Chapter 203 Shameless Realm

To be honest, for these bigwigs in Whitewater County. Ye Ning and the Li family fight, that's their business.

Immortals fight, they don't plan to participate.

Just want to watch the fun with a cold eye.

But in the end, what I didn't expect was that this Ye Ning didn't talk about martial arts, didn't go to fight with the Li family, and he stayed in Baishui County.

What does it mean?

It's okay to rely on it, but the problem is, Ye Ning doesn't stop, there are so many powerful families in the counties of Baishui County.

Many are still their friends, relatives, and disciples.

Just like that, the Overwatch Council has raided his home.

The white-flowered grain was piled up like a mountain, and those mud-legs were in vain.

The people of Baishui County looked distressed.

Even in disaster relief, few Ye Nings are so sincere. How can anyone really give the common people rice and noodles to eat? Mix a handful of sand in the gruel and eat it alive.

As long as people don't starve to death, that's good governance.

Pulled away, back to the topic, everyone looked solemn.

Because they also felt a huge threat.

Aristocratic families and tyrants in various counties have suffered, so will Ye Ning find them?

"What the hell Ye Ning wants to do, I think it's already obvious."

The Yang family in Baishui County is the largest family in this place, and it is also the leader of many aristocratic families.

The contemporary patriarch, Yang Hong, is dressed in white and has a dignified face. He must have been a handsome man when he was young.

He is not very old, and more than ten years ago, he was the minister of officials in the capital.

It's just that, in this world, the imperial court's binding force on the world is limited, and he, the so-called official of the Ministry of Officials, is not comfortable in front of him.

So he resigned and returned to his hometown on the grounds of keeping filial piety.

In a blink of an eye, it's today.

In the past, he lived a very comfortable life, and he had absolute authority in this acre of land in Baishui County.

The contacts are strong, who doesn't give him three points of thin noodles?

Even the county governor of Baishui County would call himself Junior in front of him.

This made him complacent.

until today.

Yang Hong raised an arm and shouted hysterically.

"Ye Ning, it is said that he has the appearance of a sage, but today I learned that seeing is believing, hearing is false, this person is simply a gentle scum!"

"Have you all heard of it? Have you heard of it? The Chen family, the Liu family, the Song family... they are all good families with poetry and calligraphy, but they all died under the sword!"

"This damn Ye Ning, on the grounds of crime, wantonly destroys people and raids their homes, and such actions, throughout the Great Zhou and Wannian years, few people are so tyrannical! How can he be so arrogant and righteous? Such a person, he also Can you be the supervisor of the Overwatch Council?"

His throat made a hissing sound like a broken bellows.

You can see how angry he is.

But in this anger, but hidden deep fear.

Yes, fear.

Ye Ning is too cruel.

Holding a knife in one hand and a guilt in the other, he found one family after another.

Soldiers are like combs!

Thinking of those aristocratic families, in a blink of an eye, the end of the family was destroyed.

Can Yang Hong not be afraid?

Ye Ning is obviously crazy, and wants to kill the fat sheep of the family to provide relief to the victims.

And he, the Yang family, is the biggest fat sheep in Baishui County!

Will Ye Ning let him go?

Everyone present shared the same concerns as him.

For a while, his eyes were all red, and he got up and said.

"Brother Yang is right, that Ye Ning is really not a human being!"

"He actually dared to take action against the family, doesn't he know the reason why the doctor can't be punished? The lives of those mud legs are also lives? Why does he convict us for those mud legs?"

"There is no such reason in the world. He just wants to rob, and he wants to kill. We must not sit idly by!"

at the point of life and death.

Unprecedented unity erupted.

What little thought, all of a sudden does not exist.

Just live.

Looking at it now, the aristocratic families in Baishui County are very united, and their own families know about their own affairs.

Aristocratic families in other counties had their homes raided for breaking the law, and what they did was even more extreme. If they fell into Ye Ning's hands, they would inevitably end up destroying their families.

Therefore, there must be resistance.

But the question is, how to resist?

Ye Ning himself is a great Confucian who may step into the Semi-Saint Realm at any time.

Then he also brought a large number of masters.

There is also Tianlongwei, Shenji Camp.

There are not many people, but they are all elite.

It's definitely impossible to expect them to pick up guys and go all out. On the one hand, they are afraid of Ye Ning's reputation, but on the other hand, they have to do something.

Thinking of this, Yang Hong made up his mind.

"Let's go, go to Wang Junshu!"

The nobles of the aristocratic clan went to look for the king's governor in a mighty manner.

Wang Junshou, like them, was also unable to sleep at night at home.

He was also worried that Ye Ning came to him, and he didn't have the courage to confront Ye Ning.

Now the aristocratic clan asked him to lead the county soldiers to resist Ye Ning, and he almost didn't scare him sick.

"Nonsense, how can this official fight against Lord Ye, he is the supervisor of the Overwatch Council!"

Wang Junshou's face was pale.

He is not a fool and will never agree.

If he really dared to do this, it would not be a capital crime, but would become a capital crime.

"If the Overwatch Council came to the county seat, does the lord think that he would be able to escape the disaster?" Yang Hong said sadly.

"Master Wang should be very clear in his heart that stretching his head is a knife, and retracting his head is also a knife. In this case, it's not a fight."

