If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 182: Pei Yuhan's Secret

Chapter 183 Pei Yuhan's Secret

A month has passed in a blink of an eye. Ye Ning, who was extremely bored, wrote a diary out of boredom, simply recording what happened this month.

Sixth of April.

I am very angry.

Because the Overwatch Council has piled up a lot of official business, Wei Wentong's bastards have all gone to Closed Door Training, and they want me to handle these official business?

Is there any king law?

Is there any law?

I, who only want to paddle, have no interest in these things.

So I re-established the official position of the Overwatch Council, first of all, the position of pass sentence, and increased by eight.

Then, on top of the general sentence, a new staff office was added to deal with complicated public affairs.

Above the General Staff Office, there are two positions: Censor Censor and Censor Zhongcheng. After thinking about it, I appointed Cai Xianggao as Censor Censor. When he broke through to a great Confucian scholar, he was Censor Zhongcheng.

Well, I hope Xiao Cai can grow up quickly and become a qualified tool person.

Seventh of April.

All the people in the Overwatch Council are praising my buddy's innovative feats. They think that my approach can greatly improve the efficiency of the Overwatch Council.


Dude just wants to be lazy.

April eighth.

Lying down, the little mute beat my legs for me.


The ninth of April.

Lying down, the little dumb gave me a massage.

I slept soundly.

Tenth of April.

Lie down.

April eleven.

Chaotang completed the shuffling, a group of elites came to power, and the entire capital was excited.

But the discerning person knows that it is useless.

Because it is difficult for the decree to go out of the capital now, what Da Zhou can really grasp now is only the land of the capital.

This problem bothers many people, but they can't think of a solution for a while.

April 12.

Lie down.


April fifteen.

Today, a large number of people defected, hundreds of Practitioners and dozens of Confucian scholars.

To be honest, I'm very annoyed, the Overwatch Council is already overcrowded, so many people can't hold it.

Many people suggested to me that the branch should be expanded.

But the time is not yet ripe, because other than the capital, other places are not safe.

April sixteen.

Lie down.

April seventeen.

Good news came from the Holy Court.

There are several scholars who have obtained the inheritance of the Great Confucianism, and they are as happy as they are.

April eighteenth.

Lie down.

April nineteen.

Emperor Gou approached me to discuss things again. She said that she was going to expand the army and asked me if I had any comments.

I was too lazy to talk to her and said I had no opinion.

April twenty.

The new founding father, Mu Guanying, came to me, and this kid came to say goodbye.

After thinking about it, he planned to go to the border to join the army.

He said that the glory of the ancestors was exchanged for military exploits, and he wanted to restore the prestige of the ancestors.

The boy's idea is good, but dangerous.

I persuaded a few words, he was very firm, so he did not persuade.

I know this kid is under a lot of pressure, and he wants to make some achievements urgently to relieve the pressure.

Of course, he wants to rebuild the Red Flame Army on the border and create an army that can help me.

I am clear about this.

April twenty-one.

It's raining.

Lying down, the little mute fed me grapes.

April twenty-two.

Lie down.


April twenty-nine.

Ye Ning, Ye Ning, can't lie down anymore, have you forgotten your dream of becoming a Heavenly Emperor?

April thirty.

Lie down.


"I have to get out of town!"

Ye Ning, who was lying on the teacher's chair, made a major choice.

That's out of town.

Now the situation is obvious, he is invincible in the capital.

It is impossible for Xianmen to come to the capital to touch his bad head.

In the current capital, Ye Ning was a little intoxicated by the ease.

Lying down every day, the little mute waited on.

This day has passed.


That's called a fall.

But how could Ye Ning fall?

"I'm destined to be Heavenly Emperor and I can't go on like this!"

Wenrou Township is a heroic grave, Ye Ning felt that if it continued like this, his own will would really be wiped out.

How can this work?

Endless life, endless death.

My buddy's journey is Star Ocean, I can't live in the capital for the rest of my life.

So you have to get out of town.

Only out of the city, there are risks.

There is a risk to become a Heavenly Emperor!

However, while Ye Ning's Heavenly Emperor dream still exists, his mentality has changed.

Up to now, no matter how much he doesn't believe in evil, he finds that this world is indeed a bit evil.

Can't die no matter what.

Can you believe this?

He thought he had worked hard enough, but he just couldn't die.

Sometimes, it is impossible not to believe in evil.

So Ye Ning believed it.

His thinking changed accordingly.

In the past, everything was served for the sake of death. As long as there is a possibility of death, then move forward bravely.

Now, it has been replaced by dying if you can, and pulling down if you don't die.

This is because Ye Ning has realized that his own life is not completely his own now.

The whole world does not know how many people are watching him.

His responsibilities are enormous.

He didn't want something like Liu Jin's death for him to happen again.

So, the mentality has to change.

Ye Ning now thinks he has a second life.

Anyway, there is no turning back when the bow is opened, so I keep walking along the current road, the danger will always increase, and maybe it will overturn.

At that time, the car overturned, and he was worthy of everyone.

The mentality was reversed, and then the idea of ​​leaving the city was firmed.

Then there is another problem.

How to get out of town?

Out of town for what reason?

This made Ye Ning fall into contemplation.


Dazhou, Bingzhou, Jinyang.

