If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 169: If The Sky Does Not Obey, Then The Sky Will Be Destroyed!

Chapter 170 If the sky does not follow, then the sky will be destroyed

Because of the protection of the great formation, everyone on the city wall was not injured. But they also have nothing to boast about.

It seems that they are attacking, constantly releasing crossbow arrows, and releasing various attacks, while everyone in Xianmen is offering defensive Magical Items one by one, defending wholeheartedly.

But in fact, the attacking party is more impatient.

The defensive side seems to be able to do it with ease.

Everyone knows that the key to the problem is not the confrontation between Da Zhou and Xianmen, but whether the four immortals can break the formation.

Once the great formation is broken, the capital will be finished.

It can be expected that the countless people in the capital will inevitably bleed into rivers.

When that scene happened, the hearts and minds of the army and the people, which had finally been united, would also be shattered in a mess.

Until then, it will be the real end.

Therefore, Ji Mingyue tried her best to stop the four immortals from becoming a feather.

But it backfired.

With the protection of Immortal Sect, they could not touch the four immortals at all.

He could only watch the four of them helplessly, manipulating the formation shuttle and chiseling the capital formation little by little.

"Your Majesty, let's go to battle!"

The general of Tianlongwei invited to fight with red eyes.

He wants to lead the team out, maybe there is still a chance to interrupt the rhythm of the four immortals.

However, Ji Mingyue shook her head and rejected his proposal.

Because this is obviously impossible.

So many people in Xianmen are not vegetarians, and the hundreds of Tianlongwei rushed out, only moths to the fire.

She didn't want pointless sacrifices.

"In the end, it depends on the formation itself."

Ji Mingyue stood on the city wall, and the wind blew her clothes, making her feel an unprecedented chill.

Winter has just passed.

Now is the time for all things to recover.

But the aura of doomsday shrouded the capital.

She doesn't regret her own choice, because no matter whether she makes a firm decision, the Four Immortals of Ascension will be defeated today.

The meaning of Xianmen is obvious, that is to use the most cruel and fierce way to break through the last line of defense of Da Zhou.

Da Zhou's offensive is getting weaker and weaker. On the one hand, his vitality is exhausted, and on the other hand, he is also running out of energy.

Because they realize that they are doing nothing.

In the end, everyone's eyes turned to the southeast corner of the city wall.

"Can you stand it?"

Everyone was sweating.

On the streets of the capital, I don't know how many people crowded around.

They looked up at the sky, a look of confusion in their eyes.

They are ordinary people, ants, and weeds.

But they are also life.

If the big formation is broken, what will be their fate?

"They've lost their temper."

Outside the city, everyone in Xianmen sneered.

Fang Qingxue's eyes showed joy, she suddenly flew up, stood in the sky, and then glanced at everyone above the city wall.

"Look, only you are fighting, and what about Ye Ning, the culprit?"

Fang Qingxue's words made everyone frown slightly.

They shouldn't have listened to Fang Qingxue's nonsense.

But she got to the point.

What about Ye Ning?

It was already at a critical moment of survival, why did Ye Ning refuse to show up?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Fang Qingxue sneered and continued.

"In my opinion, he escaped!"

"He is bright and righteous on the surface, but when the crisis comes, he hides and only lets you fight here."

"So why are you fighting? For a coward?"

Still no one pays attention to him.

Fang Qingxue is the enemy, of course they know that this is the enemy's plan to sow discord.

But the human heart is complicated.

Even if they ignore it, they can't control their own thoughts.

I don't believe Lord Ye is a coward, much less that he will abandon everyone.

But Lord Ye did not appear.

Many people did not speak on the surface, but their hearts were already shaken.

"No matter what, what happened today was caused by Ye Ning. At the most critical moment, he hid. This is the reality."

Fang Qingxue said lightly.

"Witch, shut up!"

Niu Jinxi drew a bow and an arrow, and shot an arrow.

Of course it didn't hurt Fang Qingxue, she laughed and stepped back.


