If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 162: Achieve Great Confucianism, Cut The Locks Of Confucianism And Taoism!

Chapter 163 Achievement of Great Confucianism

To put it simply, it is to take a certain thought or a certain truth as the only truth, and believe it wildly and unreservedly, which cannot be escaped.

When they listened to Ye Ning's words, the four words with endless aftertaste were tossing and turning in their minds.

Scholars should not be like this, Confucianism and Taoism should not be like this, we should have higher pursuits.

"Why do you read books?"

Of course, there is also the Confucian and Taoist Holy Court, which was once brilliant, but is now decayed and dilapidated.

What is cognitive impairment?

But the four words Ye Ning uttered revealed a deafening taste.

Are these good?

Above the sea of ​​learning, there were waves, and the sound of the waves came in bursts.

Ye Ning said everything he should and shouldn't say, and finally showed a worried look.

But it seems to be separated by a mist, and there is a faint feeling, but ~ can't see through.

Cai Xianggao nodded, his eyes filled with various emotions.

"Look, Mr. Wang and Master Cheng are both sages. The reason why they can become sub-sages shows that they have noble morals and amazing talents."

"So, why do you read books?"

What do you read for?

For a moment, it was shame and disbelief.

Readers should not be like this, and the world should not be like this.

It is not difficult to understand what Ye Ning said, these two sub-sages who led to the fall of Confucianism are actually not bad at heart.

Ye Ning took a deep breath, and at this moment, too many images flashed through his mind.

"It's not important to say, you can say it first, you can say it later, or you don't have to say it. The important thing is to do it. As long as you do it, you will be able to prove right or wrong."

"Reading to put it bluntly is just a necessities for realizing an ideal. Knowledge is a tool. Without knowledge, it is impossible to achieve an ideal, but it is useless to have tools, and what is more important is to do it."

The unity of knowledge and action!

"Brother Ye, what do you mean by the unity of knowledge and action?"

However, he was also fascinated by it, and he kept thinking about the words "unity of knowledge and action" in his mind.

Because there are countless histories that wake me up like textbooks and pass on to me one by one truth.

But Ye Ning still sensed a hint of danger.

He realized it was wrong.

As for the Master Wang, he was used to seeing the people displaced and the human nature was ugly, so he wanted the world to have love.

This made the two of them scratch their hearts like a hundred claws, staring at Ye Ning, waiting for the next-.

"Brother Cai, why do you study?"

So how do you get rid of the perception block?

The outside world has been turned upside down.

On the stone steps of the book mountain, the hidden brilliance reappeared, like starlight, filling the entire road.

"This child sees so clearly?"

This is like a real cemetery. Those who have been buried, only this stone tablet is left, and there is nothing else.

Seeing Cai Xianggao's appearance like this, Ye Ning sighed in his heart. It's really hard enough for scholars in this world to be imprisoned, so he took the initiative to ask questions.

The two had an unprecedented seriousness on their faces.

This is a novel ranking.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"Since ancient times, scholars have been prophets and acted later, or they know but do not act. They only accept knowledge, are keen to study ideas, but are unwilling to practice. This is easier said than done."

That Mr. Shu, who has been around for a long time, woke up from a deep sleep, trembling like crazy, swaying, and the silver leaves fell rustling like rain...

At least after Ye Ning said this, it was difficult for them to say their original intentions.

"I don't think so, I didn't say that there is no merit, just say Mr. Wang, his thoughts can make people pursue benevolence and righteousness, improve their own recuperation, Mr. Cheng pays attention to etiquette, etiquette is not wrong, loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, and righteousness are not wrong. Mingli can make a person better, there is nothing wrong with that."

"He's right, Saint makes mistakes too, not to mention us. Could it be that we've fallen into a blindness of knowledge?"

There are people whose faces are full of numbness, but they have to grit their teeth to survive.

"The so-called unity of knowledge and action actually means very obvious, that is, not only talking, but also doing."

This is the difficulty of the battle of ideas. It is too difficult to unify the minds.

It's very simple, try to look at affairs from another angle, and then you will gradually discover your own mistakes and omissions. At that time, your knowledge and thinking will be sublimated, and there will be no barriers to knowledge and perception.

The book business was angry and scolded Fang Qiu.

The two looked at Ye Ning with shock in their eyes.

What are you reading for? ?

Ye Ning was persuaded by Cai Xianggao.

Hearing this, the two saints fell silent.

"Brother Ye is worrying too much. There is no one in the Holy Court for a long time. All the sons will sleep forever and will never come to the world again. Otherwise, when Xianmen cut off Confucianism and Taoism, how could there be no response? What you said, What comes out of your mouth can enter my ears, and no third person will know about it."


There is confusion, surprises, expectations, and doubts.

"In the eyes of many people, reading is noble. As long as you read, you will have a sense of superiority in a certain sense. This is wrong."

Recalling his original intention when he was studying, they actually is not loyal to the emperor and serve the country. Mr. Cheng has been very thoughtful since he was a child. His lifelong ideal is to promote the Holy Way.

According to Saint, human beings are inherently good.

It's obviously impossible to satisfy him with just such a vague explanation.

