If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 100 And 89: Cloud Wants Clothes And Flowers Want Rong

Chapter 190 Clouds Want Clothes And Flowers Want To Rong

Ye Ning looked into her eyes, and for a moment, she couldn't take her eyes away.

But there is no one around here, how can anyone respond?

"This wine seems to be a little over the top."

A pretty face immediately froze.

Seeing the "dance of demons" in the Great Hall, Ye Ning felt a little funny, but he didn't intend to participate.

Especially the person to meet is Ye Ning.

No matter if she succeeds or not, she wants Ye Ning to see the real her.

"Your Majesty, Lord Ye has already drunk."

Because Ji Mingyue has no concubine, this place is naturally idle.

Ye Ning ah Ye Ning, are you really fascinated by this woman in front of you?

In his cognition, as an emperor, not a concubine, right?

The most terrible thing is that compared to ordinary women, there is a little more heroism between her eyebrows.

He was a little shocked, how could he be so rude?

Ye Ning's intoxication is undoubtedly a great recognition of her.

Huaqing Pool is huge and extremely beautiful. It is truly a first-class wonderful place.

Next, let's talk about the atmosphere.

Ji Mingyue's voice came.

It can make the inferiority complex in her heart that should not exist, erased from her heart.

The palace banquet, the king leaves the table. This is actually the norm.

Therefore, for him, the capital is the hometown of this world.

But Ji Mingyue still agreed to this matter.

She was wearing a pale pink palace dress, her hair was coiled up, a green Zhu hairpin was inserted, and crystal clear beads were hanging from her two delicate earlobes.

But Ye Ning didn't think much about it, he raised the jug and drank.

This is a sign of alcoholism.

At this moment, it was already dark, and only the bright moon hung high, and a shadow of the moon was reflected in the hot spring.

In fact, he is not as easy as he seems.

Seeing this, Jiang Qingwan, who was hiding in the dark, smiled.

But it was a woman in a pink long dress who handed over a jug of wine.

This is her long-cherished wish.

If it is a celebrity, a star, or a noble woman, it will add a lot of color, and it will stimulate the interest of men.

Ji Mingyue said in her heart.

But it doesn't matter.

But as soon as this woman appeared, she seemed to have taken away all the light and gathered it all on herself.

As soon as he went out, a group of palace maids immediately surrounded him.

Happy too.

Ye Ning just woke up, withdrew his straight eyes and said.

Unconsciously, he walked to the edge of a pool.

He shook the jug and shouted drunkenly.

This is really disappointing.

Ye Ning was drunk, only three points sober.

Where did this woman come from?

If outsiders knew about his conjecture, they would definitely feel inexplicable.

Jiang Qingwan turned around.

She doesn't want much at all.

What's more, Ye Ning has always performed well in this regard. It's not that he is unpromising at all, but that this woman is too beautiful.

But it was this look that made him freeze.

"Aunt Jiang!"

Find a way to get Ye Ning drunk first, and then go to see her.

Ji Mingyue, who was feeling embarrassed because Ye Ning didn't know what to say, suddenly heard this sentence.

This plan sounds simple, but for Ji Mingyue, it is undoubtedly something that requires courage to do.

Today's banquet, the entire Huaqing Pool is the scope of activities.

Instead, he walked out of the Great Hall alone.

All kinds of labels fall on her, and it will not seem excessive.

That's right.

This made her instinctively shy.

Sometimes it's actually better to be drunk, more relaxed and more comfortable.

It's like the brightest brilliance here.

His home is in the capital.

But the woman in front of her, not talking about her temperament, but just her simple appearance, actually gave Ye Ning a sense of beauty.

So generally speaking, after a few rounds of drinking with the emperor, he would leave quietly and leave space.

"Aunt Jiang, are you sure he will get drunk?"

Noble, heroic, beautiful...

Jiang Qingwan no longer disturbed or watched, but left quietly.

Ji Mingyue said in a low voice.

The youth of the little dumb.

Looking up along the snow-white neck, there are cheeks that look like goose eggs, skin that beats frost and snow, thin lips, a faint beauty, and a pair of eyes that make people immersed in it.

It's not that she hasn't seen beautiful women.

Even if she is a woman, she will be tempted by Ji Mingyue's stunning display. If it is a man, what would it feel like?

This extravagance has a fatal attraction for any man.

There seems to be a flower that blooms in her heart, making her whole person happy.

"If he asks, he will pretend not to know, and it is impossible for him to take what he saw and heard after being drunk as the truth."

"Whether it is successful or not, it will be easy to prevaricate later."

"Dog Emperor!"

"I want you to see me, and I want myself to see you with your true colors."


The cook's craftsmanship has improved rapidly under my teaching, and it already has the taste of my mother in my previous life.

Thinking a little slow, cheeks hot, eyes a little blurred.

"Bah, shit, what do you see me doing?"

Hearing this, Ji Mingyue was still a little worried and said.

He originally thought that Pei Yuhan and other women were already extremely beautiful, but in front of this woman, they were abruptly inferior.

When the king is here, the ministers must carry it.

Then here is the hot spring, which is clearly a place to bathe.

So who will bathe in the palace?

The people in the Overwatch Council are addicted to cultivation all day long, just like going crazy. Is this the so-called "no madness, no survival?" 15

"Is the plan you mentioned really feasible?"

Ji Mingyue was a little embarrassed because of these words, but she looked at Ye Ning and asked.