What she was about to say has already been said.

Although people did not speak, it could be seen from their actions that the will of everyone was weakened.

Ye Ning is the spiritual pillar of many people.

Ye Ning didn't show up at this moment. If everyone didn't have any reaction or suspicion, it would be abnormal.

"Damn it, it's delusional to confuse our army!"

Wei Wentong gritted his teeth.

This is Fang Qingxue's conspiracy.

This vicious woman, with just a few words, planted a seed of suspicion in many people's hearts.

It is the time when all will be united, and this kind of doubt is fatal.

"Ye Qing didn't hide or escape, he just has more important things to do."

Ji Mingyue looked around at everyone and said.

Everyone was silent.

Believe it or not, you can't tell from their faces.

And Ji Mingyue did not intend to explain.

Because she knew it was useless.

Everyone still trusts Ye Ning, but Ye Ning didn't show up, that's a fact.

So it's bound to have an impact on people.

But does it matter?

In her opinion, it is no longer important, her eyes are fixed on the direction of the four immortals.

At this moment, it is obvious that the most important moment has come.

The Four Immortals of Ascension have swallowed more than a dozen Medicine Pills one after another. Their faces were flushed red and sweat was pouring down, but they still played out one after another in an orderly manner.

Countless array Dao rules, entered into the Immortal Intercepting Formation, and then melted.

But this is not useless, the naked eye can see that the power of the Immortal Intercepting Formation is weakening.

Still the same sentence, there is no person in the main formation.

Formation is formation, no matter how inscrutable it is, no one is flexible.

With the unremitting efforts of Yuhuamen, a gap was finally opened in the southeast corner.


The golden mask trembled and made a shaky sound.

Seeing this scene, everyone bit their lips.

Could it be that the Great Array is really about to be broken?

"Break it for me!"

Qiu Shou Xian shouted in excitement.

He pinched the dazzling seal, and his eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, he entered a state of madness and was desperate.

Break it, break it, break it! ! !

There was only one voice in his mind.

Not only to destroy Da Zhou, but also to fulfill the long-cherished wish of Ascension Sect for many years.

He finally won this opportunity from Sect, in order to complete this seemingly impossible feat in front of the world!

Ka Ka Ka!

In the southeast corner, cracks have appeared.

This scene made countless people despair.


Ji Mingyue drew her sword, and she had a solemn expression on her face.

"Prepare to fight to the death!"

At this point, any motivational words are meaningless.

Needless to say.

Because everyone knows what they are about to face.

For a time, countless people laughed miserably.

But they did not retreat, but walked up to the city wall one after another.

"Life doesn't stop, fight to the death doesn't stop!"

"Life doesn't stop, fight to the death doesn't stop!"

"Big week, big week, big week!!!"

The roar of the crowd was not cheering, but more like the last madness of the desperate.

At this moment, even the literati rushed up.

They mobilized the cultural energy in their bodies and evolved a golden horse.

Under the cover of the nest, how can there be a complete egg.

Today, Xianmen came with anger. Once the city was broken, everyone knew what would happen.

Rather than waiting for death, it is better to give up your life for a blog!

A tragic atmosphere spread throughout the capital.

However, in the eyes of the Four Immortals of Feather Hua, it was undoubtedly a joke.

"A group of ants, what other storms do you want to make?"

The four immortals of feathering took a step forward together.

This is the final blow.


The formation shuttle suddenly turned into a black light and shot out, like a drill, suddenly plunged into the big formation.

That's right.

The breakout shuttle is in!

It successfully passed through the fragmentation and rushed into the great formation.

"Hahaha, the formation is broken!"

Qiu Shou Xian laughed.

The next moment, sure enough, a huge hole opened in the southeast corner.

That area completely lost the protection of the Great Array.

The power of the entire Immortal Intercepting Formation was smiling quickly.

This is the point of breaking the surface.

This ancient formation is finally coming to an end today!

