I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 92 Actually, I am Uchiha Tobirama?

Chapter 92 Actually, I am... Uchiha Tobirama?

The old man Uchiha Shinyin proudly showed off to Uchiha Yuichiro: "Ah haha, according to Yu, this is a long time to live."

Elder Yuichiro held his forehead and said with relief: "Let me just tell you, how come the genin I arranged for broke off contact inexplicably and abandoned me as an elder without mercy..."

"Six pairs of Sharingan in one night, I would have rebelled on the spot."

Old man Xinyin asked jokingly: "Now you don't blame me for driving your people away, do you?"

Yuichiro Uchiha waved his hands repeatedly and agreed: "You are right. The significance of this matter is too great, and information cannot be spread casually."

"The genin of the study club..., haha, I think too much. They are definitely loyal to Uchiha Yu now. This kid is more thoughtful than me. I don't need to worry about it."

"Hahaha, the future of the Uchiha family..."

After a long time, Uchiha Yuichiro's mood finally stabilized. He looked at Uchiha Shin-yin and asked, "Uncle Shin-yin, besides informing me of this important event, is there anything else you want me to do?"

Uchiha Nobuyin nodded: "Uchiha Yuu wants to be the clan leader, and I'm here to convince you to support him."

"You haven't always supported Mirror, but recently you have pinned your hopes on Shisui and changed your goals?"

"Shisui is too young. Uchiha Yu will work for ten years first, and then hand over the position to Shisui. In this way, the inheritance of the patriarch of the Uchiha family will be stabilized by the strongest person, instead of father and son."

"My opinion is consistent with yours on this point, and since Uchiha Yuu can bring such great benefits to the family, it is natural for Fugaku to become the clan leader when he gets old, so he shouldn't need my support, right?"

"He wants to be the clan leader within three years."

"Three years? How is this possible? This is too fast!!"

"So we need your strong support."

"But what's the use of my support? The new patriarch must be stronger than Fugaku, at least at the same level. He..."

Uchiha Yuichiro's eyes widened. He suddenly thought of something and stammered: "He is only eighteen years old, has he already awakened?"

"No, there is no Mangekyō Sharingan yet, so it will only take three years."

"Hahahaha, even if I don't have it now, my tone is really not small. This kid is very confident and very good."

"Just make a statement."

"Support, of course I support him, I have long disliked Fugaku."

"But uncle, your support and mine are not enough. Even if the children in the study club have awakened their Sharingan, it still won't make sense."

"I came here personally to get you to join, just to let you come up with ideas. Who do you think we should bring in next?"

"Of course it's Uchiha Ryunosuke."

"Him?" Uchiha Nobuyin frowned. Although this person is also a moderate elder, he is so stubborn that he is a little scared. Can he really be convinced?

Yuichiro Uchiha smiled and explained: "Although Tsunekazu is stubborn, he dotes on his only grandson the most. That child is now fourteen years old, but he has not awakened the Sharingan..."

Uchiha Nobuyin suddenly realized that he had been in poor health in the past few years and had been indifferent to family affairs. He really did not know that the boy had not awakened his Sharingan until now.

With this as a breakthrough point, and the shock of six pairs of Sharingan eyes in one night, it would not be a problem to convince Uchiha Ryunosuke.

With the support of the two elders, it is enough to ensure the stable operation of the study association. Today's action can be said to have achieved the goal perfectly.

According to Uchiha Yu's plan, it is no longer suitable to do more exciting things, but to wait for the genin of the learning club to grow and gradually attract other young ninjas to join and expand his influence.

The time to overthrow Uchiha Fugaku was set in three years. There was plenty of time, so there was no need to be in such a hurry.

Uchiha Yuichiro was cautious and suspicious by nature, and he thought over and over again about the strategy described by Shin-Yin. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was just right.

He couldn't help asking and learned that the person who formulated the three-year strategy was Uchiha Yu. He was more satisfied with his choice and more confident in the future.

This relatively smart elder said with emotion: "Since the death of old patriarch Shimada, our Uchiha family finally has a patriarch who is both capable of fighting and wise. It is really not easy."

Uchiha Nobuyin couldn't help but think of the previous clan leader Uchiha Madara, who was extremely powerful, but his brains were really inferior to his rich emotions.

He also said with emotion: "Yeah, it's really not easy."

Thinking of the current Uchiha clan leader Fugaku, the two of them sighed together, they might as well go to Uchiha Madara.