Cai Xianggao was a little surprised.


Are there still few ideological disputes in the history of Confucianism and Taoism?

He felt that he was talking too much and asked.

"It's easier to know than to do it, it's the norm to do it after the prophet, it's the norm, it's rare to know it first, and it's rare. A scholar shouldn't be constrained by thoughts. There are too many thoughts. There is no difference between the words of one family and the words of a hundred schools of thought. The goal is to build the Datong society described in the book of sages, do you understand what I mean?"

Having said so much just now, the words came to his lips, and Ye Ning was also a little unhappy. Seeing that the surroundings were quiet and silent, he was relieved that he was used to the backstab. Snake bites have been afraid of well ropes for ten years, but this time he really thought too much. He thought about it and continued.

Is this what I study for?

Ye Ning affirmed.

Later generations felt that it was wrong and believed that human beings were inherently evil at the beginning.


Ye Ning said lightly.

This is really not right.

"Be loyal to the king and serve the country!"

"The unity of knowledge and action, the unity of knowledge and action..."

Of course not.

There are civil and military officials who are willing to be the servants of Xianmen.

Cai Xianggao answered affirmatively, and then showed eagerness.

Point the country and inspire words!

"I think, as sages, they are definitely not the kind of people who will maliciously slander each other. There is a saying that people who know their own best are enemies. They preach their own ideas and are eager to make it the truth, while their opponents are the enemy. They constantly study their thoughts and try to find out the mistakes. In fact, from this point of view, this kind of ideological collision is beneficial. At least they can improve themselves through comparison and practice. Unfortunately, they do not. They have fallen into a kind of confusion, they can't see Mount Tai, they just want to explain, want to prove themselves right, but ignore that even Saint can be wrong."

No one knows better than Ersheng.

It's just that these thoughts seem chaotic, disordered, and not systematic, and he eagerly wants to hear Ye Ning's high-level arguments.

Everyone looked at Ye Ning.

Cai Xianggao was startled, then didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After speaking, the whole person froze.

There is still no clear and unified answer to the dispute between the goodness theory and the evilness theory.

If nothing else, what Saint said has always been questioned.

Many things come to their minds.

This is because he has reached his intellectual blind spot, and in his past education, he has never received anything like it.

"But this does not mean that the two sages are necessarily correct. In fact, after practice, they can see that their thoughts are full of flaws. Both seized the flaws of the other and attacked them, but they refused to reflect on the other. Are the flaws mentioned in the end true?"

"Why is Brother Ye so determined?"

"I just don't think these thoughts should ascend to the level of heaven."

"If I say this, no one should hear it, right?"

But when Cai Xianggao heard it, he had many thoughts.

Cai Xianggao said four words without even thinking about it.

"Instead of pursuing these illusory ideas, Confucian children should take the initiative to practice them."

The reason why they were arguing was just a quarrel of ideas.

They were extremely nervous, like a child full of curiosity waiting for the teacher to teach in the Mongolian school.

This is why they read.

In the dark, he had a hunch that, according to Ye Ning, he might be able to change the predicament between Confucianism and Taoism.

"Practice is the only criterion for testing truth?"

"Yes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

However, the place where the sons slept was still silent.

Is this the only pursuit for readers?

Ye Ning took a few steps forward, he stretched out his hand and pressed the wordless monument in front of him, he let out a long breath, and said.

If someone, how could they watch Xianmen destroy Confucianism?

Ye Ning is still so young, but the soul inside his body is like a demon who has lived for thousands of years.

Yeah, how could there be people in this place?

Ye Ning's words made him think too much.

"Because practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

It just seems narrow.

In the place of inheritance, the stele is shining brightly, and the great Confucian thoughts are awakened.

There was a thunderous explosion in the Holy Court. "Don't be noisy!"

For a while, he forgot his original intention of coming here, and began to sincerely ask for advice, trying to figure out the problems that he couldn't figure out when he was studying.

This is the blindness of knowledge.

Ye Ning nodded, recalling the situation of Confucianism and Taoism in this world, combined with the history of the previous life, and said slowly.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help recalling their own thoughts.

Cai Xianggao frowned.

When you were just complaining about the Second Saint, you didn't think about this issue at all, did you?

The more they chewed, the more they thought, the more it felt like something was about to come out of their minds.

Cai Xianggao's mind changed.

The old man is also thinking about this issue.

"Set up your heart for the world, set up your life for the people, set up a secret technique for the successor of the saints, and create peace for all the worlds!" On.

There are readers who are not yet cold, want to do something, but don't know what to do.

The entire ancient and decaying Holy Court seems to have been injected with a fresh energy.

"Throughout the ages, many saints and sages have thoughts and theories, does Brother Ye feel that they are all useless?"


Of course.

But at the moment when the thunder rang out, the two sub-sages waved their hands at the same time to erase the sound so as not to disturb Ye Ning.

Cai Xianggao's soul shook violently.

After thinking about it, I found that as Ye Ning said, there is a big problem.

"How to say it? How to do it? How to prove right?"

Ye Ning said again.

Ye Ning looked at the two wordless monuments in front of him and said lightly.

What should a reader ideally look like?

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