world reacted to the matter of the Li family becoming king?"

"He said that Ye Ning persecuted the family and ruined the lives of Bingzhou, so he upheld his destiny and had to rebel."

Ji Mingyue looked a little complicated, - said.

But it should be done slowly after the world is settled.

Everyone was stunned.

Obviously unlikely.

They have the same idea as Cai Xianggao, they think it is a good thing that Ye Ning wants to change, and they also support it.

"Your Majesty, it's time to decree, let Lord Ye stop!"

It is no longer a question of whether Li Ran will be king or not, but the conflict between the family and Ye Ning has reached an irreconcilable point. At this juncture, neither party can step back. Once they step back, they may be completely defeated.

Ye Ning forcibly changed the trajectory, and the impact caused by it must have affected the whole body.

Sometimes even if there is no valid reason, it will make up - one.

"Your Majesty said that, do you want to bet on the fortune of the country with Lord Ye?"

Because Ye Ning has never thought about being a powerful minister, let alone making a statement, but in today's Great Zhou Dynasty, supporting Ye Ning has become a kind of political correctness.

Why almost everyone thinks Ye Ning is in a hurry.

But whether the idea is support or hesitation, they all realize one thing, that is, the current big week has once again reached a dangerous moment.

But dignified and dignified, they did not show panic.

Now everyone has nothing else, but the pressure resistance is enough.

Ji Mingyue nodded and said word by word.

Someone asked reluctantly.

In the class of the aristocratic family, even the Grand Ancestor could not solve it properly in the past, so Ye Ning wanted to solve it?

This shows that they are also shaken.

Then he looked ecstatic.

They did not expect that Ji Mingyue had already trusted Ye Ning to such a degree.

There was a lot of discussion.

Ji Mingyue smiled.

"There is no need for any trial, Li Ran is the most proud at this time, although he only has half a state, but behind him, there are thousands of aristocratic families, he will definitely seize this opportunity, he To take advantage of this opportunity to break the national fortune of Da Zhou, he knows about this, I know it, and the six countries know it, otherwise they wouldn't send envoys to participate in Li Ran's grand ceremony... They just want to see, once Li Ran After Ran rebels and succeeds in becoming king, will the Great Zhou National Games be broken, and if it is really broken, they will also rush forward like hungry wolves, and by then, the world will be in chaos!"

Instead of suddenly reforming in this troubled world.

"But I think Ye Qing has a way."

The noble family in Bingzhou, the nobles, chose to unconditionally support the King of Jin.

Even Liu Shen couldn't help but say.

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