In a luxurious and extravagant garden, there are people kneeling.

These kneeling people, everyone is pampered and dressed in gold and silver.

If the people of Jinyang City saw it, they would definitely be shocked.

Because they are all big figures in the Jinyang Li family!

Jinyang Li family, that is Jinyang, and even the local emperor of Bingzhou.

A great family with a long tradition.

There is a saying that a dynasty of flowing water is an aristocratic family.

In many places, the emperor's orders are not even as easy to use as the family. When local officials take office, they must first visit the family and obtain the recognition of the family.

Otherwise, the decree will not be enforced at all.

The Jinyang Li family is one of the most powerful families in the world.

Most of the aristocratic families with the same name as them have already taken refuge in Xianmen, and they have succeeded in establishing a country.

For example, Cao Meng, the ruler of Wei State, was originally the head of the Cao family.

Theoretically speaking, the Jinyang Li family backed by Yuhuamen can also successfully establish a country and become the seventh country, Jin.

But this definite matter was disturbed by Ye Ning, who was born out of nowhere.

This time, the Jinyang Li family was furious.

Because before that, they had even prepared the altars, python robes and other things used in the ceremony of conferring kings.

But the result?

became a joke.

So the name Ye Ning became taboo in Jinyang.

Even ordinary people don't dare to mention it casually. Once they are heard by the Li family's ears and eyes, they will be embarrassed.

This is no joke.

The strength of the Li family is so strong that no one knows it better than the people of Jinyang.

However, in the past, the Li family, who was arrogant and aloof, was now showing the most humble attitude, like a loyal dog, crawling on the ground.

In the sky, a rainbow bridge appeared.

Dozens of practitioners with fluttering clothes came slowly.


"Welcome to Immortal!"

The head of the Li family, Li Ran worships.

"Get up."

The leader of the Ascension Gate is a middle-aged cultivator with a short beard and a yellow complexion, looking a little dumb.

But if you look closely at his eyes, you will definitely find a sense of agility.

"Please Immortal serve tea like a hall."

Li Ran said respectfully.

The middle-aged cultivator nodded, and the group entered the inner hall.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged cultivator is sitting in the main seat, and Li Ran is in the lower seat.

As for the rest of the Li family, they stood honestly, not qualified to speak or sit down.

The middle-aged cultivator didn't make any detours. After drinking a sip of tea, he directly explained his purpose.

"Sect wants to get the Li family to cooperate and do a big thing."

Li Ran asked.

"What's the big deal?"

He was mentally prepared that Immortal could not come to the door for no reason.

"Kill Ye Ning!"

The middle-aged cultivator's eyes flashed a hint of ruthlessness.


Li Ran's face changed greatly.

If it was in the past, when he heard this, he would definitely express his position directly and fully support it.

After all, Ye Ning interfered with his kingship and the establishment of a country, and this hatred has grown.

He couldn't wait to tear Ye Ning to pieces.

But, all the time.


Now in Kyushu, who doesn't know the name of Ye Ning?

Thirteen Head Teachers were cut off by him.

No matter how awesome he is, Li Ran can't compare to Thirteen Head Teachers.

"How to kill?"

His eyes were full of confusion.

He wanted to help, but this was obviously beyond the scope of his ability.

"Master Li, don't worry, do you really believe the rumors, thinking that Ye Ning is invincible?"

The middle-aged cultivator picked up the tea cup and said slowly.

"But all thirteen Head Teachers..."

Li Ran looked suspicious.

"That's because the surnamed Ye used the power of the great formation!"

A light flashed in the middle-aged cultivator's eyes, and a month was enough for them to figure out a lot of things.

For example, the Immortal Intercepting Array was not originally called the Immortal Intercepting Array, but the Great Humanity Array.

For example, Ye Ning's power is provided to him by the big array.

For another example, they know what the so-called "human strength" is.

There are still many things, Xianmen are in control.

The rapid expansion of the Overwatch Council, and Ji Mingyue's recruitment and recruitment, have not been able to deceive them.

As a result, they couldn't sit still, and they had to move.

But what should be done?

After thinking about it, we finally reached an agreement, that is to kill Ye Ning!

As long as Ye Ning dies, the great formation in the world will be self-defeating.

If he doesn't die, Xianmen will never be at peace.

The middle-aged cultivator told Li Ran what he knew.

Li Ran suddenly realized.

"It turns out that Ye Ning is invincible only in the great formation of the world. Once he leaves the city, he is only a great scholar."

Da Confucianism is actually very strong.

Especially Ye Ning, a great scholar, has a higher gold content. After all, there is too much righteousness in his body, too high-quality.

But no matter how strong the Great Confucianism is, it can still be dealt with.

If you can deal with it, then it means there is a chance.

"So, the first thing we have to do now is to force Ye Ning out of the city!"

the middle-aged cultivator said.

"How could he leave the city? If it was me, I would never leave the capital for the rest of my life."

Li Ran expressed doubts.

"But Ye Ning is not you. If it were Lord Li, of course he wouldn't leave the city, but Ye Ning is a sincere gentleman, and he has the ambition to help the world.

The middle-aged cultivator said with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"So, this is his weakness!"

Li Ran was thoughtful, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to have figured it out a bit. superior.

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