If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 160: The Unity Of Knowledge And Action

Chapter 161 The unity of knowledge and action

Did Xianmen expect it? At least Ye Ning didn't expect that the capital would perform such a big show when he was not around. At this moment, he is looking up at the stone tablet with Cai Xianggao.

"The place where the sons sleep?"

Ye Ning looked at these huge stone tablets, each of which gave him a solemn feeling.

"You mean, this is a cemetery?"

Cai Xianggao shook his head and said.

"Yes and no."

He took a few steps forward, bowed at the huge stone tablet in front of him, and said.

"Legend, this is the spiritual home of the masters."

"No matter where it is, no matter what it has experienced, after dust returns to dust, its spirit will return here."

"It's like a wanderer returning to his mother's arms. This place is the end of Confucianism and Taoism, but it is also the home of Confucianism and Taoism."

Cai Xianggao watched everything here with a pious mentality.

Ye Ning nodded, no wonder this place felt so different.

It is actually the place where the entire spirit of Confucianism and Taoism is buried.

"Brother Ye, look here."

Cai Xianggao pointed to the sky.

Ye Ning followed his fingertips and looked over his head.

As a result, I saw a huge black chain that seemed to run through the entire world.

This black chain is so shocking, as if it has the terrifying power that can block the world.

Just by looking at it, Ye Ning felt a sense of sluggish thinking and unable to speak.

"This is the root cause of the decline of Confucianism and Taoism!"

Cai Xianggao murmured with a complicated mood.

"What exactly is this?"

Ye Ning frowned.

This chain is really terrifying, and it is countless times more terrifying than the giant sword left by Xianmen.

"The forbidden chains that imprison the mind!"

Cai Xianggao said.

"This chain locks not people, nor the ground, but thoughts."

"What is thought, thought is thought."

"Two different thoughts give birth to two kinds of thoughts, and countless thoughts coalesce, leading to the split between Confucianism and Taoism, and the thinking of Confucian disciples is rigid. They only know internal friction, but do not know innovation. And then there is this lock of thought imprisoning!"

There was a strong sense of pain in Cai Xianggao's words.

This is something that Confucian disciples of later generations will feel sad about every time they think about it.

If it weren't for this, how could Confucianism and Taoism be reduced to this level?

But the second old man, who witnessed all this, did not feel the same grief as he did.

Instead, they sneered at each other.

"Brother Wang, if you didn't do the wrong thing but refused to admit defeat, how could this imprisonment occur?"

The short-bearded old man said that he believed that the responsibility was entirely on the other side.

"Master said, there must be my teacher in a three-way trip. How can Brother Cheng dare to say that the old man must be wrong? You never accept other people's opinions, but you are determined to pass on your own thoughts. You are the real source of the decline of Confucianism and Taoism. ."

The long-bearded old man responded with a sneer.

"Joke, why should this old man accept other people's opinions? When this old man became enlightened, you were not born yet, and all scholars in the world were the old man's disciples. Since your appearance, you have been persuading the public and making unprovoked innovations, causing the Confucian sect to split. It's ridiculous to have the face to bark in front of the old man, "!"

The short-bearded old man seemed to be stabbed in a sore spot, and his words suddenly became much more intense.

"You made a mistake alone and harmed scholars all over the world. What this old man did was to set things right. History has long proven that you are the one who went the wrong way."

The long-bearded old man waved his sleeves and said, not willing to admit defeat.

Cai Xianggao's remarks seemed to remind the two of a lot of past events.

So their quarrel intensified.

Such a quarrel is not one or two at all, and it is definitely impossible to have an outcome.

If Cai Xianggao saw this picture, he would definitely be surprised.

Let's not talk about the identities of these two people, that is, the content of their quarrel, they are just talking about right and wrong, without the slightest sense of guilt.

If the decline of the Confucian sect was caused by them, there must be some shame.

But the two of them did not express their emotions in the slightest. They seemed to be righteous and did not feel guilty at all.

In fact, this is also reasonable.

Because the two are not real people, they are just obsessions.

As obsessions, they are naturally different from people. What they care about is always something they can't let go.

"Two thoughts? What kind of thoughts?"

Ye Ning frowned.

No matter how much he disliked Haoran's aura, he couldn't change the fact that he was a disciple of Confucianism and Taoism.

Talking about the rise and fall of Confucianism and Taoism, he became a little curious.

"Brother Ye, look."

Cai Xiang pointed at the stone tablet.

Ye Ning looked up and saw that a line of characters was inscribed on each stone tablet.

These big characters are the famous sayings of the masters during their lifetimes, and from a certain perspective, they are equivalent to the embodiment of their thoughts.

For example, this one in front of me is engraved with the words: The best is good and all things are benefited without fighting.

Going forward again, it is engraved: do not forget its beginning, do not seek its end; receive and delight in it, forget it and restore it. It's called real.

The one at the back is engraved with: A gentleman is not a mirror in water, but a mirror in people. When a mirror is in water, one sees the face; when a mirror is in people, one knows the evil and good fortune.

Walking a few steps forward, there is another statue: First righteousness and then benefit are honored, first benefit and then righteousness are disgraced.

These famous sayings of the masters are the evolution of the spirits of the masters.

represent the thoughts of their life.

Younger Junior, who comes here to pay his respects, often gets insights.

Such a place of spiritual inheritance belongs to the characteristics of Confucianism and Taoism, not to say that there are no other Taoisms, but to say that there are few Confucianism and Taoism.