Coincidentally, Ye Ning, he really didn't know.

Jiang Qingwan said with a smile.

In fact, her mind was even simpler than Jiang Qingwan thought.

He is not afraid of going to Bingzhou, but he does feel reluctant to leave because he has to travel far.

The old yellow head is getting older and older, and he can no longer do heavy work.

Look at the picturesque scenery around, and then look at the hot springs that are still steaming.

"If he's not drunk and sees me like this when he's sober, it's going to be a big trouble."

Jiang Qingwan stroked Ji Mingyue's hair full of blue silk and said with a smile.

When Ji Mingyue went, everyone immediately relaxed.

So thinking is a little slow and a little confusing.

It really is a flower of riches in the world.

There is also the Imperial Palace. In fact, I have to say that the Dog Emperor is actually okay with me, and sometimes we don’t want to go against him.

"Feel sorry."

Royal Palace.

Pei Yuhan's maturity.

And the extravagance of this woman is unparalleled in the world. She just stands here, giving people a feeling of being extremely wealthy.

This scent is somewhat familiar.

When did Ye Ning see her with this look?

The generals don't have to say it.

Ye Ning glanced left and right and let out a sigh.

It was supposed to be the place where the concubine bathed.

This time, this place, this woman who appeared here is so beautiful.

Each of them is called a peerless beauty, and each has a temperament, which is definitely the best.

Shit, I provoked you to mess with you, and you scold me again? .

Being fascinated by women is not a Losing face thing.

Ye Ning has been in the capital since the time of crossing, and he has never traveled far.

Hearing this, Ji Mingyue nodded.

Ye Ning couldn't move his eyes.

? ? ?

Then I saw Ji Mingyue now.

Ye Ning's reaction is undoubtedly a huge encouragement to Ji Mingyue from 523.

Ye Ning walked outside, enjoying the palace scenery and drinking a couple of sips of wine from time to time.

Ji Mingyue spat in her heart, but a sweet meaning came to her mind.

This is Ji Mingyue, the number one beauty in the world that only Jiang Qingwan knows.

In the past, his mind was only on how to kill himself, and he really didn't have the leisure to care about Ji Mingyue's private affairs.

After drinking, he raised his head and looked at the person coming.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qingwan smiled knowingly.

"It's all said to tell the truth after drinking. When Lord Ye is drunk, His Majesty contacts him with his own face. In the end, what Lord Ye is thinking, you can always try one or two."

"Lord Ruoye is really not drunk. Seeing His Majesty's appearance, I'm afraid I'll feel like I'm dreaming. After all, how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?"

But at this moment, a gust of fragrance came.

Jiang Qingwan doesn't know how many times she has seen Ji Mingyue's true face, but every time she sees it, she gets a little throbbing, and now she has deliberately dressed up, which makes the throbbing even worse.

Then he got an accurate answer.

how to say.

She knew it had happened.

Jiang Qingwan said confidently.

"When are you going to see?"

In addition to being shy, he was also a little more nervous.

Some carry fruits, some carry wine.

But in fact, his alcohol intake is very good, and he shouldn't be drunk so fast.

There is an innate nobility in this woman.

Xiao Qianqian's charming attitude.

Because the emperor did not have a concubine, this is a well-known thing.

Who else could it be but a concubine?

Ye Ning laughed mischievously, raised the jug, and was about to drink heavily, but found that the jug was empty.

But generally it still works.

The thoughts got farther and farther, and Ye Ning's face became more and more red.


Only Jiang Qingwan has seen her true appearance in this world. This is the first time she wants to meet a man as a woman.

Ye Ning came to a reasonable conclusion.

"Of course, even if you are a practitioner of the millennium drunk, you will be very drunk, let alone Master Ye who practices Confucianism and Taoism?"

actually is not saying that he is afraid of going to Bingzhou, but that he is a little bit reluctant to let go of the capital.

He first determined, where is this place?

She finally knew what it meant to be elated.

Because this kind of banquet is actually a kind of reward to the courtiers.

Yingying's slender waist, slender and straight legs, and the tallness that the long skirt can't hide.

Ji Mingyue is not the kind of person who covets fame. She definitely doesn't care if others know it, but she wants Ye Ning to know.

Don't you, Lord Ye, know?

Because sometimes, whether a woman is attractive or not depends not only on her appearance, but also on her identity.

I'm afraid this woman is not the concubine of the Dog Emperor!

"Come on, get some wine!"

Thinking that this peerless beauty in front of her was actually humiliated by the Dog Emperor, Ye Ning felt a little sour and scolded in a low voice.

No matter how beautiful it is to be born, what is the use of no one knowing it?

The water in the pool was very clear, and there was a faint mist.

The learned man above the court showed a madness when drinking and indulging.

Jiang Qingwan's words are indeed reasonable.

He clearly felt drunk.

Ye Ning drank wine and swayed forward.

This is because this pool is a hot spring.

Ye Ning didn't think much about it. He was drunk, and he also showed a bit of madness. He unbuttoned his own button, and then felt that the soles of his feet were burning, so he simply took off his boots and threw them into the hot spring.

It can only be said that the imperial wine in the palace is extraordinary.

Ye Ning thought for a while, took a pot of wine, and walked out.

A lot of pool water was splashed.

There is also Chunfenglou. It's a pity, it's a good place, I really want to go there again.

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