He was very excited, and when he waved his hand, it was earth-shattering. In the capital, the buildings in the entire area collapsed. In an instant, blood flowed into rivers, and countless people died!

Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Immortal Interception Formation has been a shadow in the heart of Xianmen.

And today, this shadow is about to disappear.

"It's over!"

In the capital, countless people were desperate.

But at this moment, hundreds of beams of brilliance suddenly erupted from every corner of the capital.

"This is……"

Countless readers raised their heads.

They felt the surging literary aura, and... the arrogant righteousness!

The hundreds of beams of brilliance correspond to the academies in the capital.

In the academy, the statues of Saint and the masters all bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

Those phantoms, as if they had recovered from the long river of time, were thousands of feet tall and stood in the capital.

And the dark clouds in the sky let go at this moment.

A starlight, carried through the whole world,

"Wenquxing, this is Wenquxing!"

All the readers were screaming, and an indescribable excitement made them dance.

The atmosphere between the heavens and the earth suddenly intensified countless times.

And in their bodies, the shackles that made them uncomfortable were all shattered at this moment.

"Set your heart for heaven and earth!"

"Life for the people!"

"Secret Technique for the future saint!"

"Peace for the world!"

One after another, the grand and Sacred voices seemed to have come from the beginning of the ancient times.

It gradually became the only voice between heaven and earth.

"Set your heart for heaven and earth!"

"Life for the people!"

"Secret Technique for the future saint!"

"Peace for the world!"

Countless scholars repeat these four sentences, their blood is boiling.

"Who said that?"

"Could it be that Saint has returned?" 513

"My God, Confucianism and Taoism have recovered!"

The scholar shouted four sentences from Hengqu, and tears welled up in his eyes.

At this moment, I don't know how many people have made breakthroughs.

The white light representing breakthrough is constantly flashing in the capital.

The shackles that have plagued Confucianism and Taoism for thousands of years are all broken at this moment.

The era of Confucianism has come again.


A dazzling light erupted from Liu Shen's body, and there was an aura that was not angry and mighty.

This is... Haoran righteousness!

Liu Shen, who is called a traitor, actually bears an infamy and serves the country and the people, has become a great scholar at this moment!

"Confucianism and Taoism have recovered, and the old man has become a great Confucian... It's him!"

Liu Shen looked at his own hands tremblingly, and he thought of a person in his mind.

"I thought you could create miracles, but I didn't expect you to be able to do this. I underestimated you."

Pei Yuhan looked at a corner of the sky and smiled.

Things finally got interesting.

"It's him! He's back!"

Ji Mingyue shed two more lines of tears.

The tragic and solemn mood that was about to fight to the death disappeared all of a sudden.

Because she has a sense of peace of mind.

"Confucianism and Taoism recover!"

On the side of Xianmen, they were frightened by this sudden change.

Hasn't Confucianism and Taoism been sealed and completely cut off?

Why recover?

How can it be revived!

This time, they were confused.

Because a major event that was enough to change the current situation happened right under their noses.

"What if Confucianism and Taoism have recovered, how much power can they have after sinking for so many years?"

Qiu Shouxian said angrily.

He finally broke the great formation, and he was about to reap the fruits of victory. What does it mean when Confucianism and Taoism recover at this time?

Could it be that you want me to be useless?


He would never allow this to happen.

"Confucianism and Taoism can't save Da Zhou. In this era, immortal Tao is the only one in the world. Since immortal Tao is heaven, if you fight against Xianmen, you will fight against heaven!"

He threw out a Flying Sword and smashed directly to the city wall.

What about the recovery of Confucianism and Taoism?

After killing all of you, those who should perish will perish!

Do you really think that if Confucianism and Taoism are revived, Xianmen will be afraid?

But just as he was about to rush to the city wall, a door of light suddenly appeared in the sky.

From the door of light, two people came out.

The current person, Bai Yi Sheng Xue, had an air of elegance and aura on his body, like a person among the gods. As soon as he came out, he looked at the Qiu Shou Xian and asked.

"Is it?".

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