Almost every sage has left their own traces here.

This is the special feature of Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism and Taoism do not specialize in power, but if Taoism is successful, power will naturally be possessed.

It is not the focus of Confucianism and Taoism to become stronger, but to become enlightened.

How can we be enlightened?

Realize your ambition.

Implement ideas.

Understanding Life.

Any of these can vary from person to person.

Just as Ye Ning was looking at the steles, he heard Cai Xianggao calling out.

"Brother Ye, come here."

Ye Ning walked over.

Following what Cai Xianggao pointed to, he saw two stone tablets.

The height of these two steles is very high, which can be called the highest stele in this place, but they are opposite to each other, and there is a faint meaning of confrontation.

The most amazing thing is that there is no text on the stone tablet.

"Two wordless monuments?"

Ye Ning observed carefully and found that except for these two steles, the other steles had writing.

"Yes, the two wordless monuments correspond to Master Cheng and Mr. Wang respectively."

Cai Xianggao also saluted reverently, and then said.

"Master Cheng and Mr. Wang are both sub-sages. They are my Confucian and Taoist sages, and they should all lead the way."

"However, the era of the two is too close, Master Cheng first got the Tao and paid attention to etiquette."

"Mr. Wang rose up later and believed that Master Cheng's way was wrong, and advocated the way of benevolence and forgiveness."

"The two ideas are extremely conflicting, and their respective achievements are extremely high, so scholars all over the world have become their fans."

"For many years, the disputes did not last, and over time, the internal friction became serious. That is, from that time, Confucianism and Taoism began to decline."

"The two saints are also strangers because of this. After they passed away, they refused to leave their names on the stone tablet because they have not yet distinguished themselves."

"These two people are both amazing and talented people, but how can they fight like this, and they have completely defeated the Confucianism."

"If there is no internal friction for many years, why would Xianmen seal the Holy Court?"

When it came to this, Cai Xianggao was very unwilling.

The succession of Confucianism and Taoism in Asia should be a great joy.

Unexpectedly, the two were in the same era, and their thoughts conflicted to the point of irreconcilability.

As a result, the scourge of the decline of Confucianism was brought about.

"It is so."

Ye Ning smacked his mouth.

To be honest, a little speechless.

But when you think about it, it actually makes sense.

Because ideological disputes and academic disputes have been cruel since ancient times and cannot be unified.

If an ordinary dispute develops to the level of hatred, as long as one party kills the other, the problem will be solved.

However, the battle of ideas is a collision of ideas. If you use swords to decide the outcome, then you will undoubtedly be inferior.

It is too difficult for one thought to overpower another.

The human mind is the most difficult thing to unify.

Previously, Ye Ning proposed ".〃 Mahayana Buddhism" and asked Yuanfang to bring it back to the West.

The intention is also to make Buddhism split and make noise.

Because he deeply knows that disputes of ideas are difficult to reconcile. Once Mahayana Dharma and Theravada Dharma quarrel, it is absolutely impossible to reach an agreement.

Of course, although it is difficult to unify ideas, it is not impossible to unify.

To unify, you have to prove right or wrong.

How to prove right or wrong?

It's very simple, show the facts and tell the evidence.

Thoughts need to be verified, and when the facts are in front of us, it is difficult to deny them.

So Ye Ning was very curious, are all Confucian sects fools? Which is right and which is wrong, don't you know if you try it?

He asked questions.

But Cai Xianggao's answer seemed very confusing.

"I have tried and verified, but it still cannot be unified, because there are both right and wrong places for both ideas."

Ye Ning raised his brows and asked.

"What do you mean by the two thoughts you are talking about?"

Cai Xianggao stared at the wordless monument in front of him with complicated eyes and said with a sigh.

"Let's talk about Master Cheng first. Master Cheng advocates etiquette and law. He believes that everything in the world cannot escape a law of etiquette. As long as a framework is set in advance and implemented according to this framework, then there will never be mistakes."

Ye Ning nodded, it was not difficult to understand.

This is like (Li's Zhao) a set of programs. You set up instructions in advance. When you encounter something, you just need to follow the instructions.

He was not unfamiliar at all, but rather familiar.

"What exactly do you mean by etiquette? Is it the monarch, the monarch, the minister, the minister, the father, the son?"

Ye Ning thought of some ancient thoughts from previous lives.

Similar to what Cai Xianggao described, but not exactly the same.

This world is more single and more absolute.


Cai Xianggao nodded and said.

"Master Cheng believes that everything in the world has laws to follow. This law is the law of etiquette. As long as everyone obeys the law of etiquette, the world will become incomparably beautiful."

Ye Ning gradually frowned.

"What if you don't obey?"

Cai Xianggao sighed and said steps.

"If you don't abide by it, you will naturally not be in the world."

These are all very distant things, so Cai Xianggao can now talk about it with a steady state of mind.

But if it was a scholar of that era, it would be absolutely difficult to be as calm as him.

But calm is calm. In Cai Xianggao's heart, he still recognizes the thoughts of the two sages. He can't say which one is better, but he thinks it all makes sense, at least he is not qualified to question.

But Ye Ning didn't have this kind of consciousness. After he heard it, he sneered and said something that Cai Xianggao heard was a deviant remark.

"What am I supposed to be, it turns out that it is a set of anti-human things that preserve the principles of nature and destroy human desires. That's it, it is also worthy of being called a sub-sage?".

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