Although Uchiha Madara is confused and confused and often acts emotionally, he can really fight and resist.

When Madara was the clan leader, Senju Tobirama was very good at scheming, but he never calculated against the Uchiha family, and everything was blocked by Uchiha Madara.

At that time, Uchiha and Senju joined forces to defeat the Invincible Ninja, and the family territory became Konoha Village, and the real estate value soared during the large-scale development.

The originally worthless wasteland was either turned into houses and shops, or was reclaimed into fertile farmland. The family members were all wealthy landowners or landlords, and they lived a really comfortable life during that time.

The Uchiha family has worked hard for thousands of years and has never experienced such a prosperous and healthy life, so they collectively abandoned Uchiha Madara and were unwilling to follow him to leave the increasingly prosperous Konoha Village and go to the wilderness to start over.

But who could have imagined that without Uchiha Madara as the clan leader, Senju Tobirama would have his eyes on the Uchiha family. Under the Second Hokage's various calculations, the Uchiha family could no longer choose a patriarch who could represent the Uchiha family.

Such a large family has no leader, can no longer be twisted into a rope, cannot speak for itself with one voice, and is played by thousands of hands.

The Second Hokage was a true politician, and he was very precise in the distribution of interests and political suppression. The Uchiha family was obviously torn to pieces by him, but all the Uchiha ninjas respected and feared him. .

The Uchiha family was really convinced at that time. The most outstanding genius in the family, Uchiha Kagami, was recruited as a disciple by the Second Hokage. The reaction of the Uchiha family was envy and excitement, rather than humiliation.

At that time, the Uchiha family's life was not bad. Although they were always dealt with by the second generation Hokage, their income and security were extremely high. The clan members had no complaints and were even used to the status quo without a clan leader.

If the second generation Hokage can live ten more years, the Uchiha family will make a smooth transition and evolve from the most powerful family in Konoha Village to the inseparable foundation of Konoha Village.

But something unexpected happened. When the Second Hokage went to the Kingdom of Thunder, he encountered the rebellion of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn. After returning from serious injuries, he handed over the position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Third Hokage hurriedly took over.

When Uchiha Mirror died unexpectedly, and when the Third Hokage Group unreasonably suppressed the Uchiha family, Uchiha's good days were gone forever, and then the idea of ​​​​needing a clan leader came to mind.

It's a pity that the clan leader who was selected from thousands of people couldn't stand up, and everyone's life became even more miserable.

Although it has only been a few years, the idea of ​​changing the clan leader has already been brewing in people's minds, but most people are not aware of it yet.

Senior leaders like Uchiha Yuichiro, after the old man Shin-yin said it, his deepest thoughts were instantly aroused. He had no resistance at all to the change of clan leader. The only worry was whether to replace him with a younger Uchiha Yuu. suitable.

But through Uchiha Nobuyin's narration, he felt Uchiha Yu's wisdom and fortitude, as well as his amazing patience, and he no longer had any doubts.

Just to form a new force headed by young people, he still has the final confirmation procedures to do. Yuichiro asked: "When will I meet Uchiha Yuu?"

"Just tonight, let's go to Yu boy's house for dinner together."

Uchiha Nobuyin smiled, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, the old man is getting more and more relieved. Even a smart boy like you has been guessed clearly by him."

Uchiha Yuichiro: "..."

The old man Shinyin said with emotion: "The fact that our Uchiha family has a Tobirama really makes me don't know whether to laugh or cry."

Yuichiro laughed heartily, his excitement was palpable, and he said happily: "Uncle Shinyin, it's not a bad thing to have an Uchiha Tobirama. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others deserve to feel the discomfort of being manipulated. But I feel speechless.”

"Look at the bad things they have done over the years, they have no sense of propriety at all. If they continue like this, big trouble will happen to the Uchiha family."

"Uchiha Yu...Uchiha Tobirama...very good, hehehe, I'm really looking forward to today's dinner."

Danzo Shimura was away, and the Ninjutsu and Tactics Learning Club was operating in the most remote place. However, the Third Hokage was not decrepit after all, and his two classmates were not the idle elders he later became.

Within just a few days, they smelled something unusual.

Just as the old men of the Uchiha family were gathering, Mito Kado was also reporting the results of the investigation to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I confirmed through reliable intelligence channels that the Uchiha family gathered 129 genin who had not awakened the Sharingan to conduct special training at their earliest ancestral training ground, called the 'Ninjutsu and Tactics Study Club.' "

Qian Qian Xiaoharu asked: "Are there really no elite ninjas involved?"

