The day's queue training was not in vain. With the help of the hint seeds, the genin subconsciously arranged themselves into a neat formation, forming an 8x16 rectangle.

Uchiha Yu summed it up: "Today's training event is called queueing, and my stance is called zhanzhuang. To be honest, the queue is not neat, and I am not satisfied."

"But many of you have learned Zhanzhuang through observation, which deserves praise."

"Those who have not learned how to stand should find a way to learn it today."

"Tomorrow, we will continue to stand in line, but we will not just stand simply and relaxed like today."

"I command!"

Uchiha Yu's sudden order made the 129 genin subconsciously stand at attention, and their uniform movements made a powerful sound of footsteps.

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Dismissed!"

In the evening, after receiving the training information, Uchiha Fugaku was furious: "What on earth is Uchiha Yu doing?"

"Queue training, using the tricks used by samurai to manipulate peasants, to train ninjas, isn't this nonsense?"

The genin who reported the news was an extra spy installed by Fugaku. He was considered a ninja of Fugaku's line, so he asked: "Clan leader, do you want to rule the Yatsudai captain and stop Uchiha Yu's mischief?"

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a long time, his anger gradually subsided in his thinking, and finally shook his head and said: "No, he was recommended by Lord Shinyin. After just one day of nonsense, I can't convince Lord Shinyin to replace him."

"Wait a minute. If his nonsense arouses violent protests from the genin, you will report it to me."

"..." The genin was silent for a few seconds before replying: "Yes."

In fact, this was the last time this Uchiha genin took the initiative to report to Uchiha Fugaku.

The next day, Yuu Uchiha continued the formation training, but added his eye power to intimidate, which increased the mental exhaustion of the genin. Any genin who could not master the stance would not be able to hold on for even one minute, and would tremble and collapse. Down.

Even a genin who has mastered the stance technique can only persist for fifteen minutes at most before being unable to withstand the impact of the power of the eyes and falling down.

The frequency of queue training suddenly accelerated. The genin learned and mastered the stances faster and faster, and became more and more proficient. Their obedience and belief in Uchiha Yuu also gradually increased.

This is of course not the result of training, but the result of the seeds of suggestion planted yesterday, which broke out and sprouted under the stimulation of the pupil power of the Three Magatama Sharingan.

Although the seeds of suggestion cannot be maintained for a long time, the effect in the early stage of training is very obvious, which can help genin quickly master the skills of stance, quickly enter the ethereal state, and obtain powerful positive feedback.

Otherwise, how could these genin who were left behind by the clan leaders, elders, and villages master the skills of standing in one day.

The reason why he spent so much effort and hinted to hundreds of people at the same time was because Uchiha Yuu lacked credibility.

Uchiha Yuu had some credibility among these genin that came from friendship. For example, at the full moon banquet at the clan leader's house, he just asked Shigenobu, who was the waiter at the time, to bring him more meat with just one word.

But this credit is not enough to make everyone obey his arrangements and seriously carry out the queue training that they resist contempt for.

Credit is not created out of thin air, it can only be earned through the results of doing things.

At the same time, only by accumulating credit can you convince others to obey you and follow you to do greater things.

In the process of doing things, every time a command is issued and every day is consumed, it needs to be exchanged for credit. When the credit reaches zero, the thing fails.

Credit and results are a cycle of constant conversion, but the most difficult thing in the credit cycle is not to be able to do everything, but how to obtain the initial credit when doing the first thing.

For example, at the beginning of the reform, Shang Yang purchased his first credit with gold by moving trees to establish trust.

Uchiha Yu's initial credit was too small, and he didn't have time to make the initial slow accumulation, so he chose to use hint seeds to do capital-free transactions.

Only under the coercion of a large number of hint seeds can the genin obey his orders, honestly carry out the queue training that they hate and despise most, exhaust their energy in boring standing, and concentrate in a state of extreme exhaustion. Learning stand.

Although the credits consumed at each step are offset by hint seeds, everything cannot disappear out of thin air, but becomes a debt.

If he fails to succeed in the end, Uchiha Yu will be completely credit-destroyed and become notorious among the Uchiha members he is most familiar with.

Therefore, he did not dare to engage in several months of queue training and let the collective sense of strength be the result. Instead, he taught Zhanzhuang skills on the first day, allowing personal spiritual and spiritual gains to be the result, and quickly cashed in the first payment. Credit.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use hints to help the genin stand up, pushing himself to the limit.

He succeeded.

The Uchiha genin who were forced to train learned to stand and felt the rewards brought by standing. As genin of the Uchiha family, they all had unawakened blood inheritance limits and were extremely sensitive to spiritual growth.