Wang Junshou was a little shaken.

But he still didn't have the courage to confront Ye Ning, shook his head and said.

"I don't have the strength to fight Ye Ning."

With this amount of troops in Baishui County, how can they fight Ye Ning? That's not a joke.

"I didn't ask Lord Wang to fight him, but I asked Lord to make a gesture."

Yang Hong said.

"What attitude?"

Wang Junshou asked.

"Close the city gate, put on armor, and the whole army is ready to fight. We will send our family members to put on armor and go up the city wall to make a big presence for the king!"

Yang Hong had already had an abdominal case and said.

"Let's put on a stance first and make that Ye Ning jealous."

"Then, in the name of defending the thief, refuse him to enter the city. If he presses you with his duties, you will say that it is an emergency and you must not do it."

"Furthermore, you are the county governor, and he is the supervisor. In terms of power, it is your duty to protect the peace of one side, and he has no right to order you to withdraw, let alone stop you from closing the city gate."

This statement is somewhat feasible.

But Wang Junshou was sober and said.

"Ye Ning is not only the supervisor of the Overwatch Council, but also the Bingzhou Shepherd appointed by His Majesty, and all matters of the Bingzhou are decided by him. How can I make him withdraw troops with my words?"

Yang Hong spread out his hands and smiled slyly.

"He's a state shepherd, but has he handed over?"

Wang Junshou was stunned.

Yang Hong continued.

"After he arrived in Bingzhou, he has been circling in Baishui County, and he never went to Jinyang to hand over, so you just pretend that you don't know about this matter, and you can put the responsibility on the governor, and say that the governor asked you to do this, if he If you are dissatisfied, just go to the Governor's House to negotiate."

"Once he goes to Jinyang, the Li family will naturally deal with him, and it has nothing to do with us."

"As long as we protect ourselves, he can't just attack the city without saying a word, right?"


Yang Hong is complacent.

He thinks the own plan works perfectly.

With justifiable reasons, Ye Ning was refused entry into the city.

As long as Ye Ning can't enter the city, they can protect themselves.

Wang Junshou gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

There is no way, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

He felt that Yang Hong's plan was indeed feasible.

It is better to have a dead horse as a living horse doctor and give it a try.

In an instant, Baishui County began to prepare.

The city walls have never been so lively.

The sparse military equipment in the past has suddenly become denser today. At first glance, there are people standing on the city wall, all of them are stubborn and sharp.

But in fact, most of them are disguised by the family members of noble families.

at dusk.

Ye Ning led the army of the Overwatch Council to Baishui County.

Before that, he had settled the victims.

Cangsong County can no longer be said to be a county, and its current scale can definitely be regarded as a big city.

With enough food, the disaster victims suddenly restored order.

When the disaster victims in nearby counties heard the news, they all rushed over, Ye Ning naturally accepted all the orders.


Due to the large scale, Cai Xianggao did not follow and stayed in Cangsong County to preside over the overall situation.

Such an experience was definitely a test for him.

"My lord, Baishui County is still resisting?"

Soldiers approach the city.

Chen Shaozheng saw the closed city gate from a distance, as well as the county soldiers on the city wall, with a bit of anger in his eyes.

The Overwatch Council acted, these people dared to gather a crowd to resist.

Is this a rebellion?

Seeing that the people in the Overwatch Council had come, the Shou Wang was afraid that it would be too late, so he roared ahead of him.

"Lord Ye, all the lords of the Overwatch Council, Wang Yuan, the governor of Xiabaishui County, received an order from the governor of the Shifu three days ago. In order to defend against thieves, the gates of the city are closed and the security is strengthened. No one is allowed to enter. Lord Ye Haihan!"

Hearing these remarks, a strange look flashed in Chen Shaozheng's eyes.

"The military order of the Governor's House? Really or not?"

Ye Ning shook his head and said.

"Whether it's true or not, it doesn't make any sense. They're just playing sloppy eyes at me, trying to find a legitimate reason not to let me enter the city."

Ye Ning guessed right.

Wang Junshou and Yang Hong have already made a plan. No matter what Ye Ning says, they will answer.

But they don't know Ye Ning.

Ye Ning has never been an ordinary person.

He commanded a few words lightly.

Chen Shaozheng took the order and rode his horse directly to the city, and said with a serious expression.

"I count three, open the city gate!"


Above the city wall, everyone was stunned.

what does this mean?

Commander Wang pretended that Ye Ning didn't hear it, and said with a louder voice.

"Lord Ye, it's not because the subordinate officer didn't let you enter the city gate, it's because the governor's office has an order, and the subordinate officer has to obey. If Lord Ye is dissatisfied, you can go to Jinyang to ask Lord governor to negotiate!"

Ye Ning said nothing.

Only Chen Shaozheng's cold counting sound.


This time, even Yang Hong was in a hurry.

What the hell, what's the matter with this surnamed Ye who doesn't communicate with people at all?

"Master Ye, there is a state law, and the duty of the county governor is to ensure the peace of the land. If you offend, please bear with me!"

Ye Ning's eyes dropped.

Chen Shaozheng roared.


When the voice fell, he immediately hit the horse and came back.

From start to finish, there is not a single word of nonsense.

And The next moment, Ye Ning raised his head, squinted at the city wall, and said lightly.

"Siege!" on.

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