Mito Kadoyan replied: "I have confirmed that they are all abandoned genin. None of them are in the mission team, and none of them are ninjas from the security department."

"In the first few days, Uchiha Yashiro and several chuunin participated, but now they have stopped showing up. They are all under the management of a chuunin named Uchiha Yuu."

The Third Hokage asked: "What's the situation with Yuu Uchiha?"

Mito Kadoen flipped through the information and read to it: "Uchiha Yuu, born in Konoha in the 25th year, studied in the ninja school for four years, and has always been the first in the grade, but he has not performed particularly well."

"After graduating from Konoha in 1935, he inherited his father's position and joined the Fuchigami Kuniki team. Two years later, when the Fuchigami jounin retired, he also quit the mission team and joined the security department as a patrol ninja."

"In May of this year, Uchiha Yu was expelled from the security department. In June, he passed the chuunin assessment mission and became a chuunin. It is suspected that he has activated the sharingan, but there is currently no record of him using the sharingan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said doubtfully: "This Uchiha Yu's information sounds very ordinary. How could the Uchiha family put the newly established..."

Mito Kadoyan quickly reminded: "It's a ninjutsu and tactics study meeting."

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued calmly: "Oh, it seems unreasonable to hand over the management of this study club to an ordinary chuunin."

Qianqian Xiaoharu said disdainfully: "Hiruzen, I think you are thinking too much. This is a group of genin who are not worthy of the stage. They are handed over to a chuunin with some mission experience to learn some ninjutsu and mission skills. I hope they can be in the war." Live longer."

Mito Monoyan nodded, then shook his head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Yan, do you have a different opinion?"

"My initial thoughts were the same as Koharu's, but the Uchiha family's study club has only been established for a few days, and there has been a lot of noise. I feel that we need to pay more attention to it and conduct an in-depth investigation."

"Well, I think it's very good that you can be so cautious. I'll leave this to you."

"Okay, but I didn't target the Uchiha family before. Everything has to start over. Moreover, the situation is tense now and there is a shortage of manpower, so the time will be a little slower."

"It would be great if Danzo was here. He monitors the Uchiha family very well. It would be much easier for me to do it than it is for me."

"What you said makes sense. Danzo still needs time to investigate the mysterious figure. Before, it was only speculated that he used natural energy. Now it has been confirmed by Orochimaru and Jiraiya. It must be investigated carefully."

"Yan, I still have to work hard for you for the time being, so I'll leave it to you."

Mito Menyan nodded and said nothing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "Next, let's discuss the matter of placing spies into Kumogakure Village."

After going to bed, Koharu took out a stack of information and began to tell: "Among the orphans collected from the Fire Country, sixty have passed the training. They have mastered the skills of espionage and have also developed enough loyalty to the Leaf Village. and a sense of identity.”

"Starting tomorrow, they will enter the Kingdom of Thunder from the coastline according to the arranged smuggling plan, and wait for the new round of ninja selection in Hidden Cloud Village."

The Third Hokage asked: "How many people were trained as ninja seeds this time?"

"Sixty children are all ninja seeds."

"The spy network of civilians and aristocrats in the Kingdom of Thunder is complete. Only in Yunyin Village, there are only a few spies who can successfully lurk, and there is no effective intelligence network at all."

Koharu went to bed and said regretfully: "Yunyin Village is different from our Konoha Village. This ninja village is almost a pure ninja village. There are not many civilians. The few civilians are members of the Yeyue family, and there is no chance of infiltration. .”

"Many of the arranged ninja spies entered Kumogakure Village through auditions, but the loss rate is too high. The training of Kumogakure ninjas is simply life-threatening, and the battle is even closer to actual combat."

"Almost all of the few ninjas who survived finally rebelled." Koharu couldn't help but sigh after going to bed. Then she gathered her energy and continued: "So this time we strengthened the cultivation of children's feelings and loyalty. I also specifically followed Hiruzen’s suggestion to add bonding education, hoping to get more spies.”

After hearing Koharu's report, the Third Hokage nodded with satisfaction. He believed that spies with bonds would not choose to betray. As long as they persisted in releasing such spy seeds, it would not take a few years to break through the intelligence of Yunyin Village. Black holes, a way out of the current intelligence dilemma.

Outbreak 1/3 on the fourth day after release

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