All those who succeeded felt their eyes throbbing, and their intuition told them that this was the sprouting of the Sharingan. The unbelievable gains made these genin fall into a frenzy.

Even if only one-third of the genin succeeded on the first day, enough credit was generated to not only make up for the previous debt, but also to have enough numbers to carry out the next step of more difficult training.

Starting from the next day, Uchiha Yu no longer needed to stimulate the hint seeds. The obedience of the genin was enough, so the hint seeds planted before seemed too many, gradually pushing the obedience and conviction to a deeper level.

By the third day, all the genin had learned how to stand, and they also experienced the growth of spiritual power in the ethereal world, and experienced the activation of their eyes after the increase of spiritual power.

In addition to being excited, some genin were even beginning to feel dissatisfied with the current teaching progress. They actively asked, full of hope: "President, are there more projects in the future? Can we speed up the progress of learning?"

Uchiha Yu smiled. The change of title represented their respect for themselves and their recognition of the study club as a group.

"Of course there are more projects, but it will be hard work to speed things up..."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's words, the genin were quiet for a moment, and then they went crazy the next moment.

But the three days of training finally engraved the sense of discipline into their hearts. Everyone stood upright even though they were crazy, and the queue also maintained a standard rectangle.

These upright guys shouted crazily, sending their most sincere prayers to Uchiha Yuu:

"President, please train us hard!"

"Try hard, we can handle it!!"



Uchiha Yu actually heard a lot of bad words, and agreed with a look of disgust: "This is what you asked for, so don't complain about being tired next."

"Absolutely not!" x129

"Then our training will change from stillness to movement. Follow my orders, everyone keeps in formation and runs around the training ground!"

"Let's do thirty laps first to refresh ourselves."


Uchiha Yu used himself to verify the relationship between Sharingan and mental power.

To awaken the Sharingan, you need to have enough mental power to stimulate the development of the mysterious area deep in the brain. The maturity of development determines the size of the pupil power. The size of the pupil power determines whether the Sharingan can be awakened and manifested, and which level it will be promoted to. class.

It is difficult to improve mental strength, but when it is insufficient, you can use emotions to amplify it, but when the gap is too large, no matter how intense the emotions are, it will not work.

Therefore, we still need to improve our mental strength.

According to Uchiha Yuu's understanding of the relationship between spirit, energy and spirit, if you want to strengthen your mental power, you must first improve your physical quality. Only when your body is strong can you increase the amount of chakra, and abundant chakra can warm your mental power.

People who become ninjas are good at extracting chakra from the body, and zhanzhuang can speed up the efficiency of chakra to stimulate mental growth.

The mental power that the genin had transformed through the stances in the past three days was not brought about by the queue training, but the potential accumulated by the genin in the past training was released. Many people's potential has been fully developed, and it is time to start with physical exercise and conduct comprehensive and complete training.

But the effect of Uchiha Yu's direct arrangement and the genin's pleading are different. If Uchiha Shigenobu hadn't been the first to make the request, he would have used the hint seeds to find a suitable entrustment.

Therefore, this boy Shigenobu deserves a commendation, and he can be considered for training in the future to make him a capable helper for Shisui.

Ninja running is nothing, and it is not difficult to run in a neat team. The genin of the study club quickly adapted to this requirement. The eight square formations ran neatly, and their footsteps were sonorous and powerful.

But all genin know that things are definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, starting from the second round, Uchiha Yu put a vest on every genin. After being loaded with a load twice their own body weight, all the previous actions suddenly became so difficult.

As the president of the study club, Uchiha Yuu is fully prepared.

It didn't matter that he was sweating like rain. Uchiha Yu had already prepared a large bucket of warm water, which was divided into salty and sweet flavors. It was enough for everyone to drink for a whole day.

It didn't matter that the physical exertion was huge. Uchiha Yu had someone cook a large pot of medicinal porridge according to the recipe. The speed at which he replenished his physical strength was absolutely "surprising".

After thirty laps and thirty laps of training, everyone’s stomachs are empty and everyone’s eyes are starving with hunger. Of course, it doesn’t matter. After another two thirty laps, everyone can eat all they can eat barbecue.

Uchiha Yu made a reservation for the Akimichi Yakiniku Restaurant in advance yesterday, and it was a private reservation.

As for him taking action and cooking for everyone, that is overthinking.

These were not three or five people, but more than a hundred half-grown children waiting to be fed.

As the saying goes, a young man eats a poor man. These boys and girls can now eat four or five bowls of ramen in one meal. Uchiha Yuu has no ability to block so many mouths by himself.

He likes cooking, but doesn't like being a cook.

Let's go out to a restaurant. Anyway, it's reimbursed by the clan, and the Uchiha family doesn't even have to pay for it. It can be deducted directly from the rent of the Akimichi family's store. That's more than enough.

But what more than a hundred people didn't expect was that when everyone had eaten and drank at the barbecue restaurant and wanted to go home lazily, they were blocked by Uchiha Yuu in front of the barbecue restaurant.

Today, Uchiha Yuu's credibility was enough to bring authority through trust. He didn't say anything, and all the genin followed him back to the training ground obediently.

Under the bright moonlight, 129 ninjas lined up neatly and stood silently in the training ground, waiting for Uchiha Yuu to speak.

But soon, they themselves felt there was something different. They were surrounded by familiar companions, and they were all teammates from the same team. Everyone's breathing gradually converged, and everyone felt that they were integrated into a huge thing. Very, very A sense of power.

This is the power of uniformity and joint action. The sense of regularity is naturally the power that can be understood by others.

Not only the genin felt empowered, but Uchiha Yu was also satisfied with the results of the three days of hard work.

He smiled and said to everyone: "When we come to the battlefield in the future, we cannot use such a formation. This is just a formation during training."

Before the genin could react, he returned to his serious expression: "Okay, after bringing you back after a good meal today, I will first test everyone's obedience. Very good, I am very satisfied."

"The second thing is that I think someone may break through tonight, so I brought everyone back to witness with me... a historic scene for the Uchiha family."

"?" x129

Uchiha Yu opened the three Magatama Sharingan, and the power of illusion was stimulated to the limit, giving his voice a powerful persuasive power, connecting the seeds of suggestion in the hearts of every genin present.

The genin did not open their eyes, completely unable to resist the illusion of the three Magatama Sharingan, and involuntarily followed Uchiha Yu's movements.

"Follow my movements, raise your left foot to the right, shoulder width apart. Raise your elbows with both hands, hug them in front of your chest, and spread your fingers inward with your palms."

"Stretch your chest, raise your head, relax your abdomen, and bend your knees slightly. Relax and breathe, slowly, close your eyes gradually, and listen to my voice."

Uchiha Yu took a deep breath, then opened his mouth, and let out a strange cat-like "purr, purr, purr--", which instantly resonated with the chest and abdomen of hundreds of people present.

This is the gentle release of [Zha Lei], imitating the tremolo produced by Miwa Masayo when he is resting.

Uchiha Yu once again stimulated the nearly consumed suggestion seeds, and transmitted his breathing frequency to everyone, forcing their breathing rhythm to change.

There is no way, Uchiha Yuu has no confidence in these younger brothers and sisters who grew up under the influence of neon spirit culture. He thinks that it is impossible for these children to understand the true meaning of Hunyuan Zhuang.

The stances they learned before were just very crude imitations. Although the effect of meditation was good, it was superficial after all, and the subsequent practice was not enough.

"The pine is quiet and natural, the ethereal spirit is tall and straight, the twists and turns are exquisite, and the whole body is round."

Although the essence of Hunyuan Zhuang is only sixteen words, its meaning is simply endless. Uchiha Yu himself didn't fully understand it. Even if he understood the part, he couldn't describe or explain it in the language of the ninja world.

How to teach these Uchiha genin who have never been influenced by Yanhuang culture and let them understand these complex mysteries is really a huge problem.

After thinking hard, Uchiha Yu thought of using suggestion seeds and illusion magic sounds to directly convey his true experience to everyone, so that they can understand through first-hand perceptual knowledge. He should be able to get started.

The 129 genin present all closed their eyes, bathed in the brighter moonlight, and maintained exactly the same breathing rhythm as Uchiha Yu. With the resonance effect, the sound of snoring gradually became louder.

The same rhythm makes the sound of breathing clear and audible, but it makes the training ground seem more peaceful and quiet, just like the quiet valley must have birdsong, and the sound that is completely integrated into nature only strengthens the feeling of tranquility.

The genin were led by Uchiha Yuu into the Silent Shuxu, and the chakra in their bodies circulated more smoothly. The big fish and meat eaten for dinner turned into streams of heat to replenish their bodies under the full absorption.

A body that receives a lot of nutrition stimulates a lot of chakra, and a lot of chakra becomes a ladder for spiritual growth in a calm state of mind.

Chakra will not be directly converted into spiritual power. The source of spiritual power is in the mysterious mind. Chakra is only the most effective tool for capturing spiritual power.

As more and more mental power is developed, the blood inheritance limit shared by the Uchiha bloodline, the eyes absorb the pupil power inspired by the mental power, and begin to develop and grow rapidly.

2/3 broke out on the third day of release

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